Lol Chris Roper is trying so hard to calm down the fans on the forums. In the latest podcast they revealed the lameness of when you are getting shot, your screen gets covered with blood (ala every other shooter) letting you know you need to get back to cover and regenerate your health. Gay!

Its an uproar over there and its fully warranted
Holy cow, I have been bad at keeping up with the clan AND this thread.
I will probably be jumping back into more Socom in the coming weeks. I'm gonna be moving with a new job opportunity, so hopefully after it's settled, the new schedule will give me time for Socom. I play too much mw2 and bfbc2...sad huh.

BTW, once my internet gets better I won't have to glitch to get mad 5 kill streak action when I'm not even alive. BOOYAH
Itll be good to see you back on some Socom dtruck. Sorry bout last night I got caught up watching the Cup presentation.

Anyways it also looks like Socom 4 will be 3-d enabled. Can Sony shove any other shit down Zippers throats while they are at it? Might as well make an M4A1 that the Move can snap into so we can have living room warfare. Each tidbit of news gets me more dissapointed. Zipper better kill it at E3
I'm really looking forward to playing some Socom again soon. The psp isn't cutting it. We are getting back in town late Sunday evening, so I'm going to try to be on for the CAG night.
I don't know what it is, but that reminded me a lot more of GRAW than SOCOM. Nothing wrong with GRAW.. Maybe one of my favorite shooters on 360.. But still. I'm just not feeling this game.

In other news.. Finals are over and I'll be back on SOCOM soon. Just send me a message or something if you want to play when I'm on.
So...Kotaku does list it with Move. The sony press conference mentioned it would and they've even talked about it when regarding the gun attachment for the move controller.
Socom 4 will be move enabled. I wonder how that'll be. IMO a waste of developer time from getting the game out into the hands of us consumers.
Meh. Still, can't wait for it
Yeah it had a real Ghost Recon vibe, which if that's how the SP (& Coop when they finally announce it) I'm cool with it. It will be fun to play coop despite not being real socom feel.

I think everyone is in agreement that MP needs to be different. The community manger mentioned we are not scheduled for MP details until later in the summer.

Also, this is just conjecture on my part, MP Beta exclusive to Playstation Plus subscribers. I had assumed it would be a Gamestop preorder bonus, but since that is a map, I don't see how else they will give it out.
They should make all walls destructible and kick camping to the bucket.

Can't wait for Metal Gear Socharted 4

Btw, those Zipper dudes look like d bags.

Also, great games last night.
Blank post???

Hell yeah the Zipper guys looks like fools. I agree with D-truk the Move functionality is taking away from the game development time. Which is probably why its delayed until Christmastime now. And yeah Im pissed the SP looks like Socharted:3 Among Seals but whatever I doubt I will even finish the story mode unless servers are down. This Friday Roper and Dunham said they are going to badger Seth Luisi for small MP info on the podcast. They keep saying the MP is different, and for the hardcore Socom players, hopefully they are not lying. As long as there is no health regen, no respawn, round based play and the same game modes we have come to know and love, it should be alright. Maybe we will get lucky though and put Socom 2 HD in a collectors edition.

Anyways, here is the controller layout for S4 (That "cover" button makes me sick) Also looks like no quickswitch for SP at least
Dude, go to youtube and watch the video there with Transcribed audio. Press cc and select transcribed audio. Haha, best experience ever.

LOL whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

I think that dude must have traded his PSP in for some yayo and did it right before the press conference. WTF
[quote name='Cigarl']Good games last night. My best game was the quick match that everyone dropped out of. Oh well....[/QUOTE]
Yeah that was my best game too...
Sorry I haven't been around guys. I've been busy these past couple of weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to get some game time in during the summer.
Here is a comforting quote from Chris Roper one of our Community managers

"The idea has been to expand the SP to bring in a new audience while working to cater to the hardcore folks (you guys) with the multiplayer."

Hopefully its not all lies. I imagine we will get some details on the Zipline this Friday. Some more of the special Seth Luisi propaganda
First MP details!!!!

Not sure if this has been posted but sorry if it has

Pre-order SOCOM 4 and receive an in-game Super M90 shotgun and a GameStop exclusive multiplayer map

Super M90 Shotgun - An extremely high quality, versatile and powerful weapon, the Super M90 is preferred tactical shotgun among the U.S. NAVY SEALs since 1999. This 12-gauge shotgun is equipped with slug ammunition for serious stopping power. It inflicts heavy damage in a focused area and features a greater effective range than standard shotguns. This weapon can be used exclusively for multiplayer co-op missions

It's been hinted at on the Zipline once before, but now we might have some concrete evidence that they are definitely building each map around one mode. As well as having the map specifically designed for a certain time of day. Check it out:

GameStop Exclusive Abandoned Map - This popular “Suppression” map from SOCOM 1 and 2 makes a comeback in SOCOM 4. Abandoned takes place in the daytime around an ancient Thai village deep in the misty jungle. Fight your way over dense hillsides, through dark caves, and into the close-quarters mayhem of the archeological site. Classic SOCOM heritage meets evolved SOCOM 4 action.
[quote name='smiggity']First MP details!!!!

Not sure if this has been posted but sorry if it has

Pre-order SOCOM 4 and receive an in-game Super M90 shotgun and a GameStop exclusive multiplayer map

Super M90 Shotgun - An extremely high quality, versatile and powerful weapon, the Super M90 is preferred tactical shotgun among the U.S. NAVY SEALs since 1999. This 12-gauge shotgun is equipped with slug ammunition for serious stopping power. It inflicts heavy damage in a focused area and features a greater effective range than standard shotguns. This weapon can be used exclusively for multiplayer co-op missions

It's been hinted at on the Zipline once before, but now we might have some concrete evidence that they are definitely building each map around one mode. As well as having the map specifically designed for a certain time of day. Check it out:

GameStop Exclusive Abandoned Map - This popular “Suppression” map from SOCOM 1 and 2 makes a comeback in SOCOM 4. Abandoned takes place in the daytime around an ancient Thai village deep in the misty jungle. Fight your way over dense hillsides, through dark caves, and into the close-quarters mayhem of the archeological site. Classic SOCOM heritage meets evolved SOCOM 4 action.[/QUOTE]

Wanna bet co-op is the only thing to come out of this weeks zipline? It makes too much sense, everyone knows its coming so why not attempt to placate the peons by giving them a little info they already knew, and saying they are talking about MP.

The only co-op question is: Is the co-op the campaign or is it MW2 style side missions designed strictly for co-op?

I think Zipper was talking about the one map one mode design philosophy when the game was first announced. The new info is that the map is only a day map, that implies each map only has one time of day, and therefore there are going to be night only maps.
[quote name='m_d_amore']we need to go in home and use the maps for a plan of action[/QUOTE]

That won't help me with my horrible aim which includes my inability to shoot people when I see them from a distance (or close up).:booty:
[quote name='MisterBee']Wanna bet co-op is the only thing to come out of this weeks zipline? It makes too much sense, everyone knows its coming so why not attempt to placate the peons by giving them a little info they already knew, and saying they are talking about MP.

The only co-op question is: Is the co-op the campaign or is it MW2 style side missions designed strictly for co-op?

I think Zipper was talking about the one map one mode design philosophy when the game was first announced. The new info is that the map is only a day map, that implies each map only has one time of day, and therefore there are going to be night only maps.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I like the night only day only maps. At least we wont be forced into something like Quarantine night which should not even be in the game. Im thinking coop will be the story mode so they can sell to the casuals. It would be outstanding if they have some sort of horde mode or like the Uncharted 2 coop
Stall- 41

Staal +19
Pav +17
Kesler +1

Penalty Minutes
Pav-18 He took 9 penalties all year

Granted Staal kills a ton of penalties but he is nowhere near the class of Defensive forward that Pav is or even Kesler for that matter. I would go as far as saying Crosby has better chance to win one before J Staal does.

I love hockey. Ive been around it my entire life. This next month is the most boring month of the year.
Did none of yall listen to the Zipline? If you are fan of Socom its an awesome podcast. Over 1 hour and maybe 2 questions about MAG. Seth Luisi apologized for the horrible mess that was Confrontation launch. Calls it low point of his career. Also mentions that if it were not for him, Sony would have just dropped support all together but Seth badgered them into fixing it best they could. He basically shits on Slant Six. He said he is still distraught that Confrontation didnt turn out as it should have.

Seriously a great listen. He kind of shits on Socom2HD a few times though. But after this podcast my respect for Seth Luisi has grown a million.
I will try to be around tonight but I stupidly decided to drive the entire NJ turnpike home starting at midnight after being up since 6am...
[quote name='smiggity']Did none of yall listen to the Zipline? If you are fan of Socom its an awesome podcast. Over 1 hour and maybe 2 questions about MAG. Seth Luisi apologized for the horrible mess that was Confrontation launch. Calls it low point of his career. Also mentions that if it were not for him, Sony would have just dropped support all together but Seth badgered them into fixing it best they could. He basically shits on Slant Six. He said he is still distraught that Confrontation didnt turn out as it should have.

Seriously a great listen. He kind of shits on Socom2HD a few times though. But after this podcast my respect for Seth Luisi has grown a million.[/QUOTE]


I had a chance today to listen to Seth on the Zipline podcast. It really got me excited for Socom4. Even if the single player is a mix of Uncharted and Socom, it sounds like the multiplayer will remain a true Socom experience. His comments about not wanting it to be like every other shooter out there and how the majority of the press (and even the game testers) don't understand how the game is supposed to be played as a squad based shooter, gives some reassurance that they will pull it off when the game comes out. It was also cool to hear that they will be keeping the same lobby system and are trying to implement some ability based match making for clans. Socom 4 should rock.
I bet S4 will show vids of characters moving in formations i.e. Confrontation trailers. But we all know everyone goes off and does their own thang. I wish there was some sort of incentive for actually working as a squad/staying in formation. But then again, it makes you rely on your teammates, more. There needs to be some sort of middle ground between solo and squad play.

Sorry I didn't play last night. I managed to turn on my PS3 but got caught up with something else.
bread's done