CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey Cheapy, I loved your Japanese toilet video, and were wondering, are all the toilets in Japan like that? and also, have you tried the vajayjay was yet?
I don't think the number of titles for the Wii is really the problem for most 'average' gamers. Gamers that work a busy work week, and only get to play games on the weekend. Even then, they can't really play games a *lot* on the weekend, as they have other obligations.

While I couldn't suggest the system as the sole gaming system for anyone who plays games a lot, I could easily suggest the system for people who gamed moderately. Wii Sports, Wii Play, Guitar Hero III, Fire Emblem, Metroid Prime III, Zelda, Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes, and soon Super Smash Bros. Brawl are more than enough to keep most occational gamers busy.

I expect a surge in Wii popularity with the release of Smash Bros. Brawl. Make no mistake, this is the Wii's Halo 3 moment. Now if Nintendo could just get enough Wiis out there to meet demand...

Oh, and to be honest, I'd suggest hardcore gamers get a PC. Even though there are constant stories about dropping PC Gaming sales, I have yet to find any console FPS that matches the experience of a mouse and keyboard. Prime 3 was kind of close with it's control scheme, but no cigar. Plus, PC prices are plummeting, and the PC has far more uses than just as a gaming system.
Hey Cheapy & Wombat, Not sure if this was already asked and answered, but what do both of you believe is the most overrated/underrated game in video game history?
I walked into a Gamestop today and to my disgust, they were already taking pre-orders for Madden 09! WTF?!

What is your take on all of this? The game won't be released for another 9 months yet stores are taking pre-orders? Seems like overkill to me.
Hey guys.

I've joined CAG not too long ago and recently started listening to the CAG Cast (started at CAG #98) and found each episode very entertaining, funny and informative. I've never missed an episode since. And actually look forward to downloading the CAG Cast everyweek.

I was just wondering if you guys can go over your history and relationship together for the listeners like me who don't know much about you guys. i.e., Were you guys childhood friends? (because it seems like it). Where did you guys work prior to this? Did you guys work together prior to making this site? What about with the Shipwrecks? What made you start this site? What made you (Cheapy) move to Japan? And etc.

I think it would be great if you guys went over this on air so that people like me who don't know much about you guys can get a better perspective and enjoy your shows even more.

Thanks guys. Keep up the good work.
Hey CheapyD and/or Wombat, what is your main, mostly used setup of guns in COD4, and what level are you?

And where can I download those themes from the contest?
I haven't seen as many lately, but last week I was still seeing a lot of people with Christmas themed avatars/signatures on the merry CAG forums...

I mean, for Christmas trees there are superstitions I've heard of. One is if you don't have your tree down by New Years, you're going to have a bad year!

Just wondering if you guys find this odd too, seeing Santa's hat everywhere a month after the holiday.

-"cheaPmaN backwards!"
Reading Wombat's post on UGO about the most anticipated DS games of 2008 made me eager to get another DS. I sold my phats in anticipation of the lite, but didn't get around to getting one. At this point I feel like the next DS revision is coming so soon, that I might as well wait.
What are your thoughts on the new DS revision? Will you get it? Does the loss of GBA compatibility matter? Personnally, I could give 2 shits about backwards compatibility on any system. I don't even have enough time to play new games, let alone old games that weren't worth my time when they came out in the first place.
Peace out fellas,
hey cheapy D and wombat, i recently decided to give the xbox originals a go. i purchased fable in anticipation of fable 2 but what i realized is not only are these originals over priced and to most people, they are useless but they have bugs-a-plenty. Most of the game is alright but there are longer load times then the original xbox versions and every once and a while the sounds goes nuts and pops really load or sounds as if a record is being scratched as well as texture problems and an overall slugish feel. when do u guys think companies like microsoft will begin to fix products before release, rather then put them out there and get ready for backlash?
Dear Cheapy and Wombat:

Sony Defense Force is a *dry satire* website. It parodies Sony fanboys, but does so by staying just barely on the side of belivability most of the time.

Then you have posts like this ( that clearly step over the line and make the satire clear.

So if you wonder why the whole episode seemed to rediculous and over the top and unbelievable, that's because it is.

Look up DNS info. Look at other info. You'll find it's strangely obfuscated. (Its DNS, for example, uses a GoDaddy Proxy.) If it was a real fanboy site, why would thy hide that stuff?

You spent a bunch of time ranting about a post which was, in fact, bait to get you to react. You've been had, son.


Cheapy D and Wombat,

I am a 36-year old married male with a full-time job. I am also an avid gamer, way back to the Telstar Arcade. I currently own an Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS and their predecessors. Herein lies the problem. So many great games, but not enough time. This will get worse once I have kids. As a result, I tend to gravitate towards games that provide a “quick videogame fix” such as fighting games, wrestling games, sports games, and racing games where you can play a few minutes and be on your merry way. But, I am missing out on all those great platform/storyline games that require a much greater time commitment. I’ve tried to play these games “casually”, but always manage to get stuck – not knowing what to do, where to go, or what to find to get to the next level. Ninja Gaiden for the original Xbox comes to mind, as I was stuck trying to beat a boss and couldn’t advance to the next level (a level select feature would have been nice). I know I can look on the internet for solutions to all my questions, but that just kills the experience for me as my PC is on the other side of the house. Another thing that hinders me is the lack of a save anywhere feature in games, so that you can pick up where you left off, even if it is in the middle of a level (Madden for the PSP has this feature, but its missing from the console versions). Developers should consider adding these features for us casual gamers (a casual gamer mode?), who are more concerned about experiencing a game rather than beating it and finding everything that there is to find. Every game should have a level select, an ad-hoc invincibility code, a hint mode (where you can ask for hints for what to do/find/kill to move to the next level), and a save anywhere feature. An un-lock everything mode would also be great for racing, fighting, sports games as well. You used to be able to enter cheat codes and/or download game save files to unlock everything, but these are getting scarcer and scarcer in light of achievement points and micro-transactions. I would buy so many more games if these features were included. What are your thoughts on this and do you have any suggestions of games that have these features or at least allow you to save at any point. I have Gears of War, Resistance Fall of Man, and COD4 and find that the levels are short enough so that I can actually play these games a half hour at a time. Thanks, and I love the CagCast and CheapAssGamer.
Hey, Cheapy...a few podcasts ago you mentioned that you were working on acquiring a thumb stylus for your DS.

Did you ever track one down? I've been thinking about getting one from eBay...where did you get yours?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

I don't know whether it was both of you or just Cheapy who downloaded the Classic Rock Pack in Guitar Hero 3 but I am a little concerned about the pack advertising Jukebox Hero as a master track. Have you listened to that particular track yet? I'm positive that the track that is in Guitar hero 3 is not the original Foreigner track. Everything sounds completely different, yet Activision's advertising states that it's the master recording from 1981. It's not. Have a Listen.

Master 1981 Track:

Guitar Hero Cover:

Does this anger you, being that the same company yet again lies about their product? And this time, they knew that they were wrong from the start. Thanks for your response.
Hey CheapyD and Wombat, gratz on the servers being back up!
but to my questions

1. as a follow up to my question from last week, have you tried the vagina wash yet?
2. because of the rediculous decision by nintendo to basically short out the Wii, what do you think would be the best way to go about buying one?
3. how is Tai doin?

O yeah and take a shower, but don't have to much fun with your crab toy.

Cheapy, what's the japanese school system like? Do they have preschool? Do they go to school 6 times a week?
$500 video cards?

That's the kind of line most console players would rattle off. Fortunately for PC gamers, it's far from true. You can pick up a decent PC graphics card for about $100, and a *great* PC graphics card for $200. Anything above it is really just buying a luxary item.

As for why PC gaming is failing, look no further than Microsoft and their backstabbing to see the real reason behind this entire situation. Games for Windows has failed to deliver on what it promised to, they locked DirectX 10 into an OS that nobody wants, and they've *still* not done anything about integrating game copy protection into Windows.

Why would they do that when they get fat royalities on every single game sold on the 360? The problem with PC gaming is that the current entity that controls PC gaming, which is Microsoft. Apple still doesn't seem to be interested in attracting gamers to Macs, and Linux gaming is still somewhat of a joke.

Luckily for us PC Gamers, there is Valve, and they might force Microsoft's hand when it comes to making them pay attention to PC Gaming. Note that those dismal PC Games sales didn't account for game sales over Steam, which has really picked up in the past few years. Valve continues to give PC gamers what they want, and the more gamers get locked in with Valve, the more MS loses control of that market. That PC Gaming control is important for MS's Windows monopoly, so they can't let their control over PC gaming slip too far.

Furthermore, PC gamers aren't like console gamers. They tend to stick with the same game a lot longer. For example, PC FPS games are immediately modded by the PC gaming community, and new content is put out constantly after release. The console market is locked in to whatever the publishers put out originally. As a console gamer, you'd need to consistently refresh content ( buy new games ) in order to keep it interesting.

Occasionally you mention games your are playing that you picked up in Japan. I was wondering if you could maybe make a weekly or bi-weekly segment on what is new in Japan and if they are playable for non-Japanese speaking (spouse having) gamers?

I was really interested in the Pocket Baseball game you mentioned for the DS a few weeks back, but can't really tell if I would be able to muddle through not reading Japanese. So I thought this might be a good segment for the show.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, do you guys just stick to the next-gen games or do you ever go back to the previous generation or even retro games?

Also check out this picture lol, goofy Cheapy faces.

Cheapy and Wombat, do you guys ever read the instruction booklets for games?

I always read the instruction booklets cover to cover before starting the game. I've always felt that it's part of the experience of the game. (I'm probably the only one, aren't I? lol)
REZ HD was the first time I've had the pleasure of playing this awesome game.
Since CheapyD is such a big fan, I was wondering what you two thought of Panzer Dragoon Orta and Jet Set Radio Future: two games that came out around the same time and have the same gameplay feel REZ has imo.

P.S. Xbox 360 Gamerpic update please
Tyhana, I'm like that too, don't worry. Without checkin out the booklet first, I feel like I'm missing something..

Anyways, Cheapy and Wombat, my question is;

What old ass game from ANY console would have benefitted the MOST from having "Achievements?"

Because we all know that games from the NES era or even before that, were so damn awesome, despite the stupid amounts of collecting shit, fighting repetitive enemies, impossible bosses, and finding obscure as hell secret areas.

Like, imagine getting an achievement for finding one of those secret stores in Zelda that you had to find by just placing random-ass bombs everywhere.

Or imagine an achievement for a Castlevania game; "SHATTERED 1,000 candles"

I think some of these games' replay value would be awesome. That way you could prove to your friends that you actually DID beat Super Mario Bro's in 8 minutes...or whatever silly ass accomplishment...
When I was listening to the last CagCast, and I heard of the Grand Theft Auto lawsuit payout, I immediately jumped up to check my copy to see if I still had the receipt. For whatever reason, I normally will throw the receipt in the case, and I figured there was a good chance I still had it.
Low and behold, I still had it.
I qualify for $35!!! SWEET!
I've heard other podcasts reporting the same news about the lawsuit, and what the payouts are, and one popular one were damned excited about it, and were looking forward to Taco Bell when their check came in the mail.

But the more I thought about it.. I don't think I'm gonna 'cash in'.
It seems to me, that is the whole reason why this hot coffee lawsuit came about in the first place.
For someone to cash in. I didnt give 2 shits about the hot coffee mod.
If I were to send in my receipt and receive my $35, I'd be a hypocrite.
I'd just be cashing in.

What do you think?
Is it hypocritical to you to report in disgust about Fox news and Mass Effect on one hand, then turn around and cash in on GTA for a burrito on the other?
Seems like it to me.

Maybe I'm crazy, and maybe we really do need to support censorship through meaningless lawsuits like this one.
Any thoughts?
Cheapy: Don't you often want to jump through the mic and strangle Wombat? I did last week, and I wasn't even the one trying to record a podcast with him.
[quote name='Gentlegamer']Cheapy: Don't you often want to jump through the mic and strangle Wombat? I did last week, and I wasn't even the one trying to record a podcast with him.[/quote]
sort of ironic coming from the gentlegamer?

Wombat, I know you have been hard on VF5 for trying to sell us game content already on the disc, but I think in this case the content has to be there for when you play online with someone who has not purchased and downloaded the content.

I'd never purchase Malibu Stacey paraphernalia for my Japanese luchador, but as a full grown man who enjoys playing dress up, do you think it's permissible for them to sell us content already on the disc when it doesn't affect gameplay? Personally I'm not nearly as offended by this as I am by gamerpics or themes, so I simply don't spend my points on these things.

Keep up the good work fellas! CAGcast is the best 'cast on the intarweb.
Hi Cheapy and Wombat,

What do you guys think of the new game, Frontlines: Fuel of War?

Being a big shooter fan i'm quite excited with this game. They claim to have over 60 vehicles, 32 online multiplayer via xbox live with dedicated servers and destructable structures like BF:Bad company. I also heard somewhere that they have a map the size of Saints Row and custom classes like COD4. They also introduced the concept of a frontline where team coordination is needed to push the lines in order to capture control points.

What do you guys think? Is this the COD4 killer or just another shooter with unnecessary features?

btw, you guys rock. CAGcast is the best podcast out there and keep it up guys.
[quote name='CAGIronMan']'Nother couple of questions:

1. How do i get my CAG ranking up?
2. How are you guys so awesome?[/quote]

I'll answer these questions for you.

1. You get "ranked" up every several months, and/or by posting on the forums.

2. Don't be a kiss ass; nobody likes a kiss ass.
Hey CheapyD and Wombat, you both have said that you don't think a "hardcore" gamer could survive with a Wii alone. What is your definition of someone who is "hardcore"?
[quote name='4nik8tor']When I was listening to the last CagCast, and I heard of the Grand Theft Auto lawsuit payout, I immediately jumped up to check my copy to see if I still had the receipt. For whatever reason, I normally will throw the receipt in the case, and I figured there was a good chance I still had it.
Low and behold, I still had it.
I qualify for $35!!! SWEET!
I've heard other podcasts reporting the same news about the lawsuit, and what the payouts are, and one popular one were damned excited about it, and were looking forward to Taco Bell when their check came in the mail.

But the more I thought about it.. I don't think I'm gonna 'cash in'.
It seems to me, that is the whole reason why this hot coffee lawsuit came about in the first place.
For someone to cash in. I didnt give 2 shits about the hot coffee mod.
If I were to send in my receipt and receive my $35, I'd be a hypocrite.
I'd just be cashing in.

What do you think?
Is it hypocritical to you to report in disgust about Fox news and Mass Effect on one hand, then turn around and cash in on GTA for a burrito on the other?
Seems like it to me.

Maybe I'm crazy, and maybe we really do need to support censorship through meaningless lawsuits like this one.
Any thoughts?[/quote]


4nik8tor, you rock.

I know this isn't a question for CheapyD or Wombat. I wanted to bring this up in the Thread for this cast, but it seems better to use you as an example. I don't think that I could fault you for taking the $35, I can't know what I would do in your situation, but I told myself I would do what you are thinking for the same reasons you stated.

The Mass Effect/Fox News statements, AND the XBOX Live Lawsuit statements that have been made recently would lead me to believe that CheapyD would be against this.

You stated it perfectly that taking this money is effectively supporting censorship. Who was hurt by this? Especially to the tune of $35?
Hey Cheapy D I heard you talking about the Howard Stern show and I have a Idea to promote this site on Howard 100 and Howard 101 on Sirius radio. whats a easy way to tell you guys about my idea?
[quote name='tyhana']Cheapy and Wombat, do you guys ever read the instruction booklets for games?

I always read the instruction booklets cover to cover before starting the game. I've always felt that it's part of the experience of the game. (I'm probably the only one, aren't I? lol)[/quote]

I usually read booklets but only when I need to find something out about the game or when I am bored, so your not on your own there.
Besides Megarotic and YouPorn what other porn sites do you frequent? Personally I like the Sex and Fun Forums, tons of free full videos that are easy to get with no spam. Let me know if you want a link, peace (and it is hard to find through google).
Hey Cheapy and Wombat - It's been a while since our friends at Goozex have thrown us a bone. Any idea when they might be gracing us with some cool new member codes or even a contest prize?
My Dearest CheapyD,
I recall on a recent CAGcast you were disheartened about the loss of attorney Phoenix Wright in the Ace Attorney series of games. Perhaps a slight oversight, perhaps you never knew: Phoenix Wright is in the game. Please see link video @ 1:28 for what lead me to this conclusion. Therefore, leading me to believe that this game and the Phoenix Wright games will, in fact, tie into each other. The question is this then: Will you purchase it if Phoenix Wright is in it?


Edit: Sorry about forgetting you as a Star Wars fan, it wasn't intentional.
Kind of a technical question but something I have always wondered,

What Brand, model of mics do you use for the podcast?

The vocal clarity always amazes me, and the followup question.

How much are they on average?

Love the CAG cast and everyone should Dig It, I did.
[quote name='dubbfoolio']sort of ironic coming from the gentlegamer?[/quote]Indeed! That should indicate how annoying Wombat can be. It takes a lot to get strangle-impulses from me.
[quote name='Hiro_Antagonist']Dear Cheapy and Wombat:

Sony Defense Force is a *dry satire* website. It parodies Sony fanboys, but does so by staying just barely on the side of belivability most of the time.

Then you have posts like this ( that clearly step over the line and make the satire clear.

So if you wonder why the whole episode seemed to rediculous and over the top and unbelievable, that's because it is.

Look up DNS info. Look at other info. You'll find it's strangely obfuscated. (Its DNS, for example, uses a GoDaddy Proxy.) If it was a real fanboy site, why would thy hide that stuff?

You spent a bunch of time ranting about a post which was, in fact, bait to get you to react. You've been had, son.


I don't feel like answering this on the show, but thought I'd just point out that I wasn't referring to that website when I used the term "Sony Defense Force". I was talking about specific posters on CAG.
[quote name='cdrober']...and now for random question # 4359

Cheapy D and Wombat, what city/country/region do you think has the best 'cheapass' culture?[/QUOTE]
Israel *badump - chhhh!*
Cheapy D and Wombat,

With the PS3 now at $399 with Spiderman BluRay, and the Premium 360 at $350 and no games(holiday bundles are mostly sold out), what do you see as the better value at this time. I'm hoping for an xbox price drop soon, but the ps3 is looking like a better deal with wi-fi, blu-ray and free online.
My friends and I have had our gaming time dominated by Rock Band since November. I wanted to get your (Cheapy and Wombat's) take on the new rhythm games that are coming out. With Rock Band and Guitar Hero already out there, and these games on the horizon, are we in for a renissance of games, or is it just going to end up being a bunch of crappy copy cats?

THQ's announcement:


Guitar Rising (AKA Learn Guitar For Real, You Dweeb):
damn I hope i'm not too late...

From what I'm seeing, there's been a new market for game engines with the next gen consoles. With the CryEngine 2 being shown at GDC I was not only excited for Crysis (on ps3/360) but for other games that may get to utilize the engine as well. How do you guys feel about the business of game engines?

Can you guys add a biggest Fanboy CAG award? [for ps3, 360, and Wii]
this year to the CAG awards.. should be fun...

I think that by the time the CAGcast rolls around, I'll be a homeowner, and of course one of the rooms will be used as my gaming/office, so is there any tips you guys could lend in making such a feat happen.
HEY CHEAPY!!! , i was just wondering about your new imac ??? do you like it ??? my father recently purchased a black macbook (iam sixteen) and he said "son this is your computer you just cant use it " i was puzzled , any ways back to the question do you like mac better than pc and is it worth the money , do you think i should kepp saving for an imac or go with my original plans and buy a ps3

i would ask wombat to but i think he is a noob when it comes to mac

- brendan duggan
ps.-wombat , captain america is the shit !!!
To add to the 'problem with PC Game sales'...

"Steam Tops 15M Users, 158% Sales Growth"

Steam is where a lot of the sales are going. Online game purchasing is real on the PC, and I think, perhaps real on the next generation of consoles.
Cheapy and Wombat,

Have you guys ever been a witness to a child attempting to get a perent to buy an M-rated game in a store? I have plenty of times, many of which were denied the game. Any comical stories? Thanks.
bread's done