CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hi guys, this question is in reference to an answer you gave to the caller from CAGCast #80 where he asked whether he should wait to buy a PS3 or buy it now. While it is true that there will probably be a price drop, what do you think Sony will do to make that drop happen? I'm referring to the exclusion of the emotion chip from the European PS3s. I believe that removing the chip from U.S. consoles will be the only way that Sony can cut the price. Personally, I'd rather pay more money now and be assured high backward compatibility. The issue of bc is more relevant for the PS3 than any other console since the PS2 has arguably some of the best games around. What do you guys think?
Thanks for answering my question on Cagcast #80 even though i wasn't really satisfied with your answer and especially Wombat's.

This is another question worth answering:

What series do you think have no place to evolve in terms of gameplay but just do more of the same kind of thing?

GTA and Halo are the ones i think have no place to evolve in terms of gameplay.
Since Manhunt 2 got a rating of AO, what's the likelihood that Grand Theft Auto IV might get the same AO treatment? Basically, politicians and media probably can rally the ESRB to give AO ratings to games that are deemed inappropriate.

Manhunt 2 couldn't have been that much more different than Manhunt, however now it gets a AO rating. Had Manhunt 2 come out sooner after the release of Manhunt it would have probably gotten the same Mature rating.

Is it possible that Take two, might try to appeal the ESRB's decision, Manhunt 2... no different than Saw 1, 2, 0r 3... in my opinion..
Suddenly in a strange twist of fate and what not, various people in power around the world, presidents and billionaires (called the BrainTrust) decide the year now ends at June 22nd.

So Cheapy and Wombat, with only 6 months of games, whats your game of the year, 2007 1/2?
Hey guys, first of all I loved your "Stump the Retailer Segment" as I work at my local Bleep-Stop where we buy and sell used Bleeps. Because of this I am also used to putting up with ESRB bullshit.
Your Man Hunt 2 discussion piqued my interest and it got me thinking. (I apologize for the following long ass post) Basically what is happening is that because the big companies like Nintendo and Sony won't allow Ao rated games on their respective consoles, coupled with the fact that the ESRB has so much power that they can essentially block a title from being sold anywhere if they give it an Ao rating, video game publishers are being censored and regulated on what they can or cannot create.
I know this is jumping to conclusions, but this type of regulation could lead to even worse things. What if some day because of this ESRB nonsense, a customer will walk into a store and every game on the shelves will be called "Maximum Amount of Violence Allowed to the Point of not Being Rated Adults Only"?
My point is that limiting the creative juices of game developers could cause generic or limited games, in terms of content. Now with all that out of the way I thought of a solution to this problem, and it is this:
Developers of extremely popular, yet violent game franchises (Halo, Grand Theft Auto, Gears of War, Resident Evil, etc.) must do the following: Release Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto 4, Gears of War 2, and Resident Evil 5. Make them the greatest games that their respective series have ever seen. Except up the violence and gore to such a point that they would have to be rated Ao. Then the plan would unfold. Most stores would not carry these games, but any that do carry them would sell out like crazy. A large demand would grow for these games, but they would be very hard to find since 90% of retail stores vowed not to carry them. Public pressure would grow, people would walk into Gamestops wanting these hot titles, and when they are told that Gamestop refuses to carry these games, customers would be furious and would lose faith in these retailers. After all if they're not going to carry the games from these huge franchises, then what's the point of shopping there? Every industry is motivated by one thing. And that's the almighty dollar. When retail chains that don't carry these games see them start selling like hot cakes from other sources, they will realize what a huge piece of the proverbial pie they are missing out on. The general public as well as investors in those companies will pressure them to start selling the Ao rated games. Eventually they would crack, and start selling them, and from that point on, things would be different.
My point to all of this rambling is that publishers have to come together in some sort of way (maybe the way described above). They have to stand together and say, "We will not let some generic rating system dictate what type of games we can or cannot create. It's up to the consumer to decide."
If a consumer buys a certain type of game, obviously more of that game will be made, since there is demand for it. If the opposite is true, publishers would stop making that type of game, as no one will buy it. This is how it should work with Ao rated games. The consumer will naturally decide whether they should be sold or not. I guess that concludes my "State of the Industry Address" wanted to know what you guys think if this situation. Thank you for your time.
Cheapy, when are you going to let Wombat host the CAGcast? I think it'd be interesting if Wombat brought up all the topics and you played the sidekick for a change. It would also make the Wombat haters go bat-shit insane, which alone could be quite amusing.
Great show guys. Keep it up and it will be no time before you guys start getting paid for this. My question is simple, did you guys put stickers on your GHII controller? or leave it blank?
Hey there Cheapy and Wombat,
Great job with the CAGcast, I’ve been listening since the beginning and it just keeps getting better!

For the sake of on-air reading I’ve spilt this up into a quick version and a wordy version =oP

A while ago, David Jaffe while speaking on his now canceled PSP game “Heartland”, asked the question, “Can a video game address political views and still be fun and still be commercial and compelling?" Personally I feel that games should be severed from politics. Not only would games be demonized for mature content, but also for political content. I am not about to make an overarching statement about what games should do, but personally I have no interest in games or even art that is saturated in politics. What are your thoughts on political issues being discussed in games? Would you be interested in games that discussed politics, or do you believe games should be apolitical?”

The quick version is just that last question, “Would you be interested in games that discussed politics, or do you believe games should be apolitical?”

P.S. Wombat is a games journalist.
Granted, I am one show behind, so you may have covered this on the last live show, but it not...

You say "no" to pirated video games, etc, but you seem to have no problem downloading "free" TV shows or movies, etc. I am missing something here???
Hey Wombat and Cheapy,

Just listened to episode #80 and both of you seemed to believe that the reason Manhunt 2 was slammed with an AO rating was because of violence. While it's very possible that violence played a factor in the games rating I have an alternative theory as to what the ESRB found to be "objectionable content".

Let look back at GTA: San Andreas. It garnered an M rating as we all know but what was it that pushed that title (and politicians) over the edge? Was it the car jacking and running people over? No. The thug style violence that romanticized the gang member lifestyle? No. Obviously it must have been the fact that you could wipe out a ton of police officers with a machine gun, right? Nope. It was the SEX!

It wasn't until Hot Coffee came out that people really got all up in arms. O'no! Little Johny might see people having sex, we can't let that happen! O'sure he can play out his fantasy of killing hundreds of people needlessly at random but heaven forbid he should see sex in a game.

So my take on the AO rating for Manhunt 2 is that there is likely some level of sexual activity in the game, be it hetero or otherwise. For whatever reason people are more worried about sex in media than violence and I have a strong feeling that this is yet another case of that social anxiety.

What do ya'll think? Keep up the great work!
To be fair about the R4 being sold at that store, it 'can' be used for piracy. It can also be used to play homebrew.

Most people are going to use it for piracy, but if you're looking for an escape route on the entire "I backed a store that sells flashcarts" thing, that's a winner. The homebrew scene gets really ticked when people assume that everybody who buys a flash cart is a pirate.
Cheapy, I have a Japan related question.

You talk about going to the movie theater on the CAGcast and I wanted to know how the language difference works. Is the movie in English with Japanese subtitles? Or is the movie dubbed with English sibtitles? Or do you need special headphones to hear it in Englsh?

Also, can you drink alchohol in the movie theater?

Keep up the great work on the CAGcast Cheapy and Wombat, you make commuting least one day a week lol.
Cheapy (and Wombat),

I'm completely stumped as far as how is the target of some wrath among the CAGs. I've been looking at the retro stuff (and there's quite a bit of that, too) and I'm asking you this: How does VGCentral HURT the CAGs? It may be a "modchip store", but what I'm seeing is a whole helluva lot of retro stuff. If you want a modchip store, just don't go to the obvious modchip stores. But VGCentral looks to have lots and lots of retro stuff. I'm in hog heaven with all the retro stuff!!

Definitive statement time:

Cheapy and Wombat -- What would each of you say is the one single gaming platform (console or portable, doesn't matter) that you have had the best overall experience with, over your entire lives as gamers? No categories, qualifiers or conditions; I'm talking about ONE system to rule them all. The best system ever...?

(No need to read this part "on the air" but...
my pick is actually the DS. I've been a gamer since the NES so I've seen some good shit in my day, but with the DS game library getting deeper by the month, full backwards compatibility with GBA games, no region lock, online multiplayer, unmatched accessibility, a wealth of innovative oddball titles that usually don't make it out of Japan, and the ability to have this whole experience while sitting under a tree, I think it pretty much destroys everything else. Phantom Hourglass can only widen the gulf.) Does this make me a Nintendo fanboy? Probably.
First of all I want to say good job, I listen to each podcast on Itunes as they come out.

Now my quesiton:

Cheapy just purchased a Macbook a couple weeks ago. I also just purchased one at the begining of the week, and I am interested in doing some light gaming. So far I have downloaded 2 demos, Prey and Doom 3, and they ran like crap. I know this is because of both the lack of a Universal Binary for doom 3, and that both games don't like the Intel GMA 950 graphics chip inside the Macbook.

Do you see that the lack of consistant standards has doomed the pc and mac game market, due to the fact that you can't know if a game will run even if it meets the standards printed on the retail box?

(Most people I know from work just know their computer is an apple, dell, gateway etc, without knowing how much memory and type of graphics, if any, are installed.)

Oh, and and do you know of any good games that will run on a Macbook? FPS games are my prefered choice.

Thank you in advance for any insight or information you can offer.
Hello CheapyD and Wombat, I’ve been listening to this show for a while and just now decided to sign up. I have 2 questions for you. The first one is for Wombat. This may have been asked before but I know that you are a big comic book fan and I was just wondering if you would be attending this year’s Comic Con. My other question is for both of you. In light of all this Manhunt 2 controversy what do you think is the most controversial game of all time?
Hey CheapyD and Wombat.

Since you guys live in such big cities does that mean you guys do not have any pets? Have you ever owned a bundel of love?

And if not, Cheapy have ever aten Dog while living in Japan? You sicko! :whistle2:#

stop the ps3 hate!

Hey guys,

What is your take on the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision lifting the ban on price floors? It could have a profound effect on the deals and general pricing practices many of us have come to take for granted. I think this would be a perfect topic for discussion on the show. It would be especially neat if you could recruit a legal expert and an economist to break the issue down and give us some perspective.

See this thread for CAG discussion on the subject to this point:
hey guys, i was just wondering, do you ever feel like you have too many games you want to play in one day? For me, having a 360, PS3, Wii and DS, Ill usually feel like playing so many different games, I just have to choose what I want to play the most or play a lil bit of each. Just curious if this happens to you guys, especially when alot of games come out at once.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']
And if not, Cheapy have ever aten Dog while living in Japan? You sicko! :whistle2:#

stop the ps3 hate!



And, they both own PS3s I think they're allowed to brandish hate, bashing, and AIDS on it.

As for my question, boxers or briefs?! Or something else perhaps?
Hey Wombat,

If you are not a fan of sandbox type games, how are you such a big fan of Oblivion? If there was ever a more sandbox type game out there, I'm hard pressed to find one.
Hi Cheapy and Wombat

After listening to Wombat's woes on the latest CAGcast, I thougth I'd tell my most recent 360 fiasco.

I got the 3 red rings the first week of May. Since my 360 was 2 months out of warranty, I paid the $140 for the extra year of repair. After about 3 weeks I recieved my console back, just before Memorial Day weekend. I didn't play at all over the holiday, but within 2 weeks I had the red rings again. Because of a family emergency I wasn't able to call until June 6 for a new coffin. As of writing this, my 360 still has not been shipped out 1 month later. If all goes well I'll have it back just under 5 weeks. I have spent at least 4 hours on the phone dealing with support. One day alone was over an hour. Since the beginning of May I have had a working console less than 2 weeks.

My question is for Wombat. Since you seem to have a good grasp of corporate America, how do you think M$ is going to eventually address this problem. What do the two of you think they should do?



ps Feel free to edit this post for time in the CAG Bag
[quote name='btlcjackburton']Hi Cheapy and Wombat

After listening to Wombat's woes on the latest CAGcast, I thougth I'd tell my most recent 360 fiasco.

I got the 3 red rings the first week of May. Since my 360 was 2 months out of warranty, I paid the $140 for the extra year of repair. After about 3 weeks I recieved my console back, just before Memorial Day weekend. I didn't play at all over the holiday, but within 2 weeks I had the red rings again. Because of a family emergency I wasn't able to call until June 6 for a new coffin. As of writing this, my 360 still has not been shipped out 1 month later. If all goes well I'll have it back just under 5 weeks. I have spent at least 4 hours on the phone dealing with support. One day alone was over an hour. Since the beginning of May I have had a working console less than 2 weeks.

My question is for Wombat. Since you seem to have a good grasp of corporate America, how do you think M$ is going to eventually address this problem. What do the two of you think they should do?



ps Feel free to edit this post for time in the CAG Bag[/quote]

Its been addressed ;):
Can you wheedle ONE answer for me from Microsoft at E3? I know I'm not alone in wanting an answer...

Here's the deal: like a good consumer I bought 2 years of extended warranty through MS when I bought my console back in October of '06. Now that all 360's will have 3 years of warranty, I don't really see myself needing the additional 2 years bringing me up to a 5-year warranty. Will MS give me the $50 back that I originally paid for my additional 2 years of warranty?

If not, how about a newly published free first-party released game instead? Don't want to give away a game I'm sure to buy which will drop to a $30 retail price point in 18 months? How about you just give me 4000 MS points? That's $50, right?

Remember when I bought my 360, I was extending the warranty from 90 days to 2 years and 90 days. Now I've got more than double that warranty--it's more than a CAG needs.

Peter Moore studiously ducked this issue over at 1up:

1UP: The people who already purchased an extended warranty, what does this mean for them?

I don't know about that. A lot of the extended warranties are retailer-oriented, so our point of view is that if you bought a box, you have a three year warranty effective today. We need to be able to take care of people who have paid us for repairs that have been out of warranty against this problem, so we're going to busily start sending checks out to those people again.

Full text here:

Hey, by the way--looking at that picture of Moore got me to thinking...

Lee Van Cleef and Peter Moore... Separated at birth?

Hey Wombat,
As a former comic book reader who also lives in New York, I found myself not knowing what to do with all my comics as space is precious, but throwing them out felt like a waste too. I was wondering how you handle it. I've just ended up walking into Forbidden Planet about once a month and flipping through some issues.
CheapyD and Wombat, do you guys think that the Playstation 3's "rumored" price drop will make a difference in the console wars at this point with Sony's ever-decreasing exclusives? And can you read this question as Barry White Cheapy?
Hey guys--another question came to mind:

In light of Sony recently snubbing Cheapy by not inviting him to the 'exclusive' Killzone party, isn't there some kind of karmic justice at work in the world when is the conduit through which Sony's $100 price drop bombshell was spoiled?

I think Sony had better start treating you two and the CAG community right, or there will be hell to pay with the forces that rule the universe.

Your thoughts?

Cheapy--when you're on Bloomberg again, that US$1,050,000,000 to 1,150,000,000 charge that MS took amounts to $90-$100 per xbox sold to date assuming 11,600,000 sold. That is a huge loss. Can Sony compete with Microsoft's deep pockets in the long run? 3-4 years from now when the next Xbox is being launched and the PS3 is finally hitting its stride, won't the PS3 be a generation behind? You can bet that MS won't ship shitty hardware for the 360's successor.
Hey guys whats going on? I love the show and I really do like the live show so keep up the good work. My question is I remember hearing about a game for the DS called Egg Monster Heroes and it said on some game sites it was coming out on lauch in the US but it never did so all im asking is what ever happened to that game? and if you got it in Japan Cheapy is it any good?thanks
Dear Cheapy and Wombat,

So Sony's PS3 price cut is real, and with this news hitting at the same time that Microsoft is admiting to technical problems with every Xbox 360 released until recently, do you think that the tide is turning? I myself still have no reason to buy a PS3, but I'm starting to think about it, and here is why -

* Bluray seems to slowly but surely be pulling ahead of HD-DVD. Again, I'm not buying yet, but if Bluray wins, that almost guarantees that I'll be picking up a PS3. Multiple PS3s - one for me, and one for my family.
* The build quality of the PS3 seems far better than previous Sony products. The PS1 and PS2, first generation, were built to die. I can't say I feel the same way about the release model PS3. Overall, the hardware is done right, and no obvious defects grab my attention.
* Hardware-wise, the PS3 is superior to the Xbox 360. The Cell is really amazing, and blows away the performance of the PowerPC chips the 360 is using. While there is the issue of 'coding for the processor', when it comes down to raw power, the PS3 is the clear winner.
* Free online play. If Sony gets their act together, this is a big reason to buy the PS3.
* PS2 compatibility and upscaling. I love my PS2 and many games on my PS2. It's tempting to have a console that will play my old PS2 games and upscale them, while at the same time, play current-generation games.
* Showing my geeky side here, but I love that Sony allows me to run Linux on my PS3 without modifications.

I guess the only thing missing from the equation are the games. This E3 will let us know if Sony has used some black magic on that front. Remember that Xbox 360 has failed in Japan, and given the limited hardware on the Wii, many if not all traditional gaming titles will end up on the PS3.

One final note, I don't think this will affect Nintendo at all. They've made the right choice going for their own market.
hey cheapy and wombat

Do you guys think, with nintendo always releasing consoles with expansion bays and releasing prototypes of attachments with hardware enhancing capabilities, that the Wii will recieves one of these attachments to improve its inferior graphics ?
This is more for Wombat, but I'd like Cheapy's opinion as well:

I know we've seen with Activison that they've met with much success re-releasing Gold Editions and 2K has done the same with the Elder Scrolls, but what do you think of the recently announced GOTY edition of Oblivion, do you find this fair to purchasers of the Shivering Isles expansion such as yourself Wombat? I know I was planning to purchase it come August to hold me over until Halo 3, but now, I'm selling off my Collector's Edition copy because frankly, it will be cheaper for me to do so, and then buy the GOTY when it comes out. With Shivering Isles at $30, and this game at $50 at release it seems (CAG's are sur eto fin d it cheaper), what is the incentive to purchase it online? Having to have it load up each time? Taking up hard-drive space? It just seems like a huge f-you to their fans, especially those who purchased the PS3 version and don't even have the option to download the Isles.

Feel free to cut this down for the cast, I just wanted to give you some background to work with.
To Cheapy

For your "cameo" during nintendo's e3 07 conference, did the Big N contact you for permission?

To Wombat

Your thoughts on World War Hulk? Are you following it at all?

Keep up the good work gents.

How do you respond to the fact that Wombat crushes CheapyD in a Google fight?

And Cheapy, you should be proud to know that I've had three Stern shows to listen to at work this week but instead I've been listening to old CAGcasts instead. Keep up the good work guys. The CAGcasts are both informative and funny. Thanks.
In your latest CAGcast, Cheapy reported that Wii outsells PS3 6 to 1 in Japan. Wombat's response was that it's only 2.5 to 1 because of the cost difference of the systems.

Doesn't that silly mammal know it's all about hardware penetration to sell software? That means Wii has 6x's as many people to sell games to! In short: That's a MASSIVE advantage. Who gives a wombat's furry duff if it costs less to buy the hardware?
[quote name='Mr_Vanderbilt']In your latest CAGcast, Cheapy reported that Wii outsells PS3 6 to 1 in Japan. Wombat's response was that it's only 2.5 to 1 because of the cost difference of the systems.

Doesn't that silly mammal know it's all about hardware penetration to sell software? That means Wii has 6x's as many people to sell games to! In short: That's a MASSIVE advantage. Who gives a wombat's furry duff if it costs less to buy the hardware?[/quote]
And people have more money to buy other things, $250.00 more which can go towards games, accesories, etc. all of which makes Nintendo's pockets happy.
Hello Cheapy and Wombat, love the show and digg it every week. I am conflicted and need guidance on a gaming purchase. Recently the PS3 price lowered down to 499.99, and I thought “wow that is pretty cheap for a blue ray player.” But then what really tugged at my cheap heart was a deal that is very hard to pass up. Gamestop and Gamecrazy have lowered the price of their used 20gb model, and I do mean used because sony is no longer producing them. The 20gb model is selling at Gamecrazy for 340.00 and at Gamestop for 370.00. Do you guys feel this is a good deal, should I go for this and buy the 20gb model at this low price or should I wait a little while and buy the 60gb, or should I hold off all together and not buy one at all this year? I have my router in my entertainment center so I have no need for the Wifi capabilities and the card reader is of no interest to me, but I do miss out on the 5 blueray titles for free from sony, or if I purchase the PS3 will it end up like my Wii, collecting dust and not being played because of lack of solid titles. Please help.

Sorry to ask two questions to you guys but this question is more directed towards cheapy because it is about toyko. did you know that mcdonalds is making a coffee place like starbucks called mc cafe only in japan with the new shops opening in august in toyko, how do you think it will do, do people in japan drink that much coffee, i thought they were tea drinkers.

Hey Wombat and Cheapy,

I enjoyed the Wii version of RE4 but so much of what seems to be on the Wii are party and mini game collections, which don't appeal to me. Not to mention only one or two first party titles look appealing right now. As someone who prefers the duel joystick control scheme, can either of you give me some reasons why I should be excited for the future of the Wii, and more importantly why should I not sell my Wii?
What game were you most impressed with at E3, and what game were you least impressed with? Also was there any game that surprised you in a good, or bad, way?
[quote name='CheapyD']Let's get some E3 specific questions for our e3 Wrap up show![/quote]
Compared to previous year's shows, do you think E3 was better this year now that its trimmed down signifcantly and targeted specifically to industry insiders as opposed to years past when it was becoming a media and marketing spectacle open to many? What improvements compared to previous years did you see this year in how the show is handled and what set backs or negatives did you see?

Also, we often hear of the games and consoles at E3 but was there any peripheral devices, accessories, or perhaps unusual items such as toys, that suprised you or caught your attention?
[quote name='CheapyD']Let's get some E3 specific questions for our e3 Wrap up show![/quote] Other than Mass Effect, I was most excited about Brothers in Arms - Hell's Highway. The destruction of surroundings coupled with the beautiful graphics will slot nicely into the already-established squad gameplay mechanic/story-telling/musical score that we already know and love to make what I feel could be one of the most accomplished WWII shooters ever.

That said, do you guys feel that the abundance of WWII games makes journalists almost ignore any WWII titles at shows such as E3? They must be so sick of them so it's understandable I suppose, but is it really fair?

I just think no matter how good these games are, they could be neglected by jaded journalists, not receive any special coverage and slip under the radar.

I guess my real question is - do journalists have too much of a say in what is consumed by the gaming audience? Not everyone scours the net for every scrap of info like we do and the fact that games don't make it on to magazine-fronts and game site front pages could really affect their sales. It could be the fatal flaw in having full-time gaming journalists, as opposed to journalists who occasionally write about games - they can in some ways be bored of the industry and as such are always looking the next new, fresh thing. Which is all well and good except that perfectly good "traditional" games could get left out in the cold.
What where the pros and cons of this year's E3 in comparison to last year's?

Also, if you didn't have a Wii, PS3 or 360, and you could only get one of the 3, which one would you get based on what you saw at this year's E3?
What was the press reaction to all the back and forth surrounding the PS3 price drop?

What kind of schwag did you get?

What do you think of the future of E3 and is there a place for a large consumer video game expo a la Comicon?

Also, when the E3 stuff dies down, can you check out the Dragon Quest Expo and fun house stuff in Odaiba for us please?

And also the world premiere of MGS4 gameplay demo'ing in Tokyo...thanks!
bread's done