CAG PSN Gamesharing #7 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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we generally don't like talking about our methods in detail publicly outside of what's in the original poast. hard to tell if any newcomers are sony reps trying to find counters. not saying you are, we're just overly cautious

as far as your question goes, you can test it out with free stuff on the marketplace
Seriously? Ive been a member since 2004.... Is this Neogaf now?
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It would appear I missed that part. Thank you
I think I have an accoutn with just the DLC. It's an old 5-slotter. If I find it, you can have it. Just not sure if I sold it or put it in the library or something.

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that doesn't mean anything, we've had people who have screwed us that have had accounts just as old
Im not trying to share anything on here, just had a simple question. Whatever thanks for the help. And who's we? Im a longtime member of the CAG community so quit with superiority please.
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extra80 also timeshared that dlc to me not that long ago he should still have it if cro doesnt

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Nice to know the courtesy I extend to you guys is returned with smart-ass remarks. To sort this (whether constant off-topic posts should be reported) out, I'll contact a mod. If they say I'm in the wrong, you won't hear another peep out of me where this topic is concerned.

Ive read the guide here but am still a bit lost. I want to share with my brother on PS4 and vice versa. On Ps3 I just left his account on my PS3 and I could play his games signed in as me. On PS4 the only way for us to share games with each other is for him to set my PSN ID as primary on his PS4 and vice versa. Is that correct? So you can only be primary on 1 PS4, or 2?
I'll PM you, though Boosted already answered your question.

@boosted I wish you'd slap some prices on those things. I hate blindly haggling people. I genuinely haven't a clue what most of that is worth.

and if they say you're right and start enforcing it, you'll be known as the guy who whined to the mods and effectively destroyed our community, because without game talk nobody is going to bother coming here. it's a lose/lose, just accept that it's going to happen and move on. i have bought things from you in the past hassle free and you are generally a good community member, don't be "that guy" all of a sudden

also if you're going to just pm the info vets have said we shouldn't make public to a newcomer, you might as well just post it publicly.

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Nice to know the courtesy I extend to you guys is returned with smart-ass remarks. To sort this (whether constant off-topic posts should be reported) out, I'll contact a mod. If they say I'm in the wrong, you won't hear another peep out of me where this topic is concerned.

I'll PM you, though Boosted already answered your question.
I think we should take a vote. How many people want the mods to moderate our thread and delete any off-topic conversation vs. how many people want to keep the thread the way that it is.

@boosted I wish you'd slap some prices on those things. I hate blindly haggling people. I genuinely haven't a clue what most of that is worth.
To give an idea on pricing for most things I usually look at the PSN price for the share and then ask for 40-60% of that depending on how new the game is. $40 game means $13.33 for a resell * 0.50 = $6.67 so I would be looking for somewhere between $6-$7. However, I am always willing to listen to offers. :D

Thanks to the kind member who P.M'd.
also if you're going to just pm the info vets have said we shouldn't make public to a newcomer, you might as well just post it publicly.
And again how am I a newcomer? I have the same feedback as you and have been a CAG member since 2004. Im not trying to paypal anything with you so cut me some slack.
Thanks to the kind member who P.M'd.
And again how am I a newcomer? I have the same feedback as you and have been a CAG member since 2004. Im not trying to paypal anything with you so cut me some slack.
stick around here long enough and you'll learn that the age of your cag account or your site feedback are irrelevant if you are a newcomer to this specific community. you are more than likely a legit person just asking advice, but people who have been here far longer than me have said multiple times not to reveal sharing methods to newcomers. i'm just reinforcing the wishes of our founding fathers

and if they say you're right and start enforcing it, you'll be known as the guy who whined to the mods and effectively destroyed our community, because without game talk nobody is going to bother coming here. it's a lose/lose, just accept that it's going to happen and move on. i have bought things from you in the past hassle free and you are generally a good community member, don't be "that guy" all of a sudden

also if you're going to just pm the info vets have said we shouldn't make public to a newcomer, you might as well just post it publicly.
The number of off-topic posts I'm referring to has only been happening recently. The thread had off-topic posts before, but nowhere near the level it has now. My aim is to see it moved back to the previous frequency.

The info the 04' member requested is common knowledge and is detailed in the ultimate faq Sony released shortly before the PS4 was made available. I PM'd him to check whether he required any other additional info, namely, any that should be kept to PMs.

I always thought of this is a gamesharing community thread. Sorry if you're feeling frustrated by off topic conversations. I've spent a pretty solid amount of time gaming with quite a few people I've met from this thread as a result of the conversations from these threads. I'm not really sure that would've happened had this thread been strictly business.

I hope you reconsider reaching out to mods in regards to your complaint. There has been enough negative attention drawn to this thread over the last few months and I feel you'd just be adding another notch to getting this closed down.

:shipfree: Amazon is now charging sales tax in Indiana, Nevada, and Tennessee

Looking for TIMESHARE Dlc

-Dark Void (Survivor Missions)

-Dead Nation (Road of Devastation)

-Duke Nukem Forever (The Doctor Who Cloned Me)

-SUPER STARDUST HD (Solo/ Team Add-On)

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I'm going on WWE 2K14 to go for 10 wins trophy if anyone want to join me.. im heading there now

I have $4 paypal left for last gameshare purchase.. if anyone have batman arkham origins i'd like phantom share of.. (I doubt I'll get at that price) but I wouldn't mind arkham asylum & arkham city no matter resell/phantom..

I hope you reconsider reaching out to mods in regards to your complaint. There has been enough negative attention drawn to this thread over the last few months and I feel you'd just be adding another notch to getting this closed down.
this x 1000. The mods absolutely hate coming in here. If you have that big of a problem with OT postings then maybe we aren't the forum for you. I know you have been around awhile, but the thread hasn't been anywhere near as bad as it has been in the past. Maybe go have a drink and take a few days off from the thread.

:shipfree: Amazon is now charging sales tax in Indiana, Nevada, and Tennessee

Looking for TIMESHARE Dlc

-Dark Void (Survivor Missions)

-Dead Nation (Road of Devastation)

-Duke Nukem Forever (The Doctor Who Cloned Me)

-SUPER STARDUST HD (Solo/ Team Add-On)
I'd totally play SSHD again if I had the DLCs.

EDIT: Bleh. I guess I wouldn't. Had it on one of my side accounts from the outage, but I have no idea which one.

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Whoever said DeadPool wasnt good, was false. The gameplay isnt that bad, and the sheer amount of comedy in this game is 100% worth it... I havent laughed so hard, so much, and so soon into a game...ever. Game is astoundingly funny.

Whoever said DeadPool wasnt good, was false. The gameplay isnt that bad, and the sheer amount of comedy in this game is 100% worth it... I havent laughed so hard, so much, and so soon into a game...ever. Game is astoundingly funny.
Hey, I'd be one of those people. Your perception of it is likely skewed by the fact that you didn't pay more than $6. And, going by your tag, you like trophies...of which it has an abundance. You're right, though, the first 15 minutes are funny, but my enjoyment sharply declined once he got to the office building.

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I'm looking for a FiFa share for PS4. I tried wrapping my head around 2K14 but I suck at it.
I just got a PS4 and I certainly want this too.

Maybe we can make a group? Id take the resell. Let me know. If you dont get a share in a few days I will most likely be making a group by this weekend.


SELLING FIFA 13 RESELL FOR PS3 - Only 5 bucks!!!

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Hey, I'd be one of those people. Your perception of it is likely skewed by the fact that you didn't pay more than $6. And, going by your tag, you like trophies...of which it has an abundance. You're right, though, the first 15 minutes are funny, but my enjoyment sharply declined once he got to the office building.
Nah dude it really has nothing to do with trophies. I play all sorts of games for trophies, and the my actual enjoyment of the gameplay is usually about the same as far as a crappy trophy game goes.

You are right, I didnt pay all that much for it - but price doesnt really factor into how GOOD the game is. You said the game sucked. It doesnt suck because it costs too much...if it sucks it sucks.

Im literally laughing, out loud, like every 10 minutes... and im way past the office building. What game lets you blow the head off your main character just to get out of a speech? haha... and the gameplay isnt even that bad at all - its alot better than other games ive played, for sure.

Im legitimately enjoying this game. Alot. Ill be sorry when I finish it.

I'm going to politely ask that members stop posting in the thread if their post is not relevant to the thread in some manner. I don't care that you're posts are off-topic. If I don't like what you are saying, I can put you on ignore. Putting you on ignore, however, will not prevent your posts from pushing back on-topic posts, including mine.

I could just bump my posts, but that would push other members' posts back, and if they too joined in bumping, it would be an endless cycle.

I also don't care if my post is pushed back, but it should be due to other on-topic posts, not a discussion on Assassin's Creed 4, for what is it, the third time this week?

If the problem persists, I will start reporting people. Please don't make me report you.
Well aren't you a ray of sunshine.. You're on a gaming forum bud. People are just trying to be friendly.
I just got a PS4 and I certainly want this too.

Maybe we can make a group? Id take the resell. Let me know. If you dont get a share in a few days I will most likely be making a group by this weekend.


SELLING FIFA 13 RESELL FOR PS3 - Only 5 bucks!!!
Possibly but I cant bite at 59.99
at this point your best bet is starting a group
Will you please guide me because i never made a group here, i just bought some phantom and resell accounts.

I have to buy full game on new account and then share with other user so the price will be 30$ for each user?

BTW i want to keep resell account so that i can play on my account too, not like phantom.

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Happy late New Year guys!

Still looking for:

Black Ops 2 (PS3): Either resell or phantom is fine

The Last of US: Phantom

PM me your price and we'll go from there.

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Anyone interested in Record of Agarest War 2?  If you like anime games you should love the agarest series of games (I already did the first 2 want to do the 3rd).

Resells - $10 Each

1. StarShadiw


Phantoms - $5 Each



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The irony of Raiborg's post is that it generated even more OT posts.  It's the holidays and people are wishing everyone well wishes, we have people trying to organize gaming sessions, and running a few contests for free things.  I do find the "Please guess a number between 1 and infinity" to be the most annoying and should be kept in PMs if possible.

This forum is for Gamesharing I agree but if we only kept it on topic we be lucking to get a page a day (Unless it's GTA) and I wouldn't check it on a daily basis.  I'm pretty sure the mods don't want to come back after our soap opera "As the CAG Turns" and cleaning up that mess multiple times.  We aren't just a forum but a community and talk about a lot of things that's on our mind.  Where else can a Boston and New York fan participate without shedding blood?  If Railborg want's to involve the mods go ahead but if we're going to take the fun out of this community you might as well stick a fork in it because it's done.

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bread's done