Any Socom clan members here have an iphone/itouch and wants a Rolando code? I managed to get an extra one.

edit: taken
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The Telestrator is pretty much awesome. Detailed Maps with every game mode. You can set routes, chokepoints, everything. Seriously it is worth installing Home for the maps alone. The best thing in Home to date
[quote name='smiggity']So whats up nobody down with the Strategy stuff in Home? Any of you guys scope it out?[/QUOTE]

I'll give it a shot, I can delete the optional Valkyria install, I don't play it as much as I should. If I had any money I would have to get a hard drive, I forgot I got rid of GT5:p data and reinstalled it yesterday, I'm down to about 4 gigs free.

So I tried it out, its pretty cool, but it seems like it would be better if only you or people you invite could see what you were putting on the map. Instancing home is against the idea of home I guess.
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[quote name='smiggity']So whats up nobody down with the Strategy stuff in Home? Any of you guys scope it out?[/QUOTE]

I have home installed but it's been awhile since I've looked at it. I'll check it out.

[quote name='m_d_amore']what a bunch of haters that die in the first 20 second stick to respawn games like Resistance 2 kz or cod[/QUOTE]

I die in the first 15-20 seconds pretty much every game but I can't imagine ever being a Socom hater.

[quote name='smiggity']Yeah damn guys its still an amazing game and the best competitive online shooter. It may not be Socom 2 but there is a reason more people are on Socom nightly than KZ2. Seriously check their website player counts. Socom nearly doubles KZ2 during peak hours. And its still broken. And KZ2 is Sonys baby[/QUOTE]

[quote name='smiggity']Damn I signed on at 11 30 last night and no one was on. Are we dying?? We NEED 1.5[/QUOTE]
I'm on and usually waiting for others to start up Socom. Maybe we should have like an IRC channel or have each other's AIM/MSN. And yeah, I want goddamn 1.5 to come out.
[quote name='smiggity']Damn I signed on at 11 30 last night and no one was on. Are we dying?? We NEED 1.5[/QUOTE]

Yeah I haven't been on in a few days, will definitely be on tonight, hope my internet isn't slowed down by acquiring the first episode of the new series of Top Gear.
[quote name='smiggity']lame-o

Im gonna get on an hour early for some elim if anyone is down[/QUOTE]

I will get on early then, havn't been able to play much lately, but I can't pass up CAG nights.
:cry: Just when I have time to play again, my headset dies. I've been using my PS Eye for a mic but getting VOIP through the TV speakers sucks. If you've got a good headset recommendation, please let me know over in the headset thread.
coming off of my graveyard shift rotations so i'll actually be able to play again! and by play i mean wander around confused and run up the opposing teams kill count. checked out the stuff on home, looks like it has a lot of potential but i didn't get to play with anything because both of the "telestrators" were in use.
Sorry I missed out yesterday. I'll be on tomorrow for sure.

[quote name='MisterBee']Yeah I haven't been on in a few days, will definitely be on tonight, hope my internet isn't slowed down by acquiring the first episode of the new series of Top Gear.[/QUOTE]

Sweet! Is it supposed to show tonight on BBC America?
I finally got my 3rd class Shotgun Trophy last night after that first game. Also, I thought I did OK with the exception of that final Quick Match game we did where all the team-killing, kicking, and leaving started leaving us down 4 or 5 guys against a team of glitchers. First death I had was from an invisible grenade I heard and saw nothing (mind you I use surround sound head-phones with in-game music setting turned down). I think I was observing Smog when he gets sniped while ducked behind a wall that had no vantage point viewable from any standard sniping location across the bridge. I swear from the angle the guy had to be at the top of the mountain or flying in the air (cue Superman music and video from earlier post) and the kill-cam showed the sky after he was killed.
We FINALLY shamed /6 publicly enough that they answered!!!! The PS Blog comment bomb worked. Hopefully it leads to a Q&A. Check Socom forums
Yeah, I was gonna say that I didn't see a direct reply despite all the requests for SOCOM. Now that is a blatant no comment/ignore.
[quote name='MisterBee']Not quite...

Awesome, I'm going to spend quite some time downloading the back episodes I missed. Thanks man!

That whole Q&A thing is ridiculous. Found these two responses from the "supposed" developers in the forums:

Developer Response #1
Hello Angry Mob,
Just so you know- Slant Six was not asked to be included in this poll/event but as the developers of Confrontation we have no problem taking part.
Everyone here should know that every single aspect of communications between us, the developer and you, the community, is managed and controlled by SCEA.

Developer Response #2 - Click Here
It has nothing to do with balls- Slant Six has not been asked to participate in the Q+A session referenced in the playstation blog so at this point it is out of our hands.
Maybe we will circumvent the official channels and run our own Q+A- can you guys play nice?
Don't know if it's the real developers or not, but I doubt they're going to hold their own Q&A anytime soon. I just can't believe it's taking this long to finish the DLC that should've been done before the game came out.

so this is why they haven't finished the DLC:
Developer Biographies: Dan McBride Posted by David “Point Man” Brothers

[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I’ve spotlighted Slant Six and Brian Thalken, their Managing Director. Who’s next? Dan McBride, Director of Development for Slant Six Games.[/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Dan started in game development back in 1991 as a programmer for Gray Matter in Toronto, where he coded games for the Sega Genesis in 68000 assembler. If you’re interested in seeing how fun that is, go here and give it a try. Go for it, I’ll wait.[/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Dan moved to Vancouver in July of ’96 and began supporting his skiing habit by working at Radical Entertainment. He produced a few games there, including Independence Day and ESPN X Games Pro Boarder. In 1999, he joined up at Barking Dog Studios (later Rockstar Vancouver) as a Senior Producer. He was responsible for overseeing a little game called Counterstrike Beta 5. How many of you were Counterstrike junkies before becoming SOCOM fans? That team, with Dan at the helm, went on to make the under appreciated PC shooter Global Operations.[/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]When not involved in project management, business development, competitive analysis (i.e. playing games) and meeting the needs of close to a hundred hard working developers, Dan can most often be found in the mountains or on the water.[/FONT]
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[quote name='woodcan']I finally got my 3rd class Shotgun Trophy last night after that first game. Also, I thought I did OK with the exception of that final Quick Match game we did where all the team-killing, kicking, and leaving started leaving us down 4 or 5 guys against a team of glitchers. First death I had was from an invisible grenade I heard and saw nothing (mind you I use surround sound head-phones with in-game music setting turned down). I think I was observing Smog when he gets sniped while ducked behind a wall that had no vantage point viewable from any standard sniping location across the bridge. I swear from the angle the guy had to be at the top of the mountain or flying in the air (cue Superman music and video from earlier post) and the kill-cam showed the sky after he was killed.[/QUOTE]

One of my favorite things in this game is watching someone with the 12 gauge pump. You were owning people on Breach. Yeah those dudes were glitching on top of mountain. After we were down like 4 dudes and 2 rounds . Lame

Ill be there tonight. Hopefully DirtyHarry can make a triumphant return
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The 1.50 Update for SOCOM: Confrontation is feature complete and currently in test. Due to the number and scope of the feature set of 1.50 the testing cycle has taken longer than anticipated. We remain committed to releasing this patch as soon as the remaining open issues are resolved. It is extremely important to us to make sure the 1.50 update is as problem free as possible when it is released and we are working towards that goal rather than pushing it out as is on a specific date.[/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]A number of features in 1.50 are of such a scale that it will not be possible for us to fully predict how they will behave before public deployment. An example of this is the tournaments, each of which can accommodate 1000s of players. To account for this, we will ramp the size and number of tournaments during the first weeks after release to monitor and address any issues which may arise. We have also been working on a 1.60 Update which will incorporate any fixes that are required as Tournaments and Clan Ladders become fully populated. [/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]FREE Downloadable Content:[/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]We are happy to announce that the 1.60 Update will also contain additional features and content. We’ve heard your requests for new content and we are happy to provide free downloadable content with the 1.60 update. The following free Downloadable Content will be available to all players:[/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]New Special Forces: The Dutch KCT and the Italian COMSUBIN Special Forces. Each Force includes new heads and voice + a light, medium and heavy variant of their own torso and legs (each with a unique camouflage pattern).[/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Two new primary weapons will be immediately accessible to players who select to play as the new Special Forces; the 417 assault rifle for the Dutch KCT and the SPAS 15 shotgun for the Italian COMSUBIN Special Forces. [/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Four new weapons will be available to all players regardless of assigned Special Force. These are the 9mm Sub Machine Gun, M82A1A, Ak-74 and SR-25. The 1.60 will also include a number of weapon updates and adjustments to existing weapons.[/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]In addition to the free DLC included with the 1.60 update we are also working to add 100% Random Medleys in the 1.60 update. We know this is a highly requested feature and we really want to get it out to you. [/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]More DLC coming! - We can also confirm that we have been working on a major content release/pack. Look for an announcement later in the month. [/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]We will release more information on Patch 1.6 after 1.5 has been released.

Holy shitfuck they may end up doing us a solid
[quote name='smiggity'][FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Holy shitfuck they may end up doing us a solid

I was hoping for new free maps, but I guess new weapons aren't bad.

Who's going to start the Italian and Dutch CAG Clans? :lol:
They have pics of the Dutch weapon on the forums, looks like a bad biatch. Im about done with the SAS anyways but its really up to you guys

Love the thread title. I really need to get back into Socom, just haven't been in the mood for a shooter lately. All in all, I still think Socom has one of the best/most dedicated communities of console games.
so my july prediction will win the patch game

whered you get that post? the forum? i cant find it
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I'm down for a new clan as long as my statistics for the Trophies/Awards remains intact I could really care less for losing my rank due to switching to a new CAG Clan :D
Yeah the IW is just too damn heavy, that Dutch gun looks badass. I really don't want to lose my 7 though, it took about 80+ hours to get it.

We were never going to get free maps, but new factions and a good amount a free guns is plenty for me.

100% Random Medleys is probably the coolest part of 1.6, unless of course that fixes the sound glitches lol.
Well I'm going to give the game a shot. Just added it on Goozex and it already hit. So hopefully it's good. People have been talking it up lately and there still seems to be strong support for it which is great. I was a big SOCOM 2 and 3 guy but I'm skerred of the learning curve. I have bad memories of getting torn up when I first started playing 2.
Off-Topic: This was the only picture up on the site as of right now, I think it will work okay. (Only like two people who read this thread will appreciate it, but I don't give a fuck.)

[quote name='MisterBee']Off-Topic: This was the only picture up on the site as of right now, I think it will work okay. (Only like two people who read this thread will appreciate it, but I don't give a fuck.)

[/QUOTE]The last 15-20 minutes was tense. Great game!
[quote name='m_d_amore']so my july prediction will win the patch game

whered you get that post? the forum? i cant find it[/QUOTE]

Believe it or not its on the blog.

[quote name='VipFREAK']Might as well try it since I can get rid of this game...[/QUOTE]

Dude just stop coming to this thread then. :roll:

[quote name='woodcan']I'm down for a new clan as long as my statistics for the Trophies/Awards remains intact I could really care less for losing my rank due to switching to a new CAG Clan :D[/QUOTE]

No worries. All that is safe.

[quote name='MisterBee']Yeah the IW is just too damn heavy, that Dutch gun looks badass. I really don't want to lose my 7 though, it took about 80+ hours to get it.

We were never going to get free maps, but new factions and a good amount a free guns is plenty for me.

100% Random Medleys is probably the coolest part of 1.6, unless of course that fixes the sound glitches lol.[/QUOTE]

1.5 has to have the sound bug in it. Your rank will be fine as long as I kick you from the clan, and you do not leave.

If the dutch gun can be suppressed and is fully auto then we might have to switch.

[quote name='hpbbes']Well I'm going to give the game a shot. Just added it on Goozex and it already hit. So hopefully it's good. People have been talking it up lately and there still seems to be strong support for it which is great. I was a big SOCOM 2 and 3 guy but I'm skerred of the learning curve. I have bad memories of getting torn up when I first started playing 2.[/QUOTE]

Im sure you will enjoy it. Hit up the last 5 or 6 posters with friend requests for some peeps to play with
[quote name='smiggity']If the dutch gun can be suppressed and is fully auto then we might have to switch.[/QUOTE]

The speculation on the official forums was that it could be similar to the M14 (Sniper/Assault Hybrid), and as someone who sucks with the M14 and therefore hates the gun I guess I will have to try it out first. It looks likes it will be full auto, people are questioning if /6 will let it be suppressed. If I don't like it I just stick with the M4 I am using now.
The HK417 is a battle rifle designed and manufactured in Germany by Heckler & Koch. It is chambered for the 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Winchester) round. Similar in internal design to the HK416, the HK417 is a gas-operated, short-stroke piston design, claimed to be more reliable than the original direct impingement operation of the AR-10 design due to less fouling in the receiver.[1] The early prototype HK417 utilized 20-round magazines from the H&K G3 rifle family, which did not feature a bolt hold-open device. Later prototypes, however, switched to a polymer magazine with bolt hold-open. The magazine is similar to the G36 series transparent magazine, except without the pins for holding more than one magazine together.

In addition, a well proven 50-round, low profile drum magazine developed by HK for the HK21E machine gun can be fitted to the HK417 for use in support and sustained fire applications.

The HK417 is designed more for use as a "designated marksman" rifle than an assault rifle, with its increased cost and accuracy weighed against decreased rate of fire and magazine capacity (although fully automatic fire is selectable).
The HK417 is currently only available to government and military organizations.

Or you know we could be cheap and switch to the SPAS 15 and all roll around with an auto shotty EVERY ROUND.. Oh god that is not going to be cool
I really want to start getting back into this game but Uncharted and COD WAW have my attention for now.

Once 1.5 hits I'll definatley get online with you guys for sure.
The one thing about changing factions is that if you want to enter tournaments you have to be in the same clan, not just have the same clan tag. I have no interest in tournaments so it doesn't matter to me.

I think I will play some respawn and try to get used to the m14 as a way of seeing if I would like the new dutch weapon.
[quote name='smiggity']Dude we need all the regulars playing in the tournaments........Dont flake out on us now[/QUOTE]

Um, you know something about the release date of this 1.5 patch?
Also, I'll join in as long as the games aren't early evening (I really can't get online before 10PM CST) and not more than 1 or 2 a week.
[quote name='smiggity']Itll be out whenever it passes QA...Probably late next week or so[/QUOTE]

My prediction: A week from tuesday, July 7th.

Those were some awesome games last night, we really played well that fallen demo round. Sucks we blew all that hard work getting the breach plant.
Sigh, So unfourtunately guys I'm going to be leaving the clan, I'm going to school in september and need a laptop, since I have a lack of cash I am trading my ps3. It was great playing with you guys, and I hape to join you guys again someday. I'll still be around on the fourms so catch ya guys latter .

bread's done