CAG PS3 Fighting Game Matchmaking Thread - Injustice out NAO!

Blazblue CS II patch is available for xbox today. Dustloop is saying that the PSN version will be up May 12th. I believe that game updates can still be downloaded despite PSN being down.
I heard you can download the PS3 patch today too. Gotta go get my copy back from my friend so i can start playing Rachel again ^_^ (Finally, how long i waited for this day....)
[quote name='dgwillia006']I heard you can download the PS3 patch today too. Gotta go get my copy back from my friend so i can start playing Rachel again ^_^ (Finally, how long i waited for this day....)[/QUOTE]

Just tried it. No prompt for an Update when BBCS loaded up.

[quote name='option.iv']Blazblue CS II patch is available for xbox today. Dustloop is saying that the PSN version will be up May 12th. I believe that game updates can still be downloaded despite PSN being down.[/QUOTE]

That's what I heard also from another person at another message board I post at. Said that even with PSN down he could download updates for Fallout: New Vegas.
I know for sure you can download updates offline, i did it a few times. Though, strange the Patch isnt up yet.

Maybe it'll be up later tonight or something
[quote name='OlDirtyBastard']That article uses dustloop as its source though[/QUOTE]

That's why I mentioned it in my previous post, in response to Suko.

[quote name='suko_32']I think BBCS for PS3 is May 12th. Then again that was from a random user on dustloop.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='asianxcore']Yea, I think that's what SRK was reporting on.

Wish we knew for sure, so I don't sell off my PS3 copy for a 360 copy :lol:[/QUOTE]
[quote name='asianxcore']That's why I mentioned it in my previous post, in response to Suko.[/QUOTE]

Ha right. For some reason my reading comprehension for the past 2 days has been worthless. Im so glad to be done with classes though.
Just added myself to the MvC3 list, Im online getting whooped as we speak. Just got my first stick the other day and I cant dragon punch for shit so come help me get acquainted.
ggs yume. im not gonna lie i probably should have left after 3 matches but i wanted to leave on a high note. even though u still got more wins :(
Haha, actually I was only playing at 75% for a few of those games because of distractions.

The first 2 games were because my grandma decided to have a chat with me and the 3rd loss was due to a phone call, however that isn't an excuse :razz:

GG's overall, even if I got okami shuffle'd to death AGAIN
GGs to option and maigoyume in marvel.

mago - You got a pretty nice team with chun/dorm/x23 with a hint of spencer.

You have three characters that I hate the most. wolvy jr./ dreadlock rastafari/ and dormitory :]. x-23's dive attack is so good.
[quote name='Esper']GGs to option and maigoyume in marvel.

mago - You got a pretty nice team with chun/dorm/x23 with a hint of spencer.

You have three characters that I hate the most. wolvy jr./ dreadlock rastafari/ and dormitory :]. x-23's dive attack is so good.[/QUOTE]GG's to you bro.

Ugh can't believe I fell for that dive kick so many times >< that cost me so many games. I've been trying to decide on whether to replace chun w/ spencer or just keep her in the team, right now it looks like I'm edging towards removing her entirely since she doesn't really bring much to my team. Still need to get used to calling assists more, they do wonders for the rushdown as I'm sure you know quite well ;)

For the record wolverine and amaterasu are annoying as hell :lol: especially that blasted okami shuffle super, ah well let me know if you're up for some more matches today.
[quote name='cliqueatnightvandal']I downloaded 1.04 but I could only play 1.03 anyone else having this problem?[/QUOTE]

Same for me. It should be 1.03 I believe. I believe that was the most current one. Not sure why it said 1.04.
[quote name='jman619']Same for me. It should be 1.03 I believe. I believe that was the most current one. Not sure why it said 1.04.[/QUOTE]

Idk higher up on the page option said he dl'd 1.03 a few days ago.
The CS2 patch for PS3 is 1.04 since the PS3 had one more patch than the 360 one. I have no problems playing under 1.04, check your System Options and make sure it uses the latest version.
[quote name='distgfx']The CS2 patch for PS3 is 1.04 since the PS3 had one more patch than the 360 one. I have no problems playing under 1.04, check your System Options and make sure it uses the latest version.[/QUOTE]

You sure about that? The highest it goes is 1.03. No matter what mode I pick online. Although you can choose 1.00 1.01 1.02 and 1.03 which is 4 different ones and the 360 only had 3. Instead of 1.01 being the first one like 360. On PS3 it was 1.00
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[quote name='jman619']You sure about that? The highest it goes is 1.03. No matter what mode I pick online. Although you can choose 1.00 1.01 1.02 and 1.03 which is 4 different ones and the 360 only had 3. Instead of 1.01 being the first one like 360. On PS3 it was 1.00[/QUOTE]

I'm starting to think that 1.03 is actually the name for the latest one. Platinum wasn't in the char select screen before was she? I know she's there now.

Also what's the best way to play online? I couldn't get a match in custom ranked/player matches due to either minimum connection setting or "about the same skill" setting. I'm guessing the latter because I got pretty good connections through quick match but everyone was like level 40. I guess all the other scrubs have dropped this game D:
[quote name='jman619']You sure about that? The highest it goes is 1.03. No matter what mode I pick online. Although you can choose 1.00 1.01 1.02 and 1.03 which is 4 different ones and the 360 only had 3. Instead of 1.01 being the first one like 360. On PS3 it was 1.00[/QUOTE]

In the game itself, they call it 1.03, but when you update it's 1.04. Hence why you just pick "Latest Version" when in the System Options.
just got in a SF4 round 2 tournament edition stick gonna grab a bite them get through some SSF Trials. Anyone else have this or the original fight stick I figured for the added 10 bucks and MAME play on PC it would be well worth it.
Got a picture of Option every time he plays online. Captured it through the PSEye man.

[quote name='option.iv']Don't feed the trolls.[/QUOTE]

Only telling the truth. I had a 360 before I had a PS3. Scary isn't it?
XBros looking for people to play with, sad, try a shooter, i hear XBros play those often.

gg's to option, other then the guarenteed frustration of your fireball spam, we had some good matches and i finally got a full combo on you going. I am going to work on my dante game and still need a third. Sigh.
[quote name='Paco']Only telling the truth. I had a 360 before I had a PS3. Scary isn't it?[/QUOTE]

Gave up after one died? Come on Paco! I still have one and I've had 6 360's to die on me. I only get exclusives on it. I've got 42 ps3 games and 8 360 games. :lol:
[quote name='jman619']Gave up after one died? Come on Paco! I still have one and I've had 6 360's to die on me. I only get exclusives on it. I've got 42 ps3 games and 8 360 games. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I dunno. I have a problem supporting a company that sells me shit and expects me to take it.
Yeah man, fuck that guy for trying to spread some fighting game love with the Xbox thread. Totally hate people who play on consoles with reliable online service and great cross-game chat capabilities.

So lame being able to buy stuff off the online marketplace.
[quote name='lolwut?']Yeah man, fuck that guy for trying to spread some fighting game love with the Xbox thread. Totally hate people who play on consoles with reliable online service and great cross-game chat capabilities.

So lame being able to buy stuff off the online marketplace.[/QUOTE]

If your life revolves around playing games online, then you've already failed. Normal people lived through psn being down and psn store is up in a few days, big boo hoo. Troll more. Also, dont forget to pay MS for letting you play a game you paid for online, its worth it!
[quote name='lolwut?']Yeah man, fuck that guy for trying to spread some fighting game love with the Xbox thread. Totally hate people who play on consoles with reliable online service and great cross-game chat capabilities.

So lame being able to buy stuff off the online marketplace.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't the 360 online down in 2007, 2008 and 2009 on the holidays?

And the 360 infastructure is just P2P so they're charging people to use their own bandwidth. Smart way to really rip people off.
GG's Maigoyume. I need to be smarter and stop trying to rush so much. Definitely some interesting matches there. There's so much to do in MvC3 that you tend to forget a lot of matches and combos when all the shit is hitting the fan.
GG's bro, I was getting spanked in those first few matches. Been trying to test spencer out as a point char, but he had no chance against your team so I fell back on Chun. Overall some good matches, btw you should try using your x-factor more often, it can definitely turn the tide of a match your way if used correctly *wink* I still have a few issues with inputting commands for x-23 which is why half the time in the air I kept doing the crescent scythe instead of the dive kick grrr.
Yeah, sometimes I just hate misusing the X-Factor so I end up forgetting about it and dying instead. Man, Chun-li is flat out scary, 2 air dashes and insanely quick. She reminds me of those classic sidescroller games where you fight an enemy and they just move 10 times faster than you do. Too bad she does shit damage and dies with a with a slight breeze.
bread's done