CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Cheapy and Wombat

On the last cag you said you would have as a guest a game store mgr. I don't if you guys are familar with this website but here's a website of a game store mgr up in canada. The storys he writes about are pretty funny.

I know this isn't a question ,but I thought it might go with the next cag.

P.S give me killzone
Hey Wombat you don't answer in the Wombat Journal so I though I'll just ask it in here. She would also get a kick if you and Cheapy said hello to her and that her Bf (Sammy) Loves her on the Podcast her name is Erika Please do thanks it would really mean a lot to both of us(Please) Thank You. Sam.

Dear Wombat , My Gf(Hi Erika) just beat Castlevania: Portarit Of Ruin and she wants to know how far along you're in the game and which was the hardest boss for you. Also she wants to know how much time you might have wasted back tracking to get money in the game to progress further along to buy health to beat some of the harder parts in the game?
Have either of you signed up for Xbox Rewards or been accepted into the Halo 3 Beta?

I haven't been able to sign up for the rewards program yet because the site is still overloaded... :bomb:
This may be for next week's CAGcast (I'm a little behind today), but here is a nigh-impossible idea that is still kinda neat to think about.

Find out who you need to talk to at Microsoft or how much it would cost to get CAG avatars on Xbox Live as, say 200 point downloads. Work with WSB or any of us that would be willing to do custom avs for users so they could be sold in, say 12 packs. You could also split them up more with the various icons used on CAG (say, the Midwest CAG Division one, for example).

That way, a Cag could get their own avatar for their gamertag (obviously, as long as it is not copyrighted). That way, CAG gets more XboxLive exposure and maybe a few bucks could be sent your way, as well as to the artist.

It could also be used to promote the CAGcast, and vice versa; if someone listens to the CAGcast, but doesn't have/ doesn't want a vision cam - they have a way to get their own, cool gamertag pic.

I imagine the up-front cost to MS to have it on Live would be huge, but maybe it'd be worth it in the long run...?

BTW: Still trying to get my hands on Phoenix Wright. ;)
Hey guy's love the show.

Couple of Questions.

In the hype section you guys neglected to mention any PSP games coming out.
There has been at least 6 PSP games rated 8 or better at IGN in the last month.

Have you given up playing or paying attention to this format?

I like most people got it and forgot about it for a long time but lately the quality of games has been pretty good do you think you could discuss if you guys think the psp has earned a second chance based on the quality software that has been released on the system lately?

Dear Cheapy and bat-man,

Do you guys think that the price of PS1 downloads ($4.99, I believe) for the PSP will put pressure on Nintendo to drop prices for the Virtual Console?
First I'd lke to say I love the show.
Second I'd like to ask Wombat if he's been sleeping under a rock. Isn't the PS3 coming out with a game titled...AFRICA? Which take splace in AFRICA.
Oh by the way Virtua Fighter 5 would be cool if....

What will it take for PS3's online to even come close to XBL?

Love the show!!:applause:
I've come across many websites like Kotaku, Gamers and yours(specifically in your audio #63) in regards to a statement made by Jack Tretton in the March EGM magazine, and have wildly taken his words spoken and twisted it into a kangaroo court parody. He was talking and challenging one man(the interviewer) to locate a PS3. Not to the population of the United States of America, of which some have rigorously "taken up" the aforementioned and snidely mocked his apparent ignorance.

In this event, only one individual deserves the 1,200 dollars, and that would of been the person who talked to him. Since I didn't notice anything of such, I will assume unlike all the rest in this field. He had the class to refrain.
With the early info that Super Smash Brothers Brawl will use the classic or gamecube controller, do you see future (especially 3rd party) developers going the lazy route and not even bothering with motion controls and using the classic controller? Furthermore, would Nintendo do anything to discourage this from happening on the Wii?
thanks for clarifying the contest entry details.

toss me a copy of
Virtua Fighter 5

oh, and if you have any ps3s around, i'll take one of those too.
hey cheapy what is up with jav actresses in japan not shaving their private parts? is that a common thing in japan? do men find it attractive that their female counterparts have a macy grey hair-do down there? i really need to know since it has been bothering me for a while now, its really gross, perhaps you as an american can educate japanese women over there how to have proper hygiene. you will be the best spokesperson since you do lack hair.

p.s. your show is great tell wombat that he sounds exactly like that guy in beerfest and thats how i picture him to look like as well.
My friend and I are trying to promote a website that we have created. I was wondering whats the best way to promote it? Also, I would like to have Phoenix Wrigth 2.
Great show as always and if you could name your own console what would you name it.
Phoenix wright 2 please O please.
Dear CheapyD & Wombat,

Since you guys are so well respected... well ... at least by the Cheap Ass Gamers in the world... I figure you are the perfect duo to take on a case. I'd like to see if you'd be interested in investigating an interesting 'case' of sorts.

There is an active thread going on involving a 'too good to be true' deal from They are basically offering up games like Mass Effect and Bioshock for an amazing $40 each.

Now... the catch is that you have to pay $10 down on them in advance in order to pre-order. There is all sorts of back and forth going on between the 'site owner' and cheap ass gamers ready to jump on the deal.

Here's the thread:

Hoping you guys can investigate it and report your findings on an upcoming show.

In a recent CAGcast wombat said that no games have ever taken place in Africa. Well..... thats not completely true. As far as i know there is a game for the Wii comming out this year sometime called "Wild Sarfari" i think which is like a photography game which takes place in Africa and also Trauma Center: Second Opnion for the Wii has a few levels in Africa as well. So games are starting to go into Africa as a setting, but you are right in some way i guess because there are no shooters or any highly popular game that takes place 100% in Africa.
This is my first time asking a question and I hope it hasnt already been asked/answered but Im wondering. Are game related seizures common? like all the photo sensitive blah blah that I get a manual on or warning with every game? Is this really such a big problem? Ive never heard of it happening.
This is my first CAGbag question, and since there are 56 pages that I don't plan on sifting through, I hope this question hasn't already been asked. But Cheapy, could you do a quick history of CAG? Like how did it all get started? How long ago did you think up the idea for CAG, how long did it take to get going, etc.
Game Informer released a good Top 10 wishlist of songs for Guitar Hero III in their newest issue and since you guys will finally be getting Guitar Hero II within the next couple of months, it seems like the perfect time to ask some questions about songs that you two would like to see in in the sequel:

What is your favorite band that hasn't yet appeared in a Guitar Hero game (along with the song you'd include)?
What is your favorite guilty pleasure song that you'd want to appear in GHIII?
What is your favorite song from a band that's already appeared in a Guitar Hero game that Red Octane has missed that you'd want in GHIII?
What is your favorite video game theme (Mega Man and Halo were rumors) that you'd like to be able to play?
Finally, what is your favorite movie or TV show theme song that you'd like to be able to play?

Be as serious as you'd like with your choices.

Cheapy, I've noticed lately that quite a few CAGs have been trying to enter the CAGcast contests through the CAGbag or by creating new threads in the CAGcast forums. Are you strict with the contest entries by only accepting those that are in the CAGcast discussion thread or are you a little more lenient with the rules?
MrCHUPON here ("chlupe" is just shorthand). Love the show. Less of a question, more of a comment which I posted in the podcast thread but thought it might be appropriate here. I wonder what input or insight you have with regards to what I have to say below, and even if you don't read it on air perhaps this could warrant a PM response and a topic in the boards?

I wanted to point out something regarding Wombat's claim that no company is doing a good job in retaining customers:

Also, while I don't think Sony is necessarily doing a great job, its execs are aware of the importance of retaining consumers. All of the higher ups constantly remind the press of how important the branding - which, by logical, obvious extension, speaks to the Playstation's recognition by its *existing* customers - is to the success of its console. It's simply the execution that's lacking. Also think about the fact that the Playstation 2 has this incredibly long tail and is still sucking in customers (outselling Xbox 360? Really? Wow...) - potential customers that can be bred for a transition to the Playstation 3 when it finally does get cheaper... I'm very sure they're aware. These mega-corps don't hire bona-fide morons for executive positions, and whether or not they're executing properly, they're definitely aware of customer retention. (I do admit that some of the PS2 sales could be the result of replacing old broken PS2s, but then, the red ring of death might say the same thing for 360s...)

It's definitely a good point that Wombat brought up, but more credit should probably be given to these companies than is being given.

As for God of War 2 being stuck on the Playstation 2? The answer - the easy, obvious answer - is that Sony is trying to balance enticing people to the PS3 while keeping that ridiculously long tail on the PS2 and milking it for all its worth. PS3 hardware IS NOT PROFITABLE for the company currently, but Sony really had very little choice in releasing it when it did due to the huge lead Microsoft would inevitably obtain. Perhaps it made a misstep - which is my belief - in forcing gamers to adopt the Blu-Ray standard for a price they didn't want to pay, in turn causing the company's profit margin on the system to sink to the abyss. Whatever the case may be, it's in Sony's best interest to keep the Playstation 2 alive as long as possible to appease its current "poorer" customers with great games while giving the cutting edge to the early-adopters who do want it. To use a parallel that may not necessarily work, but is still telling of the strategy, video cards for PCs run up to $600 for the top model. But everyone who knows anything about PC gaming knows that the mainstream, $200 card is what pays the companies' bills. Yet, they still need to push out top-tier technology that's only meant for the highest of the high-end consumers to show the market what they're capable of.

Finally, Xbox Live Arcade games do have to be tested even though they've already been tested when they were first released. Sounds like you guys aren't familiar with the concept of emulation. You can't just dump Paperboy into an Xbox 360 and be done with it. You have to make sure that the software emulating - or "imitating" - the main arcade hardware that RAN Paperboy back in the day isn't glitchy. You have to make sure the console doesn't introduce slowdown or control problems. You have to make sure, also, that some games work alright online with as little lag as possible. So, yes, they test games twice.

Anyhow, I hope to hear your thoughts, and I can't wait for Ep. 64.
Dear Cheapy and Wombeezy,

If you had to choose one gaming genre to play for the rest of your life; what would it be?

Also; I've been thinking of purchasing an Xbox360. But I've also been wondering whether a PS3 is the way to go. Your advice on which I should get?
If i could be an animal, i would be a dolphin since they know when the end of the world is.


I would like Virtua Fighter 5 Please
i was wondering if there was ANY way to import japanese games and play them on the american X-Box 360's. i know where to get them and i REALLY want to play some of the games from way over yonder in cheapys neck of the woods. thanx again and the show gets me up in the morning!!! THANK YOU FOR THE GOOD TIMES.


Virtua Fighter Five
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
This one is for Cheapy. I was wondering how you could import japanese X-Box 360 games and play them on the american X-Box's. i already know where to get them ( for life.), but i justr need to know how to play them. i am really between a rock and a hard place, PLEASE HELP!!!
P.S. Wombat, i would be a dolphin to know when the end of the world would be.

Virtua Fighter 5:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :applause: :applause:
Cheapy - did you go the the japanese version of this Eugene, OR fine dining establishment?

I used to make my dad take me there when he would visit me in college. Best steak ever. In Eugene, you ate inside real traincars indoors, perfect for a railfan afficianado like you.
Edit: Fine, I got to the end of the show.
Don't you guys think it's foolish that you can't use the pics you earn from acheivements as your gamerpic on the 360? What better way to show off your dominance in your favorite game than to use the pic of the hardest acheivement from it. I remember Nintendo mentioning something like this for your Mii (e.g. beat Zelda, get Link's sword as an accessory for your Mii), but I'm not sure if that ever panned out. No clue why Microsoft insists you pay 80 points for a pic you'll use for a week and get sick of; can they really be selling that well?
Cagcast #64 was the third or fourth time I've heard Cheapy say "but a patch is coming soon/within the next day or so" in regards to the online modes of the new gen games. Shouldn't you be fed up with this bullshit by now? It's clear that console developers are embracing the luxury of online distribution to be lazy with their network code.

It is time you guys become the Ralph Nader of the video game industry. Games that are released with buggy online modes should NOT be recommended by the CAGCast/CAG Foreplay. These games should be deemed "Unplayable at any price!" I'm still bitter about THQ taking for-fucking-ever to fix Saints Row, which I paid full retail price and I essentially didn't play the game after that first initial weekend.

Note: To the younger audience, Ralph Nader was a pioneer for seatbelt safety who published a book on the automotive industry's refusal to implement seat belts. Unsafe at any speed was the name of the book.
Back when the Genesis and the SNES were the shit back in the early 90's, you'd often see two completely different games that shared the same name and were released at the same time (Aladdin, Beavis & Butthead, Rocket Knight Adventures, etc). The reason for this is the two systems were really different on the inside and they made two versions so the advertisements would gain a bigger audience. Do think this might come back since the Wii is so different than the 360 & PS3? Or, will they go on making shitty 360 ports of the game for the Wii ?
After hearing about so few Japanese girls approaching CheapyD, I want to know if CheapyD has a bald head by choice or did he start losing his hair at an early age.
Last show in ur mention of Jade Empire and how its comming to the PC and how they should re-release some old Xbox games at bargin bin prices remastered on the 360, started me thinking about Jade Empire and i dug it out and started play it again. As i was playing i tried to hit the guide button on my 360 and i realised you cant use ANY 360 features while emulating an origional xbox game, not even the guide. Well it all sorta hit me at once, and i realized how great an idea it would be to re-release remastered versions of xbox games on the 360, then not only would you be able to use the guide features such as friends list and other things to stay connected to live but they could add in achievement points also to the xbox games giving them some added extra replayability. well i could be crazy but i have one last idea. if microsoft releases the bigger harddrive for the 360 maybe they could even umm i dont know let us download origional xbox titles over live. I think thats a good idea personally but i could jsut be crazy.
Speculate for me for a second. In your opinion, 5 years down the road, which of the 3 consoles (handhelds aside) will have won the console war? Will Sony's eventual 3rd party titles save the system? Will Wii's family friendly oriented console have what it takes? Will the 360's acheivement points be all it takes to win??

Waddya guys speculate?
Dear Cheapy and Wombizzly the Main Animal on the Rizzly,

With the success of Gears of War, do you think a sequel is a good posibility? Cliff Bleszinski the lead game designer of Gears of War has several times said that he would like to make Gears of War into a trilogy. How do you think these games would do? Can you see it as another hit, or simply a gaming "teh phail'd"?
Hello Cheapy D...........

I am trying to get the strategy guide for the DS import game " [SIZE=-1]Wizardry Asterisk: Hiiro no Fuuin"

I see it listed on Amazon Japan... Any ideas how to get it..... Or if possible could I pay you via Paypal to buy and ship to me??????????

I know very little Japanese yet somehow have gotten about 75 percent through what I think is a very hard game. I think I have hit a wall now not knowing what main characters are telling me........

Also do you know anyone in Japan who would translate the manual for $$$ ??

Thanks in advance,
P Dad

Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

I'm a recent CAGcast convert and I have to say that I absolutely love the show. It is the only podcast I make it a point to listen to every week.

My question, and forgive me if this has come up before and I've just missed it, is why don't you show any love for PC game mods? I realize that the site is usually console focused, but game modifications are the ultimate "Cheap Ass Games," because they are absolutely free! Many people think of mods as just adding a new gun or map to a game, but there are several of them out there that are practically on par with fully released retail games.

If you want to recommend a recent one on the show, a cyberpunk multiplayer game built off of "Half-Life 2" called "Dystopia" was just released this week and can be checked out here:

Regardless, thanks for keeping me quite entertained every week.

Geez, I sound like such a tool in this post!
CheapyD, I'd like you to comment on racism in Japan.

Maybe express it in relation to racism in Manhattan, so we can get an idea of where you're coming from?

Not only racial japanese minorities, but also the broader "gaijin"-phobia. I heard something about "Gaijin Hanzai Files", a comic about how crime in japan is all because of foreigners of all kind. Arabs, koreans, americans, etc.

Hey Cheapy,

I just discovered the show, and like McDonalds, I'm lovin' it. I was looking through the sales charts in Game Informer this month, and 8 of the top 10 titles in Japan are for the DS. I was wondering if their popularity is as widespread as this would indicate. Do you see them all around, especially since many of the titles are adult-oriented, and is it perhaps more socially acceptable than traditional console gaming? Thanks.
Hey Guys,

Just signed up for the forums, but have been listening to the show for a while and have really enjoyed it. Wanted to make a couple of points:

On the subject of why the Wii doesn't download firmware updates independently through WiiConnect 24. I think this is because of the possible risk of a faulty update bricking up the console, as has happened with the 360.

If you select to d/l a 360 update and it bricks up, it sucks. But if the Wii downloaded it for you automatically and there was a problem, it would be a PR nightmare. That's one reason anyway, but it does mean that yeah WiiConenct 24 is fairly useless.

Also, Cheapy, whenever you talk about Phoenix Wright 2 It sounds like you are calling it "And Justice for All" as opposed to just "Justice for All". What's up with that? Am I imagining it or have you been influenced by listening to Metallica?
In light of recent events on CAG, I was wondering why Cheapy allowed someone else to post on the front page news feed. In the past only Cheapy has put up such posts for all to see. Could this be the start of a new system fueled by whatever the moderators want to post? Does this undermind some of the credibility of the front page?

...What's up right now seems to have an attitude that a few CAG's have commented on. Is this going to me more common in the future? I personally hope not.
[quote name='rywateska']In light of recent events on CAG, I was wondering why Cheapy allowed someone else to post on the front page news feed. In the past only Cheapy has put up such posts for all to see. Could this be the start of a new system fueled by whatever the moderators want to post? Does this undermind some of the credibility of the front page?

...What's up right now seems to have an attitude that a few CAG's have commented on. Is this going to me more common in the future? I personally hope not.[/QUOTE]

I've been posting stuff to the front page for months and Cheapy asked me to write that up.
[quote name='shipwreck']I've been posting stuff to the front page for months and Cheapy asked me to write that up.[/QUOTE]

Duely noted with the recent Foreplay's & GameznFlix postings. To better put my issue into words... I wonder if a common write-up of your shopping merits a front page post. Multiple stories, similar to this one, are posted with each and every big sale. I just don't see it being that much of a big deal, almost pushing the sale itself to a backseat (even if seemingly it's known everywhere).

Not to knock your writing or the time you put into making CAG a better place, shipwreck, more so a question geared towards Cheapy's ideas towards what in the future will constitue headline worthy postings and what the aim could be for CAG's outlook to expand as a site in the time to come.
Gotcha. Well, I can tell you our thought process on it. Cheapy and I were talking about the sale last night and he asked me to write something up about it. I wasn't really sure if it even needed to be on the front page at that point as it was all over the internet. In fact, we try to keep these types of sales off the front page for at least the first day so that CAGs can have first dibs at them.

But as I said, this thing was everywhere already, so Cheapy asked me to write up what my experiences had been so far with the sale and to give CAGs an idea of what they had in store for them when they headed to the stores tomorrow. I eventually agreed to do this and I didn't intend to take anything away from the deal, but instead tried to give people an accurate representation of what to expect. All the links even go directly to the deal and not to the thread I made.

I'll certainly let Cheapy answer this question as well, but I just wanted to let you know our thought process behind the post.

From how I'm imagining Mrs. Wombat to look like, she seems like someone who would be totally out of your how the hell did your fat cheap ass achieve such a great feat? Inquiring cheapasses want to know...
Firstly I'd like to say. I am fairly new to CAGcast and it has quickly come to be my favorite podcast. I even downloaded some old episodes to make my recent air travel more pleasant.

Secondly I'd like to say that by mostly unbiased I mean that I play all systems and can see all their weaknesses and strengths, but a game is released for multiple platforms I will buy the Nintendo version.

My current dilema is between the PSP and the DS. I have a DS a fair collection of games. My question is more asking for advice. i have noticed a selection of PSP games I'm interested in playing, but the PSP is so freakin expensive. In both of your opinions would I be better off buying a DS lite and some new games for my 250 bucks or shelling out for a PSP with 1 mediocre game and a movie. Both systems have games I am interested in and I could care less about UMD movies. Any advice or just plain opinions would be welcome and helpful

I know you want as many registered CAGs as possible. However, with so many deals being reported on other sites (SD, FT, Digg, etc.) have you ever considered banning those that leak deals?

Love the podcast! Listen to every episode!

Hey CheapyD and Wombat, I've got a few interesting "what if" style questions for you guys if you'd like to take the time to speculate:

If there was one handheld gaming series that you'd love to have on a console, what would it be? How about a console series that you'd love to have on handheld? Feel free to detail what console/handheld you'd port it to with some ideas for added features to take advantage of what that console or handheld offers.

If you could take one series and create a spin-off game in any other genre? What would it be and why do you think it could work?

If you could take one franchise from a 1st party and bring it to another next-gen console, what would it be? Feel free to make choices for all three consoles.
bread's done