Just found this game in the bluetooth bundle for $10. I know it was really buggy at release, but how about now? Reading back the last few pages it seems like it's been improved with the patches that have been released. Alot of people playing now?
So I am away for a few days, just turned on the game and what pops up? Thats right my quest for rank 7 is over.

Now the only question is, socom night or the major league debut of phillies minor league star pitcher antonio bastardo?
[quote name='smiggity']Yep. 15000 every night[/QUOTE]That should be enough for a game or two. If you guys don't mind having a newbie play on your squad, when do you guys usually play? It would be cool to have an idea of what to expect since everyone else will already know the ins and outs of the maps.
[quote name='smiggity']You could always watch the Penguins get smacked around......again ooohhh[/QUOTE]

I think that was probably the main reason I wasn't in the mood to play sunday. As I told blakeye, its still a series until they win a game in pittsburgh, the pens have to win tonight and thursday to have any chance.

The pens game is on before 10, the baseball is after 10 est. I won't even be on psn until after the hockey game for sure.
[quote name='jdawgg76']That should be enough for a game or two. If you guys don't mind having a newbie play on your squad, when do you guys usually play? It would be cool to have an idea of what to expect since everyone else will already know the ins and outs of the maps.[/QUOTE]

Smiggity, MisterBee, mdamOre, LethalGod and I play pretty much every night. Send out a psn friend request and you'll be able to see what region and room we're in. The game has a pretty steep learning curve but it is totally worth putting the time into because once you learn the maps it total rocks.

Hope to see you online
[quote name='MisterBee']I think that was probably the main reason I wasn't in the mood to play sunday. As I told blakeye, its still a series until they win a game in pittsburgh, the pens have to win tonight and thursday to have any chance.

The pens game is on before 10, the baseball is after 10 est. I won't even be on psn until after the hockey game for sure.[/QUOTE]

Yeah they gave it to us yesterday. We need Datsyuk back. The refs were jacking off during that too many men on the ice though.

Goldbug, awesome TV Ive been trying to take a pic of my setup. Ill get it done eventually
Geez I've been dying to play with you guys recently but between inFAMOUS and the wife wanting to use the PS3 TV I've probably been away for over a month. I miss playing with you guys! Hopefully I can get on sometime later this week or this weekend.
[quote name='smiggity']Goldbug, awesome TV Ive been trying to take a pic of my setup. Ill get it done eventually[/QUOTE]

Did I miss the pic? You can find my tv back a few pages when I posted a pic of 15 CAG's online or something :)

I gotta say, I definitely feel there is a big community aspect to this game. When you're running, gunning, and strategizing together, you get to know your fellow clan mates :grouphug:
i hate calling people out most times cuz i get get capped mid sentence . it does help greatly communication is key
so does rolling in squads but i can only do that for the first 30 seconds then i start to wander
Does the 1.5 release date annoucement come today?
Oh and I'll post this behind spoilers...
haha nice pic. You guys outskated us all game yesterday. We are looking tired which is not good at all. Detroit is a bit worried. Datsyuk better come back and go nuts tomorrow
[quote name='m_d_amore']i hate calling people out most times cuz i get get capped mid sentence . it does help greatly communication is key
so does rolling in squads but i can only do that for the first 30 seconds then i start to wander[/QUOTE]

I totally hear you on this md. I usually end up going off some place and getting slaughtered by like 3 guys. I've also gone with you a few times and then it seems you're so used to being single you start throwing up c4 around corners and when you realize that someone is following, you start yelling to look out.

Sorry I haven't been on for a few nights. We had our carpets cleaned and I disassembled my entertainment center. I'm trying to decided to bring the old one back in or build a new one. I do need to get something hooked up though as I'm going nuts not being able to play.
Umm so are you guys ready for some more Socom lameness?? In the Socom Home space, instead of having like strategy tables and other useful stuff, it is going to have 2 minigames, 1 where you take apart and pput back together an AK47, and the other is Five Finger Filet, the game with the knife in between your fingers.

Sometimes I wonder if Sony has any idea who actually plays Socom, or if they just think we are feeble minded and will enjoy the mindless little games.

/Rant Over I need my patch
Man, those games last night were bad. Being down 2 people is bad enough, but down 4?? Damn quitters...

Oh and guys, please don't start quick matches on CAG nights until later. MD and I were roaming around in an empty 16vs. waiting for you guys to finish.
[quote name='smiggity']Umm so are you guys ready for some more Socom lameness?? In the Socom Home space, instead of having like strategy tables and other useful stuff, it is going to have 2 minigames, 1 where you take apart and pput back together an AK47, and the other is Five Finger Filet, the game with the knife in between your fingers.[/QUOTE]

Well there goes any chance of me installing home again, 40 Gigs doesn't last that long with installs and dlc, much less putting in useless extras like home.
My guarantees suck, Sony Sucks and above all Slant Sux is a joke

Hi, Folks-

I wanted to touch base with you guys on a couple of things.

First of all, let me say that I do understand how frustrated you must be and I realize you want more information. And I want to thank you for hanging in there with us this far.

Patch 1.5
You all know the patch is in QA and has been for some time. We have mentioned the scope of the testing for this patch on the blog. What that means is that this patch in particular is taking a lot of extra time. It takes an extended amount of time to test the tournaments and clan ladders. And you have to keep in mind that if a problem is found and has to be fixed, then the testing has to start again to make sure it is resolved. That's where things are right now. Testing and fixing.

That's why we can't give you much of an update on a new time frame. As you saw, we tried to pin it down and told you it would not be before mid-late May. But it is taking much longer than we had anticipated. We aren't going to give another time for release until we have something solid this time. I will tell you it is not ready this week. So at least for this week, you can stop checking for it. That is not to say that it will be ready next week. I don't know that and neither does anyone else. Since we don't know what other issues may need to be addressed in it, there is no way to tell when the QA process will be done. But it is getting closer to being done all of the time.

I know how badly you want this patch. So does the rest of the team. I assure you, all is being done that can be done to get it out the door. But it is getting done and it is getting closer to being released. I can only say I am sorry for the delay.

I keep hearing speculation about whether or not there will actually be DLC for Confrontation. I want to tell you that YES, there is DLC being developed right now. After Patch 1.5, the team will be working on getting the final touches on it and getting it tested and ready for release.

I know you want details on what is in the DLC. I have heard from one of our producers that the Marketing/PR depatment is working on readying an announcement about it. I don't know exactly when that is going to happen, but I wanted to let you know that a plan is in the works. They have been made aware of how badly you want more information and they are working on it.

So that's about it. The patch is still in QA and DLC is coming after the patch. I hope it is helpful to know a little more about how the process is working.

You guys are one of the most passionate communities I have ever seen and I know it's because you love this franchise. And I know it has been a rough ride sometimes. Again, thank you for hanging in there with us.
[quote name='smiggity']Guaranteed patch announcement today or tomorrow. Slant Six twitter says "very soon"[/QUOTE]

[quote name='smiggity']My guarantees suck, Sony Sucks and above all Slant Sux is a joke [/QUOTE]

Your guarantees don't suck, they were perfectly right, we got a patch announcement, just not the one you and everyone else wanted lol.
seriously why the fuuck werent they testing tourneys and ladders like last june its in the manual and on the box what was that just for future reference? every time they were interviewed they talked about them and still nothing
total bullshit

you guys probably saw that before but that dude has some funny shit to say
[quote name='MisterBee']Your guarantees don't suck, they were perfectly right, we got a patch announcement, just not the one you and everyone else wanted lol.[/QUOTE]

Lol true, Id rather be wrong and have the damn patch though

[quote name='m_d_amore']seriously why the fuuck werent they testing tourneys and ladders like last june its in the manual and on the box what was that just for future reference? every time they were interviewed they talked about them and still nothing
total bullshit

you guys probably saw that before but that dude has some funny shit to say[/QUOTE]

I do not understand why the hell they did not make it 2 patches. One for tourneys and one for bug fixes/gun upgrades.

Since I got my new HD, im gonna redownload Qore episode 1 and laugh at all the lies spewn by Seth Luisi and Alan Goode (The idiot with piercings) I remember one right now, "This is a multiplayer only game so we can make it 100% correct" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLLLLLLLL fuck SLANT 6

Hey good games last night Goldbug

This sums it up
lol wow that vid is hilariousss!

i loveee the game, even with everything wrong with it... but that vid hit a lot of spots...
Oh my God that video was friggin hilarious. At that one part I was like "wait, how the hell did those guys that are 'defending the bomb' as he says get on that roof" and then 2 seconds later they show some guy fly straight up into the air :rofl:

I am going to try and make it tonight guys but it probably won't be until late and hopefully there are still some folks around.
Just watched the video. Hahahah @ "hey look at Clark Kent!" :rofl: What a tragic video, though.

Are people mostly playing on Sunday now? Seemed like there were not many around last week on Tuesday.

I seriously want to get back into this but have been stupid busy lately.
Yeah sorry for my absence lately guys. I've been moved to the late night sifht at work, that has me not getting home till between 2 and 3 in the morning. Either that, or els I just haven been in the mood.
Same here I'm planning to get back in this...I've been out due to feeling to throw up for all the reasons listed in the video lol. I lost so much interest but since I've been playing all these pansy downloadable games. I'm thinking it's about time to come back and(get raped once more XD) hopefully get a good experience.

I have to give applause to the amount of work that has gone into polishing the game over this short time. The drastic changes that were made make the gameplay more fun and engaging. On the other hand the gameplay is far from perfect. This is my first socom game yet I feel as if the controls are super sluggish(I agree with the vid).

My 2 cents .... sadly ...I got to get back to warhawk..hehe
I got my PS3 back and to try an revive my enthusiasm for a PS3 bought a Cross battle adapter and wired 360 controller. After jumping on and experiencing everything that "seth" has talked about so far... my only conclusion is... What was I thinking... I might as well be playing CoD4... At least that doesn't have non-player glitches...

Won't make this mistake twice... that's for sure.

That last video didn't help either... in fact, I'd like to line them up next to EA and shoot them all with a spaz...
Glad to see that after watching that video it seems as if nothing has changed since launch. At least I haven't wasted any time with this after I stopped playing it. Hopefully someday we can get a good SOCOM experience..

We should have got a remake or sequel to S2. Now that would have been some hot fire. Pretty much every other game in the series is kind of meh. (Don't get me wrong, S1 used to be great back in the day, but 2 is of course leaps and bounds better. And I didn't find myself getting into 3, CA, and now Confrontation that much at all).
Yeah damn guys its still an amazing game and the best competitive online shooter. It may not be Socom 2 but there is a reason more people are on Socom nightly than KZ2. Seriously check their website player counts. Socom nearly doubles KZ2 during peak hours. And its still broken. And KZ2 is Sonys baby
The Socom Space in Home is FINALLY launching. Much much better than what that dude was talking about in the video. Details below but most importantly we get a Telestrator!! Plan some strategies. If it works it should be pretty damn cool.

To say we have a pretty massive update coming for all of you this Thursday, June 18th would be the understatement of the week. To start, we’ll be unleashing the long-awaited SOCOM Tactical Operations Center space. This space is the first installment of a two-part SOCOM Home hub (the second highly interactive space – OPFOR – will follow the TOC shortly) that is the ideal 3D locale for the huge SOCOM community to meet up and socialize. At this new SOCOM strategy post, you will be able to plot the next course of action with your friends by gathering around the Telestrator tool and coordinating your next assault. Chock full of maps and modes from SOCOM: Confrontation, the Telestrator is a powerful tool that the Home community can use to collaborate, strategize, and enhance their gameplay experience. On top of this, the TOC boasts a regional leaderboard that pulls data from the SOCOM site and updates Career stats (such as all-time ranking, kills, deaths, and kills/deaths ratio) in real-time. And in an imminent refresh of the TOC you’ll also be able to purchase a slew of related virtual items to decorate your avatar with. So if you like to sport the Military chic look you’ll have to make a point to stop on by and load up on bandoliers, balaclavas, and other assorted tactical outerwear.
Hah. That is actually pretty cool. I'm looking forward to the first SOCOM 101 lecture with Professors Smog and md explaining where the red room is once and for all.
[quote name='VipFREAK']If only I bothered even reinstalling Home...[/QUOTE]

Fixed for my situation, stupid home takes up way too much space with only 40GBs on my PS3.
LMAO, wait... you actually have to d/l Home and put it on your PS3?! wow... I might as well get a pc copy of second life and put it on.
bread's done