[quote name='Pck21']I hate to be the one that drags everyone's stats down because I have no clue what I'm doing. Thanks![/QUOTE]

It's all gravy. I'm pretty sure everyone in this clan doesn't care about stats. Stats are just numbers. We're all here to have fun. Don't worry about it ;).

Respawn rooms are alot of help. It helps you work on your aim and you can find some interesting hiding spots on some of the maps. Once you start playing the same map over and over, it'll become second nature.
In all honesty, this clan sounds like something right up my alley! I'm always trying to get into a clan in different online games, but I always end up being the guy who struggles because I don't play nearly as often as the other members. I know it frustrates them and I hate that because I just want to play for the social aspect, not the stat aspect.

My friends and I play a ton of games together (we have for years now) but I'm always lagging behind because I had work and school while they only had work, or nothing at all. I always felt bad because I just wanted to have fun with them, not play competively. I figured with no school (graduated college in May woo hoo!) and just work, I would have more time to play games at night. So far it's been hit or miss. I'll try and play a little tonight (hockey game is on and I'm a huge fan) between periods. I'm hoping tomorrow will allow me more time to play. Thanks again for the replies everyone! I really feel like this community would suit my needs better.
Hey, look forward to playing with you. I believe Smog is a big hockey fan as well, so you'll fit right in, haha.

This is also one of the only PS3 games where most players actually use their mic.
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[quote name='option.iv']Hey, look forward to playing with you. I believe Smog is a big hockey fan as well, so you'll fit right in, haha.

This is also one of the only PS3 games where most players actually use their mic.[/QUOTE]

Oh awesome! Well that just solidifies my interest in this clan then lol!

I have 2 mics case one of them goes out during a game. I should be ready to go when I finally get to playin! :applause:
2 mics? Hells yeah! More hockey fans needed in CAG Clan cuz MisterBee is the enemy lol

I sent clan invites to Ramdomwolf and Aj6627 two days ago. Check your Socom message box. I tried sending them again today and it said invites pending.

Ill be on today, and I will do it through the game if I have to.

Edit- "Player hnd2glnd does not exist" Did I get the correct spelling?
[quote name='smiggity']2 mics? Hells yeah! More hockey fans needed in CAG Clan cuz MisterBee is the enemy lol

I sent clan invites to Ramdomwolf and Aj6627 two days ago. Check your Socom message box. I tried sending them again today and it said invites pending.

Ill be on today, and I will do it through the game if I have to.

Edit- "Player hnd2glnd does not exist" Did I get the correct spelling?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='m_d_amore']i think random accepted and i got a fr waiting for hand . maybe he hasnt popped in the game yet? to not exist?[/QUOTE]

Oh shoot! Yep, I haven't popped the game in yet actually. The spelling is correct and everything. I will try and play it tonight (around 8:30pm AZ time) and then we should be good to go!
[quote name='Pck21']Oh shoot! Yep, I haven't popped the game in yet actually. The spelling is correct and everything. I will try and play it tonight (around 8:30pm AZ time) and then we should be good to go![/QUOTE]

put the game in earlier, its going to take a looong time to downlaod and install all the updates.
[quote name='paz9x']put the game in earlier, its going to take a looong time to downlaod and install all the updates.[/QUOTE]

No way? I'll definitely try but I don't get off work until 8:00pm tonight; I'm working a double shift. I know the Coyotes (hockey) are playing again tonight so I'll just put the game in and let in download the updates while I watch. :bouncy:
[quote name='option.iv']Good to hear, now just wait for a night map to show up.[/QUOTE]

The new night maps have caused me to really get to know the intricate details on my televisions picture controls. I found that changing the black level and boosting the mid range colors does help a bit. Keeps everything from looking so washed out when the brightness is cranked.

I may watch a movie tonight with the bride but I'll definitely be on at some point tonight.
I finally realized that I had to login to SOCOM iteself to see the clan invite...

I accepted now that I saw it. :)

EDIT: I apparently need the Cold Front DLC to play with you guys, so I'll get a PSN card ASAP so I can download it.
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I was just saying that.

no worries bro we can play the old maps.
we're on the new ones cause there still new but the oldies are goodies
Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank goldbug and option for sending me invites last night. Sorry I couldn't play though. As indicated by the time of this post, I had to take an early shift today. I'll definitely be on tonight if anyone wants to play.

I played for about 10 minutes (updates took forever for some reason!) last night and I got to say that I already love this game. I still need to get used to the controls (R3 for reloading is a bit different) but I feel like I could play this game for quite a bit, especially if I'm playing with a group of people. My first kill was a head shot by the way! Of course I died another 10 times after that, but it was all good. :D

Hope to see you online!!!
I don't know if you guys can see what kind of stats someone has in game, but prepared for a ton of people (more than usual) claiming to be "really good". A trophy glitch was found in SOCOM that will net you all the trophies (minus Cold Front), including the Platinum via a save game. So a good amount of newcomers using this will have identical stats.
Trophies in Socom dont make you "really good". Also, their stats will not be in line with their trophies. You don't get platinum on Socom in under 200 hours.

Plus its 2 hours of updating for a platinum for peeps who dont play. I doubt many people will do it, especially if they have to abandon their original name for those that do play
I think there's plenty of people who would do it, but none of the people in this thread would. I was just saying, I only played SOCOM for a brief amount of time so I don't know how the stat tracking works. Most likely someone just going for the trophies will be fine with a Platinum, but for those who want the Cold Front trophies too, those are the ones you would see. Of course, based on how this is a high ranked clan, I doubt they'd be trouble for you, but just saying.
While we are decently ranked clan we just like to have fun. Stats in Socom are tied to the PSN account, as my save has been corrupted twice and all my stats are there. So I was thinking their stats would not be in line with their trophies. ie Kill 1000 guys with M4A1 but they only have 250 kills with that gun.

Either way appreciate the heads up dude.
Getting some games going, lets get some more
Cag on Cag. :dunce:

Also, Clan match starting in 20 - 30 minutes.
And yes, we will have to play them, people are
showing up.
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Hey guys, it was awesome playing with you all last night! I apologize for my awful playing but I'm starting to get the controls down and it's been a big help watching how everyone plays from the "death cam" after I die lol. I've never played a Socom game before so last night was my first real taste and I have to say that I'm addicted to it. It's a lot like GRAW, another franchise I love, but it fits my playing style a little bit better.

Before I joined the group last night, I was playing a game with infinite respawns and ended up going 21-21 for my first game ever. I thought that was decent seeing as I was 2nd place among my team. We had a good game going until a few people dropped and then it was all downhill from there lol.

Anyways, I think I'm going to pick up the Coldfronts map pack this weekend and start learning those maps as well. I won't be able to play until Sunday night though because of family/gf stuff over the weekend, but I'm definitely going to be playing this game for a long, long time to come for sure! It's a hell of a lot better playing with friends who just want to have fun for change. Gaming is fun? I know, right? Lol! :)

Again, it was awesome to play with everyone last night and I will see you all Sunday night for another round. Have a safe and wonderful New Years!

Almost forgot! My name is Dave so if anyone wants to send a message to my PSN or when we're chatting, you can call me by my real name. I find it easier and less gross than "Hand" haha!!! Thanks and see you all online! :D
[quote name='Pck21']Hey guys, it was awesome playing with you all last night! I apologize for my awful playing but I'm starting to get the controls down and it's been a big help watching how everyone plays from the "death cam" after I die lol. I've never played a Socom game before so last night was my first real taste and I have to say that I'm addicted to it. It's a lot like GRAW, another franchise I love, but it fits my playing style a little bit better.

Be careful, like Smog says, this game is like crack (Socrack) and once you're addicted there's no hope.
[quote name='Cigarl']Be careful, like Smog says, this game is like crack (Socrack) and once you're addicted there's no hope.[/QUOTE]

I can see why now! It's definitely addicting...but in a good way? :)
[quote name='dabamus']What's up with the assholes that votekick you just because they don't want a random on their team? :([/QUOTE]

just the way it works, probably to get another person from their clan to
get in.

We do the same shit too anyway. :p Albeit, we are alot nice, and
don't do it as much.
Great games yesterday guys. Though, I'm getting sick of the other team camping it up. It was freaking demo and they camped every single round. This pretty much forces me to waste my kills with grenades.

Though, when I played on the Japan server, they would rush on Blizzard extract as mercs. Now that is crazy, plus they would win that round. I should learn a thing or two from them.
I'm still getting glitches, and freezing on my ps3. Which... JUST came out of the box a few weeks ago. So frustrating, but maybe it just isn't to well put together?

Was there any issue with bad disc out there?

From the time I could get it to play right I had fun. Except for those explosives. I peeked around a corner and noticed a guy sitting there with a claymore at his feet. "Surely he wouldn't set it off right in front of himself like that, I'll rush close to him!" Dude set it off as I came out, blew ME up, and just planted another one without moving seemingly unharmed. LOL.

Other then that, was a guy able to shoot and "throw" a 'nade at the same time which was crazy. Just moved towards me firing and the grenade shot straight out from him and hit my chest. Course I was dead from the bullets, so the explosion killed the guy that was trying to back me up.>>> And yes it was a hand grenade.
[quote name='NamPaehc']I'm still getting glitches, and freezing on my ps3. Which... JUST came out of the box a few weeks ago. So frustrating, but maybe it just isn't to well put together?

Was there any issue with bad disc out there?

From the time I could get it to play right I had fun. Except for those explosives. I peeked around a corner and noticed a guy sitting there with a claymore at his feet. "Surely he wouldn't set it off right in front of himself like that, I'll rush close to him!" Dude set it off as I came out, blew ME up, and just planted another one without moving seemingly unharmed. LOL.

Other then that, was a guy able to shoot and "throw" a 'nade at the same time which was crazy. Just moved towards me firing and the grenade shot straight out from him and hit my chest. Course I was dead from the bullets, so the explosion killed the guy that was trying to back me up.>>> And yes it was a hand grenade.[/QUOTE]

How old is your PS3? I have a launch 60GB and when I was playing Socom the first time, mine also froze up on me. I'm wondering if it's a hardware issue or something.

I think there are glitchers in every game. I hate to say that because it's such a cop out, but it's true. I decided that I wouldn't play MW2 until they get a few patches in there to solve some of the more prominent ones. If I do play online and find a glitcher, I simply report him/her and back out of the game. See, it's fun for the glitcher to pull all that nonsense, but they need someone to be around to do it to. If most of their games end early because they are being stupid, then maybe they will think twice about doing it.

In any case, I'm hoping to be online tonight with the map pack installed. Will anyone else be online tonight?
[quote name='NamPaehc']I'm still getting glitches, and freezing on my ps3. Which... JUST came out of the box a few weeks ago. So frustrating, but maybe it just isn't to well put together?

Was there any issue with bad disc out there?

From the time I could get it to play right I had fun. Except for those explosives. I peeked around a corner and noticed a guy sitting there with a claymore at his feet. "Surely he wouldn't set it off right in front of himself like that, I'll rush close to him!" Dude set it off as I came out, blew ME up, and just planted another one without moving seemingly unharmed. LOL.

Other then that, was a guy able to shoot and "throw" a 'nade at the same time which was crazy. Just moved towards me firing and the grenade shot straight out from him and hit my chest. Course I was dead from the bullets, so the explosion killed the guy that was trying to back me up.>>> And yes it was a hand grenade.[/QUOTE]

Thats weird. Its definitely not your PS3, its Confrontation. Unless you freeze during games other than Socom. The Claymores only blow up one way, so if he was looking at the back of the claymore he wont take damage. The grenade thing is cracked out and I have no idea whats up with that.

Aj, for the vote kick problem try not to play alone. All times of the day usually at least 1 clan member will be on. Use the in-game clan list to check, and then roll together. Clans are a lot more ruthless now with how hard it is to find a room

See you guys tonight!
[quote name='smiggity']We should have about 15 people on tonight Hnd2Glnd. AJ6627 you may want to get that map pack installed before tonight if possible[/QUOTE]

Nice! I'm just going to watch the football game tonight and then be online right after. During that time, I'll download and install the map pack and be all set. I'll catch everyone tonight! :applause::bouncy:

[quote name='smarkbran']I Just purchased a PS3 and seeing that this thread is still active I might pick this up on the cheap.[/QUOTE]

I definitely would. I got it as a surprise xmas gift and went on here to check if the clan was still active. Not only is it active, but the members are easily the nicest people I have ever had the chance to play online games with. I definitely recommend picking it up and playing with us whenever you can. :)
Well, so far, the glitches I've run into is when the clan page doesn't update members' status ("please wait..." on each name), the game hangs with the "please wait..." message pop up along with spinning wheel of death, and in game I am unable to use my mic and eventually get disconnected.

I've experienced them twice, once, and once. Hopefully Starkat, it's the game that's causing all those probs.

Here's a video that'll hopefully cheer you up dude.

Dayum, I should subscribe to dat Qore...
[quote name='smiggity']
Aj, for the vote kick problem try not to play alone. All times of the day usually at least 1 clan member will be on. Use the in-game clan list to check, and then roll together. Clans are a lot more ruthless now with how hard it is to find a room

See you guys tonight![/QUOTE]

Quick Matches are usually pretty friendly to single players.

Looking forward to some CAG Socom tonight for sure
I sent out and accepted 4 invites using dummy accounts. It still says we have -1 credits, maybe I have to play a game or two with each account for it to give us the credits? I guess I will do that tomorrow afternoon and see what happens.

Socom Confrontation Ladder Match
10 EST, Desert Glory, Supression
They have enough people with rankings to assume they might show. Also they are a Spanish clan, so hopefully at least one of them is carrying an AMELI :cool:.
What an epic way to end the night Smog. Also 15 people at most with 9 people at least staying for 4 1/2 hours. Crazy. Great games guys, see you all on next time.
bread's done