CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey guys,
I know you've been asked a million times if now is the right time to buy a 360, and the answer is "not yet". The question is, how will we know when microsoft get the problems solved, since they don't like to admit there is a problem? Do you think the new Jasper motherboards will fix the reliability problems? I have the cash to buy a 360 but am holding off for now, but I'm getting impatient!
Cheers guys,

P.S. Cheapy - I'm afraid you do look a little bit on the effeminate side!
Cheapy and Wombat,
There's a lot of talk lately about how PC gaming is "dead" or "dying". What's your take on the situation? Do either of you game on PC's anymore?

Oh, and Wombat, I'm really pissed about your BioShock spoiler that you blurted out last week - I had it in my hand the other day since it's $15 at Circuit City for the PC version but ended up putting it back on the shelf since you've already ruined it. :bomb:
I've got another CAG 2.0 question!
Is there anything special planned for mobile browsers? I like how the current site has a link to the "Mobile/Archive" version of the forum, but it would be cool if we could also get a mobile-friendly version of the User CP, or something along those lines.
- Cheapy, how do preorders work in Japan? same for preorder goodies.

- Cheapy and Wombat, has a game review ever stopped you from buying a game in a favorite franchise, that you would normally pick up on launch day and pay full for?

- Cheapy and Wombat, with Sony releasing that YouTube API for the PS3, do you think a feature like this(capturing and uploading gameplay vids to an approved site, without using another device or leaving the game) will become a standard feature in the next generation of consoles, or even this generation?
Cheapy and Wombat--

My true cheap-ass nature has me wondering: Do you think there will be a second release of Metal Gear Solid 4, like they've done for all the other previous installments? Or do you think Hideo Kojima would just like to finally walk away and let this be the definitive version?

Although, there's always the possibility that he can leave a second version in someone else's hands. With today's consoles, it could even be a downloadable add-on instead of a double-dip retail scenario.

What is your guess on this matter?

What are some examples of some of the "cheapest" ass things you used to or still do? I'm talking about stuff like saving wrapping paper, taking stuff like soap or toilet paper out of public places to use at home, etc.



Does the fact that X-Play has a segment called "Games for Cheap Bastards" bother you in the slightest?
I haven't listened to the CAGcast in a while so if this question was already answered, just move along.

With the Penny Arcade XBLA game out, I got to wondering, if you were approached by a developer who was interested in making a CAG XBLA Game, would you? If so, what type of game would you like it to be, what characters, what would be the plot, and what developer would you prefer to take the project on?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

I'm not sure if either of you bother checking out the editors' blogs at 1up, but Andrew Pfister mentioned earlier this week that EGM Live is being reworked and that former CAG Foreplay writer RockSolidAudio, aka Nick Suttner, is now co-host of the show. Do you plan to crush his new show with a relentless wave of attacks or offer the olive branch of peace, then plot his ultimate doom at some other point in time?

With the trophy system of achievements supposedly on the way soon for the PS3, do either of you plan to replay PS3 games or are you going to take a wait-and-see approach to see how Sony's approach works?

Also on the achievements topic, what are your thoughts on achievements that require multiple playthroughs of a game? Does it depend on the game or the requirement itself and is there a threshold for how many times you'd be willing to play through a game just for those last bits of points?

After watching Wombat's UGO video at the Rock Band event, I noticed that the guy from Harmonix mentioned something of a surprise that may be in store for E3, so what do you guys think it could be? The long-awaited Nirvana album? Something that's yet to be announced?

With the God of War track for Guitar Hero III now out, do you guys see theme songs being another possible avenue for DLC? Not just from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, but maybe even third party developers with upcoming games as a promotional tool or even bands like The Minibosses?

cheapy just wondering how you liked the group cheapyd is law ?

and appologeze to wombat for bothering him wiht qestions about captain america and lego indiana jones
This is a question for Wombat, I'm really enjoying you Games Blog on UGO (I check it out every day) and I was just wondering how UGO feels about you putting new CAGCasts as a post and does that count toward the number of posts you need a day? Also, it seems like Rusty gets more hands on previews than you do, is there any specific reason to this?
I love the show and just listened to the newest installment today. I rarely find myself disagreeing with you guys, but when Wombat was dismissive about Guitar Hero 3 DLC not working with Guitar Hero Aerosmith, I had to post a big double you tee eff. It's true that GH2 songs won't play in GH3 and vice versa, but that precedent doesn't mean it's an okay thing. We're in an age of cross media interfaces and downloadable content for our games. It should be extremely easy for songs released and downloaded for one installment of Guitar Hero to play in the next incarnation, especially one with as little game structure changed as the Aerosmith release. Not allowing the previous DLC to be played is a conscious decision on the part of the developers, not a tech issue that couldn't be resolved. The future Penny Arcade episodes are making use of your save file from the first episode, for crying out loud. It's the same concept of accessing content on your hard drive, and Activision is just dropping the ball--or throwing it away, really.

The way I see it, there's no real excuse for the GH3 DLC not to be playable in Aerosmith. It's sitting there on your hard drive and is in the same format the Aerosmith game uses, so why can't it be read? This is not at all like Wombat's analogy with Mass Effect not being able to access Rock Band content. It's more like getting a new iPod and suddenly finding out that none of your MP3 library that you've been listening to on the previous model will play on this new one. If there's no significant change in gameplay or technology (like the addition or a new instrument or somesuch), the previous content that's sitting *right there* should be playable.

That said, I do agree with Cheapy that this is just another example of Activision not caring about their downloadable content.
Hey Cheapy, with the hype surrounding MGS4 this week, did you see anything crazy going on in Japan? Is the hype machine at full power over there?

Wombat, did you see the Stark cameo in the new Hulk TV spot? Looks awesome.
I setup my PS3 to have a user Japanese account. I like downloading the Japanese demos/videos. Very cool. Cheapy, do you have your PS3 account setup as an American or Japanese account? I ask because I was curious if I could add you as a friend to see about playing games against you online and should be able to share online to see if this works. Any thoughts on this if it works?
Cheapy n' Wombat

With Alone in the dark coming out for all of the major consoles (except for the PS3 version which has been delayed) which version are you guys planning on buying? (if you even want to buy it)

The wii version has definately some graphical limitations compared to the xbox version, but seems more "in depth" with the wii controls being put to optimal use. The xbox version has better graphics. The PS3 version although being delayed will have "exclusive episodic content" so is that worth waiting for?

What do you guys think?
Couple of questions:

(1) with games like Bioshock last year, GTA IV, Mario Kart Wii, and MGS4 this year, is safe to say we are living in a world w/o the dredded summer drought? Have developers realized releasing AAA games outside the month of November can actually make sense?

(2) Wombat, please tell me you saw the talk about Vigilante 8: Arcade on IGN, esp. this part:
"The core game (which will cost 800 MS points) ships with eight vehicles. Four Vigilante cars: Mammoth truck (Convoy), Jefferson (John T), Piranha (Chassey Blue), GrooVan (Dave); and four Coyote cars: Manta (Sid Burn), Leprechaun (Boogie), Incarcerator bus (Molo), Stag camper pickup (Beezwax). All cars are newly redone, but the Piranha is an entirely new design, paying homage to V8's predecessor Interstate '76. We also just finalized our DLC pack (320 points), which will come with two brand new arenas and three additional cars: Strider buggy (Sheila), Towmaster tow truck (Houston), and never-before-seen Groundhog (Loki) – a post WWII, six-wheeled armored car!"

I am not sure how I feel about this, but my gut reaction was anger. But maybe not, b/c perhaps doing it this way, they are keeping the "core" game at a lower price point, and since that is all I likely care about, maybe that is a good thing??
Cheapy, since you're our resident "Man-In-Japan" maybe you can tell me what the fuck is up with that $6000 watermelon thats been all over the news here. Maybe its not such a big story over there, but apparently some guy paid $6000 for a 17 lb. black Densuke watermelon in Japan. Supposedly, these things normally sell for $50-100 but this one had "perfectly round shaping making it much more appealing and desirable." Whoever bought this shit must have been the Elliot Spitzer of watermelons. I guess the "food crisis" hasn't hit Japan yet...
I hate you guys.

I decided to listen to the CAGcast while waiting in the doctor's waiting room for ear syringing, and I was in fits of laughter, trying to stifle it in order to keep the peace, and also so I could hear my name being called out. Hearing about Mario hammering out Peach's plumbing was not helping matters, so I had to stop it before walking into the restroom and howling.

I hate you guys.

Btw, speaking of the breast sizes of women in the Entertainment/Gaming industry, try E3 2006's Elexis Sinclaire model, aka Bianca Beauchamp. Double Dragons to go, please.
Cheapy! Any word on if you are going to have an iPhone/iPod touch version of the site?? It would be awesome especially when we are in the stores scoping out the deals!

Thanks and keep up all the good work!
Now that Metal Gear Solid 4 is out, do you think we are going to start to see differences in what can be done on the PS3 that might not be able to be done on the Xbox 360? So far it has been "360 can do X, but PS3 can't." Do you think that will start to reverse? I have played about 10 hours of the single player and I have to say the game is pretty amazing. IMO it certainly lives up to the hype and I think it's the best game I've played on any of the big 3 consoles so far. Sure there has been games like Uncharted, Ratchet, Warhawk and other exclusives, but I don't think they were enough for people to go "Holy shit! I need a PS3!" With MGS4 being the first huge PS3 exclusive that everyone is going crazy for , how do you think the landscape of the "war" between the two consoles will change?
I know Cheapy is pretty busy and it's tough to make scheduling arrangements, but I think it's time for more special guests and/or interviews with some gaming industry folks.

Along those lines, I'm a bit surprised Wombat isn't given (any?) interview assignments for UGO. Does Wombat even have any incentive to use his game and entertainment contacts on UGO's behalf, and wouldn't that aspect of Wombat's resume have any bearing on him getting full time work at UGO or the game industry?
Hey Cheapy & Wombat, I remember hearing you guys talk about the possibility of having writers to create content like reviews for the site. Since the "soft launch" of the new site is coming up soon, I was wondering what the plans were on that.

I ask because I've been a huge fan of the site/podcast(s) and have written for a handful of sites doing reviews, previews and features. ;)

PS: Rockin' facebook picture, Cheapy.
Have you guys checked out Handsome Tom's new website ? If so what do you think of it and do you think it will survive?

Would you consider going on Ninja Warrior? It seems that they let just about anyone in, judging by the contestants I've seen (although they never make it past Stage 1).

You could even wear a CAGCast t-shirt when you compete! Free promotion for the website and podcast FTW!~
Cheapy and Wombat

With the "next gen" of gaming, I'm noticing a trend of soundtracks being made available for current games as digital downloads (like Uncharted and Pixeljunk Monsters for example)

Do you think game companies missed a golden opportunity by not putting out game soundtracks last gen? With the success of sites like Play Asia, there is obviously a market for this kind of music.

Do you think game companies are finally catching on that they can make money from selling soundtracks in the West?
Dear Cheapy, How much is Gas by your house? or do you not have to worry, thanks to your wife paying for it?
Hey Wombat, thanks for the tip on the chocolate bar. My wife and I had a great time and even though I'm not that into chocolate, I actually enjoyed it. My wife loved it.

Anyway, one thing I noticed is I don't think I've ever heard Wombat say Cheapy's name. Whenever Cheapy is talking, he'll always add a "Wombat" here and there, but I don't think I've heard Wombat say Cheapy or David. Just an observation.
Hey Cheapy & Wombat, what games do you two regularly play online, if any? I personally play GTA 4 and now Metal Gear Solid Online almost daily.

ps. you guys rock
Hi cheapy and wombat fruit fly killer!

got 2 questions for you.

Cheapy when is your apartment tour coming?

and wombat what is the name of your baby?

keep up the good work!
I was thinking about the false promises made by the Big 3 and I rememebered a big one made by MS and I wanted your input. If you remember a few years ago Microsoft was promising support for iptv and a dvr on your 360. There were even some 360s who came back from repair with the iptv on their dash. We haven't heard anything on this in a long time. Do you think it is still in the works and is it something you're holding out for?

Second question/comment is in regards to your tipping discussion. I was thinking that in the US at least restaurant employees rely almost primarily on their tips. Most make minimum wage and use their tips as the primary source. Is this the same in Japan or are they less reliant on the tips? Can Japanese employees rely on a minimum wage if there even is one?
Hey Cheapy (and Wombat if you have the game). As we can all assume your MGS4 has arrived now and i was just wondering what is your favorite new feature and are you enjoying the game so far?

Thanks guys :D
Since retail games drop in price after they've been on the market for a while, wouldn't it be nice if the dlc for those games dropped in price as well?
We're halfway though the year, and since 2007 we were saying that this is Sony's year... halfway into the year, how well do you think Sony is doing at this point?

I was listening to some old Cagcasts (I was trying to get a feel for your past feelings about the MGS series and compare them to your feelings now) and I heard you guys laughing at the first 50 cent game and reporting that it sold a million copies [which is why we have 50 cent in the desert coming out]. Anyway, my question - obviously it was a celebrity that sold that game. What other celebrities would you like to see in a game and what celebrities do you think can take a sub par game and get it to sell a million copies? Or perhaps more rappers should be in 3rd persion action shooter games, they all gangsters so they should fit in a GTA rise from the bottom to the top type action/adventure game story.

In Cagcast 31 you guys referenced Peter Moore and Microsofts demoing the motion controller for the 360. At the time, they felt that such a controller wasn't very popular. But knowing that the 360 has had a motion controller for so long is it possible that perhaps the 360's motion controller may end up being superior to the Wii's motion controller? (and PS3 motion controller) If it is superior will the Wii perhaps loose some of their audience?
What's up Cheapy and Wombat

Cheapy, considering the fact that you are flying back to America this July for E3 I was wondering that you as a CAG do you try to find the best deals in airplane tickets and stay in a low quality cheap motel? Or because you are a millionaire do you fly in first class and stay in a 5-star hotel?
What's the deal?
And in your last flight to America how many times did you had to take a piss or a shit in the airplane? BTW if you took a shit there I don't think it was a nice experience.

And Wombat have you decided the name for your baby?
I have a comment and a question. Comment first.

Regarding ads on the show, I highly suggest that you both take a listen to an episode of TWiT. Their handling of ads is masterful – they do the ads themselves instead of playing a recording, and instead of following a script, they wing it and turn it into almost its own mini-segment of the show. Sometimes I even look forward to the ad. It doesn't feel like an annoying interruption, and of course it's much more effective at pimping the sponsoring company's services than a more traditional ad would be, so companies tend to stick with them for extended periods of time and give them big time dollaz.

Now the question.

Considering both of your ages, I'm sort of surprised at how often you completely gloss over a bit of retro-style gaming news that I, as a child of the 8-bit era, find exciting. When it comes to downloadables, you both seem to devote much more time to the borderline casual games and multiplayer flavors-of-the-month that come out on Xbox Live Arcade than you do to classic rereleases and updates (Bionic Commando Rearmed, or the occasional Wii VC game that is actually well worth it, etc.) or newer games that are more classically styled, like Lost Winds (a new 2D platformer for a console in 2008!) or Ikaruga (classicist shmup, and a nice deal considering how much money it was commanding for GameCube). Have you both lost interest in the simpler gaming styles of the 8- and 16-bit eras? Do either of you ever break out an old and dusty console for a taste of some classic game that hasn't resurfaced on a download service or a game compilation?
Hi CheapyD and Wombat, My question for this week is about Pac-Man Championship Edition game. Well I notice that Pac-man games has been on most consoles and portables, expect for that new Pac-Man CE. Everyone would probably like to play it on their current consoles or as a wii-ware title? I think a lot of gamers would like to play this on wii, ps3, ps2, psp, ds, apple, pc. Come on it can't be on xbox exclusive for that long? Well bye.
Hey guys I love the show, I have been listening since around episode 85 ad have recently started going back and catching up from the begining. I was just wondering what ever happened with that lawsuit Circuirt City had brought up on you, did it just go away or did I miss something? Also Cheapy you said you might be taking an Alaskan cruise later this summer, If you come through Juneau I'd like to meet up with you, maybe show you around town or take you to lunch or something. Let me know and keep up the good work on the show.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat! Where have all the gamers gone! If PS2 sold over 100 million units at the time the xbox 360 and PS3 came out, why are sales still relatively low for the new systems? You would think gamers who owned a PS2 would have moved on to the next generation en mass, but new console hardware sales seem slow moving comparatively and a long way away from 100 milion in sales. The PS2 did it in 5 years, so where have all the gamers gone???
With MGS4 coming out, I'm sure I'm one of many new CAG PS3 owners in the past week. I was wondering if Cheapy and Wombat could briefly talk about their favorite non-MGS games for the PS3 that new owners might not have paid attention to since launch. Thanks!
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

With what may be a big leak of at least a large portion of Microsoft's E3 showing, I wondering what you guys prefer for your E3 press conferences: Full of surprises or leaked weeks in advance?

Which of the fourteen concepts for Spider-Man games would you most like to see come to fruition, never see the light of day, or could be a guilty pleasure if done right?
Hey cheapy since you are audio editing god, Could you get the part of wombat saying what its a lighter on a seperate file so I could possibly set it as my ringtone? Im getting a little bored of someone screaming LEROY JENKINS!!! By the way it was in podcast 122 double dragons
Hey Cheapy Wombat.. I know you guys are probably doing the CAGCAST At this very moment.. the force is tell me you're talking trash about MGS4. STOP IT!! Stop trashing MGS4.

continue with the show!
[quote name='Thomas96']Hey Cheapy Wombat.. I know you guys are probably doing the CAGCAST At this very moment.. the force is tell me you're talking trash about MGS4. STOP IT!! Stop trashing MGS4.

continue with the show![/quote]
Keep trashing it keep doing IT!! I mean you cant jump off a ledge and stab someone standing below you!!! That games terrible I tell you terrible! Nah its good but seriously don't stop the trash talking
Dear Cheapy, This question is linked to the $20 watermelon's in your crummy grocery store. Was it attached to a hooker? I cant imagine spending that much on a melon. Are there Weed laced grapes that go for $16 a LB?

And when (not if) MGS4 comes out for 360, How many discs do you think it will be on?
bread's done