CAG Xbox Live Gaming Community (New thread up, please close this one)

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Please add me, my friend's list is seriously lacking

gamertag: Dahermitt

games playing: crackdown, lost planet, halo 3, orange box.

I'd love help playing co-op campaign in halo 3.
I played some games last night and no one in the game had a clue of what to do. So anyone who is patient and knowledgable or clueless like me please post your gamertag so we can schedule some 'learning curve' games.
sup fellow gamers

to the op:

Please chnage my Gamer tag to Al Caporno as my old gt ,ComunistNatzee, was deemed inappropriate by the new Xbox Live Policy. Had this for over a year and now its wrong. what gives??

also please add to my list halo 3, half life 2, pgr4,rainbow 6

hey guys, new to 360 community
gamertag is PrEc7iSe
plz add i only got gears for now but i am looking at gettin some more at toys r us
HowaitoKumaSan - Halo 3

It's long to prevent myself from recovering my gamertag from box to box. If you see me in Halo 3, prepare to win. Srsly.
just got my 13 month card, send in those friend requests please :D

got halo 3, bomberman, puzzle fighter, streets of rage 2, tmnt, uno
My gamertag is linkpwns...

If you feel like adding me, do it on friday, I need to clear my friends list first.
Oh, and I'm almost always up for a game of Gears, TF2, or Halo 3.
dave. could you update my games played list?

halo3, orangebox, bomberman, carcassonne, puzzle quest, cod2 and 3, and wartech. think thats it =)

anybody whos interested can check my xbl profile, i have more games.
please add me to the list


I have been playing halo 3 and madden lately...I have orange box but haven't opened it yet
[quote name='Abiggs']I played some games last night and no one in the game had a clue of what to do. So anyone who is patient and knowledgable or clueless like me please post your gamertag so we can schedule some 'learning curve' games.[/quote]
I just entered my code tonight and will be up for some learning curve games. Anyone's welcome to send a friends request at this point.

id: umcthomas

Currently own for online play:
Big Bumpin', Gears of War, Halo 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Perfect Dark Zero, Viva Pinata, Pocket Bike Racers

XBLA games I own with online play:
Aegis Wing, Catan, Contra, Gauntlet, Small Arms, TMNT 1989 Arcade, UNO, Yaris

edit: updated list of game to hopefuly be put on the masterlist.
Ok, I'm going to go ahead and try to update this bad boy this weekend in the midst of GMAT studying. That means most likely it will be Sunday. If you want anything changed, now's the time to post.

As always, glad to see the interest in the post. Much appreciated.
CAGname/Live tag dtcarson
current list of multiplayer games:
Halo 3, Orange Box, Full Auto, Uno, Catan, Hardwood Spades, Puzzle Quest

I'd also be interested in the 'learning curve/go easy on us' league.
XBL: Suraph (silver membership at the time of posting, but I have my live card which will be inputed within a few days)
Looking to play: Ace Combat 6, Halo 3 & Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.
Mostly looking for co-op partners, but I don't mind death match funness either :)
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']Ok, I'm going to go ahead and try to update this bad boy this weekend in the midst of GMAT studying. That means most likely it will be Sunday. If you want anything changed, now's the time to post.

As always, glad to see the interest in the post. Much appreciated.[/quote]

Thanks for keeping the list going and up to date. Since I haven't been put on the list before, I just updated my post from a day or two ago with all my games.

Also, good luck on the GMAT.
Just bought Ace Combat 6 yesterday, and I already have Halo 3 and Overlord if anyone's looking for a game. Add me to your list.

Got the arcade unplugged disk, so anyone up for Texas Hold'em or Backgammon, you can add me to the list.
RoseMachineGun - Lost Planet, Halo3, Bomberman, Viva Pinata, Gears, Armored Core 4, Chromehounds, DOA4, Overlord
Thanks for compiling such an organized list Dave =)
Sochalist: Halo 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Carcassonne
if anyone wants to play Carcassonne, hit me up. I just got it and I really want to get better.
My Gamertag, Vaancor, desires more friends!

Right now I have Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Forza 2, I'll hopefully get Halo 3 soon.

Love co-op games if anyones looking for someone to partner with.
I'm in need of some casual gamers (in the sense that someone who isn't a pro at online gaming) to play CoD4 and Halo 3 with. I'm fed up of ending with a less than 1 kill:death ratio....would like to play with someone who is worse than

Gamertag: destinywaste
could you please add Halo 3 to my gamertag (RunBikeBilly)


i'll be adding you to my friends list... i'm looking for me "casual" people for some multiplayer h3 fun!
Add me to the list - craven fiend

I have the following:

The Orange Box
The Darkness
Halo 3

I will list others as I look through my collection
Marvel Ultimate Allaince
Forza Motorsports 2-Online
Gears Of War-Online
All Pro Football 2k8
The Darkness

yes i have a high pitched voice
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Puzzle Fighter
Rock Band

I'm only in the free trial right now, but I'll probably have a full subscription when it runs out.
Gamertag is djbooba
I play
Halo 3, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band, Skate, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Dead or Alive 4, Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Fatal Fury Special, Uno, Bomberman, Puzzle Fighter, and Cyberball
Im on the list and just added Halo 3, Team Fortress 2, and I have Rainbow Six Vegas coming in the mail.

I also have Carcassone.

As you can tell by my sig I am still silver. I will enter my subscription card by the weekend.

I welcome anyone to add me to their list...I am short on friends!
As it appears. Thursdays are now shifted to Team Fortress 2, and Weds is now free. Fri still seems to be Halo, but then again, every day is Halo for those guys.

Racing night(Sunday) seems to have died. Don't remember what was on Monday, XBLA night seems to have died with the ferocity of XBLA. I'd say that XBLA night needs to be revived somehow(maybe an old school night for old games?), maybe still on Tuesday to get that last bit of gaming before the next release.

We should make COD4 Wednesday night. Just party with CAGs and go to town on the game. This way, Sunday can be Music Night for Guitar Hero/Rock band. I'm sure some CAGs are itching for rocking out before heading to work. Or maybe Friday to rock out after work, since Halo is Halo and just shift the old school shooters(which didn't seem to take off) to another night.
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