CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

What would you do if the purchase price of games were closer to $80 or $90 dollars? Would you be even more selective with your game purchases? Would you resort to piracy? Unfortunately it costs me $80 - $90 dollars just to have a single game shipped to Indonesia. The more games I purchase this way the more appealing these pirated versions and modded consoles look. Oy vey...
I've been listening to and loving the CAGcast for at least a year, but finally registered to tell you this sorry tale:

Last night in the middle of the night my dog has not one but two diarrhea attacks on the floor of the bedroom. I clean up the first, after the second I told my wife it was her turn. Big piles of loose turd stink up the bedroom and I'm about to toss my cookies. So I decide the best thing to do is take the damn dog for a walk, in part to get some fresh air. And while I'm out walking the dog I put on the CAGcast #90, joined in progress, and what do I hear: Cheapie telling us that Mrs. Cheapie wanted him to look at her beautiful dump in the toilet, and also that he has to clean up a turd off the floor, and Wombat talking about how his dog peed on a blanket.

So thanks guys, that was the perfect capper to a wonderful morning. :puke:
while watching the TGS2007 Microsoft briefing, i suddenly asked myself if japanese gamers care about american games at all.. could this be the reason why the 360 isnt such a big hit in japan? although we do have plenty of violence in our games here in america, but does that even appeal to japanese gamers? im sure this would all change soon (i hope!) because microsoft showed some good exclusive 360 japanese games made by japanese developers like square enix (the last remnant, and theres another title i cant remember).
I really really like your podcast. I mean it is fun to just sit and listen to it. You guys are extraordinarily funny. I just started but I am going to work my way back. Part of my podcast problem is that I live 5 minutes from work and I do not drive even then I bike to work and headphones and biking is crazy because I use my hearing to keep me alive.

I listen sometimes to podcasts when I am working but I get distracted by the podcast so I will forget what I was doing and also I have to take calls. But yours is so great I am actually making time for it. I have to focus - maybe you could have a little break and say like get back to work

Hey WeapyD And Chombat.

I just want to know your quick opinion on the word (I dread saying) "Videogames".

What do you feel about using that word to describe our favorite past time?

For me, whenever I hear it I think of an old lady holding a Atari Joystick yelling at her son, "Quit playing these dang-nabit Videogames!" It gets me annoyed and whenever I hear such cruel butchering of my favorite activity I correct those and say, "I prefer they are called Games" I believe our hobby has evolved higher than simple board or card games and I think that it deserves the simple name.

"Video games" is to Games. As "Moving Picture Show" is to movies. Outdated and dumb.
Cheapy, Wombat, Michael P.,

Are either of you worried about MS totally dominating this generation? I am no anarchist, communist, nor anti-MS, I am somewhat of a capitalist to be honest. But I am concerned what will happen if 360 wins this generation by a large margin.

PS2 won last gen by a landslide. PS2 was basically keep Sony afloat. On the other hand if MS wins this gen by a landslide, they will have billions pouring in from multiple streams, something sony didn't have. In fact many quarters, gaming was the only sony division in the black. Their ability to buy exclusives and set any price they want would be unprecedented.

I really feel that this is where we are headed. When ever a multi-platform game is advertized on TV (Madden, Stranglehold come to mind), they always show the 360 version, and people using 360 controllers. I believe 'the sheep' interpret this to mean they need a 360 to play. (Remember, knowledgable hardcores may be vocal, but are a minority). Hardcores tend to be more influence by the internet comments, and review scores. 'Regular Joes' are more influenced by TV, and their hardcore friends who have already purchased. Becuase many more 360's have already been purchased, and TV advertising, I am worried that 360 will really start to pull away.

I know of a handful of people who went and bought a 360 because they wanted a 'gamer' system. The PS3 wasn't even an option for them, as $549 is a long ways away from $399 (Canadian prices, though dollar is currently on par). There are arguments that like free online, wireless, blu-ray, which can sway the price argument, but most consumers don't see that way. Bottom line is that they are playing a next-gen game for $150 less. I suspect people are having this thought process all the time, all over the world. And it will continue unless Sony gets their heads out of their ass.

North american leagues seem eager to sell exclusive licenses to their leagues. What if they starting licensing their stuff to just one console? Would the cost of playing on Live still be $70/year if there were no competition, like the free PSN. Yeah, I know psn lacks some features, but mainly it lacks Live's numbers.

I don't really know why, but I fear an MS monopoly much more than a Sony monopoly. Comments? PS, I would love to hear M. Pachter's comments on this; Have you considered this scenario? Is it likely? Would it be bad for the consumer? Do you think the pubilc cares? I dream of a 50/50 split of the hardcore market.


ps - I leave Wii out of this discussion, as the average Wii owner buys little software, and really are competing for a different market, IMHO.
Another question? If MS spends the same amount on marketing Halo 4 as they did selling Halo 3, how badly would Halo 3 have to suck to stop people from buying Halo 4? In other words, how many sales can you get based on past performance, and marketing alone?

FWIW - I know I am going to buy H3 based on H1 and H2 (not marketing).

Wombat - Are you a Marvel or DC guy? Do you watch Heroes?

Cheapy and Wombat - You both have complained about the online portions (or lack thereof) on several games. Why do you feel an online portion to a game is always necessary?

I think a game with a fantastic single player experience is far more important than a half assed single player and a decent multiplayer, because I feel like I'm only getting half of a game.

Keep up the good work - but quit whining about multiplayer.
I preordered my copy of Halo 3 a couple of weeks ago. Last week my 360 red ringed. I sent it off to Microsoft and they told me it would be 2 to 3 weeks for them to fix my 360. :cry: This has left me with a shiny new copy of Halo 3 and an empty spot where my 360 should be. I think that Microsoft should have done everything possible to repair or replace 360's that broke the weeks before Halo's release so that no one would be left not being able to play 360's biggest game because of there hardware defects. Now it looks like I'm going to be finishing the fight a month late. Do you think Microsoft should have sent new core systems to people who had there 360 red ring the week before Halo's release.? What are your thoughts?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat... I've been listening to show for a pretty long while now and you possibly may have answered this question, but I'm gonna ask it either way.

Hearing you guys go on about your love for Puzzle Quest, which I too can't wait to get on XBLA... it makes me wonder... what do you guys think are the NERDIEST games you've ever played?

(in b4 RAILFAN.)
Hey CheapyD and Wombat,

What do you think of the way Valve is packaging Half Life 2 Episode 2? If you haven't heard, the only way to get it right now is to purchase orange box, a package that includes several items most PC gamers interested in episode 2 already have (HL2, EP1, and Counterstrike). Despite the fact that I really want to play EP2, Portal, and Team Fortress, I won't be purchasing anything until valve comes out with a package that doesnt force me to repurchase things I already own. Valve will allow you to send your old HL2 and Ep1 copies to other gamers electronically, but how many gamers haven't yet played these two titles?


EDIT: Here is a link to the relevant package on steam. I believe this is how it's gonna be sold on Xbox too.

EDIT AGAIN: Apparently you can get Black Box, which just has the new content. But it's only going to be sold through steam I hear. Where does this leave console owners who have already bought half life 2?

EDIT AGAIN! This Joystiq article makes it sound like black box was totally axed:

And here:
Now that the xbox forum guys have dissected a halo xbox360 and found 65nm chipsets are in some of them, are you going to return that core and get a halo 360?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, how about briefly touching on the origin of the CagCast and how you and wombat got into the whole thing? I'm (and I'm sure several other listeners) are new to the show and are curious. Thanks
It's been quite some time since I've seen a Best Buy deal grace the front page of CAG. In fact, I think the last time BB made the front page was just before CAG was wrongfully removed from the affiliate program. So, does Best Buy's reappearance mean that CAG has found itself in the good graces of the BB affiliate program managers?
re: this week's video game 'best of' front page post...

Uh what? No TRU ad with the better Zelda deal?

CC has Zelda with a $10 kit free

TRU has Zelda with a $20 guide book free

Seems like you're steering us wrong, Cheapy.
CheapyD and Wombat, I have sort of a weird question for you brought on by the last few CAGcasts I've listened to. How jewish are you two? I notice that Wombat has barmitzvahs, commented on you following Germans into a booth by yourself and knows some Hebrew phrases for what I assume is "Happy New Year" but though Cheapy who I assume is also jewish by his mom wishing him a happy new jew year, but doesn't seem to notice or care for Jewish holidays. So, is Wombat like Superjew while Cheapy you try to forget you're jewish?

Not knocking either of you or the show. It's still the best podcast out there.
[quote name='Sideshow']CheapyD and Wombat, I have sort of a weird question for you brought on by the last few CAGcasts I've listened to. How jewish are you two? I notice that Wombat has barmitzvahs, commented on you following Germans into a booth by yourself and knows some Hebrew phrases for what I assume is "Happy New Year" but though Cheapy who I assume is also jewish by his mom wishing him a happy new jew year, but doesn't seem to notice or care for Jewish holidays. So, is Wombat like Superjew while Cheapy you try to forget you're jewish?

Not knocking either of you or the show. It's still the best podcast out there.[/quote]

I made a statement similar to this with the lunch with CheapyD segments with him eating a ham sandwich and ham on his pizza from Domino's. Also both cheapyd and wombat refer to Christmas. There fore I think that neither of them are those militant Jews who won't eat anything nonkosher or scream at people in public when someone says Merry Christmas. I live in a medium size town in PA where Jews are few and far between, but the one I know at work is a hard core militant jew who has spraypainted a Star of David over the a work posting of a paper Christmas Tree on the bulletin board. Watch out for those people, their mission in life is to make life difficult for all.
Just a quick question for the both of you, Cheapy and Wombat. How much time do either of you spend a week playing games, and how much do you spend on putting the CAGcast together?
[quote name='JadedJedi']I made a statement similar to this with the lunch with CheapyD segments with him eating a ham sandwich and ham on his pizza from Domino's. Also both cheapyd and wombat refer to Christmas. There fore I think that neither of them are those militant Jews who won't eat anything nonkosher or scream at people in public when someone says Merry Christmas. I live in a medium size town in PA where Jews are few and far between, but the one I know at work is a hard core militant jew who has spraypainted a Star of David over the a work posting of a paper Christmas Tree on the bulletin board. Watch out for those people, their mission in life is to make life difficult for all.[/quote]

I mean I knew neither of them were like mega jewish nazi style. Only marry jews, only watch stuff produced by jews etc, but I was just wondering how wombat would rate himself as a jew. Also, my question isn't to bash the jewish religion, either, but for some reason it just seems that even though both are jewish, they both have opposing views on most everything jewish related. I just found that interesting.
Perhaps this question has been asked before, but Im a bit too lazy to look through the pages.What are your favorite novels/books Cheapy and Wombat?

My favorite book of all time is Frank Herbert's Dune.
Have you thought about changing the name of Cheap Ass Gamer just to CAG in the future, kind of like what KFC did to Kentucky Fried Chicken. I think it is stupid that companies avoid you for the word "Ass" but you have to keep it real sometimes and changing the name to just CAG would help get more press in the future. Keep up the good work cheapy D & wombat, peace.
[quote name='CMorrigu']re: this week's video game 'best of' front page post...

Uh what? No TRU ad with the better Zelda deal?

CC has Zelda with a $10 kit free

TRU has Zelda with a $20 guide book free

Seems like you're steering us wrong, Cheapy.[/quote]

This post would have been a lot more helpful in my PM box :(
Hey Cheapy and Wombat! Cheapy, when are we going to see some more video silliness, surely you have aquired some new toys or expericened some new japanese craziness. These are quite entertaining and I love annoying my wife with them. Plus, they seem to reach an audience beyond the cag community and perhaps even draw new members/listeners. How about you Wombat? Any comic statue unboxings in your furture?
I have a question for ya Cheapy. Have you ever read the video game reviews section of the forums? One my my favorite reviewers on the forum seems to be chacrana. He is a long time user, and a very through reviewer. Why don't you send some of the review (or evaluation) copies of the games from companies to review for the front page? I think it is a great idea honestly.

Oh, and I am not a clone account of Chacrana, I've been registered for almost a year now. Of course he didn't tell me to post anything like this BTW. :p
Hey cheapy I heard in cagcast 92 that your baby is due on the 26th? My birthday is on the 23rd. I would feel awesome if your baby was born earlier (born earlier as in not bad premature stuff) on my birthday. Maybe you could get everyones birthday thats on you babies birthday and announce them on the cagcast after your babies birth. Think about it!
I just joined the CAG and listened to three episodes. I think its funny and i will listen to it from now on. I had a question about Killzone 2. Because im from the Netherlands where the game is made we get a lot of info about it that it is all awesome and positive. I learned from the first version (where they did the same) that it was seriously overhyped (at least here). The game was ok (very lineair and grey) but definetly not even close to for example halo. So are u guys looking forward to it and what did u guys think of the first one? Because i desperately need an excuse to buy a ps3 but cant find one.
Do you guys think that the current Limited/Special/Collector's Editions of games offer enough extras to justify the branding and cost?

Since 99.9% of today's Limited/Special/Collector's Editions pretty much include a "Making of" DVD and artbook, this seems more like a norm than something for a Collector. Look at Persona 3 for example.
Do you guys think Sony has gone to far with the million new SKUs, ranging from those who have hardware backwards compatibility, software backwards compatibility, no backwards compatibility, wireless in the box, no wireless in the box and a other missing or extra features.

I know they all have hard drives but isn't this going to far? I know Microsoft says choice is everything but it gets to the point where customers just get confuddled. :S

Is the 40GB/no PS2 games PS3 a good idea? Or desperation?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat.

I recently bought a PS3 60GB for the Blu-Ray (and to kill time while waiting for RRoD repair #4 on my 360. Yes, #4).

I was going to wait for the 40GB version, but found out it is not going to be backward compatible. Huh?

Wait. Are they really trying to sell a half-assed console that will not play any of the 35 games you bought for their last console? If there was not BC on my 60GB, I'd be playing the Skate demo over and over again (oh, wait, that's what I am doing).

I loved my PS2. Why is Sony stepping on the dicks of their fans?

Help me Cheapy, you are my only hope.
Hey, Cheapy and wombat! Cheapy, I was catching up some older casts I missed and you mentioned owning a Ti99/4A. I was also a proud owner of said machine, well maybe not proud...anyway, Do you remember a magazine called Compute? Every month it had pages of code you could type in manually, and after several hours of typing you could play a real life free bad game! maybe microsoft could have xboxlive free bad game code tuesdays! you have to type in the code yourself, but hey its free!!! Hunt the Wumpus FTW!
I just recently starting listen to the podcast. I really love it and I joined Digg just to support you guys. Anyway, I realized that your show somehow jogged a faint memory in my mind. Do either one of you remember an episode of Captain N that featured "Wombatman"? :)
[quote name='jonnyflash']I noticed that you guys played the MTV Multiplayer clip explaining how to pronounce Reggie's name, but I haven't heard you say anything about Ubisoft's similar clip. You didn't mention it on the last show, but on the show before last were still saying it Oo-Bee-Soft. Have you seen this is or is another example of the Mar-e-o/Mare-e-o phenomena?[/QUOTE]

I didn't realize Ubi ever did a clip!

U-Bee-Soft is the correct pronunciation as in ubiquitous... Yup. ;-)

It's like the old Final Fantasy games "Fig-a-row" or "FIG-AR-O" (obviously the first, but I remember friends saying both). The wonder of the English language!
Is Halo 3 better than resistance? CheapyD/Wombat strip away the names when you answer that, and try to look at what each game offers (i.e. 40player online max vs 16 online max) tell us what you think.
Including the CAGcast, I listen to a few other video games podcasts every week (hey, it's either that or read a book on my hour long LIRR commute). I've been a bit surprised at everyone's deference to the Halo 3 players in terms of not revealing any spoilers, particularly the ending. (Major Nelson has REALLY danced around even the smallest detail in his podcasts.) I for one, was very appreciative, but here we are now two weeks post release, and everybody is still giving "spoiler free" podcasts. True, not everyone has played through the campaign (especially the unlucky red ring victims), but come on already...can't we talk about it yet? If not now, when?

I never remember such deference being given to a video game--heck not even a movie.

Noah "Kromax" Kromaksian

PS, Thanks for the CAGBand.
bread's done