CAG PSN Gamesharing #6 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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Battlefield 4

1.) ashtonreeves (HOST)
Phantom ($10.00)
1.) Strange


Resell ($17.50)
1.) clonesniper666
Phantom ($7.50)
1.) PancakesAreLove (payment received)
2.) kb420mcl (payment received)

only PS3 resell slot left!!

also battlefield 4 phantom PS4 slot may be available after the game launches. so contact me & reserve the slot in advance. it's $10.00 payment will be shared equally ($2.50 each) with PS3 group members. so PS3 users will get $2.50 cash back when I sell the PS4 phantom slot!

$2.50 will be shared after PS4 phantom download the game.
Do you have two groups or is it just one group? If it's one group, how are you working around the release date of the PS4 version being a few weeks after the PS3 version? I'm referring to the PS4 phantom. How will you be able to do one without making the PS3 phantoms wait a few weeks?

On another note, I love how discussing specifics of phantom creation openly is perfectly okay now, maybe we can start giving tips on how to scam next.

Resellable account for sale!

Army Of Two:The Devils Cartel

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World ULTIMATE EDITION

Black Ops 2 Camos (Pack-A-Punch Pack & Dragon Pack)

PM me if you're interested

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Do you have two groups or is it just one group? If it's one group, how are you working around the release date of the PS4 version being a few weeks after the PS3 version? I'm referring to the PS4 phantom. How will you be able to do one without making the PS3 phantoms wait a few weeks?

On another note, I love how discussing specifics of phantom creation openly is perfectly okay now, maybe we can start giving tips on how to scam next.
this is a single group. clone is taking over the account after PS3 phantom downloads. and I'm also requesting him to change the password once the other resell is done (when he wants to sell clonesniper will provide him an updated pass). so no one will have access to the open PS4 slot except clone. and everyone can have a peace of mind about that. we all knows who clonesniper is.

about the PS4 phantom, I'm not taking the payment from the PS4 phantom until I know for sure (100%) that it can be done. me and Strange already discussed about that and we came to an agreement. so everything's good. if it can be done, I will share the money with PS3 members, otherwise I'm getting a resell of PS4 slot for free. in the end PS3 resells & phantoms will pay $15 & $5. everybody wins.

PS4 phantom depends on the deactivation system on the PSN site. we still don't know that if deactivate the PS3, PS4 also deactivates or not. even if it doesn't we still know nothing about how PS4 phantom works.

I guess the time will tell...

on another note:

lets say someone decided to sell a resellable phantom slot to a buyer, when the buyer decides to sell it after he's done, can the resellable phantom account holder (original seller) ask the buyer $2 commission of his final sale price? after he sells, his next buyer and every one after that will also have to pay $2.00 from their sales as well? because every sale goes through the original resellable phantom seller. i'm asking this because I'm the buyer. I paid $10 when buying the resellable phantom slot. but but one who sold me received $8.00 he had to pay $2.00 for the resellable phantom account holder (to the original seller). when I sell also have to pay $2.00 as well.

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on another note:
lets say someone decided to sell a resellable phantom slot to a buyer, when the buyer decides to sell it after he's done, can the resellable phantom account holder (original seller) ask the buyer $2 commission of his final sale price? after he sells, his next buyer and every one after that will also have to pay $2.00 from their sales as well? becasue every sale goes through the original resellable phantom seller. i'm asking this because I'm the buyer. I paid $10 when buying the resellable phantom slot. but but one who sold me received $8.00 he had to pay $2.00 for the resellable phantom account holder (original seller). when I sell also have to pay $2.00
What do you mean by can? Are you asking if it's allowed, if it shouldn't be done, or something else?

To clarify the situation for others: I will usually offer members who buy phantoms from me the opportunity to sell their phantom down the line, up to a point, in exchange for a $2 fee. I do not tell them about the arrangement until after they have completed the transaction, as I may choose not to do it with a specific slot for any number of reasons. As far as the buyers are concerned, they are purchasing a phantom. If I decide to offer them this 'service', I'll contact them and let them know the details. As the buyers are under the impression they were buying a phantom, the opportunity to sell it and recoup some of the initial cost should be welcomed as a nice option - which is exactly what it is, an option. Anyone offered this service is never under any obligation to use it. If they decide not to use it, they keep the slot as they would a regular phantom, with them not having to pay any additional money or do anything else. As you can see, this could be quite handy. Think of how many games you purchased phantoms of, only to beat the game and delete it to make more space. Wouldn't it be lovely to get some money back?

Ashtonreeves purchased a slot from me, but unlike all of the other sales I've done, I told him beforehand about the option to sell in exchange for a small fee. In fact, I believe that's what pushed him to buy the slot, as I seem to recall that he was looking for a resell. Regardless, he was well aware of the conditions of the transaction, and I haven't heard from him since he purchased the slot, which went down without a problem.

@Ashton: Why ask the question in the thread now? I don't have a problem with the question at all, since I'm not doing anything sneaky or the like, but why right after my last post? Did you think my sarcastic remark at the end of my last post was directed toward you (it wasn't toward you, but the members who have explicitly detailed the process in the past few pages), do you think I was trying to undermine you with my question about the PS4 sharing, or am I looking too much into this, with you just being curious about the arrangement?

it's nothing like that. I mean I wants to know that it's common in here. I bought resellable phantoms before and I never had to pay any fee (I really don't care about the fee). because I think it's better than renting. bought tomb raider R.phatnom from boosted. it was a normal transaction. and some others from other people too. sorry if I sounded like I was pointing fingers towards you. I was just asking. 

I was planning to ask about this before but I forgot, since you posted now. I went ahead and asked it. I didn't wanna act like you're scamming or anything. I didn't want to tell who because some people comes out and starts bashing with each other.

l'm stopping this here.

I thought you directed that scam word towards me, so I was upset and I typed everything without thinking twice. I'M SORRY! 

Have 1 AC4 phantom available. pm me (only if you can pay asap)


Bioshock 1 - $3

Darksiders & Darksiders 2 (+ Crash Bandicoot 1&2, Infamous, Wipeout HD) - $3
AC Revelations - $1
Saints Row 3  - $2

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Battlefield 4
1.) ashtonreeves (HOST)
Phantom ($10.00)
1.) Strange

Resell ($17.50)
1.) clonesniper666
2.) iknowlondon (payment received)
Phantom ($7.50)
1.) PancakesAreLove (payment received)
2.) kb420mcl (payment received)
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Battlefield 4
1.) ashtonreeves (HOST)
Phantom ($10.00)
1.) Strange
2.) skylinersx
I'll take the last PS4 slot.
let us know if you find anything
Hey so I finally figured out how to transfer the image over from my phone. Yeah I know.. this should have been easier than it was.. but here's an image.. The bottom part of the image is cut off, but at the bottom of the banner it said that you would receive Exclusive Content from Dr Pepper on release day.. but it didn't say what that content would be. If anybody knows anything more about this.. please fill in the blanks.



GTA 5 - $19 (2 available)
Hitman Absolution $5
Ni No Kuni $6
Borderlands 2 $5
Bioshock Infinite w/ Bioshock 1 $9
FIFA 13 $4

All of them are resellable

Battlefield 4

1.) ashtonreeves (HOST)
Phantom ($10.00)
1.) Strange
2.) skylinersx

I'll take the last PS4 slot.

dude please remove yourself. only 1 phantom for PS4. still not confirmed it works or not (not even for 1 phantom). we are just testing...

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Will there be gamesharing on the ps4? I see groups that's why I'm curious. Also, are there any phantom cod ghost slots? Will pay asap through PayPal...PM ME
Crazy Market (Free for Vita) Tuesday.
Need for Speed Rivals
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Hi guys, I see that you discussing about PS4 gameshare in term of 1 resell, 1 phantom.

What is with gameshare like it is on x360?

One-time license fee for play on purchasing account’s designated, primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with purchasing account.
Did I miss something? Because, few days ago lot of people here has agreed that this sentence is confirmation for gameshare like is on x360.

I need to ask you guys for a service. I have a US created account for COD ghosts with a 20$ balance on it. For some weird reason, I can't add funds on it, because I'm from Canada.. (PayPal nor credit card doesn't work).

Can a trusted CAG member do it for me? I'll send 40$ through PayPal, I just need someone to add it on the account to be able to pre-order the game.

Please PM me and thanks in advance!

(also selling gow:ascension resell spot 13.67)


Problem resolved by buying a 40$ PSN card.

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If you PM to join a group I will ignore it and you will not be added.

Selling:(trusted CAGs only)
All are Resellable
Dead Island Riptide - $10

Potential Groups

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
1. jlazenby1
2. edzor
4. kvntwvlf

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag+Battlefield 4 Premium Edition+COD Ghosts Complete
1. kerouac
3. pravado
4. kerouac

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Complete+Battlefield 4 Premium Edition+COD Ghosts Complete
1. Qdizzle
2. cgm92284
4. tasihun

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Complete+Battlefield 4 Premium Edition+COD Ghosts Complete+Watchdogs(free)
1. gamerdad08
3. amatsuri
4. skylinerx

Battlefield 4 (7)
1. estonianbeast
2. taavivesi
3. snakeybro
4. fastlyfe

Battle of Titles EX
1. pancakesarelove
2. strange

Call Of Duty : Ghosts
1. Boosted
2. Boosted
1. TehReaper

Call of Duty Ghosts (5)
1. wpress
3. yanksfan
4. morsz

Call of Duty Ghosts (6)
1. kuhliide
3. kuhliide
4. cak

Disgaea D2
1. josh1billion
2. rippn

Fatal Frame Trilogy
2. El-Producto
3. sierra
4. menikmati

Girl Fight
1. snakeybro
2. mrcheeses

Lone Survivor (2)
1. pravado
2. theeliteone
3. factor747

Mafia 2 Ultimate Edition
1. Apollyon
3. albasha
4. estonianbeast

Magrunner (2)
1. pravado
4. volt1up

Sherlock Holmes : Crimes and Punishments
1. Boosted
1. strange
2. bigwig_rah

Strength of The Sword 3(uk psn)
1. Strange

The Guided Paradox (2)
1. boosted
1. sierra

Watchdogs (4)
1. kerouac
2. kerouac

3. pravado

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (2)
1. apollyon
2. bossnian90
3. snakeybro
4. albasha

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Gold Edition
1. transcollector
2. windrazor
3. snakey
4. likeme

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag/Batman Arkham Origins
1. rpg
2. boosted
3. captaintek3304
4. killkernal

Battlefield 4
1. fmills15
2. fmills15
3. likeme
4. alabasha

Battlefield 4 (2)
1. boosted
2. boosted
3. fmills15
4. snakeybro

Battlefield 4 (3)
1. jdub_smooth
2. jdub_smooth
3. tehreaper
4. tehreaper

Battlefield 4 (4)
1. apollyon
2. revanchist
3. bogydogy
4. albani310

Battlefield 4 (5)
1. clonesniper666
2. iknowlondon
3. kb420mcl
4. pancakesarelove

Battlefield 4 (6)
1. kerouac
2. cgm92284
3. tasihun
4. tasihun

Batman Arkham Origins
1. kerouac
2. tiger
3. menikmati
4. wpress

Batman Arkham Origins (2)
1. clonesniper666
2. raiborg
3. kb24
4. snakeybro

Batman Arkham Origins (3)
1. azazael13
2. bigkrev13
3. cak
4. iwarboy

Batman : Arkham Origins (4)
1. sgand
2. setup
1. purplepanda
2. Luxuria

Blazblue Chrono Phantasma
1. Braxis
2. Braxis
3. Lemstar

Castlevania: Mirror of Fate HD
1. yanksfan
2. pancakesarelove
3. snakeybro
4. ?

Disgaea D2 ($30 code)
1. pancakesarelove
2. vashtheowner
1. allknights
2. captaintek3304

ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition
1. clonesniper666
2. kingcz
3. steamboatoperator
4. transcollector

1. khaledseif
2. starshadow
3. factor747
4. strange

God of War Ascension
1. boosted
2. boosted
1. amatsuri
2. ashufflinzombie

God of War Ascension (2)
1. bossnian90
2. locoxx
1. xtylerx
2. iwarboy

Gundam Breaker - Discounted Phantoms
1. taavivesi
2. amatsuri

Lego Marvel
1. rpg
2. boosted
1. gamerdad06
2. wpress

Lego Marvel
1. apollyon
2. dragonjud
1. snakeybro
2. scythex3

1. yanksfan
2. pancakesarelove

NBA 2k14
1. kerouac
2. kerouac
3. wwe101
4. nateninja

NBA 2k14 (2)
1. krtgolfing
2. wpress
3. snakeybro
4. snakeybro

NBA 2k14 (3)
1. rams81
2. supremacy
3. rams81
4. mrcheeses

NBA 2k14 (4)
1. anwbear
2. hustlerkid
3. likeme
4. unfrozen

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (2)
1. ventli
2. cak
3. strange
4. dragonjud

Puppeteer (3)
1. pancakesarelove
2. rpg
3. amatsuri
4. wario64

Rocksmith 2014+DLC
1. kerouac
2. wonkytoad
1. jlazenby1
2. menikmatti

Rocksmith 2014
1. setup
2. transcollector
1. clonesniper666
2. frombrknwongs

Spongebob Square Pants : Plankton's Robotic Revenge
1. boosted
2. kuhliide
3. rams81
4. purplepanda

Urban Trial Freestyle
1. wpress
2. shadowlombax
3. snakeybro
4. locoxx

The Guided Paradox
1. Pancakesarelove
2. clonesniper666
1. captaintek3304
2. strange

The Wolf Among Us - ?? - Release Date ??/??/2013
1. rpg
2. Bigwig_rah

The Wolf Among Us (2)
1. Boosted
1. wjgillespie602
2. dormin

The Wolf Among Us Ep.1
1. pravado
2. kanamit
3. ashtonreeves
4. sgand
WWE 14
1. wpress
2. transcollector
3. pravado
4. shiftee

WWE 14 (2)
1. extra80
2. reiter34
3. r4l
4. snakeybro

Future Groups (Will be here until game releases)
Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation
1. rpg
2. boosted
3. snakeybro
4. ravenbear

Beyond: Two Souls
1. azazael13
2. yanksfan
3. bizmat
4. setup

Beyond : Two Souls (2)
1. Boosted
2. Boosted
1. GamerDad08
2. menikmati

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
1. Kerouac (host)
2. SteamboatOp
1. sierra
2. plvl

Call of Duty Ghosts Hardened Edition
1. clonesniper666
2. pancakesarelove
3. KB24
4. snakeybro

Call of Duty Hardened Edition (2)
1. none13
2. noone13
1. kb24
2. likeme

Call of Duty Ghosts (2)
1. wwe101
2. ginntokki
3. luxuria
4. nateninja

Call of Duty Ghosts (3)
1. boosted
2. boosted
1. gamergirl34
2. tehflame

Call of Duty Ghosts (4)
1. tehreaper
2. tehreaper
3. revanchist
4. akbeast17

Gran Turismo 6
1. Boosted
2. Boosted
1. GamerDad08
2. menikmati

Need for Speed : Rivals
1. Boosted
2. Boosted
1. GamerDad08
2. menikmati

Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus
1. revanchist
2. rpg
3. bigwig_rah
4. snakybro

Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus
1. shadowlombax
2. bow and arrow
3. vashtheowner
4. purplepanda

South Park : The Stick of Truth
1. Boosted
2. clonesniper666
1. snakeybro
2. vashtheowner

South Park : The Stick of Truth (2)
1. revanchist
2. wonkytoad
1. bigwig_rah
2. purplepanda

1. kerouac
2. tiger
3. nateninja
4. menikmati

Watch Dogs (2)
1. Boosted
2. Boosted
1. GamerDad08
2. mauaus

Watchdogs (3)
1. locoxx
2. shiftee

3. snakeybro
4. snakeybro

Completed Groups:
Completed Groups: List 2
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If you PM to join a group I will ignore it and you will not be added.

Selling:(trusted CAGs only)
All are Resellable
Dead Island Riptide - $10

Potential Groups

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Gold Edition
1. transcollector
2. windrazor

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Complete+Battlefield 4 Premium Edition+COD Ghosts Complete
1. Qdizzle
2. cgm92284
4. tasihun

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Complete+Battlefield 4 Premium Edition+COD Ghosts Complete+Watchdogs(free)
1. gamerdad08
3. amatsuri
4. skylinerx

Batman : Arkham Origins (5)
1. dormin
1. recon_zero
2. reo 15x

Batman : Arkham Origins (6)
1. mageshadow
2. mageshadow

Battlefield 4 (6)
1. estonianbeast
3. snakeybro
4. fastlyfe

Battle of Titles EX
1. pancakesarelove
2. strange

Call of Duty Ghosts (5)
1. wpress
3. yanksfan
4. morsz

Castle of Illusion HD and Ducktales HD
3. wjgillieapie602
4. khaledseif

Disgaea D2
1. josh1billion
2. rippn

DMC+Virgil's Downfall DLC
3. clydeshebang
4. purplepanda

Fatal Frame Trilogy
2. El-Producto
3. sierra
4. menikmati

Girl Fight
1. snakeybro
2. mrcheeses

God of War Ascension (2)
1. bossnian90
1. xtylerx
2. iwarboy

Lego Marvel (3)

Lego Marvel + Batman Arkham Origins
1. noone13

Lone Survivor (2)
1. pravado
2. theeliteone
3. factor747

Madden 25 (7)
3. slayerxx1
4. gamerdad08

Mafia 2 Ultimate Edition
1. Apollyon
3. albasha
4. estonianbeast

Magrunner (2)
1. pravado
4. volt1up

Sherlock Holmes : Crimes and Punishments
1. Boosted
1. strange
2. bigwig_rah

Strength of The Sword 3(uk psn)
1. Strange

Watchdogs (4)
1. kerouac
2. kerouac
3. pravado

WWE 14 (2)
3. khaledseif

WWE 14 (3)
3. snakeybro
4. snakeybro

Batman Arkham Origins
1. kerouac
2. tiger
3. menikmati
4. wpress

Batman Arkham Origins (2)
1. clonesniper666
2. raiborg
3. kb24
4. snakeybro

Batman Arkham Origins (3)
1. azazael13
2. bigkrev13
3. cak
4. iwarboy

Batman : Arkham Origins (4)
1. sgand
2. setup
1. purplepanda
2. Luxuria

Blazblue Chrono Phantasma
1. Braxis
2. Braxis
3. Lemstar

Disgaea D2 ($30 code)
1. pancakesarelove
2. vashtheowner
1. allknights
2. captaintek3304

ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition
1. clonesniper666
2. kingcz
3. steamboatoperator
4. transcollector

1. khaledseif
2. starshadow
3. factor747
4. strange

God of War Ascension
1. boosted
2. boosted
1. amatsuri
2. ashufflinzombie

Gundam Breaker - Discounted Phantoms
1. taavivesi
2. amatsuri

Lego Marvel
1. rpg
2. boosted
1. gamerdad06
2. wpress

Lego Marvel
1. apollyon
2. dragonjud
1. snakeybro
2. scythex3

1. yanksfan
2. pancakesarelove

NBA 2k14
1. kerouac
2. kerouac
3. wwe101
4. nateninja

NBA 2k14 (2)
1. krtgolfing
2. wpress
3. snakeybro
4. snakeybro

NBA 2k14 (3)
1. rams81
2. supremacy
3. rams81
4. mrcheeses

NBA 2k14 (4)
1. anwbear
2. hustlerkid
3. likeme
4. unfrozen

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (2)
1. ventli
2. cak
3. strange
4. dragonjud

Puppeteer (3)
1. pancakesarelove
2. rpg
3. amatsuri
4. wario64

Rocksmith 2014+DLC
1. kerouac
2. wonkytoad
1. jlazenby1
2. menikmatti

Rocksmith 2014
1. setup
2. transcollector
1. clonesniper666
2. frombrknwongs

Spongebob Square Pants : Plankton's Robotic Revenge
1. boosted
2. kuhliide
3. rams81
4. purplepanda

Urban Trial Freestyle
1. wpress
2. shadowlombax
3. snakeybro
4. locoxx

The Guided Paradox
1. Pancakesarelove
2. clonesniper666
1. captaintek3304
2. strange

The Guided Paradox (2)
1. boosted
2. starshadow
1. sierra
2. braxis

The Wolf Among Us - ?? - Release Date ??/??/2013
1. rpg
2. Bigwig_rah

The Wolf Among Us (2)
1. Boosted
1. wjgillespie602
2. dormin

The Wolf Among Us Ep.1
1. pravado
2. kanamit
3. ashtonreeves
4. sgand

Future Groups (Will be here until game releases)
Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation
1. rpg
2. boosted
3. snakeybro
4. ravenbear

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
1. jlazenby1
2. edzor
3. menikmati
4. kvntwvlf

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (2)
1. apollyon
2. bossnian90
3. snakeybro
4. albasha

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag/Batman Arkham Origins
1. rpg
2. boosted
3. captaintek3304
4. killkernal

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag+Battlefield 4 Premium Edition+COD Ghosts Complete
1. kerouac
2. whiskeycrazy
3. pravado
4. kerouac

Battlefield 4
1. fmills15
2. fmills15
3. likeme
4. alabasha

Battlefield 4 (2)
1. boosted
2. boosted
3. fmills15
4. snakeybro

Battlefield 4 (3)
1. jdub_smooth
2. jdub_smooth
3. tehreaper
4. tehreaper

Battlefield 4 (4)
1. apollyon
2. revanchist
3. bogydogy
4. albani310

Battlefield 4 (5)
1. clonesniper666
2. iknowlondon
3. kb420mcl
4. pancakesarelove

Beyond: Two Souls
1. azazael13
2. yanksfan
3. bizmat
4. setup

Beyond : Two Souls (2)
1. Boosted
2. Boosted
1. GamerDad08
2. menikmati

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
1. Kerouac (host)
2. SteamboatOp
1. sierra
2. plvl

Call of Duty Ghosts Hardened Edition
1. clonesniper666
2. pancakesarelove
3. KB24
4. snakeybro

Call of Duty Hardened Edition (2)
1. none13
2. noone13
1. reo 15x
2. likeme

Call Of Duty : Ghosts
1. Boosted
2. Boosted
1. TehReaper
2. noone13

Call of Duty Ghosts (2)
1. wwe101
2. ginntokki
3. luxuria
4. nateninja

Call of Duty Ghosts (3)
1. boosted
2. boosted
1. gamergirl34
2. tehflame

Call of Duty Ghosts (4)
1. tehreaper
2. tehreaper
3. revanchist
4. akbeast17

Castlevania: Mirror of Fate HD
1. yanksfan
2. pancakesarelove
3. snakeybro
4. clonesniper666

Gran Turismo 6
1. Boosted
2. Boosted
1. GamerDad08
2. menikmati

Need for Speed : Rivals
1. Boosted
2. Boosted
1. GamerDad08
2. menikmati

Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus
1. revanchist
2. rpg
3. bigwig_rah
4. snakybro

Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus
1. shadowlombax
2. bow and arrow
3. vashtheowner
4. purplepanda

South Park : The Stick of Truth
1. Boosted
2. clonesniper666
1. snakeybro
2. vashtheowner

South Park : The Stick of Truth (2)
1. revanchist
2. wonkytoad
1. bigwig_rah
2. purplepanda

1. kerouac
2. tiger
3. nateninja
4. menikmati

Watch Dogs (2)
1. Boosted
2. Boosted

1. GamerDad08
2. mauaus

Watchdogs (3)

1. locoxx
2. shiftee
3. snakeybro
4. snakeybro

WWE 14
1. wpress
2. transcollector
3. pravado
4. shiftee

Completed Groups:
Completed Groups: List 2
Is there anyway I could get in that batman group?

Da Drop-




Mirror of Fate HD($15)

WWE 2K14

Angry Birds Star Wars


Pac- Man and the Ghostly Adventures

Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires


Angry Birds Star Wars


Crazy Market 

OMG HD Zombies!


Mirror of Fate HD

Starlight Inception Beta

The Guided Paradox (2)



1. boosted
2. starshadow


1. sierra
2. braxis
Starshadow actually bought a slot from someone else, so we have a resell slot open if anyone is still interested in the game:

The Guided Fate Paradox (2)

1. boosted
1. sierra
2. braxis

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Just wanna say anyone that was planning to get a PS4 the controller is awesome,I got one early at Gamestop and have been using it on PS3 and it is so much better than the PS3 controllers. I cant wait to play BF4 and COD with it before I get my system.
Just wanna say anyone that was planning to get a PS4 the controller is awesome,I got one early at Gamestop and have been using it on PS3 and it is so much better than the PS3 controllers. I cant wait to play BF4 and COD with it before I get my system.
Yea, im gettin ps4 on day one, cant wait, the controller looks great.

[SIZE=10.5pt]If anyone wants a COD Ghosts Resellable, I have 1 more available from someone in another group who is looking for a replacement.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]WWE2k14 + DLC (for resellables)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Resellables ($25)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]1. Metspride129 (GTZ)

Phantoms ($10)[/SIZE]
1. khaledseif

[SIZE=10.5pt]Add yourself or PM me if interested in either group.[/SIZE]

Halp! Where are my patches? I wanted to delete my Arkahm Origins patch to see if that would help with the Deathstroke DLC problem, as I saw it suggested online, but I can't find it. I checked under Game Data Utility where patches are usually stored, but nothing. The same goes for my GTA V patch. Both were downloaded and installed by the system automatically while it was off, so I'm guessing it has something to do with that. Where is it stashing my patches? Please don't tell me I have to re-download the game to get rid of the patch.

Halp! Where are my patches? I wanted to delete my Arkahm Origins patch to see if that would help with the Deathstroke DLC problem, as I saw it suggested online, but I can't find it. I checked under Game Data Utility where patches are usually stored, but nothing. The same goes for my GTA V patch. Both were downloaded and installed by the system automatically while it was off, so I'm guessing it has something to do with that. Where is it stashing my patches? Please don't tell me I have to re-download the game to get rid of the patch.
I thought you could delete patches by deleting the gamedata for that game in the gamedata utility thing.

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Halp! Where are my patches? I wanted to delete my Arkahm Origins patch to see if that would help with the Deathstroke DLC problem, as I saw it suggested online, but I can't find it. I checked under Game Data Utility where patches are usually stored, but nothing. The same goes for my GTA V patch. Both were downloaded and installed by the system automatically while it was off, so I'm guessing it has something to do with that. Where is it stashing my patches? Please don't tell me I have to re-download the game to get rid of the patch.
A lot of newer games are storing them under the actual game download if bought digitally. Meaning you would have to redownload the while game to remove any patches.
My extra reserved spot is open now.

Call of Duty: Ghost (Regular Edition) - $60
1. KuHLiiDE
1. KuHLiiDE
2. Cak
Selling Resells:
Jak and Daxter HD Collection $4
Tales of Xillia $15 or negotiate 

Spongebob SquarePants: Plankton's Robotic Revenge (PM me about it) 

Debating on making a BlazBlue group. Found one on GameTZ. 

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Lego Marvel + Batman Arkham Origins


1. noone13

That group can be disbanded, I found the games elsewhere.

Call Of Duty : Ghosts

1. Boosted
2. Boosted
1. TehReaper

I am dropping from this group if anyone needs Ghosts phantom.

Call of Duty Hardened Edition (2)


1. none13
2. noone13 (Paid)
1. KB24 (Paid)
2. likeme

This group is full now.

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