CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

[quote name='Milkyman']Cheapy, if you were ever hit with some lawyer bullshit from target circuit city or bestbuy over speedy1961's posts, would you give him up to the man?[/QUOTE]

Wow, milky you are a psychic. Who will the next US president be? Who wins the next-gen war? We're dying to know.
Cheapy, for your meals, you typically talk about going out to eat in Tokyo. Do you cook very often? If so, what type of foods do you cook? Does your wife cook?

Between my wife and me, I'm the one that does the cooking in our house. My wife would be content to have cereal every night for dinner, but I enjoy cooking.
Miyamoto has recently been quoted as saying

"But I think the future is games that are not difficult and yet very fun to play," he said. "What I mean is that there is no point in making a difficulty level the fun factor of a game."

Cheapy and Wombat, what do you guys think about this statement? Does this statement worry any of you?
Dear Cheapy and Wombat

In CAGcast 84, you talked about Circuit City and their problems they have with their add circulars. My wife works for a major retailer and they start working on their Sunday adds 6 months before they come out. I'm sure it's the same for most stores, so what do you think Circuit City could do to fix their problems?

ps Cheapy, how often do you have to wax your eybrows?
Cheapy and Wombat update us on your gaming conquests!

What was the most recent game you completed beginning to end?

What gaming score or achievement are you most proud of right now?
What's the deal with Wombats obsession with "Physical Media"? Every time they talk about downloads he mentions wanting to have it on a disk. Between XBL and Steam I've resigned my need for disks. I won't ever loose a game again.
Unless Steam or XBL goes away and if that happens I think we've all got bigger problems. I think the convenience outweighs any downsides.

Now with Chibi-Cheapy on the way, what are the current plans for the site redesign? Will it be delayed due to your new fatherly duties, or will is it still on track?
Hey fellas, I'd like to know what you're most hardcore gaming moments were... You might have already answered this is a previous show though. Let me know which one if possible?

I'd really like to hear the answer from the Shipwrecks too, not sure where to suggest the question though.
I was wondering if anyone has any fear of everyone in a Rock Band session all having to own the songs to be able to play together ?

I haven't heard one way or the other but it is EA afterall and we know how they love to abuse the DLC .

Everyone seems to want to jump from Guitar Hero to Rock Band blindly .
[I'm not one of them]

When is there going to be a Guess Wombat's name contest ? Start's with an "S" .

I know he's still sitting on a copy of Forza 2 .
hey love the show. but how do i find out when u guys are having a live show as i wanna get in the fun. great job and congrats on the podcast award!!
Has microsoft's big recall made them stingy with the "apologetic gifts" for broken 360 owners?

My 4th 360 just red ringed today and during the return process, the customer service person elevated my claim to a supervisor. The supervisor was very agitated with me and became very angry when I asked him if this problem would ever be completely resolved. (Why am I getting yelled at when they can't get their outsourced labor to properly fix their shitty machine?) I called him on it in the hopes to get some compensation, but he just gave me a confirmation # and hung up.

I remember the days when a second return resulted in you getting something from microsoft, but now I wonder if their extended warranty has made them tighten their budgets elsewhere? They are already cutting corners on the shipping as they are sending me a 7 day Fedex coffin instead of a 3-day UPS one.

Keep up the good work!
Hey guys love the show, with that said how do you two feel about Mario and Sonic at the olympics?and who do you think would win in a shot-put match Wario or Eggman?Thanks guys
1. A Persian word meaning fart in English. Especially a loud one.
2. A word used in place of any other word, usually a curse word. (kind of a universal fuck)

1. an extremly gay person
2. moist flatulence

Goozed: being moderetly drunk

Goozey: a term used to compare a person to a dirty vagina or just a synonym for the word vagina

Goozer: male sex organ commonly referred to as the penis.

Goozing: the act of coughing excessivley, annoyingly, and uncontrollably while smoking marijuana.
Greetings Cheapy and Wombat,

While the convenience of downloading works great for small things like Virtual Console and X-Box Live, the physical property itself is very important for gamers who would at least feel comfortable with the options of returning, trading in, or e-baying a game.

As a poor college student, I couldn't justify a lot of my gaming purchases without knowing that the game still had value. For instance, many of my Nintendo DS games retail for close to their full price years after their release. If all games had to be downloaded, then my collection would be worthless.

Thanks guys, love the show.
Hey Wombat,
Ever since episode one, you have been complaining about your jobs.
Have you ever considered starting your own business?
If so, what kind?

You sound like a very articulate person (sometimes :)), have you ever thought about being a freelance writer?
Hey Wombat and Cheapy, seeing as this whole site is dedicated to deals on video games, how come you never tell us which deals you two jump on?

It seems like almost everytime you two get a game (when you are not receiving it for free), you make it sound like you paid full price for it. I'm not saying that you are, but why not enlighten us on what deals you guys go after?
With your wife now having problems with her employer, what will you do if she gets fired. Will the two of you move back to the USA or will you stay in Japan?
CheapyD and Wombat,

love the show and y'all are doing a great job.

With the recent statement made by EA about the xbox 360's fanbase being bigger and better to develop for, what are your thoughts on the fact that EA is now going to prioritize the 360 over the PS3?
hey wombat and cheapy

how long must we wait until online gaming offers matches against gamers of equal or near equal rating.

online gaming, for now, is just for the best of the best. there is no reason why some less expierenced gamers shouldn't be able to compete. you should always be able to play against players with a similar rating.

i'd also like to see your rating not just be based upon your wins and losses. but it would take into account the rating of your opponent. so if you beat someone far better then you, your rating should go up a lot. and if you beat someone far worse then you, your rating will only go up a little. online chess has been doing this for years.

and how hard would it be to give a loss to gamers who disconnect. i think the infancy stage of online gaming is over. it's time to start expecting more.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, did you see this article in the Guardian about xbox360 failures?

It brings up an excellent point that I haven't heard anyone discuss: what the hell is the actual problem with 360s. Remember Peter Moore's interviews before he left Msoft? Remember how evasive he was? My question is, given that the internet is the greatest conglomoration of human knowledge and collaboration in history, why hasn't someone cracked this? People can come up a way to solve a Rubik's cube in 26 moves or less and break DRMs, but no one can even identify the problem in a 360, much less fix it. Do you know anyone who actually knows exactly why 360s fail so much, or have any theories?
Hey guys,

I was playing pokemon on my flight back to Miami yesterday when the touchpad on my DS lite started to act up on me. I wasn't registering anything and it would go to a part of the menu on its own. my wife told me she had the same problem when she was playing earlier.

the touchpad is working fine now that I am on the ground.

Have you guys every experience this before?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,
I recently dug my dreamcast out of my attic and ive been playing some games on it but do you have any suggestions for i game i should play?
thanks and great job on the show
hey guys. i'd like to know (and im sure everyone else on CAG) your opinion about gamestop and ebgames'. what i mean is that the cag discussion forum is literally flooded with complaints about this company, one after the other. they are pissing off alot of gamers. they're loosing business everyday because of the complaints they receive.
[quote name='JadedJedi']CheapyD.
With your wife now having problems with her employer, what will you do if she gets fired. Will the two of you move back to the USA or will you stay in Japan?[/quote]

I was going to ask kind of the Same question...... Well I'll ask anyway

Cheapy because of the issues Mrs. Cheapy might face in the Japanese work force what if anything would it take for you to move back to the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Hey Wombat, You've said in the past that you play guitar, what kind of guitar(s) do you own?

Cheapy D, you said in a past episode that you wanted to lose 15-20lbs before E3, did you make that goal?
Hey Cheapy, I was wondering if you and the Mrs. were thinking about having baby Cheapy born in the U.S.A.? Wouldn't you want him/her to have the opportunity to run for president? Think of all that power.

P.S. Ba Ba Booey, Howard Stern's penis
Well this is a request kind of:

Can Wambot host a show and Cheepy be co-host?


When will the next live be?

This Are for Cheepy:
Will you ever clan you friend list on Live so you can have new ones like me?
If not Will you play a game with me?
Game graphics getting TOO good?:

the graphics on our 3rd gen system is just amazing. And with new developments in gaming industry that seems to be happening basically everyday, game graphics are getting drastically getting better. So i am thinking maybe the next gen or the system after that will have graphics so advance, that the game graphics will look like real life. What i am curious about this is how this would effect ESRB ratings and the gaming industry. For example gears of war is a pretty bloody game. it has got a rating of M for mature. But now lets up the graphics of gears of war to the point where it looks so realistic that it actually looks like an actual person getting sawed. This surely will boost up the ratings to an A for adult. And surely any T for teen rated action games will be boosted to a M for mature with the boost of graphics. Now putting all these speculations together with the fact that no console game companies are willing to let someone publish a A for adult rated games on there console makes me wonder.. will there be a time in gaming history where developers will have to actually force down the graphics for there games.. or at least when it concerns action games? Will console companies allow A for adult games into there line up? what are your thoughts on this?

kind of a lonnnnnnnng question i know.. but i hope you found it interesting. keep up the good work cagcast.
Cheapy, where is the info for the CAG wrist bands? I'd love to get one and in the last CAGcast you mentioned that there would be info on how to do that; quit holdin' out on us. Thanks
The one thing that people seem to overlook in the download vs physical media debate, is they're taking for granted that the servers to download the games or the system they download them on will be around for years.

I can bring out my SNES any time I want to play Kirby's Dreamcourse. I may only do it once a year or so, but so long as I can find a SNES... I can play it.

My virtual console version will only be 'good' so long as Nintendo allows me to download it, or as long as my current Wii lives. The day both of those stop servicing, that game is lost to me until I buy it again.

The lifespan of physical media (which, like anything in the universe) is finite, but will probably outlast the service offered by download servers.

Downloading a game is not the same as 'owning' a game. It just isn't.
It's something I 'own' so long as someone else lets me.
First time poster,

I have been listening to the show for about a year now and I just love it, if I actually used iTunes I would have written a review already.

My question for you Cheapy and Wombat, is regarding the state of the new 360 that is to be released very soon. I know the topic has been touched upon a couple times and it has been discussed in various forum threads. We all know that the new 360 is being developed with a new CPU, possibly a more efficient GPU, HDMI, and new color schemes including the new Halo 3 Special Edition console.

*At this rate with so many different consoles released for the 360 would you be surprised to see a 360 with an HD-DVD drive included within the next year?

There has been a drop in prices for the HD-DVD addon, perhaps this is foreshadowing for what's to come in the near future.


PS. regarding your falafel experience, as an Archaeologist I have spent two dig seasons in Israel. I totally know what you are talking about falafel is very easy to consume large quantities of ,but you will soon regret it. Either later that day or early the next morning it just doesnt mix well with the digestive system, but it tastes sooo good.
Hello Cheapy and Wombat, I was wondering since you guys play a lot of games, that if both of you ever thought about actually putting up in-depth reviews of games. It could be helpful to wombat for improving his writing skills :p
I was wondering if there has ever been a game that, despite bad or horrible reviews, you really enjoyed. Any system dating back to the Atari is fine. Thanks!

Oh and the 20th Anniversary RoboCop DVD came out this past week. Just wondering if Cheapy has it and how good the extras are. I've loved this film since the age of 4, when my parents stopped monitoring my movie watching habits.
Can you disable certain ads on CAG from your end? While browsing CAG at work, often times a "BUY SWIMSUITS NOW!" ad will be on the frontpage taking up 1/4 of my screen. While, I don't mind women in bikini outfits, my employer probably would.

Plus, who thought CAG would be a good site for an ad for swimsuits? People are here for videogames, not swimwear!

Do you think we'll see more games like Indigo Prophecy (known as Fahrenheit in Japan and UK) with the next gen, or is this kind of game just not successful, whether it be sales or with public interest? I personally loved I.P, and besides the whole game falling apart close to the end, I thought it was well done. Your thoughts?
Just before I began typing this question the Tokyo Japan team won the International Championship at the Little League World Series and I was curious what kind of attention the Series gets internationally. I live about 5 minutes from where the games are played and have almost all my life so my view of the event is obviously skewed. Japan has been very successful over the years and I was wondering, is this a big deal over there or does it go mostly unnoticed?
I was suprised to hear that you have never gotten into SSBrothers. With melee my friends and I played for hours upon hours...Since it came out. Now, it only comes out on special occaisons, but they are always a great time. I'm a monster with Dr. Mario.
I agree with you though. Nintendo is going to screw up the online component.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, Thanks for all the effort and work you put into the show and website for our entertainment, enjoyment, and money saving.

A while back you mentioned doing some upgrades to the website, if my memory is serving me well, I think you mentioned wanting to have it done early '07... The year's almost over and there hasn't been the big makeover to CAG 2.0. Just wanted to know how that progress has been going?

Thanks, keep up the good work.
bread's done