CAG NFL Season Discussion

FOX has already removed MIke Goldberg from calling the NFL after he worked one game. He was seriously terrible. He also got pretty vulgar with dudes on Twitter when they blasted him.
Yeah...he's been working for a boss that has had no problems telling people to go fuck themselves for way too long, lol. Fox and the NFL are full of employees who are just as vulgar. They just don't do it as openly. People give Goldberg a lot of shit for his UFC broadcasting, but he generally seems like a good dude. In a way, I say good for him for not just bowing to asshole trolls online. Some people deserve to be told to fuck off.

They couldn't wait to get rid of him, just like the Vikings. The guy must be a flaming asshole.

I can't believe the blunders the Seahawks made with the picks they gave for Havin and the money they paid him and Flynn for basically nothing. Yet still they win a Superbowl.
God, he seems worse than Randy Moss or Terrell Owens. At least those guys were mostly just shooting their mouths off, he's actually consistently getting physical with people.

The thing is, he's been good at times yeah but given how much time he's spent injured he's not even really worth all the hassle. I was kind of glad at the time to see the Vikings trade him because even then there were rumors of his issues but now that we're starting to hear about how bad the guy really is I'm glad the Vikings were able to get out early and still get some good value for him.
I don't expect them to ever reveal their true reasoning, but to justify it internally, the Vikings would have had to conclude Harvin was an incorrigibly lost cause who was hell-bent on disrupting the franchise until it finally granted him leave.
He's gonna be a disaster in NY. They're already seemingly in open rebellion regarding the QB situation, adding Harvin to the mix is gonna be fantastic to watch the whole thing just implode.
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Hahaha, it's been reported that the Seahawks wanted to originally trade Percy Harvin to Denver for Julius Thomas.

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Ravens playing great today.

Jacoby Jones' playing days are limited. He keeps taking huge risks with very very little potential return.

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If it weren't for the Browns defense facing Jacksonville, the Browns would not be leading this game. The offense is struggling as John Greco is trying to get used to being the center in his first start at the position with a new RG taking over for him, so the Jacksonville defense's strength at DL is attacking this inexperience and making it hard for the Browns to pull off any 4+ yard runs to get some momentum on offense. It doesn't help that Brian Hoyer and the WRs have also been fairly cold, but the run game's struggles are affecting the pass game big time. They won't win if they can't make critical plays when they need it.

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FOX just switched to the Seahawks-Rams game because Carolina-Green Bay was a blowout. I don't remember either network ever doing this as much as they've done this season.

Ravens win next week and they will take a commanding division lead. Rest of the division was pathetic today.

Did Sherman talk to reporters today?
Do we only get Browns post-game wrapups after they don't lose to Jacksonville?

I can laugh because the Titans coughed up another one today against Washington with Colt McCoy at QB. One point lead...with the ball at their own 33 yard line with less than 5 minutes to play. What's that??? A 10 yard penalty on the offensive line on 1st down? Then 3 straight running plays and a punt that don't even force Washington to use one of their two timeouts? Surely, that will hold up...

I was keeping an eye on the Rams game at the same time, and they were in a very similar situation, clinging to a two point lead, with the ball...and they said "You know what? fuck it!" and faked a punt on a 4th and 3 at their own 18 yard line. When you're a 1-4 team and the writing is on the wall with what giving your opponent the ball back will lead to, I guess sometimes you gotta take chances. I'm guessing Jeff Fisher's thought process was "Well...this is going to be awesome, or we'll get an even better draft pick!" :lol:

This perfectly summed up what happened, jerk. I'm not going to cry and run away from the team because they lost a game.

n8: I thought you quit on your team because they lost a few weeks ago?
Yeah, I didn't watch the game. I had a Yahoo Sports tab with the NFL scoreboard open toward the end of the 4th quarter, and then I made fun of them for their pathetic effort. It's a much more realistic view than convincing yourself that Brian Hoyer is the second coming of Tom Brady.

My team sucks and the year is a lost cause. Facts are facts. It doesn't mean I won't check the score and give myself a good laugh. It just means I'm not going to waste 3 hours of my time every Sunday watching one embarrassing performance after another.

I like the mindset of "quitting on your team" though. I'm not on the team. They don't pay me to do anything. If they want me to invest time and money in the team, they need to get their heads out of their asses and put a competent product on the field.

Yeah, I didn't watch the game. I had a Yahoo Sports tab with the NFL scoreboard open toward the end of the 4th quarter, and then I made fun of them for their pathetic effort. It's a much more realistic view than convincing yourself that Brian Hoyer is the second coming of Tom Brady.

My team sucks and the year is a lost cause. Facts are facts. It doesn't mean I won't check the score and give myself a good laugh. It just means I'm not going to waste 3 hours of my time every Sunday watching one embarrassing performance after another.

I like the mindset of "quitting on your team" though. I'm not on the team. They don't pay me to do anything. If they want me to invest time and money in the team, they need to get their heads out of their asses and put a competent product on the field.
Where did I ever say Brian Hoyer is the second coming of Tom Brady? Please, point it out instead of putting words in my mouth. In fact, I said last week that they shouldn't put all of their eggs in one basket and get rid of Johnny Manziel because the Browns had a great game.

I just find it odd as a Browns fan that you will only support the team if they're doing well and make it out to be really painful to follow a team that isn't good.

Where did I ever say Brian Hoyer is the second coming of Tom Brady? Please, point it out instead of putting words in my mouth. In fact, I said last week that they shouldn't put all of their eggs in one basket and get rid of Johnny Manziel because the Browns had a great game.

I just find it odd as a Browns fan that you will only support the team if they're doing well and make it out to be really painful to follow a team that isn't good.
You didn't...but your expectations for him being "the guy" have been rising. I think that's fair to say.

Also, I didn't say at all that the Titans had to be good or doing well. All I ask is competence. If they're going to run around like a bunch of neanderthals who don't know the rules and just shoot themselves in the foot over and over again, then I'll find better things to do with my time.

I get that you're hinting at me being fairweather. But that's not it at all. I just want to watch a professional product. It would be different if they were giving it their all and just weren't as good as other teams. But that's not what has been happening. Who enjoys watching a bunch of underachievers?

Payton trying to throw a touchdown from the one yard line, what a me-first-glory-boy.

Niners got them right where they want them. Using the ol' rope-a-dope technique.

You didn't...but your expectations for him being "the guy" have been rising. I think that's fair to say.
Why bother responding if you're going to continue putting words in my mouth? I probably shouldn't bother trying to have a conversation with you, but I'll do the dumb thing and go along with your point. Where have you seen this? Or are you just telling me what I think? I'll go back and pull out the posts this season where I talked about Brian Hoyer:

I'm stupified that the offense turned it around and made the Pittsburgh game not a complete joke like the first half suggested, which was new for the Browns.

Here I talk about how the Browns seem to be different than they have been in years past with an actual running game that has the potential to make a big difference in the way this team plays without Josh Gordon around.

I note how bad Drew Brees looked against the Browns early on that was obviously not going to last for long.

I loved the look of the offense against Baltimore and how they were using the WRs and TEs that they had.

Didn't mention him at all in the Tennessee game, just that I was stunned that Travis Benjamin looked like an NFL WR.

Didn't really mention him during the Pittsburgh game either, just that the running game looked great in their rout of Pittsburgh.

Then I said that there was no reason to go all in on Brian Hoyer because of their past history with QBs, unlike what many members of the media had to say.

I followed that up by saying the offense looks terrible as Brian Hoyer and the WRs looked so cold in the first half, which obviously didn't change in the second half to give them a chance of getting the win.

I really don't get where you got the notion that I've been so incredibly high on Brian Hoyer that I thought he was the new Tom Brady. You seem to just take what you've read in the media frenzy that went absolutely nuts about the destruction of Pittsburgh that they had to build him up so much as a perfect QB that was obviously the future and projected that onto me as what I obviously believe because you apparently think I'm that stupid. If you want to know what I thought on Brian Hoyer, all you have to do is ask instead of make insulting assumptions about me. It's no wonder that I don't humor the potshots you, pitfallharry, DNukem, and others throw my way because I'm a Browns fan that has an optimistic viewpoint of the team and not the self-hating fan you'd expect me to be.

Edit: And my point is made for me.

Disappear for a few days and the thread gets a bit heated. Damn.

I think my favorite thing from yesterday was Pete Carroll absolutely losing his shit after his team completely fell for that crap on kick return. The Ravens game was fine, sloppy play from Flacco which isn't all that new but if they can go into Cincy and win then we've got a fairly cake schedule. I'm still not sure why they went for it on 4th and 9 being up but I'm glad they did since Torrey is on my fantasy squads.

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You know... If the Rams played all 4 quarters and played to win instead of playing not to lose they'd probably win more games. Still, I'm very happy with the win.
I'm still not sure why they went for it on 4th and 9 being up but I'm glad they did since Torrey is on my fantasy squads.
Because Morgan Cox, the long snapper, was injured in the previous punt. When they went for the extra point, Haloti Ngata was the long snapper.
Because Morgan Cox, the long snapper, was injured in the previous punt. When they went for the extra point, Haloti Ngata was the long snapper.
The things you miss when you don't get sound. I was at a bar watching the game so I get my one TV, one of the 32" ones, and the overhead sound was the colts game. I was glad to hear the Bengals lose though.

The Bengals didn't lose. You can't lose if you don't even play the game. That was just awful.
Drive your head and neck straight into the QB's chest and injure yourself. What a brilliant display of piss poor tackling form. Some brutal hits on the receivers too. Bengals helped Indy's D but they did a great job in their own right. Bengals didn't even get across midfield until the fourth quarter. Dominated.
That's what frustrates me about the general perception of Michael Sam. The common fan who doesn't really know the NFL scream "Why isn't he on a team!? Why wasn't he drafted higher!? He was the SEC Defensive Player of the Year!!"

Yeah he won an award based on the stats he was able to accumulate, but he was also viewed by NFL scouts as a "tweener" well before he publicly came out as gay.

Hard for those type of players to make it. He's pretty much strictly a pass rusher yet undersized as one. He holds no value to a special teams unit. You can't waste one roster spot in the NFL to someone who can't make a contribution in almost every game.
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That's a pretty good statement except the part that a.) he was on the practice squad- they don't make contributions almost every game and b.) way lesser players have taken up roster spots. But then you're the NFL scout

Let s not pretend beiing gay isn't a factor ( if not to everyone at least some)
If a guy can help a team win, he'll get a shot. Sam got 2 shots already. He'll probably get more. Unfortunately, he's just not that good. Don't have to be a scout to understand. He's not the only guy who excelled in college and couldn't hack it in the pros. Want us to ramble off the laundry list?

Michael Sam has a similar situation to Tim Tebow. In my opinion, Tebow and Sam are not starters, but could be quality 2nd or 3rd string players. The problem is that guys like Tebow and Sam bring unwanted media attention that can be a distraction. That is why Sam is not on a team. It is not because he can't play. The whole Michael Sam's SEC Co-DPOY award was a fluke thing might be true, but it doesn't mean he can't play and isn't worthy of a roster spot or even practice squad. Unfortunately for Michael Sam, there are guys out there as good as him who don't bring the media with them and considering he isn't even starting material, he isn't worth the potential distraction.

Speaking of SEC Co-DPOY, how about that CJ Mosley? That dude is legit and I'm seriously considering asking for his jersey as a Christmas or Birthday present. The only other time I felt this good about a Ravens rookie was Jimmy Smith, but Jimmy didn't show nearly as well as Mosley his rookie year. I may be bias, but he is definitely an early candidate for DROTY along with Bears CB Kyle Fuller.

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Tebow would still be in the NFL if he agreed to play a position other than QB. And say I'm not a scout or no, I know Michael Sam is a fringe player.
I don't even understand why there's a discussion unless people really want to hang on the "gay" issue. Plenty of people drafted much higher then Sam wilil never materialize so it's not hard to believe that the scouts had it right and a player that almost went undrafted couldn't make a team.

He should just get a TV job doing NFL commentary on HGTV or Lifetime... he'd end up making more money.

I'm glad we figured out how Michael Sam's career will go eight weeks into his rookie season without even seeing him play.

Did Michael Sam get a ton of media coverage in Dallas? I don't remember hearing a single thing about him even existing over there, so it sounds like Manti Te'o's situation last year where everybody hyped up how much of a distraction he would be and nothing happened last year.

I'm glad we figured out how Michael Sam's career will go eight weeks into his rookie season without even seeing him play.

Did Michael Sam get a ton of media coverage in Dallas? I don't remember hearing a single thing about him even existing over there, so it sounds like Manti Te'o's situation last year where everybody hyped up how much of a distraction he would be and nothing happened last year.
He's slow and undersized. How exactly is he going to over come that?

People came come from nowhere (NAIA, D III, CFL, etc.) and be stars in the NFL. People rarely go from drafted, to practice squad, to released and later return and contribute in a meaningful way.

Outside of some foolery he tried to pull with the documentary idea right after being drafted I don't think he was a distraction at all. I just don't think he's good enough to ever contribute in a meaningful way.

There is no distraction. He's just not a great player. I'm just answering people who seem to be up in arms. Just cause he was SEC DPOY doesn't mean he was gonna be Charles Haley.
Did Michael Sam get a ton of media coverage in Dallas? I don't remember hearing a single thing about him even existing over there, so it sounds like Manti Te'o's situation last year where everybody hyped up how much of a distraction he would be and nothing happened last year.
We didn't hear anything about him because he was on the practice squad. We never see those guys play. We only saw him play in the preseason for a Rams team that is deep on the defensive line. Yes, It was preseason, but he did play well.

Manti is a strange situation. I used to live near Notre Dame and have a close friend who is a big Notre Dame and Chargers fan, so I heard all about him before and after his controversy. There were rumors that he was gay and this "girlfriend" in California was his cover for why he never had a GF or was seen with any girls while being the star player in South Bend. He told Katie Couric he wasn't, but his response was a bit strange imo. I wouldn't be surprised either way, but it's a different situation because even if Manti is gay, he isn't open about it and it's all speculation. It doesn't really matter to the team or fans because they can easily say it just isn't true. It's only rumors.

There is no distraction. He's just not a great player.
I don't think anyone said he was a "great player". I don't think him being SEC DPOY is relevant either, but like I said before, that doesn't mean he can't play.

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