CAG PS3 Fighting Game Matchmaking Thread - Injustice out NAO!

Good games pf, very nice Sakura you got there.

Also good games to hypnos, anathema, esper, and trajin earlier today and last night.
GGs, and yeah i dont get too much experience against your characters online =p

sorry for the short amount of games, just toss an invite if i'm ever on later.
GGs option. Now, time to check those cammy replays.
Cammy's Ultra II... *thumbs up* I'm sticking with this! :)

Your Guy is wicked. Hard to tell if you're going to go into xx target combo xx hozanto xx ex tatsu or to walk up throw. I was stuck in the corner so many times.
Anyways, I watched the Boxer vs. Bob Marley match. I 'lol'ed at the dirty bull knocking Marley out on the 2nd rd. And the 3rd round had me taunting cause you whiffed your ultra. While I was taunting, you threw a jab during my taunt and casually walked up throw me for the victory. That was funny as well. I was like... "Damn... you m*#$&%#@r!"

Viewing some of the replays (Boxer vs. Sakura), you nailed Boxer's combo into headbutt xx Ultra I in the corner and I noticed you pressed 6 light punches in the input display. As soon as you hit ultra I in the corner; press and hold lp during his two straight punches (first straight will juggle and then second straight will whiff), and then press and hold lk for his 3 remaining upper punches for the finish. If it's mid-screen to corner; press and hold lk for the juggle(for the first punch), and press and hold lp for the whiff (2nd punch), and press and hold lk for the remaining 3 upper punches. Or you can mix and match, the difference is by 2 dmg points, not sure. I'm not a frame data guy.

TL;DR or if it doesn't make sense.

Short version -


-, c.lp, c.lp, xx hp headbutt xx ultra I - hold lk(or any kick) for first punch, hold lp(or any punch) for the 2nd punch, hold lk(or any kick) for the remaining punches - 383 combo dmg, c.lp, c.lp, xx hp headbutt xx ultra I - hold lp(or any punch) for the first two straight punches, hold lk(or any kick) for the last three upper punches - 381 combo dmg (I use this), c.lp, c.lp, xx hp headbutt xx super - hold lk(or any kick) for all five upper punches (342/347/374/394 combo dmg - depending if I executed the super early or late) - Try it.


-, c.lp, c.lp, xx hp headbutt xx ultra I - hold lk(or any kick) for first punch, hold lp(or any punch) for the 2nd punch, hold lk(or any kick) for the remaining punches - 383 combo dmg (I use this)

-, c.lp, c.lp, xx hp headbutt xx ultra I - hold lp(or any punch) for the first two straight punches, hold lk(or any kick) for the last three upper punches - 381 combo dmg, c.lp, c.lp, xx hp headbutt xx ultra I/ or xx super - hold lk(or any kick) for all five upper punches - 387 combo dmg (394/401 combo dmg for super)

Never really thought about the differences in dmg. I've always used the ones listed above whenever I'm playing Boxer. If anyone else wants to correct me, please do so. Put me in my place, I don't care lol. I just tried it in training mode just now.

Damn, that's a lot of spoilers.
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Balrog ultra is timing dependent on certain characters. I know it is for Honda. Also, corner dependent on which buttons you press. The last 3 hits should be KKK, but I think the first two can vary.

And i'm pretty sure you don't need to press punch buttons. Just hold 3x kicks for the first hit, let go for 2nd hit, hold kicks for the rest. And you can TAP to build meter after ultra.

edit: just asked a friend. There's a million variations, on when you ultra, midscreen, midscreen/corner, and corner, and character dependent.
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Haha, thanks Esper. Yeah, I was feeling brain dead and didn't know how to do Boxer's Ultra juggle post headbutt. Nice Abel you got there, he's just great since no one really has much experience playing against him. I definitely have no experience playing against Abel, plus he's just great overall to boot.

Also, I dunno if it's just me, but is the game like laggier? I swear there's some sort of input delay that wasn't as bad as SFIV BANIRA.

Also, as for my Guy, all I really know how to do is hit confirm combo. Basically:, cr.lp, xx hozanto (if you block, also, not sure if this is a frame trap) or run cancel if I suspect no pressing of the buttons.

or cr. lk, cr.lp, st. mp xx tatsu (if hit)

I tried using cr.lp, cr.lp,, st.hp xx whatever, but the st.hp whiffs on certain characters (i.e. juri).

You can also start it with cr.lp, cr.lp for the easier more damaging string.

Going into the target combo seems cool, but I gotta confirm that the person is standing or it'll whiff. I'm just really lazy when it comes to hit confirming.

Also, I think you would've been able to get out of Guy's U2 that one game with Cammy. It's not instant like Zangief's. It's at least a 1 frame. So if you didn't press any buttons, you can just hold up and jump out of it.

Guy is cool, but I feel like I'm reaching a plateau with him.
I felt so lame getting killed by the counter ultras one after the other, I gotta stop pressin' buttons. BTW, when I was Abel and got counter-ultra'ed. I was like whoa when Abel's eyes were in the back of his head.

I better get to work on dem Combos, mmm, yummy. The pizza flavored ones are my fav.
if you always start guy's combos with cr. lp or, you can keep them standing and go into the bushin combo. I generally do the bushin as more of a punish
[quote name='kurrptsenate']if you always start guy's combos with cr. lp or, you can keep them standing and go into the bushin combo. I generally do the bushin as more of a punish[/QUOTE]
That's the problem, those DON'T knock the opponent into standing position, so st. lp will whiff.
no no no, you're getting me wrong here.

I'm saying if you start the combo with a cr. and the opponent is standing, then you're good. As far as I know, only his HP forces the opponent to stand and linking after that is pretty hard
Thanks for the Balrog tips anathema. Now, I need to fix that little habit of mine(pressing punch buttons; when it's not needed post-ultra) in training mode.

Thanks for the kind words option. It was your Abel, that made me pick him up in the late years of vanilla and onto Super. I learned a lot from playing your Abel; the resets, block strings into TT, the marseille(sp) roll wakeup mindgames, etc. Plus, I give credit to Breathless as well. If it wasn't for that ultra, I wouldn't stand a chance against you. Helps me get out of sticky situations as needed. Good thing it wasn't 'Worthless', like that ultra, Soulless.
I made a pun! Soulless is alright. It's just that I would try to use it as soon as I have revenge meter. It leaves me predictable because I would focus all my attention into landing CoD xx fadc cr.hp to ultra, or always going for the cr.hp to ultra. For Breathless, I can bust it out randomly after a block string. Or just at random times. It can get me out of corners. It's a nice ultra.

I felt so lame getting killed by the counter ultras one after the other, I gotta stop pressin' buttons. BTW, when I was Abel and got counter-ultra'ed. I was like whoa when Abel's eyes were in the back of his head.

I better get to work on dem Combos, mmm, yummy. The pizza flavored ones are my fav.
Abel had died and gone to heaven when he got squeezed between Cammy's thighs. lol, I'm pretty sure you felt NaCl in your system also in the Guile v. Sakura match. Two ex shouokens in the 3rd rd. I'm pulling miracles out of my ass.

Speaking of combos...

omg, wtf really?! Eff your traditional Bacon and
Eggs in the morning. Wow.
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[quote name='m_d_amore']option has 2 buttons set for throws thats his secret[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the secret. There are so many times when I know I tech a throw and it doesn't tech online. It's obviously because I need more buttons set to throw. Now I have two buttons set to throw, and they're on turbo. Finally found a use for L1 and L2.
[quote name='anathema728']Haha, correct term would be option select. I mash the shit out of it online too but just end up eating frame traps.[/QUOTE]

its called an option grab cancel, actually. option selects are a bit different.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']its called an option grab cancel, actually. option selects are a bit different.[/QUOTE]
It's not a cancel. You're not canceling anything. It's an option-select.

Option-select is basically letting the system and the other player choose what you do. If the opponent goes for a grab, you tech. If the person does something else, comes out instead.
Great games PF. Sorry, some reason my ps3 kicks me off PSN and I D/C.

edit: Good game to bullish in the ranked match and good games to mr burnz.
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[quote name='option.iv']Great games PF. Sorry, some reason my ps3 kicks me off PSN and I D/C.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... 60GB PS3 by any chance? Also, my connection's fine now, played a friend in CA with a 4 bar connection.
Anyone wanna get some good games in on ssf4 or sf hd remix get at me this weekend on the psn. Kyoji24 is my psn people!!!
[quote name='distgfx']Hmm... 60GB PS3 by any chance? Also, my connection's fine now, played a friend in CA with a 4 bar connection.[/QUOTE]

Nope, 80 GB non BC.

[quote name='Kyoji24']Anyone wanna get some good games in on ssf4 or sf hd remix get at me this weekend on the psn. Kyoji24 is my psn people!!![/QUOTE]

Welcome to the thread, I'm definitely up for games as are many others. If you haven't already, please sign up on the first post.
I've added my name to the roster. I'm on most weekend nights PSN ID is Yukonrye.

I haven't touched a 2D fighting game since Alpha 3 so I pretty much suck. I'm focusing on learning Ibuki for the moment and I'll probably stick with her as my main.

I also need to get a fightstick in a bad way. What is a good price to pay for a SE fightstick? I can get one through a 3rd party seller through Amazon for $48.99 with shipping. Could I easily find it cheaper?
If you're just getting started on SFIV, Ibuki is actually one of the harder characters to master :whistle2:/

I'd personally say she's the second hardest, right behind C. Viper, since the HJC are so hard to master
So far I've only tried Ryu, Juri, Rufus, Chun-Li, Cammy, and Ibuki. I've had the most success with Ibuki but that's not saying much. I just found her the most fun to play so far and kept using her. Should I switch to someone else? I've always sucked playing charge fighters, even since SFII, so I avoid playing them. I liked Juri too and I heard she is supposed to be more accessible.
I just ordered the game for 25 bucks shipped but it wont be here for 5-10 business days. I hope to get in on some of the fighting game action. I have marvel vs capcom 2, super street fighter 2 hd remix, and fight night round 4. My old ps3 broke and i havent been able to get my game saves back. Now when i put in fight night round 4 into my slim it wont let me download other peoples created characters. I don't have michael jackson, obamma, rocky, jean claude van damme, larry holmes, evander, or riddick bowe anymore. It just freezes everytime i try and download one of them.
[quote name='yukonrye']So far I've only tried Ryu, Juri, Rufus, Chun-Li, Cammy, and Ibuki. I've had the most success with Ibuki but that's not saying much. I just found her the most fun to play so far and kept using her. Should I switch to someone else? I've always sucked playing charge fighters, even since SFII, so I avoid playing them. I liked Juri too and I heard she is supposed to be more accessible.[/QUOTE]

Play whoever you want or have fun with in SSFIV. Even if she's hard to use, practice can take care of that little hurdle.
well, to get real good with her is going to take a LONG time. High jump canceling into specials and ultras take a ton of practice and is one of the hardest executions in the entire game. If you like her the best I'm not going to tell you to stop using her, but if you watch that Ibuki video that was posted on CAG a day or two ago, you'll see a HUGE difference how she "should" be played compared to how you may use her
[quote name='yukonrye']I've added my name to the roster. I'm on most weekend nights PSN ID is Yukonrye.

I haven't touched a 2D fighting game since Alpha 3 so I pretty much suck. I'm focusing on learning Ibuki for the moment and I'll probably stick with her as my main.

I also need to get a fightstick in a bad way. What is a good price to pay for a SE fightstick? I can get one through a 3rd party seller through Amazon for $48.99 with shipping. Could I easily find it cheaper?[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately, don't really know any good deals. But Markman (works for madcatz) says there is a promo coming up. Not sure if it's just for TE S or the whole Madcatz lineup.

You can also ask around in the Arcade stick thread.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']well, to get real good with her is going to take a LONG time. High jump canceling into specials and ultras take a ton of practice and is one of the hardest executions in the entire game. If you like her the best I'm not going to tell you to stop using her, but if you watch that Ibuki video that was posted on CAG a day or two ago, you'll see a HUGE difference how she "should" be played compared to how you may use her[/QUOTE]

SJC isn't that hard as long as you know the proper motions, lol. I managed to do it on command after a few days of practice. Now doing it online... that's an entirely different problem in itself.
Yeah, that was a good ranked match we had yesterday option. Went down to the wire. I also have that issue w/psn kicking me off and getting d/c, which sucks. I've never quit a day in my life yet I have a 7% d/c rate and hundreds of player points lost in the process. Do you have Time Warner?
[quote name='pcebdan']Yeah, that was a good ranked match we had yesterday option. Went down to the wire. I also have that issue w/psn kicking me off and getting d/c, which sucks. I've never quit a day in my life yet I have a 7% d/c rate and hundreds of player points lost in the process. Do you have Time Warner?[/QUOTE]
Nah, I have Cox Cable internet. What happens in my case is that I'm playing a game and usually in the middle of it, the game freezes. Then a message pops up saying "Lost Connection to PSN" or something along those words. Then I'm kicked back to the title screen. Everything seems fine for a minute of so, but then I'm kicked off the PSN network. My router is still working fine as my PC is still able to connect and go to the internet. A minute or so after, I'm able to reconnect to PSN. This usually happens after several games. Is this similar to what you're experiencing?

Also this only happens in SSFIV, not in any other games. I doubt it's because I'm running a wireless router. Maybe the game has an issue with wireless routers, but this for sure isn't a system problem.
[quote name='option.iv']Nah, I have Cox Cable internet. What happens in my case is that I'm playing a game and usually in the middle of it, the game freezes. Then a message pops up saying "Lost Connection to PSN" or something along those words. Then I'm kicked back to the title screen. Everything seems fine for a minute of so, but then I'm kicked off the PSN network. My router is still working fine as my PC is still able to connect and go to the internet. A minute or so after, I'm able to reconnect to PSN. This usually happens after several games. Is this similar to what you're experiencing?

Also this only happens in SSFIV, not in any other games. I doubt it's because I'm running a wireless router. Maybe the game has an issue with wireless routers, but this for sure isn't a system problem.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you're dropping just enough packets for it to be considered a disconnect. Wireless often does this as there's always a few lost packets throughout transmission every once in a while. FPS games have a sort of mechanism for this, but fighting games don't.
[quote name='option.iv']but this for sure isn't a system problem.[/QUOTE]

I dunno about that, when I was forced to use wireless on my PS3 I had the exact same problem you just described. As soon as I plugged that sucker back into an ethernet port, the problem went away.
[quote name='distgfx']I dunno about that, when I was forced to use wireless on my PS3 I had the exact same problem you just described. As soon as I plugged that sucker back into an ethernet port, the problem went away.[/QUOTE]

Read what I posted above. Wireless WILL drop packets no matter HOW PERFECT it is. It will STILL drop packets. FPS games have protections against that. Fighting games dont since they can't afford to drop em. So you do have to be plugged in for fighting games if you don't want em to fuck up.
[quote name='Paco']Read what I posted above. Wireless WILL drop packets no matter HOW PERFECT it is. It will STILL drop packets. FPS games have protections against that. Fighting games dont since they can't afford to drop em. So you do have to be plugged in for fighting games if you don't want em to fuck up.[/QUOTE]

I read it, I just didn't comment on it because there was no reason to, you're right. However, that doesn't mean it can't be a system problem either, considering I had the same problem with my PS3 and nothing else that was wireless.
[quote name='distgfx']I read it, I just didn't comment on it because there was no reason to, you're right. However, that doesn't mean it can't be a system problem either, considering I had the same problem with my PS3 and nothing else that was wireless.[/QUOTE]

True. That's also the sign that a router may be dying as it starts to drop a huge amount of data and the signal isn't what it used to be.
Ah thanks Paco. Didn't know about that, good to know. Well, looks like I have to live with it.

Also, good games anathema.

Played some actual local matches today as well... totally different animal than online.
Yeah, thats exactly the case for me too. Only happens with street fighter. I'm wireless too and nowhere near an ethernet port so I guess it is what it is at this point.

ggs anathema also...
[quote name='option.iv']Ah thanks Paco. Didn't know about that, good to know. Well, looks like I have to live with it.

Also, good games anathema.

Played some actual local matches today as well... totally different animal than online.[/QUOTE]

Don't live with it. Plug it in. Those packet losses also affect voice chat. Plug the damn thing in.

And yes local and online is completely different. It shows how shitty the netcode Capcom used for Street Fighter is. Funny thing about it is that some people who are good online can't get stuff to work offline due to the differences in timing and what was possible online is not possible offline and vice versa.
nice games, option. I was switching off between a friend to see if we can beat you. I think u let me get the last one so you can go to sleep. lol
We always play by ourselves and just got into online street fighter. Playing against random people usually ends up too easy. I'd rather get beat than win.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']nice games, option. I was switching off between a friend to see if we can beat you. I think u let me get the last one so you can go to sleep. lol
We always play by ourselves and just got into online street fighter. Playing against random people usually ends up too easy. I'd rather get beat than win.[/QUOTE]
Good games mr burnzz. You definitely earned the last one. Charge characters are the ones I have most trouble against. Simply because it's just hard to open up their defense since they're holding down back or back all the time. Keep at it man.

[quote name='Paco']Don't live with it. Plug it in. Those packet losses also affect voice chat. Plug the damn thing in.

And yes local and online is completely different. It shows how shitty the netcode Capcom used for Street Fighter is. Funny thing about it is that some people who are good online can't get stuff to work offline due to the differences in timing and what was possible online is not possible offline and vice versa.[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately, I'm in the same boat with Bullish, modem is downstairs and ps3 upstairs.

Also, local is totally different. Wakeup meaties work and I don't get counter punched by someone on wakeup. fucking Capcom netcode.
Yeah, but then you can't get any throws in option =] I'm starting to play a bunch of offline for sf4 now that finals are over, the window for throw teching feels different.
I press throw against my opponent's throw, I HEAR THE BUTTONS COME OUT, mine and my opponents, at the same time and I get thrown. I'd have to press throw twice to consistently tech them.

Also, global connection speeds
[quote name='anathema728']Yeah, but then you can't get any throws in option =] I'm starting to play a bunch of offline for sf4 now that finals are over, the window for throw teching feels different.
I press throw against my opponent's throw, I HEAR THE BUTTONS COME OUT, mine and my opponents, at the same time and I get thrown. I'd have to press throw twice to consistently tech them.

Also, global connection speeds[/QUOTE]
I was referring to how people are knocked down and wakeup with jab. It's like I can't down anything about it since it almost always manages to hit me out of whatever I do on wakeup. Also, wow on that chart, damn kayreans and their high speed internetz.
Sounds like me when I play chun li, I don't know the timing so my supposedly "meaty shorts" get thrown.

Oh, and where have all the sagat players gone? Were they all just tier whores? I definitely see a 90% decrease in the amount of sagat players online.
I've mostly seen Ryus, Ibukis, Juris and Guiles. Surprisingly not as many Cody's as it was initially.

Ibuki is like the new hotness. But if you take off her mask, she's fugly.
[quote name='option.iv']I've mostly seen Ryus, Ibukis, Juris and Guiles. Surprisingly not as many Cody's as it was initially.

Ibuki is like the new hotness. But if you take off her mask, she's fugly.[/QUOTE]

Game must be fucking trolling me then. I'm still getting a shitload of Ryus, Kens, Sagats, and Chuns. There's a good amount of Guys, Dudleys and Ibukis, but one bastard that keeps haunting me is some bitch using Vega with around 15,000 BP. WHY am I getting matched up with him with a 296 BP Cody?

Also I fought a Salty Shoryuken Brother who said it wasn't his main, then sent me this message after I told him that Hakan was my main.

bread's done