CAG NFL Season Discussion

Best part of all this is the stuff Patriot fans and the Patriots themselves are coming up with to explain or as an excuse.

I don't think Lil Hands Brady get a reduction and also the Patriots will still win that cupcake division.
Extra-point attempts have been moved from the two- to 15-yard line, though two-point conversions will continue to take place from the two-yard line.

That means PATs will now be 33 yards instead of 19. It's a drastic change, not one everyone was necessarily asking for. There will now be big games decided by missed extra points. The league also implemented another rule change, awarding two points for botched PATs or two-point conversions that are returned for a score by the defense. That rule was already employed by the NCAA.
I don't know. My first reaction was to think coaches won't even send the kicker out very often. But actually looking at the statistics, the worst percentage among starting kickers in the 30-39 yd range was Billy Cundiff at 77%. The rest were all 80% or higher. Now, you have to remember that includes FGs from 33-39 the percentages could be a bit lower than they should be.

Now, compare that to what the success rate has been for 2 point conversions...47.9%, and you still have a pretty strong statistical argument for kicking the ball. If anything, this rule change just creates a greater temptation. In perfect conditions, it reduces the success difference between the two from 52.1% (100% 2 yard PAT - 47.9% 2 point conversion) to around 37.1% (85% 15 yard PAT - 47.9% 2 point conversion). Throw in some wind or bad weather and the temptation grows.

In most situations though, I would argue that kicking the ball is still the smarter option...since you're basically just answering the question would you rather have an 85% chance at getting 1 point or a 47.9% chance at getting 2 points? It will definitely eliminate the PAT fake play though, haha. :lol:

EDIT - Also, that quote seems to struggle with math. PAT at the 2 + 7 yards for snap + 10 yards for end zone = 19 yds (checks out). PAT at the 15 + 7 yards for snap + 10 yards for end zone = 32 yds...not 33.

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Another 49er retires. What the hell is going on in San Francisco?
Ahh boy, I would like to know that too. Seems like Anthony Davis said he is retiring for a year though. Seems like the retiring bug has become infectious in Niner nation or something else (guys can't take football anymore).

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This is not a huge stretch I'm making but Aldon's career is over with the 49ers at a minimum. Two things: First, the team already set a precedent that any player with a history of repeated poor decision making would get released (i.e. Ray McDonald). Secondly, even if he wasn't going to be released, he served a 9 game suspension last year so the league would only suspend him for at least another 9 games plus more which would pretty much end his season anyway. The only question is how fast they would look at it. Given the whole deflategate drama, they may try to take their time on this since the front office is under public scrutiny.

We don't have all the details but no way the Niners should release him. Great players get second, third, or more chances.

The 49ers need to set a president of getting rid of of front office people with a history of repeated poor dicision making too. Looking at you Baalke.

Looks like I'll have to lower my 6 wins max prediction.


We don't have all the details but no way the Niners should release him. Great players get second, third, or more chances.

The 49ers need to set a president of getting rid of of front office people with a history of repeated poor dicision making too. Looking at you Baalke.

Looks like I'll have to lower my 6 wins max prediction.
Well I guarantee he gets minimum full season suspension, and i do believe 9ers will release him as a result.... Sorry to say, but Aldon Smith has already had his first second and third chance....

aldon smith the fuck man. he must have some type of mental illness or some horrible demons because how can you  fuck up this constantly. hope the niners defense had some backup plans just in case something like this happened again. Niners defense this year will be a big question mark (if wasn't already). fuck

Watch, Aldon is going to end up on the patriots sometime in the future and everyone will praise Belicheat for getting a great player for hella cheap, having him on a short leash and it being a success. fuck this.
aldon smith the fuck man. he must have some type of mental illness or some horrible demons because how can you fuck up this constantly. hope the niners defense had some backup plans just in case something like this happened again. Niners defense this year will be a big question mark (if wasn't already). fuck
The Niners defense was a big question mark as soon as they announced Eric Mangini as DC.
Players that have left the 9ers this offseason...

Patrick Willis

Chris Borland

Justin Smith

Anthony Davis

Frank Gore

Mike Iupati

Chris Culliver

Perrish Cox

Aldon Smith

Dan Skuta

Michael Crabtree

Stevie Johnson

Andy Lee

Only defensive starters from the super bowl left: Ahmad Brooks and Navarro Bowman

Players that have left the 9ers this offseason...

Patrick Willis
Chris Borland
Justin Smith
Anthony Davis
Frank Gore
Mike Iupati
Chris Culliver
Perrish Cox
Aldon Smith
Dan Skuta
Michael Crabtree
Stevie Johnson
Andy Lee

Only defensive starters from the super bowl left: Ahmad Brooks and Navarro Bowman
Shocking when it's all laid out and listed like that. The one that really hurts is Anthony Davis, cause maybe they would have resigned Iupati if he didn't retire, ya know, AFTER free agency started.
the lesson we've learned is don't mess with the Pats & NFL stay losing
Not really. It just means that Brady is a douche with good lawyers. The ruling doesn't even state his innocence in any way. All it attacks is certain procedures the NFL allegedly didn't follow. It's basically some sleezeball lawyer grasping at loopholes and getting his client off on a technicality, rather than actually being innocent. I expected nothing less from someone of Brady's character. He might as well be Alex Rodriguez at this point.

Not really. It just means that Brady is a douche with good lawyers. The ruling doesn't even state his innocence in any way. All it attacks is certain procedures the NFL allegedly didn't follow. It's basically some sleezeball lawyer grasping at loopholes and getting his client off on a technicality, rather than actually being innocent. I expected nothing less from someone of Brady's character. He might as well be Alex Rodriguez at this point.
I hate Tom Brady, but your statement comes across pompous and a simple attack with no facts. The fact is and was pointed out by the judge, tampering with Footballs is a fine with no suspension, it's in the rule book and a part of the agreement in the CBA. Yes Tom lied and was not cooperative, however, the NFL left out numerous parts to it's reporting as well which the Judge found during the trial and is in the ruling statement.

Conclusion, this was the dumbest thing in sports not to do with sports, but a pissing match for Roger Goddell and now he very well could lose his job over this.

Brady and the patriots still cheated. This ruling doesn't clear Brady's name. It just shits on the NFL's shady "independent" investigation. The balls were still taken to the restroom, the Patriots still accepted the penalties and got rid of the ball boys.

"You good Johnny Boy?"

This was entertaining though. You got Bellichek and patriot fans turning into scientist, Kraft accepting the penalty then being furious when Brady still got 4 games, the Patriots talking about delaying the trophy presentation until Brady got back, and that Boston tv sports anchor saying someone should murder Goodell.

Anyways it looks like the rugby guy is going to make it on the 49ers.
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I hate Tom Brady, but your statement comes across pompous and a simple attack with no facts. The fact is and was pointed out by the judge, tampering with Footballs is a fine with no suspension, it's in the rule book and a part of the agreement in the CBA. Yes Tom lied and was not cooperative, however, the NFL left out numerous parts to it's reporting as well which the Judge found during the trial and is in the ruling statement.

Conclusion, this was the dumbest thing in sports not to do with sports, but a pissing match for Roger Goddell and now he very well could lose his job over this.
It's still a bullshit cover up for cheating that New England always seems to be involved in. Seriously, how many times do you let this franchise compromise the integrity of the game? So,'re going to have "your people" come along and say "well, technically, only this and this and this happened, and this doesn't violate that rule, and this is only supposed to be this way" as though that somehow puts you in the right.

So, fine, I guess you can say shame on the NFL for not having airtight rules and regulations that are so heavy-handed and suffocating that douchey teams like the Patriots and Tom Brady have no way to gain an unfair advantage. But I guess this ruling proves that they are needed.

I hope the NFL does get serious after this, and starts cracking down on everything: substance abuse, PEDs, player conduct, ball regulation, etc. All of it. How is what Brady did much different than A-Rod, Lance Armstrong or anybody else? He's a cheater. And the fact that he did so much to cover it up and not cooperate just makes it worse in my opinion.

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It's still a bullshit cover up for cheating that New England always seems to be involved in. Seriously, how many times do you let this franchise compromise the integrity of the game? So,'re going to have "your people" come along and say "well, technically, only this and this and this happened, and this doesn't violate that rule, and this is only supposed to be this way" as though that somehow puts you in the right.

So, fine, I guess you can say shame on the NFL for not having airtight rules and regulations that are so heavy-handed and suffocating that douchey teams like the Patriots and Tom Brady have no way to gain an unfair advantage. But I guess this ruling proves that they are needed.

I hope the NFL does get serious after this, and starts cracking down on everything: substance abuse, PEDs, player conduct, ball regulation, etc. All of it. How is what Brady did much different than A-Rod, Lance Armstrong or anybody else? He's a cheater. And the fact that he did so much to cover it up and not cooperate just makes it worse in my opinion.

OMG...that's so funny! Did you just come up with that?

Seriously though, what kind of fucktard is in favor of cheating? There's no question of whather Brady cheated here. He's getting off on a technicality. And if that's the case, I hope the NFL shores up things on their end so that players/teams can't do this shit anymore. It's the same reason I think USADA testing in MMA is a fantastic thing. If I wanted rigged entertainment, I'd just go watch WWE.

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he cheated based on what... an erroneous report released by the NFL?  Chris Mortenson's factually incorrect report? 

Like we know that the colts had underinflated balls too...

Like everyone here would turn over their cell phone to their employer if asked... and none of you have a super model wife. Don't forget it wasn't too long ago that a newspaper was trying to run naked pictures of his child.

bread's done