CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Cheapy and Wombat,

What are your thoughts on downloadable games/marketplaces and gift giving.

I have found that parents, loved ones, etc are less likely to give you a gift of MS or Wii points, etc than they are to purchase a game as a gift.

Example, Super Mario World on the VC is high on my list, but chances are my wife, etc will never pick it up for me because (i) she won't just stumble across it while out shopping, and (ii) I think a lot of people feel like giving someone a gift card or point card is not as fun or "sexy" as giving them a "real gift."

With Sony doing higher priced games through the download service, etc, I wonder how this will change holiday shopping sales, etc.

PS - Wombat, I am in San Diego, the con was year give me a heads up and be sure to head west...
Is retail morality declining?

Let me explain. Recently Circuit City layed off thousands of their higher payed employees, and took aboard lower wage replacements.

This past week we witnessed the sale on points cards at CC. At least 12 stores in the Southern California region did not have point card on the store opening sunday morning (maybe speedy's leaks have something to do with this.) Most weren't offering rainchecks.

How can a store have a huge sale and not have the inventory to match a minimal amount of demand? Do you think the top brass cares? Has the consumer's mental construction of retail service been changed; I've been burned many times by Gamestop/Best Buy/ Circuit City but keep coming back.

BTW Cheapy- Thank for d/ling BSG.
So now I guess the D in Cheapy D stands for Dad, huh? Congratulations. My wife and I have two boys, and our 3 year and I have a blast already playing games together. You're gonna love it. Congrats again to you and your wife.

Oh, and on another subject, don't you think Stardust HD should be the new standard by which downloadable games are judged? That game is so worth $10 it's ridiculous, and there are a some $10 games on Live arcade that aren't worth a steaming pile.

Vagina Clowns Rule!

And so does Wombat.
Hey Cheapy!

I absolutely love your new toilet video! Who would have known that taking a crap could be so rewarding. I live in New York City right now, and I know that you used to live here. My question is how would you compare your "toilet experience" in New York and Tokyo. I know my toilet, and just about everyone else's I know in New York City, is the absolute worst toilet that a person could possibly imagine. You litterally have to hold the handle down for a minute before the water slowly drains, and then drips onto the floor from the pipe. Perhaps Wombat could make his own toilet youtube video for comparison. Anyway, keep up the good work on the Cagcast, and thanks for adding me to your PS3 friends list!

A few more comic book Q's for Wombat:

(1)What comic books do you read on a monthly/weekly basis?

My current "subscription" list is just Batman, Detective, Ultimate Spiderman, Punisher, Buffy.

(2) I am looking to add a book or two, what do you suggest and why?

(3) If there was one comic book you would want to see be turned into a good video game, what book and what developer would you trust the most to do the job?
Cheapy and Wombat, you guys rock! I'm new to both the CAG community and podcasts in general, but ever since my car stereo was stolen I'm stuck on my work commute with just my mp3 playing cell phone. Anyway I wanted to commend you guys on your awesome podcast. I look forward to listening every week. You really make my drive easier.

I had a thought or two about what you were saying about review scores. I really feel that review scores only hurt games. So what if a game isn't perfect? I remember back in the NES days, before reviews were everywhere, when my friends and I would play any game, 5-star or otherwise, just because we wanted to game. I've played bad games and still had a good time, and I've played "well reviewed" games that I couldn't stand (Prey, I'm looking in your direction). My point is, most games have something to offer gamers who are willing to see past a few flaws and get into the meat of a game. I hope I'm not the only CAG who feels this way. People who only want to play games that get top reviews are really nothing more than game snobs. Put down the controller and go find a wine bar, I think you'll have more fun there.

I'm done ranting. Congrats on the new edition and podcast nominations! Good luck with both!
Hey Wombat and Cheapy (I do it this way to boost Wombat's ego just a bit),

With the recent announcement of GTA IV's delay into 2008, do you see any games, either console or handheld being pushed back or pushed up into October to boost sales numbers because of big name titles coming all around the other months?
Have you guys ever considered doing a "street interview" with the general public? Cheapy (with the help of an interpreter) could ask questions of the Japanese gaming community, like which upcoming game releases they're most looking forward to, current favorites, etc. Wombat could also represent by roaming the streets of NYC posing the same types of questions to American gamers. Both of you could record your findings and host them on YouTube, etc.

I think it would be pretty interesting to hear what some of the general gaming public has to say about current issues and trends.
Cheapy, if you were ever hit with some lawyer bullshit from target circuit city or bestbuy over speedy1961's posts, would you give him up to the man?
What is the WORST downloadable game you've played so far? This includes the 360/PS3 and Wii. It can also include the demos (games you only tried).

Also, which downloadable game(s) did you regret purchasing?
Just wondering if you guys were Smash Bros fans?

If so, what do you think of adding realistic human characters to the roster, such as Snake? Does that change the feel of the wacky beat-em up?

And are there characters you hope to see included? Personally, I'm hoping Nintendo revisits classic characters that have been dormant far too long... I'm talking about thos efrom Pro Wrestling! Kin Corn Karn anybody?

A winner is you!
Can you guys do Developer Theatre next week starring R*'s decision to delay GTA IV ti'll like friggin April 08? Bong sound effects have been sent ;)
Hey there Cheapy, I'm surprised to hear that you're getting your Famitsu translations from Neogaf. I'd imagine that the price of subscription would be worth it because of the benefitial news you'd be ontop of.

It would also make for a very interesting podcast section when the magazine comes out. You could translate some news for us on the show. Also I'm completely envious that hot shots golf 5 is already out in japan! That is by far the best golf series on any system and it's not really all that arcady. It even has a great online mode with up to 8 players this time around. I really recommend that you get it for it should make owning a ps3 more worthwhile.
I don't recall hearing this before so let me ask:

My 360 just threw the red rings and I am tryin the towel trick. How longs does it normally last in terms of days? And do you have any clue what causes it?
[quote name='contej85']This is more for Wombat, but I'd like Cheapy's opinion as well:

I know we've seen with Activison that they've met with much success re-releasing Gold Editions and 2K has done the same with the Elder Scrolls, but what do you think of the recently announced GOTY edition of Oblivion, do you find this fair to purchasers of the Shivering Isles expansion such as yourself Wombat? I know I was planning to purchase it come August to hold me over until Halo 3, but now, I'm selling off my Collector's Edition copy because frankly, it will be cheaper for me to do so, and then buy the GOTY when it comes out. With Shivering Isles at $30, and this game at $50 at release it seems (CAG's are sur eto fin d it cheaper), what is the incentive to purchase it online? Having to have it load up each time? Taking up hard-drive space? It just seems like a huge f-you to their fans, especially those who purchased the PS3 version and don't even have the option to download the Isles.

Feel free to cut this down for the cast, I just wanted to give you some background to work with.[/quote]
Figure I'll post this once more and see, since I think by posting it right after the CAGcast was posted, it ended up getting missed in the shuffle during the CAgcast the week after.

Also, a second question. Have you ever played a game you wouldn't consider to be that "good" from a technical standpoint, yet ended up being a great time anyway, like all the pieces aren't great, but somehow come together as a great package? I'm currently playing through Overlord, and even though some of the AI is horrendous, and the tasks can be pretty repetitive, along with the "puzzles" not being all that difficult, I'd still rate it as one of the funnest experiences the 360 has to offer. The minions available to do your bidding just somehow make the game a complete joy. Have any games ever done that for you?
Cheapy and Wombat:

What game or games have convinced you to buy a console, if any? Myself? I bought an Xbox just to play Halo 1 and 2, Pokemon Pearl was enough to make me re-buy a DS, and GRAW was the tipping point for me to buy a 360. Also, if you don't, do you typically just buy a console, regardless of games lineup, at launch whenever you can because you're just THAT hardcore...and that fucking loaded (Cheapy)
In light of the recent price drop and the fact that I would like hardware based backwords compatibility, I expect to be buying a ps3 in the near future. Could you two please bring me up to speed on what to expect from the PSN with regards to friends lists (I'm not sure I understand if they are game specific) and how you feel about that whole online system? What parts of the online experience do think are done much better on the PS3? What things frustrate you when compared to the competition?

Thanks, keep up the great work.
Hey Wombat, this is pretty much all you since Cheapy doesn't seem to have this problem with this ps3. I live in an apartment complex that's basically for all the people at the college I go to. I have a pretty half assed connection and things time out a lot on my pc but my 360 is connected all the time and never disconnects. But my ps3 can't stay connected to the internet for more than 15 minutes. Do you get an error code or anything or does it just sign you out?
Sorry, I forget if this was asked already, but here goes:

Now that you and Wombat both have a 360 and PS3, how do you decide which version of a multi-platform game to get?

And along those lines:

How much do you guys value achievements and XBL interface/functionality? What do you think about the upcoming PSN "gamerscore" system?

And what's the deal with the Amazon 360 Rock Band Special Edition--is it wired guitar or wireless guitar?!? I think that's my only quibble about getting the 360 version over the PS3 version right now...
This is actually a question from Mrs. Tybee to Mrs. Cheapy.

My wife and I read an article in the NY Times today about the abyssmal treatment of professional women in Japan, and how it's virtually impossible for a woman there to raise a child and stay in the workforce. We had no idea it was that bad.

Granted, you're not the traditional Japanese salaryman and will be taking on the full-time father role, so your situation is a bit more unique, but is Mrs. Cheapy concerned about the effect having a child will have on her career?

EDIT: Link fixed:
I read on the front page of the New York Times that women have a tough time working in Japan and climbing their way up the corporate ladder, especially if they have a child. The article says for anyone to stay in management they have to work almost 15 hour days. Raising a family and working 15 hour days is not possible, so they lose their positions and future promotions. Is this true, has your wife raised any concerns that she will lose her position or her stature in the place she works by having your little cheapy jr, or does she not have to worry because you are going to be the mother?

With EA recently announcing more titles online being shut down, I'm curious about what you think of this with regards to a game like Rock Band they're publishing. When people invest something like $200, plus paying out the ass I'm sure for downloadable songs, the possibility of the online being shut down down the line. It seems the online is a huge part of the package here, and with that kind of investment, that possibility is causing me to rethink purchasing. The same can be said for Army of Two, another EA game with a huge online emphasis.
I've been holding out on getting a new system for a while now. At first I was set on a 360, but now I'm not so sure. Every CAGcast I hear about continuing 360 hardware problems and untouched Wiis. But I also hear about how much Wombat enjoys his PS3, and the lineup is becoming increasingly attractive as well.

Considering that I've never experienced XBOX Live and don't wish to pay for an online service, the price of games is not a concern for me as I get most of them as gifts, and 2 or 3 games can last me an entire year, can either of you think of any reason I shouldn't pick up a PS3 when I'm ready to drop the cash?

Oh and CheapyD, you gotta start paying Wombat. When you're busy teaching little CheapyB how to strafe you're gonna need Wombat to pick up the slack on the CAGcast. Think of the children Cheapy. Think of the Children.
Hey Cheapy, have you gotten your new Wii yet? If so, what do you think of the new firmwear killing the use of the import-enabling FreeLoader? I don't know how many people use it, but it seems crazy to me that Nintendo would find this perfectly legal software that would increase an owner's library a bane. Do you think it was intentional, or just a side effect of the other updates?
Hey Cheapy,

While browsing through games stores in Tokyo, have you ever seen a Japanese gamer buy an Xbox 360, or an American made game? I want confirmation that Japanese gamers who enjoy Western games actually DO exist!
I posted this in this week's episode forum, but:

Cheapy - what's the status of your 360? Did you bite the bullet and purchase a Japanese core system or are you still using the towel method?

Also, with the new baby news, when will Wombat share his seed with the world? Is Zelda going to be Mr. and Mrs. Wombat's only little bundle of joy?
It seems to me that one of the reasons of the GTA 4 delay was because Rockstar did not finish the PS3 version. Yet they make it look like the 360 version is almost done. Do you think that Rockstar made the right move by delaying BOTH versions and angering the 360 fans, or should they have released the 360 version on time and anger PS3 fans?
this has nothing to do with video games but how do you feel about the IRS trying to tax the 21 yr old college student who caught the Barry Bond's homerun ball which broke Aaron's record. apparently the IRS is giving the ball an estimated auction value of $600,000 and charging the kid 35% tax on it.

I assume you have your new Wii. ( I saw 2 in the towel trick video. )

I have a quick opinion to fly by you guys. I've noticed from listening to recent Podcasts that Bioshock just doesn't seem to be registering on your radar like I think it should. At least, the hype-wagon doesn't seem too excited about it. I attribute this to the fact that both you and Wombat don't really have a history in PC gaming. Had you that history, you'd know about the gem that is System Shock 2, and you'd know why you should be extremely excited about Bioshock.

Anyhow, get excited! Bioshock, the game we've been waiting for from the System Shock team, is finally coming out! If it lives up to the rest of the franchise, prepare to be amazed.

Also, I didn't know what the towel trick was until I saw that video. Don't take this the wrong way, but its kind of pathetic. Furthermore, I'm sure the PR folks at Microsoft would rather replace your Xbox 360 for free than for something like that video to show up on Digg. Anyone considering an Xbox 360 gets something to watch that might persuade them not to.

Kudos, Cheapy for keeping the pressure on MS to fix the problem.

As always, I think you need a host that adds the PC side of gaming to your podcast. Later :)

-- Brandon
Cheapy, Wombat,

Quit dragging your feet on Mario Strikers Charged. Sometimes I get a little disappointed that you guys will complain about no Wii games (which is usually true) but you're glazing over a fantastic game that just came out.

Honestly, it's good. Give it a try.

Batman or Superman?

I'd say Batman myself since he is only human yet can keep up with all the other heroes in the Justice League and has taken down countless enemies that were not only not human, but also stronger than him.
[quote name='smellhasreturned']To: CheapyD and Wombat

Capri Sun or Juicy Juice ?[/QUOTE]

I think the more competitive question would be Capri Sun or Sunny D? Or maybe Capri Sun vs Kool-Aid, which now comes in those pouches as well.

It has been hellah long since Wombat has had the free reign to comment on an aspect of gaming, game design, the game business, game marketing, game related story telling etc etc.

I think it'd be great if Cheapy would slow down the show every once in a while and allow Wombat (or even himself) to breakdown a topic without the 'let's move on' 15 seconds into the subject. When Cheapy says 'we've talked enough about this' I almost always think "NO! We haven't!" Let the topics go where they may.

To this end:

1. Wombat (and/or Cheapy)- Irrational Games (the maker of Bioshock) was just 'absorbed' by 2K and will no longer be designing or publishing games under that moniker. What do you think the impact is of a well respected studio (previously Looking Glass) being gobbled up and retitled something generic like 2K Boston? Does the studio that develops the game matter to the non-enthusiast?

2. Wombat (and/Cheapy) We always look back with nostalgic hindsight on a certain era or year of gaming being extraordinary. With a bevvy of AAA titles coming out in the next 3 months, do you think that we as gamers will look back on fall of 07 as one of those golden ages? When are some other golden ages in your mind?
Hey there,

Okay, I'm finally planning on 'jumping in' and getting an Xbox 360 now that the price has dropped, and they're supposedly putting 65nm chips in the systems.

If I go to the store to buy a 360, how can I ensure I get one with the smaller chips? I'm pretty sure you can see the serial number on the system before you buy it, so are there any specific markers or dates on the hardware or packaging that will give it away?

Or does the elite SKU already have all the latest hardware revisions? What's the best way to walk into a Best Buy and ensure that you get a 360 with the latest bells and whistles (i.e., not overheating and breaking)...and how do you confirm that you did?
Hi Cheapy & Wombat.

With the announcement that Rock Band will have DLC albums. Which of the following would you like to see more?

- Toto (Self-titled)
- Escape - Journey
hey cheapster and wombat,

my girlfriend and I are going to Japan in september and we're planning on checking out the Tokyo Game Show and I wondered if you had any advice for us. What's the best plan of attack to check out the coolest games? Is it so insanely crowded that we'll be lucky to see anything at all? do we have to get there super early? Basically, what can we expect?

thanks for the help, if I see your bald head towering over the crowd when I'm there I'll be sure to say "hi"!
hey cheapy how much of your day is spent "working"? Since you have nothing else to do (yet) I assume your pretty much either playing something or are online reading the latest news.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat. I have a suggestion on the advertisement situation. I think that when you have sponsors you should do it the way Diggnation does. With pre-recorded commercials done by the hosts at the beginning of the show, then the intro music and the show. Just an idea.

Cheapy...have you ever eaten sushi off the body of a naked asian woman?. If yes how much was the meal....if no would you ever consider and keep the delicious meal hush hush...
My wife and I are addicted to Ninja Warrior on G4. Not sure why we love it so much but we hardly ever miss it. this still popular in Japan? You ever think about being on Ninja Warrior to promote CAG? :)
[Wombat, You noted Halo 3 just became your most anticipated game after playing it recently. Do you think Halo 3 will beat COD4 as multiplayer game of the year?

Do either of you plan to participate in the Call Of Duty 4 Beta?

Comment about episode #85 (Halo 3 vehicles capacity)
I wanted to make the comment while playing the Beta my brother & I found we could actually carry an extra player by having them balance themselves on the vehicle without falling off. We were doing it because you have to drop certain weapons (missle launcher, turret gun, dual machine guns, grenades, & energy drain, the spartan laser when hiting RB to get in a vehicle.

On Valhalla as soon as the match started I would rush to the bottom of the base and grab the missle launcher, then I would have my brother waiting outside in/on a vehicle. I then jumped on top so he could take me around the stage. He had to drive alittle slower on the mongoose to keep from throwing me off. I would stand on the warthog with the missle launcher, once I ran out of ammo, I dropped the missle launcher, and went straight to it's mounted turret on the back.

During capture the flag on Valhalla we would stand freely on the mongoose or warthog, then would jump the rocks outside the enemy base and the person standing could jump with the momentum throwing them inside the base near the flag grabbing it and then dashing quickly to the man cannon.
bread's done