CAG Niche Backloggers Anonymous (Monster Hunter World!) [February]

I'll just chime in and say I hated Type-0. Combat was bland and the story wasn't particularly great in my opinion. It also does that bullshit thing that it wants you to playthrough the game a second time to see alternate events and even a third time for some stupid optional boss if I remember correctly.

Played through the 1st chapter of Type-0 and I am so confused. Both about the gameplay and the story.

But I'll just ask about the gameplay now. How exactly does it work?

So I have to use Square to attack? That's my regular attack? And the other 3 (Triangle, O, X) are my spells? 

It tells me to hold the buttons to do the spells? Because some of the spells I can't do without holding like the Wall move, and some I hold it like the Card move and there is no difference.

What's with the red/yellow markers when I lock on? It tells me I could do more damage or insta-kill, but when I press the attack, its the exact same.

How does the meters work? There's the mp gauge and then some weird thing on top of my moves that doesn't replenish. Does the game tell you which moves use which gauge? 

The tutorial really doesn't help.

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so yeah, type-0 is confusing.

Also don't only play the main character you'll be lost even worse if he gets downed and it makes you switch. Once they are down, they are dead for the mission and you have to pick reserves.

I recommend going to the arena when it opens and try training with every character, use their weapon a lot of different attack styles, you may find a character you like better than ace, I like the Dragoon (forgetting his name at the moment)

You have abilities and magic, and you goto the red crystals to "promote" to use AP to unlock abilities and magic, and yes only two can be equipped and mapped.

The yellow bar is your stamina, certain attacks drain that bar, and make it recharge slow. Abilities use that, instead of MP.

When an enemy is down, if you continue to lock on to them, they will float slightly, tap square again to absorb their magic essence. This you can use later to upgrade your magic.

invest early, in dodging and moving quicker.

The red mark, is a knights-kill mark, if you hit when its red it insta-kills trash mobs, or critical bosses, its random, and for ranged weapons, its lame.

Also ace's default cut cards ability is horrible, I forget the name of the one I user, it shoots a straight beam, I can cast 3, and it brings down those stupid mechs right away. dodge, dodge dodge.

Some missions their are enemies that you can't kill, and you wont realize it right, away, and will one shot your characters, better have someone else you like to use somewhat leveled.

Those are my tips,

I feel meh, so far about the game. Maybe it'll improve, maybe I'll go back to Andromeda that I just started end of July lol.

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I'm just holding down the R1 trigger and mashing the hell out of square with a lot of circle dodges thrown in for good measure.

The tutorial was garbage. The story seems okay, but all the l'cie stuff reminds me of FF 13, and I didn't think this game had anything in common with FF 13?

I'm just holding down the R1 trigger and mashing the hell out of square with a lot of circle dodges thrown in for good measure.

The tutorial was garbage. The story seems okay, but all the l'cie stuff reminds me of FF 13, and I didn't think this game had anything in common with FF 13?
The game started life as FF XIII Agito or some such nonsense, back when it was the three games of FF13 (along with Vanilla and Versus - now FF15).

so yeah, type-0 is confusing.
Thanks, I explored with the menus a bit and I think I know the gist of it now.

So R1 is just lock on, but you can still attack without it, it seems. And I found out that Square is just the standard attack, O is defense attack, and X and Triangle can either be abilities or magic, and you get to set them. And abilities use AP and magic uses MP.

If only they told us that in the very beginning, or at least ease us into it by giving them to us one by one. The menus with the crystal need better explaining too.

Two things I still don't get is the CO. Are they like bonus missions? And calling for support/back up. I don't see an option in the menu to do so.

I just beat Gravity Rush. Will try for the platinum when I get a chance.
Nice, it'll probably only take you another 2-3 hours to plat it, if you've run through most of the challenge missions and talked to the couple whenever you saw them. I got mostly bronze medals at first, but once you upgrade your stats it becomes way easier, and only a few of the time races take a couple of tries.

Something either the game doesn't tell you or I didn't notice is that if you hold O when doing the gravity stasis field, it becomes larger and allows you to hold more things at once. The throwing missions become way easier with this.

So far, I'm not really feeling Type-0. Seems kinda...boring? I've played a few of the missions, and if the rest of the game is gonna be like this, I think I may just go back to FF XII.

Just a few questions:

Should I focus on just a few characters, or do I need to be leveling them all up?

Is it worth it to grind the random encounters, or is it okay just to focus on the missions?

Should I be accepting help from other "cadets" or whatever during missions? They replace my teammates randomly and it seems kinda annoying to me so I don't see the point if they're keeping me from earning XP...

Too much text info pops up during the missions, and I'm usually focused on fighting, so I miss what they're telling me. I wish that info was voiced or at least logged somewhere.

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what difficulty are you playing on? Cadet? don't worry about grinding really. Anything higher you'll need to grind or do the xp trick.

on the higher difficulty even high level characters get OKO... so always have a good amount of decent characters, let me the CPU control the lower level ones, they do decent.

I'm in chapter 5, it's pretty much the same, the mission get harder and longer... more of the same, but its pretty short game considering 12 is probably 3-4x the length.

Yeah, I'm playing on the easiest difficulty. I'm gonna stick with it for now, and try to power thru as much as I can this next week.

After trying several of them out, I definitely like the melee characters better than the ranged ones, tho.

Just finiahed and platted type 0.

Ill have to say... I really disliked the default ending. If you're confused by the plot make sure you go into the history option on the main menu and load your completed save, you'll get some new cutscenes and what not in there too.

If you play through a second time you'll get even more secret cut scenes, new missions, and eventually a different ending. Which is why I wonder why they give you the Plat on the first play through.

I feel as thought they could have made a much more coherent story instead of the way they did it. Overall it was ok...
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Congrats. I'm just in Chapter 4 now.

Maaaaan, the english voice acting is terrible. Like, really bad. Probably the worst I've ever heard in a Square-Enix game. Especially when a few of them terribly mispronounce a Japanese name, I just cringe.

Hay! Except for the guy that says "Hey" and "Yo" all the time. He's bad, but he's hilarious. Yo!

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Congrats. I'm just in Chapter 4 now.

Maaaaan, the english voice acting is terrible. Like, really bad. Probably the worst I've ever heard in a Square-Enix game. Especially when a few of them terribly mispronounce a Japanese name, I just cringe.

Hay! Except for the guy that says "Hey" and "Yo" all the time. He's bad, but he's hilarious. Yo!
hahaha agreed. I'm not sure what happened There, Did you discover the "vulgar girl" yet?

lol, I assume you mean the girl who says "fricken" all the time? Yeah, that's some bad fricken censorship, as I'm sure the original Japanese version probably has her cussing like a sailor.

I haven't played Type-0 at all since I've gotten into Injustice 2 and now the Overwatch event is on. Overwatch is getting stale though so I'll probably try my hand at Type-0 again. It's just they throw too much stuff at you at once. They gave me all 14 characters and I don't even know who I should use, at least 2-3 at a time will let me experiment with each one. I like the bow guy though, his arrows seem fun to use.

Maaaaan, the english voice acting is terrible. Like, really bad. Probably the worst I've ever heard in a Square-Enix game. Especially when a few of them terribly mispronounce a Japanese name, I just cringe.

Hay! Except for the guy that says "Hey" and "Yo" all the time. He's bad, but he's hilarious. Yo!
I haven't gotten far enough yet, but the 1st boss, the L'cie sounds like the Lightning voice actress in FFXIII. And hearing her saying "sucks" over and over again was pretty funny and cringey. She was like "wow, this sucks", "that sucks", "it sucks", "everything sucks", "sucks"...

I like the bow guy too. (Trey, i think?) Probably my favorite ranged attacker. When I go for a mission, I usually keep 1 melee, 1 ranged, and 1 wizard/healer. My favorite melee is the fist/martial artist. My absolute least characters to control are the flute girl and the mace girl, although they are pretty okay under AI control as wizards/healers. My go-to team is the fist attacker, the bow guy, and Queen the sword girl who can use magic real good.

I finished Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit. I did all the base game and expansion character stories, and I got all the trophies. It's my 16th platinum.

The only things I didn't do are the character stories for the two dlc characters that aren't part of the expansion. I might buy them if I buy Shinovi Versus whenever it goes on sale again. The dlc for those two characters work in Shinovi Versus and Bon Appetit.

Estival Versus is in my backlog.

Ryobi was my favorite character. How pissed off she is at everyone was funny.

Can't believe I missed this comment before, just noticed it when I was scrolling past some stuff. Congrats on the plat! And yeah, Senran Kagura has some of the best lines out there. They just throw out the most offensive lines, and with the most cutesy characters.

Ryona is my favorite character, her and Ryobi are actually the main characters in Estival Versus, so you should check that out too if interested. Their relationship is actually pretty cool, well developed for a game all about big tits and fighting.

I like the bow guy too. (Trey, i think?) Probably my favorite ranged attacker. When I go for a mission, I usually keep 1 melee, 1 ranged, and 1 wizard/healer. My favorite melee is the fist/martial artist. My absolute least characters to control are the flute girl and the mace girl, although they are pretty okay under AI control as wizards/healers. My go-to team is the fist attacker, the bow guy, and Queen the sword girl who can use magic real good.
I actually have no idea how the flute works. I see an orb that follows you, so I guess you control it with that? It seems like a sick concept, but it's also executed terribly since I'm just lost when playing her. Also, when you heal, can you heal teammates too? I always seem to only heal myself.

It seems Yakuza 4 resets chapters after certain parts. I'm in chapter 2 of I think the second Part. I got a trophy for clearing Part 1.

I finished Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit. I did all the base game and expansion character stories, and I got all the trophies. It's my 16th platinum.

The only things I didn't do are the character stories for the two dlc characters that aren't part of the expansion. I might buy them if I buy Shinovi Versus whenever it goes on sale again. The dlc for those two characters work in Shinovi Versus and Bon Appetit.

Estival Versus is in my backlog.

Ryobi was my favorite character. How pissed off she is at everyone was funny.

This *so* reminds me of Huniepop.

I think I got missed in the persona 5 completion ;)

Also why didn't we do dancing all night yet? it looks like a quick one to play, while we are on a persona theme lol

Guess I know what to vote for next month...

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So anyone else beat any of last month's games? (Gravity Rush/Yakuza/Catherine)

I got me, Draco, and Gershomcz for beating Gravity Rush.

I think Thatguy gave up on GR but started Yakuza again?

And I think deadofthenight was far into Yakuza too.

I think I got missed in the persona 5 completion ;)

Also why didn't we do dancing all night yet? it looks like a quick one to play, while we are on a persona theme lol

Guess I know what to vote for next month...

I guess there weren't too many suggestions for rhythm games then, and I still hadn't beaten P4G yet, so I didn't want to start P4DAN before that.

But I would definitely love to get some rhythm games for a GOTM, at least as a side game, since it would be cool to talk about what songs everyone likes and tips on beating harder levels. I'd go for something like DJ Max or Superbeat Xonic.

I still haven't started on FF Type-0 yet. Been pretty busy and haven't played much of anything other than Titanfall 2 with friends and a bit of Danganronpa 2 (like an hour). Hopefully will start that soon.

I have beaten FF Type-0. Weird ending, but then, I didn't expect it to make alot of sense, because the story didn't for the entire game. I think you have to beat it twice for the "true" ending?

It took a long time to get into and used to what you're doing. The tutorials in the game are crap, and after a few hours, I almost gave up on it, but I stuck with it and glad I did. I may go back to it one day and get the platinum, but for now, I'll leave it where it is. It took me about 21 hours total, but again, I kinda rushed thru it and didn't go for any trophies. My characters were in the low-to-mid 30's at the end, and my MVP for the game was Cater all the way. She doesn't do a lot of damage, but she's fast and her multi-shot pistol is very accurate, and can keep her out of harm's way most of the time. Towards the end, I was down to just her, everyone else was dead, and she beat three bosses in a row alone.

For being originally a PSP game, the graphics are surprisingly decent. Hands down, tho, the best thing this game has going for it is its soundtrack. A really good mix of classic tunes mixed with new stuff that always complimented what was happening in-game.

Good game, and glad to have it out of my backlog. Now, back to Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Age.

Kind of struggling to get gold in the Gravity Rush challenges. All skills are at least level 4 with some even higher. It must be the clunky Vita controls. The sliding is just horrible too.

I know several of us that were playing Type-0 managed to get thru. Holler if anyone is still working on it.

I'm up for starting a new round of voting for September, or if ya'll would rather extend Type-0 I can just spend my time working thru FF XII-Zodiac and a couple other backlogged games.

I plan on playing Yakuza Kiwami for the month.

Maybe we can make it a free month where you can play anything previously voted on or your own backlog.

I'm down as I am still playing Gravity Rush 2 at an extremely slow pace. The story has picked up a little bit now that I'm on part 3, and that I've stopped doing the side quests, but in the beginning even the main story felt like repeated fetch quests and bad stealth missions to start.
Considering how short it was, I'm ready to move on, but as always it's with the consensus.

Did anyone pick up God wars future past? It's a decent final fantasy tactics clone from what I can tell of what I played before the overwatch event lol.
I haven't played Type-0 since the 1st week of the month, and I really don't want to get back into it. It feels like a drag to work on it again, after taking such a long break, and almost everyone else is already finished. I just got so into Injustice 2, and then the Overwatch event that I didn't bother even getting past the 2nd chapter.

Well now, that Overwatch has screwed me over, and the event is ending, and I'm getting tired of Injustice 2, I'll get to work on the backlog again. But I don't even want to play Type-0, I was thinking about playing RE7 or Batman Arkham Knight.

So long story short, even though I didn't play much of Type-0, I don't want to continue it for next month. It's up to you guys for what we do next. I was actually thinking about the Rhythm game genre idea, where everyone picks a game from that genre. It's a little late for suggestions and voting now, and I don't have any Niche games on the top of my head I want to play. Or maybe the visual novel genre idea.

I feel like playing a beat 'em up, so I was going to nominate Bayonetta, God Hand, and Senran Kagura. I'll probably start playing Estival Versus.

I was also thinking of starting Wolfenstein: The New Order, but the one month in between Overwatch events I'd like to play something other than an FPS.

It's a month away, but I'm planning on nominating horror games for October.

I feel like playing a beat 'em up, so I was going to nominate Bayonetta, God Hand, and Senran Kagura. I'll probably start playing Estival Versus.
I'm all for Senran Kagura Estival Versus too. I was playing it a bit already, and have to finish it before Peach Beach Splash comes out.

Maybe I'll jump in with Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed, unless Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls counts. I need to finish that by 9/26.

I guess lets have a Beat'em Up month then for September! Unless anyone has any objections.

I actually don't really know what Beat'em Ups are, I use to think they were arcade style brawlers like Double Dragon or Final Fight, but I guess musou games fit in the definition too. So it's just any games where you fight a continuous number of random enemies in real time?

We should just all list our games here and see which fit the definition.

So I'm playing through Senran Kagura Estival Versus.

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I've still got Hyrule Warriors in the backlog, so I may pull that one out to play, since that's really the only one I have that would kinda fit the "beat'em up" description.

Yeah no need to vote, I just changed it to Beat'em Ups in the title, but I'll leave the OP unedited. So just play any Beat'em Ups you want.

Well now, that Overwatch has screwed me over, and the event is ending, and I'm getting tired of Injustice 2, I'll get to work on the backlog again. But I don't even want to play Type-0, I was thinking about playing RE7 or Batman Arkham Knight.
How did it screw you over just curious is all. I have been very busy and couldn't play much of anything but I know I got about 13 or maybe a bit more loot boxes. 1 Legendary and it wasn't an event I bought one of the legendary skins. Another person I know got 2 boxes with 2 legendaries each from the event. Just wasn't my event for luck, and had no time to play it.

For the beat em up month i'll play some PC indie beat em ups haha. I'll put them as I play them. Also Dragon's Crown has been calling me back for a while....Not too long either. Could try to beat it with all the characters.

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bread's done