CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

[quote name='crewj']?

love the podcasts and those commercials! so i was thinking, back in the 80's, we would hear jingles suchs as "genesis does! you can't do this on nintendo" or those atari 2600 commercials proclaming it's under 50 bucks. today, we don't get to see much hype anymore. yea, there's some xbox, ps2 and gamecube stuff but not as much as before? what do you think happened? where's the public console bashing? is it all console love? why not, "wii can do what anything they can do but better."[/QUOTE]

the line was "Genesis does what Nintendon't" and no one can ever top that, so no one tries ;-)
[quote name='Milkyman']What was Cheapy's job before he became a house husband and full time CAG?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure he worked for a non-profit organization.
First Time CAGbager long time listener. Cheapy D...thanks for the recent deals. Just purchased Half Life 2, Path of Neo, and Metroid Prime 2 for 31 bucks at Circuit City. Thanks for the great deal. The clerk questioned the Half Life 2 price, but price came up 9.99. Do you get more enjoyment out of the purchase of a great game at a great price or actually playing the game?
[quote name='Milkyman']What was Cheapy's job before he became a house husband and full time CAG?
What does wombat do?[/QUOTE]

its a secret, but maybe one day I'll tell, or I'll find new job that I can talk about, got any leads
So which 5 games out of my list of 150 CAG bought games do you guys recommend? I think Wombat might have posted his five already (and of course they carry at least 5 to 6 times the worth of anyone else's choices), but I don't think he gave any impressions of his suggestions. And I don't think Cheapy has chimed in at all yet.

Reference Material: The List of Games
What do you guys think about Jack Thompson's latest comment that "nobody shoots anybody in the face unless they're a hit man or a video gamer"? Accurate, hilarious, or ignorant?

Also, Minnesota recently passed a video game bill that fines the minor attempting to buy an M-rated game, which the video game industry is fighting. What do you think about the law itself? What do you think could be the next twist that legislators could use for another bill to restrict the sale of games to minors?
Cheapy if you correct me like you did last podcast, I'm going to kick your ass all the way from Cali. Anyway, what do you guys think about WiiConnect24 or whatever it's called? And does the site really make all of it's revenue from two little ads at the top?
Hey Guys,
I have a question that I was saving for after the E3 hoopla died down a bit. There was a thread a few weeks ago asking if your parents played video games.
The image I couldn't get out of my head was when I was playing Goldeneye on the 64 with my brother and my Dad. My brother could rarely be defeated back then and we were playing 2 against 1. Finally, after getting killed for the umpteenth time, my Dad snapped.
He threw the controller down and left the room only to reappear about 5 seconds later to smash the controller under his foot. I'll never forget the "tink" sound the thumbstick made when hitting the window about 15 feet away.
My bro and I still get big laughs about the incident to this day.

So, the question is........... do either of you have any favorite videogame meltdown moments ?
[quote name='Milkyman']What was Cheapy's job before he became a house husband and full time CAG?[/QUOTE]

He definitely worked for a non-profit. I think he was their web admin.

What does wombat do?

Not that I want to start any conspiracy theories, but I am convinced that Wombat is some sort of reviewer, probably for games or movies. Why else would Cheapy ask him to use his "influence" to get a preview of that Nintendo amusement park in NY?

Regardless, it's probably a job that would be considered cool by most of the CAG community.
[quote name='y2jedi']So, the question is........... do either of you have any favorite videogame meltdown moments ?[/QUOTE]

I could swear they talked about this in a previous cagcast. Didn't Cheapy have a friend that put his foot (or was it a controller) through his parents projection TV?
[quote name='daphatty']He definitely worked for a non-profit. I think he was their web admin.

Not that I want to start any conspiracy theories, but I am convinced that Wombat is some sort of reviewer, probably for games or movies. Why else would Cheapy ask him to use his "influence" to get a preview of that Nintendo amusement park in NY?

Regardless, it's probably a job that would be considered cool by most of the CAG community.[/QUOTE]

nope, but good try
here's another question kind of about wombat, since the employment one doesn't look like its gonna pan out. maybe you guys can have a guess the wombat job contest.

have you guys ever considered doing a video cagcast? maybe on one of cheapyD's trips back to new york? When I listen to the cagcast I have this image of CheapyD sitting at his desk playing with robocop toys while he talks, and a cartoon bear sitting on his couch in new york. What does wombat look like!?
According to something I read this week, if a man has kids after 40, his children are 70% more likely to suffer from Dwarfism. My dad was 45 when I was born and despite being 6'4, I think I might be a victim of dwarfism. Do you think I have grounds for a lawsuit against my father for screwing me out of a basketball career because he didn't get his swerve on earlier?
[quote name='daphatty']

Not that I want to start any conspiracy theories, but I am convinced that Wombat is some sort of reviewer, probably for games or movies. Why else would Cheapy ask him to use his "influence" to get a preview of that Nintendo amusement park in NY?

Regardless, it's probably a job that would be considered cool by most of the CAG community.[/quote]
You know, I could've sworn I heard him on the engadget podcast as the producer a while back ago. And since they're located in NY too any chance this could be true?
Hey guys keep up the great work on the podcasts. Ok my question, Have you ever considered having more guest stars on the cagcasts like when jimmiemac was on quite awhile back? Maybe name it something like "The CAG Spotlight", "Spotlight on a CAG" or something corny like that. It'd be very interesting to hear some different opinions not that your oblivion loving opinions aren't great already!
A while back I asked a question about how developers were justifying the extra ten dollar cost of next-gen games. While I was satisfied with Cheapy's answer, I overheard something on the last CAGcast that made me second guess, and that was that Half-Life 2 is being ported to the XBox 360. I can't find a price for the 360 version, but a quick search of Gamestop reveals that the PS3 version is going for the full price of $59.99 (at least as of this moment). My question this time around is: How do you justify pricing a PORTED game - that can now be found for less than ten bucks for current-gen systems - at $59.99? The Greatest Hits version of Devil May Cry 3 threw in a slew of extra features and yet remained at a reasonable $19.99. Are making prettier graphics and adding a multiplayer mode really that much more expensive?
Speaking of the next gen. "Which console will you get" discussion, I have a little twist on it. Looking back two generations ago, which console would you get if you could only get one?

The choices are:

And why?
[quote name='daphatty']I could swear they talked about this in a previous cagcast. Didn't Cheapy have a friend that put his foot (or was it a controller) through his parents projection TV?[/quote]

Oh yeah,
You're right, I forgot about that.

Get Well Wombat !
[quote name='dcfox']You know, I could've sworn I heard him on the engadget podcast as the producer a while back ago. And since they're located in NY too any chance this could be true?[/quote]

I think you're right about Wombat being a producer. I'm almost positive that he is in the entertainment industry in some capacity. He has mentioned knowing the guy in the Ass and Balls shaver commercial as well as knowing the people that did the music for it.
On the 1up Yours Podcast last week, they were talking about their "pile of shame." This refers to popular/rare games that they have in their backlog that they have not played yet. The biggest one that they had all not played was God of War. What are some of the games in your "pile of shame?"
[quote name='lebowsky']I think you're right about Wombat being a producer. I'm almost positive that he is in the entertainment industry in some capacity. He has mentioned knowing the guy in the Ass and Balls shaver commercial as well as knowing the people that did the music for it.[/QUOTE]

nope not a producer
Cheapy & Wombat, read the July 2006 magazine Esquire with the article of "The Lester Bangs of Video Games" Sorry, that was misleading. There is no Lester Bangs of video games. Why? on pages 66-68. Sounds like this guy hit the nail on the head about what you two were talking about the past few weeks regarding video game critics. . .

Maybe someone can get a scan? Who knows maybe even a Yahoo seach may help?
[quote name='daphatty']He definitely worked for a non-profit. I think he was their web admin.

Not that I want to start any conspiracy theories, but I am convinced that Wombat is some sort of reviewer, probably for games or movies. Why else would Cheapy ask him to use his "influence" to get a preview of that Nintendo amusement park in NY?

Regardless, it's probably a job that would be considered cool by most of the CAG community.[/quote]

I'll bet Wombat probably has a boring office job, where he keeps track of employee files and has to write people up who screw up. ;)
Cheapy - Now that you have been in Japan for (nearly) eight months, how have you adjusted? Considering that Tokyo is not much different than NY (big city, somewhat westernized), have you experienced any real culture shock? If so, what was the worst incident of culture shock you've been through thus far and how did you cope?

My wife recently accepted a job offer in Indonesia and will be leaving in the next month. Her offer wasn't as godfather-esque as your wife's offer but I'm still expected to join my wife at some point. (I'm already discouraged that Indonesians don't typically use toilet paper but rather their left hand and "copious amounts of water.")
[quote name='daphatty']
Not that I want to start any conspiracy theories, but I am convinced that Wombat is some sort of reviewer, probably for games or movies. Why else would Cheapy ask him to use his "influence" to get a preview of that Nintendo amusement park in NY?

Regardless, it's probably a job that would be considered cool by most of the CAG community.[/quote]
Didn't he say in the last CAGcast that he reviewed something for a PC magazine? He might still be an journalist for a PC magazine.

I do have a question for the CAGbag. Cheapy, since so many CAGs are ordering stuff from Deep Discount DVD during the 20% off sale have you ever tried to get a coupon code related to Cheap Ass Gamer that we could use?
In a parallel universe where Apple, Toshiba, and Sega are the "big three" of video game console manufacturers, who would take first place?

(R.I.P. Dreamcast...)
Awesome podcast guys.

Two questions: 1. What's the stupidest gaming purchase you've ever made (NGage, Airflow controller, etc...)?

2. What does it take to sell you on buying a game system? Is it the first generation next gen games what sells you or is the idea of owning a 360/PSP/DS/etc befor everyone else that makes you plop down your hard earned cash generated from the clearly lucrative ads on CAG?

Thanks guys (and it's pronounced Fur-ick, like the pro golfer).
Can I audition to be the sound effects guy for the show? I do a great imitation of Police Academy's Michael Winslow doing imitation of real world sounds. My mom says that if she didn't know it was me, she might dive under the couch at the sound of machine gun fire. Let me know!
How dramatic has the EBgames/Gamestop merger effected CAG's finances?

A. Greatly
B. Good amount
C. small amount
D. hardly notice a difference
Something I have been pondering:

What can the average cheapass do to support I'd like to see CAG on the web for a long time to come. Does it help if we use the links from cheapassgamer when we purchase games? How about clicking ads or using Itunes to download cagcast? Basically, how can we help cheapy rake in the big dough?
[quote name='wageslave']Something I have been pondering:

What can the average cheapass do to support I'd like to see CAG on the web for a long time to come. Does it help if we use the links from cheapassgamer when we purchase games? How about clicking ads or using Itunes to download cagcast? Basically, how can we help cheapy rake in the big dough?[/QUOTE]

I second this question, that came to mind at the end of the last podcast. Although I assumed the answer would be we're all too cheap to help.
[quote name='dooddude']Dear Wombat,

What's wrong with your DS Lite that you're willing to get rid of for a new job?[/QUOTE]

you misunderstand I will buy you a new DSLite, I like mine and plan on keeping it.
[quote name='Wombat']you misunderstand I will buy you a new DSLite, I like mine and plan on keeping it.[/QUOTE]
oh okay, and Cheapy & Wombat:

There was a story at CNN on a group called the Global Gaming League and their push to make gaming an olympic sport in the 2008 Beijing Games. Do you think gaming should or could be an olympic sport, or does this group just need girlfriends? If it became one, would it be taken seriously?
Have you ever liked a movie tie in game? If so, what was it? I have yet to play a truely fun and enjoyable moive game from start to finish since the days of SNES and Genesis. I have a good friend who plays a lot of movie games most of the time. I know not everyone has the same taste, but I just don't get these borefests at $50 a pop. It seems like until recently, most of these Hollywood cash-ins have nothing to do with the movies they are from and generally suck. I enjoyed the Lord of the Rings games mildly, well what I played of them. They weren't horrible, but nothing AAA. Also, why do most batman games suck? Batman is quite possibly the easiest comic book character to have a great game made for the series. Please fix this.
To acquire a higher gamer score, I just play more games. To get more market place points, I just simply buy more points from my local department store. But this is my question to you (And forgive me if it's been asked before) but how and where do you get wife points to use any the above points mentioned?
Have you considered adding Segment Header audio clips to the Podcast?

I'm sure there is a willing CAG out there who would produce them for you.
Wombat, Cheapy, if you were a video game console, what video game console would you be?

Now that you guys have done a large number of episodes, are you satisfied with the direction of the podcast, is it going as well as you thought it would?
For Cheapy:

I was watching a show yesterday on strange foods around the world, and of course Japan came up. The people on the show were eating things like chicken hearts, different animal testicles, and poisonous fish, among other things. My question is, have you eaten anything similar to the things listed above?
Unless I heard incorrectly during the last few CAGcasts, it sounds like CAG isn't bringing in as many funds as it was not too long ago. CheapyD, I know last CAGcast you mentioned trying to find a sponsor for the show. This might not be the most popular idea (don't shoot the messenger), but...

If that can't be found, and given the decrease in revenue coming to the website from EBGameStop now, has there been any thought of using a subscription model for CAG? Care to share how urgent/not urgent it is to find additional revenue sources for CAG?
bread's done