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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure HD Edition is about to be removed from the digital store... The old school CPS3 fighter, not All-Star Battle. Last chance to buy it before it's removed like MVC2 was (you can always download it after you buy it, from your download list)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD


1. Emoney244





I for one am loving Destiny- I was never in love with Borderlands.  I also am getting a ton of cool loot from beating strikes and events on patrol missions, just don't expect PvP to give you all the valuable jizz.  The game has been out for less than a week so I'm okay with not getting a legendary hellfire Fallen stalker level 45 assault rifle with 400 attack

The people who seem to hate Destiny no lifed it for the entire week playing 12-18 hours a day and then coming back to complain that there is nothing good about it. You basically played about a weeks worth of playtime compared to the average person in one sitting. So just think about that for a second. (Regular 8-5 or 9-5 jobs I'm referring to.)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD
Resell - $6.66
1. Emoney244
2. shigumas
Phantom - $3.33
1. Pantsu_
Just looked it up and it seems it was removed from the European PSN store, so Shigumas might be right about it possibly being removed.
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Just looked it up and it seems it was removed from the European PSN store, so Shigumas might be right about it possibly being removed.
Capcom lost the license to sell it or something like that. :/

Here's some threads/articles discussing it.

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I put 8-12 hours into Destiny before I sold it yesterday.  I figured if I wasn't loving it at that point, then it wouldn't change.  I'll grab it again on a resell when it's dirt cheap, but for now I made $60 CDN off it.

Sorry for noob question, how does it resell work in gamesharing?

Is it like someone bought and played it then de activate the primary account to trade It or Keep it in console by pc de-activation.
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I'm wondering if there are other games for Ps4 tjat may be worth geting over Destiny. The game's okay and all, but it just feels like the same shit the whole time (I recently got to the moon), I haven't played co op yet though!
But it feels like there's better games out there that would be more worth getting.

I could trade it in and just buy a Phantom or Resell of it anyway.

So any recommendations? I've already got TLoU, Infamous SS, KZ, D3 and a bunch of indie games.
Should I keep Destiny or get something else?

The PvP is nice though, but there are better games for that.

Oh, nice birthday I've got btw! Got to celebrate it for about 5 minutes today :p
[quote name="Rosterking" post="12096449" timestamp="1410805457"]Shotgun or Fusion Rifle?[/quote]

Auto rifle and sniper. I don't use anything else.

Also, people need to learn to shoot the head. Its really more of an L2P issue.

Shotgun and fusion rifles don't really require any aiming.
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Sorry for noob question, how does it resell work in gamesharing? Is it like someone bought and played it then de activate the primary account to trade It or Keep it in console by pc de-activation.
How is it that you are familiar with terms like deactivating primary account and familiar with deactivating through Sony's website, but then stating you do not know what a resell is? There may be a good answer to this, so here is your opportunity to explain.

For the record, noob questions are not an issue. We all started somewhere. We all asked dumb questions. People that come here looking to build trust through asking questions to what appears they already know the answer to is what raises some concerns.

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Destiny, fucking unbalanced piece of shit game. Ugh!!! It annoys me so damn much. I get a team full of scrubs and then the other team just wipes the floor with us.

Destiny, fucking unbalanced piece of shit game. Ugh!!! It annoys me so damn much. I get a team full of scrubs and then the other team just wipes the floor with us.
Yeah, it does get unbalanced sometimes. Especially when your team starts leaving when you guys are WINNING, and nobody else joins and the team that is losing just catches up and wins. Thats the only frustrating part. Well that and no voice comms in game. Need to let some of that rage out on people not capping in control or pulling their weight. Lol.

This right here is so perfect.

I just hope Raids drop better stuff.

I think they made the loot system to completely luck based to make people play more if they want the really good stuff. You cant trade either, which also leans that way. Because they want to support this game for "10 years". I say they are going to microtransaction it up to let us buy materials and shit though, has anyone else seen how much friggin XP and materials are required to level up legendary and exotic shit? Going to take eons to get those trophies.

Anyone have FIFA 14 for PS4 for rent?  I would like to grab it today if possible and would only need it for a few days.  Please let me know via PM!


Anyone wanna share Deadfall Adventures(PS3) its supposed to be coming out tomorrow on psn.

Its a b movie fps mixed with uncharted.

The question I have is...why is this mmorpg bullshit acceptable? The world changes, most people don't enjoy boring games and lack of loot. I'm playing co-op and while it is fun playing in a group, we are all extremely disappointed in the lack of decent drops based on our time spent. I was a level 21 with 28 light points and after nearly 8 hours playing yesterday I am a level 21 with 31 light points. I'd love to do those hard level strikes but I can't get my character high enough to handle them. It just seems like every vendor expects us to make destiny our full time job in order to earn enough currency to buy their items. #ComeOnMan
8 Hours, thats it?

Sure if this wasnt classified as a MMO-type game, I'd agree 100% that 8 hours worth of grinding bumped you up only a few light points, thats just ridiculous, but it IS a MMO and as all mmos go its always been about Time Played = Reward. 8 hours is a grain of sand compared to what most people clock in with just grinding. I've been playing MMOs for about 12 years now and this is just the normal way MMOs shine to those that actually like the genre, its always been about the looting, the grinding, meeting new people, joining clans/guilds, large scale PVP and Game Progression limited to content patches/updates.

Sure the world changes, but genres are genres, if you play a shooter where instead of guns, you held bananas and shot banana juice into the eyes of your enemies, there no guns, theres barely any violence, but still this would be a Shooter, it has the components that make it a shooter. Genres are how we find what we would like before we plop down that $60 on software. I would totally love to list games that took the MMORPG genre and changed it (WoW, TERA, GW2, ArcheAge) but only things they changed was how you go about getting from point A to point B, did you tab-target and press 1-2-3 all the way or did you line mobs into your crosshairs and press 1-2-3 and dodge.

Same with Destiny, youre just getting from Point A to B, by shooting your way. simple.

Why this "bullshit" acceptable? I uno .... I just like that feeling when I've grinded 18hrs straight and only gotten 1-2 pieces of decent gear to increase my survivability. I guess we're all just M's in a sea of S'

Haha no offense taken. I enjoy this game a lot, unlike the destiny bashers we have around here. As I'm a fan of PvP I mainly play Crucible and am awaiting Iron Banner. I've seen people find Legendaries in Crucible all the time I just want it to happen to me sometimes. Also, can't stand the normalization of things right now because some guys should have been wrecked a whole lot earlier when I shoot them... I come from an fps background starting all the way when Wolfenstein 3D started so I guess I have an advantage on some people who are fairly new to the genre ;). Destiny IMO is miles better than borderlands and I knew exactly what I was signing up for when I bought the game. I didn't have some grandiose expectation of what it wasn't like most people here seem to have.
The normalization is just for those that want to enjoy PVP without having a dependent on gear. Gear in Crucible is all just aesthetics rather than "might" which is perfect as it is now. Thanks for the Legendary info, I didnt even know purples dropped in Crucible, sure it was a given, but when a lv6 can fight a lv20+ on equal footing, and the lv6 gets a Legendary in the end. It just wasnt a thought that Purple would drop in crucible. so thanks =)

My roots are from early days of Couter-Strike so fps is in my veins too =D

I for one am loving Destiny- I was never in love with Borderlands. I also am getting a ton of cool loot from beating strikes and events on patrol missions, just don't expect PvP to give you all the valuable jizz. The game has been out for less than a week so I'm okay with not getting a legendary hellfire Fallen stalker level 45 assault rifle with 400 attack
Thank you! some positivity was completely required. glad some of the early "lucky bastards" shared a testimonial =D Yeeessssss thats one of my main gripes against people whining about not getting Purples. I'm so glad its so rare that it feels really saddening and unfair when you see someone else get it, it just adds to the Rewards system all of the jealousy and mental anguish you suffer when you dont get that purple, will make getting your first Purple, THAT MUCH SWEETER. =D

The people who seem to hate Destiny no, lived it for the entire week playing 12-18 hours a day and then coming back to complain that there is nothing good about it. You basically played about a weeks worth of playtime compared to the average person in one sitting. So just think about that for a second. (Regular 8-5 or 9-5 jobs I'm referring to.)
Another great point, I too dont get why people are complaining. MMOs are NOT meant to be conquered in a day, much less a week, they're meant to last YEARS. if people were getting BiS gear left and right, how crappy is it going to be when you hit that point where have BiS gear and there nothing new to do. Game just launched, why rush to the finish line, you're just lineing yourself up for disappointment. you need to savor the journey =D annnnnd leave Devs alone to focus more on new content versus hate-mail xD

(BiS - Best in Slot; Best gear possible in-game for that specific slot; Head slot...Chest..Arm..etc)

I put 8-12 hours into Destiny before I sold it yesterday. I figured if I wasn't loving it at that point, then it wouldn't change. I'll grab it again on a resell when it's dirt cheap, but for now I made $60 CDN off it.
Good choice, if you arent prepared to sink 500hrs+ in this game, you should sell it while its still new =) instead of grumble while its resale value gradually decends.

Destiny, fucking unbalanced piece of shit game. Ugh!!! It annoys me so damn much. I get a team full of scrubs and then the other team just wipes the floor with us.
Roster we have a CAG (GS??) Clan, join up theres bound to some pros about. pugging, in every mmo has its shit-teams and those epic-teams filled with "OH SHIT WE AWESOME"--moments =D

This right here is so perfect.

I just hope Raids drop better stuff.

I think they made the loot system to completely luck based to make people play more if they want the really good stuff. You cant trade either, which also leans that way. Because they want to support this game for "10 years". I say they are going to microtransaction it up to let us buy materials and shit though, has anyone else seen how much friggin XP and materials are required to level up legendary and exotic shit? Going to take eons to get those trophies.
Yes yes YES! it is all about LUCK, one the greatest things about the reward system in MMO, Time Played will always = Reward.

(used this one above) Imagine grinding for 2 whole days and you finally land that amazing piece of gear, you will cherish the fuck out of it and remissness about how much you complained, whined and grumbled grinding so long just for it, its going be a small "I cant believe I finally got it"--moments, this right here is amazing for those that read the sign on the Destiny door, going in; MMO. but for those that play games, especially fps games, and just get, get,get ... prepare to cry, mmo's will not be your friend.

But yes, cant wait for raids, I hope its like the Strike level restrictions, I hope those that are pre-21 will still be able to enjoy.

And for anyone complaining about the leveling after you hit 20, and how its so annoying or that its way off the norm.

I have to hand it to Bungie for looking at a specific Leveling and Gearing mech most games have, and simplifying it.

If you've played MMOs where there was an Item Rating (FFIX/XIV , TERA) you know that once you hit end-game, no one cares that your lvl 50, 80, 100!. everyone is going to only care about what gear you have. what better way to condense everything into a rating system then have to look through someone's gear everytime just see what they have.

THAT is the Light Levels. what Bungie's done here is, instead of putting your Item Rating in your Character/Gear Select screen, they made you wear it like so everyone could see.

Its pretty ingenious IMO.

and it makes 100% sense when you notice that better gear gives more Light. so obviously higher the level, he/she probably has better gear than you.


Forgive my rant/post, I just hate to see good MMO games bashed when bad/CoD games are praised (not speaking about just here)

Anyone wanna share Deadfall Adventures(PS3) its supposed to be coming out tomorrow on psn.

Its a b movie fps mixed with uncharted.
Looks, interesting... What would you want of it? If I'm joining a group I'd prefer two slots of it, so that I can self boost the online (which I'm sure is a great and well thought out addition to the game. :headache: ) Else I might just wait until it inevitably goes on sale for super cheap.
Kerouac, Kanamit and myself are now all levels 21-22 with Vanguard focused rep/marks. I am toying with the idea of playing as another class (currently lvl 4) with crucible focus.

Either way, tomorrow they are releasing the first raid, Vault of Glass. We should def do it together, maybe there are two more here on on PS3 to form the 6-player raid group. Who else wants in?
I'm in. nearly level 21, haven't been getting really any loot with light though :\

still annoyed at the unbalanced multiplayer, lack of being able to see your clan members in game, and lack of new things to do once you beat the (very short) campaign. there is literally zero incentive to do anything once you beat the game. why would i want to spend hours grinding loot to gain levels so that i can stand a chance at a strike mission i've already done, but on a higher difficulty? it makes zero sense and there isn't any reward for doing so other than continuing to gain levels and repeat the process. the whole light mechanic past level 20 severely pisses me off when they could have just raised the level cap. i guess my main complaint is that they should have thrown in more story missions and less focus on repeating strikes, even if they are located in the same areas with the same enemies. story missions just feel like you're progressing towards something. hopefully raids blow me away

also the fact that people are hitting max level through multiplayer in 2-3 hours is disgusting. multiplayer should not give you single player levels at all


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Looks, interesting... What would you want of it? If I'm joining a group I'd prefer two slots of it, so that I can self boost the online (which I'm sure is a great and well thought out addition to the game. :headache: ) Else I might just wait until it inevitably goes on sale for super cheap.
Deadfall Adventures-







We are all 23 now, but playing on PS3. If you have dual platform, by all means.
oh i'm out then. i haven't turned on my ps3 outside of to play xillia 2 since the day i got my ps4. i will be around 21-22 on ps4 for raids tomorrow after 6:30pm est if anyone wants in

For rent:


Splinter Cell HD Trilogy $.50/week

RE Revelations $.50/week

Sly Cooper Collection $.50/week

Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus $.50/week

Army of Two Devils Cartel, Ugly Americans $.50/week


Surgeon Sim A&E Ed. $.50/week

Pinball Arcade Season 1 $1/week (i could also phantom this out to someone if interested.)

Destiny $1.50/week (would happily sell this for $30, not diggin the game at all)

Would also consider selling some of these off if interested. Trusted CAG's only please, no exceptions. 

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hy3 bruh what level are u and do u have any legendary weapons yet?
21 on X1 and sadly no Purples yet, I just hit 20 like half a day ago, only play when my bud's online. Just got PS4 Destiny today to join up with the CAG crew =D lv4 Titan

Deadfall Adventures-






2. HyeVltg3
I hate phantoms but I heard this was actually a good game but its plagued with low budget and some glitches/bugs/bad VA

How much is it?

Pantsu bent on want two resells? or can I take the other?

I hate phantoms but I heard this was actually a good game but its plagued with low budget and some glitches/bugs/bad VA
How much is it?
Pantsu bent on want two resells? or can I take the other?
Yeah you can have the other and I'll take a phantom and resell. I'll just stick the phantom on my second PS3 since I have room for it to sit on there. Base price is $40 on steam I think, so I'd assume it'd be around there on PS3.

According to the wikipedia they've apparently fixed a bunch of stuff for the PS3 version, so hopefully the bugged multiplayer achievement works and nothing else is broken.
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Can someone tell me how I can access a game in this library we have here? I simply asked to borrow PS4 Counter Spy and the guy went all Bob Brophy on me and ranted about stuff I know nothing about.

really hoping for the 1.5, have this on 360 played about ~20mins worth, actually decent game, but a bit glitchy, forgetful AI (they forget they were atking you and just stand there sometimes), only downer was that the aim controls felt really....untweaked for Controllers.

who's hosting?

and thanks for the resell =) might I ask why you wanted 2 shares of the same game?

Can someone tell me how I can access a game in this library we have here? I simply asked to borrow PS4 Counter Spy and the guy went all Bob Brophy on me and ranted about stuff I know nothing about.
Pravado is the admin of the library, so all entry requests to it need to go through him. You need a vouch from a trusted, long time member (I can provide that for you, we have done many deals in the past and you have always been generous in sharing your old shares with members here). You also need a donation, which is something of value and something the library currently does not have.

Can someone tell me how I can access a game in this library we have here? I simply asked to borrow PS4 Counter Spy and the guy went all Bob Brophy on me and ranted about stuff I know nothing about.
Pravado's Library, you need to be a member IN the library to borrow games. need someone to vouch for you. cant have new guys just taking what they want all willy-nilly ya hear.

EDIT: Yanks said it WAYY better than I.

Listen to his post =D

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bread's done