CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

What do you guys think of all the controversy that, a UGO-owned site with the UGO logo plastered over everything, "confirming" Half-Life: Episode 3, Kid Icarus for Wii, Doom 4, and Alan Wake will be shown off at E3, as well as duping sites like 1up into thinking the site's legit? The site itself is odd, with the UGO logo posted all over the site, all of its news posts being taken straight from the Games blog, and there being no way to reach the site from UGO itself. Since Wombat's news posts are showing up on this site, I was wondering if Wombat has any opinion on what's going on with Is this site a complete hoax or is attempting to be a serious UGO-run site?

While watching Wombat's nursey video on facebook, I noticed Ms. Wombat's name at the bottom but in her name she had your last name as her middle name. Could you explain how this came to be and your reaction when she told you that she didn't want your last name?
@ Both you Cheapy D and Wombat ...

1: Are you and Wombat Sports Fans? if so do you guys follow Major Leauge Baseball? if so what teams and why?

2: Your Take on the Saints Row Game and Saints Row 2 coming up soon.

3: what is the ONE game you guys are looking forward to and why
[quote name='thorbahn3']While watching Wombat's nursey video on facebook, I noticed Ms. Wombat's name at the bottom but in her name she had your last name as her middle name. Could you explain how this came to be and your reaction when she told you that she didn't want your last name?[/QUOTE]

Thats not my wife's name that my cousin, I dont know who tagged her, but I like her, so I left it there
Cheapy, with CAG 2.0 (and user blogs) on the horizon I was wondering: How you would feel if a user were to download a pirated copy of a soon to be released game, and post a review on their CAG blog?
Hey Cheapy, just wanted to ask if you have tried fugu (poisonous pufferfish) while living in Japan?
If so, what was the experience like?
My friend has tried it and he says that it is rather plain,
but leaves a tingling aftertaste. (haha)
Keep up the good work Cheapy and Wombat.
Cheapy and Wombat,

As Mac owners (and a Mac owner myself (for business (video editing) not pleasure (though it is a pleasure)), do you intend to buy Spore, Starcraft 2 and/or Diablo 3 for the Mac, as all 3 will have simultaneous releases on Mac and PC?

Do you hope to see more titles in the future released on both PC and Mac, and would you see yourself getting back into "PC" gaming if so? Do you think it is unfeasible for most developers to support both? And finally, have you noticed that Mac games NEVER drop in price below $50?

[quote name='lordwow']do you intend to buy Spore, Starcraft 2 and/or Diablo 3 for the Mac, as all 3 will have simultaneous releases on Mac and PC? [/quote]wow.. three games that will most likely release for PC and Mac on the same disc.
Hey, great shows the last few weeks...getting funnier every week.

I recently bought myself a wii, well not just for me. But I am really disappointed with demos not being available for the Wii. With all of these "casual" games on the market I am sort of overwhelmed. I look on amazon and there are 15+ games very cheap, but I've heard nothing of them. And as far as I know or googled, there are no demo discs available. I download pretty much every demo for the ps3 and 360, except arcade titles, I'm downloading some demos on 360 that are on clearance right now, to see if I want to try and find them.

Is Nintendo doing anything about this? I know the storage is very limited, but how much memory could one minigame from Carnival Games take up. I have found myself not buying any games since I got it, except for Harry Potter for the gf, but I've never touched that since the day I bought it, and Wii sports' charm has run off after a few days.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

As you most likely know Soulcaliber IV is coming out soon, I was just wondering on what your thought was on the console exclusive characters, Yoda on 360 and Darth on PS3. Do you think that they'll release them on the corresponding systems "stores" a few months after the games release? I personally hope so, since I'm both a big Soulcaliber fan and a big Star Wars fan and would like to play as both Yoda and Darth.

Also, not regarding to Soul Caliber,

Wombat, you said a couple episodes ago that the Hulk comic story line when hulk is in the future calling himself The Maestro was called "Days of Future Past", well that really grinded my geeky gears so I feel its my duty to say that your thinking of the Hulk story called "Future Imperfect".

Anywhoo, keep up the good work
Wombat you should get working on that cag tribes game. I never played tribes but im sure the game would be fun at least from what you guys said the whole managing stock and getting the right customers in your store cause obviously hobos don't have money. I was thinking maybe you could throw games out to people and they would have amounts of money over their head and if someone with 60$ catches a game that gets added to your amount of cash.If Cheapy helped fund the project I bet you guys could get the project started. Yea I know the whole Idea was just a joke but Its such a great Idea i want to see it happen. It could be a 20 dollar XBLA game for all I care ive got over 100$ in points.
And on a side not What ds games should I get?
[quote name='Spartan V07']cheapyd and wombat: what is your favorite genre in gaming?[/quote]
Im gona take a wild guess and say cheapys favorite genre is RPGs and he loves the japanese ones.

On the pending release of CAG 2.0, I did find it somewhat amusing that CAGs can limit access to their blogs in a number of ways but in the end this may hurt those blogs that are looking to be compensated based on traffic. My personal theory is that you stumbled across this mostly on dumb luck but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. This dilemma would mostly apply to the fanboys of games and systems so it will be interesting to see how it plays out. A scenario would go something like this "Do I block that person because I don't agree with their point of view or do I need their web traffic?"

I'm sure Speedy1961 will be one of the top viewed blogs as every CAG loves a good deal so hopefully he'll be compensated for his early ad info.

Looking forward to the release and enjoy the show.
Hey CheapyD

My son was also born last October. I am curious to know how you find ways to manage your work, relationships, and your gaming hobby with all the stress and time of raising an infant? (making bottles, changing diapers, bath time, feedings, sleepless nights, etc)

Also to Wombat, how do you think these new responsibilities are going to impact your life?
I'm fairly new to cagcast, so maybe this question has been asked - that is to say I'm sure it has.

In any case, what is your best 'cheap ass gamer' find?

I thought my best find was ICO on PS2 when it first came out - for some reason Superstore (giant canadian grocery store) had it priced at $15 as soon as it came out... I assume it was mis-priced but I snapped it up.

However last week, Blockbuster Video had Project Gotham Racing 4 on sale for $7.99... I bought two copies, and traded one in to EBGames for $13... Meaning, I paid about $2.98 for my copy. :drool:
Cheapy D / Wombat...

here's a true or false question for you.. [two parts]

I. July 1st becomes the best video game website?

II. July 2nd PS3 becomes the best console on the market?

good show last week.. and I'm suggesting the same thing I did last week... fellas, answer CAGbag questions in the beginning and end of the show. This way you get more questions answered and at the end of the show you're not pressed to answer a lot of questions. Even though nowadays you're just skipping it. Oh well.. take care
[quote name='kube00']Alright maxgle, you asked the Hulk question what makes him so special and could he defeat the juggernaut.

Technically I would say yes, The Hulk is invincible while Juggernaut is not. Hulk once beat Superman to pulp.

Other heroes with class 100 strength The Thing? She-Hulk, Colossus of the Xmen, Strong Guy, and so on...Wombat no one likes Namor, quit being a fanboy, he hasn't been popular since the 1940s

What makes Hulk special? You forgot to add these bits Wombat. He's got the intelligence of Bruce Banner whereas "Juggs" is just dumb. Hulk once held up an entire planet (Marvel Secret Wars). And he's green.

Enough of my nerdy side:

Okay comic book question for Wombat:
Do you remember Grey Hulk in the 90s? He battled Green Hulk who had merged with Banner at the time. Was the Grey hulk Banner's evil side?
Also, Wombat did you ever read the DC vs Marvel comics if so what was your favorite fight?

And Cheapy and Wombat, in your guy's opinion what is the worst superhero movie that has come out so far? The Flash? Fantastic 4? Batman and Robin?[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the input, appreciate it.
Now for something not videogame related at all.

Cheapy, are you bald by choice? If so what's your head shaving routine. I've recently been sporting the chrome dome (using a head blade and NXT shaving cream), but it's a huge pain in the ass to shave every night to keep my head slick. Just curious if you had any tips for those of us wannabe baldys.
CheapyD & Wombat, great podcast, keep up the great work! Just wanted to draw attention to a friend of mine & fellow CAGer, XstonefryX, who recently became the high score leader in the USA for Pac-Man: Championship Edition [XBLA] at 503,590! Go CAGer & fellow gamer, XstonefryX, you've made us proud!

(0 = zero)
Hey Cheapy with your love for games like Railfan why havent you ever mentioned "A-TrainHx" for the 360. It's a train simulator. Keep up the good work gentlemen.
Here is something for Wombat.

I agree with Wombat about Aquaman's strength.
I was watching Boomerang and a Justice League marathon was playing. I saw a particular episode where Aquaman yanked a tank turret loose. Aquaman is like many unsung heroes over shadows by DC's big 7. A mullet and a fishing hook hand, and he is casted as a douchebag than a hero.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

I was wondering since you(Cheapy) now live in Japan, if there has been any talk about a new Shenmue game for the PS3, Wii or Xbox 360. And also I want to know what is the gayest thing that Wombat has done at his gay new job.

P.S. Thanks guys, keep up the great show
These are both for Wonbot, the hardest working Chinese android in gaming...

1) I know you don't like him, but the most recent Marvel character with strength to match the Hulk would be Sentry. He was the go-to guy during World War Hulk when the rest of the heroes were getting their asses kicked. Still, he's usually pretty useless because he's fairly insane. Here's a crossover question for you... Hulk vs The Authority: who would win and how?

2) A few weeks back you shrugged off Guitar Hero: Aerosmith's lack of reverse compatibility with Guitar Hero 3 DLC. Now that it's been announced that both Guitar Hero World Tour and Rock Band 2 will work with previously downloaded content, how do you feel? Personally, I think this is a big win for gamers as well as for the developers. Any future (and past) Rock Band downloadable songs won't be tied to any particular incarnation of Rock Band, meaning that Harmonix can still make money off DLC, even from people who don't pick up RB2, and the players will have an increasingly massive selection of songs without having to swap discs or buying a new retail product.
Cheapy and Wombat

Just wrapped up #124. Great 'cast. I did have some feedback on Wombat's perceptions that PS3 players generally are uninterested in chatting online with other players during gameplay.

I can't speak for everyone of course, but I feel that the lack or reliable, quality chat is one of the biggest disappointments with my new PS3. Of course PS3ers don't want to use chat, the quality is almost always *crap*! I just got my PS3 with the release of MGS4 and immediately tried my BT headset with it and GTA IV. In both cases, the audio quality was horrible. On top of that set up was hard to do and game application was spotty. As bad as it was on Live with my oroiginal Xbox.

I'd maintain that if the audio quality was on par with what I've experienced on Apple iChat or Skype and the application of that chat in the game was well done (i.e. easy to chat with teammates) then in game chat would be widley used.

Don't you agree?

Dr. Strangepork
Cheapy and Wombat: On the last 'cast you talked about whether or not it is ethical for a small time review website to review games received off the net via Bittorrent or other ways. Cheapy thought it wasn't so bad and Wombat considered it stealing.

Well how about this analogy: Radio stations in the United States play music from cd's before the cd is even out from getting mp3 files off of file-sharing websites. The DJs will get these tracks early and even admit that they "did not get get them from the music industry" and will claim that they are doing it so that the fans can get a taste of the new album early and decide if they like it or not. This makes it seem that they are doing it for the fans when in reality they are really doing it to get an edge over other radio stations (similar to what happened to the small German video game website breaking the review of Alone in the Dark early off of pirated code). This seems to be perfectly fine with everyone and I can only recall one song getting pulled because the record label asked the radio station to stop playing the song with a cease and desist letter (which they obliged). I am with Cheapy I say let them review the game in whatever form they can get it in. If it is in most cases fine with the record industry then it should be fine for games. It is basically just free promotion for the game or cd. Like Cheapy always says "I don't care whether you talk good or bad about me as long as you talk about me".
Cheapy and Wombat.

With the recent release/news of new guitar hero/rockband games I got to thinking about how much a ripoff it all is. Why should I have to pay for music/songs I already own?

With games like audiosurf you can upload any song you own and use it with the game. Why doesn't rockband/guitar hero let you do this. (Obviously they want to make money selling you songs.) But shouldn't some game developer just make a clone of these games which allows you upload any song you want and the game extrapolates the parts. Granted this might be hard and expensive to program, but if it worked no one would buy these other games anymore. (No need for Aerosmith guitar hero when you can just stick in an aerosmith CD.)

On the flipside when you download songs for these games you can't acutally do anything with them besides use them to play the game. These games should at least let me rip the music I just paid for to a CD or to my MP3 player. After all, I paid for it.

Thanks, love the podcast.

Here is a link to the video that made me think of this. It is a music video someone made for an FF7remix useing guitar hero. (A mod from the PC version?)
So know that 2.0 is out, Do you you considered yourself cheap? You talked about how other people will finally realize how "cheap" you are for not doing this a long time ago.
Viva la CAG! I'm liking 2.0 Cheapy although Cheap 'Arse' Gamer for us UK natives. What the Shaq-fu man? lol On another note how do you like PS3 2.40?
Cheapy, what's the update about the Mikey situation?

Wombat, where's that Spider-man cup video? LOL
Cheapy and Wombat
I have been planning to get an xbox 360 for a while now and I read up on these price cuts which will occur on the week of July 13. Do you think that this would be a good time to get my first xbox 360 or should I wait out until the Jasper model is released?

Links To Price Cuts
Hey Cheapy and Wombat

I, like many other CAGers, am excited for the blog contest, well at least I think they are contests, or competition you will be having now that CAG 2.0 is on. I was hoping that you guys could throw us writers a bone and give us clues in regards to what you are looking for in a writer. If you check out Dan Shu's blog on the 1up site where he gives great tips to future game journalists, one of his key advice is to write in the style that the publication is looking for. Do you guys have a type of writing style you are looking for? Is there an example publication you would people to emulate?

Maybe I am taking this too seriously? :) Anyways great site, great show, looking forward to the next CAG Cast.

I've been wondering for a while now, and especially after hearing his voicemail--who the heck is JimmieMac, and why is he "The Icon?" Maybe I haven't been around long enough to know, but I haven't heard much about him other than he's good at insulting people.
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JimmieMac sounds like he borrowed her personality from 1993 Dennis Leary. He even quoted him with the whole sub-cockle region part for the song "AssHole" by Leary.

I think he plays games with Cheapy or something.
Hey Cheapy, just wondering why Wombat and Shipwreck have more friends than you on their list. Do you not accept all invite or something?

Also how do I make a banner for my blog?
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Hey Cheapy and Wombat, I've really liekd your shows recently. Keep up the good work!

I have a few questions for you guys. I know you guys will often mention porn and weed, if only so your big nerds can appeal to the younger crowd. So I'm wondering how do you think you guys would react if you ever found a stash of either on your kids in the future? I don't think Tai really is going to have porn stash just yet.

My second question is, what do you guys think you'd be doing right now if it wasn't for CAG? This is more for Cheapy, since without CAG, Wombat would probably have his own popular radio show on like Sirius or something since he wouldn't be tricked into a podcast.
Cheapy and Wombat what are your opinions on the price drop on the legendary map pack from 800 points to 600 points even though theoretically you are still paying the same but have more leftover points. Love the CAGcast keep up the good work.
How much longer do you think that the cagcast can go on for Cheapy? Is this something you plan to do for a couple more years? I love the cagcast and it will be pretty depressing to see it go. Oh well, I figure we got a couple more years of goodness out of this.
Why don't you guys give us some predictions you have for the upcoming E3. Things like pricing, game announcements, new features, etc. You can both do 4 each. Keep up the good work fellas.
plz set up away to instantly be able to see how many views your blog post has and who has done it instead of just having to click on the post also how do you make a banner for your blog???
What's up guys. I've been a listener of the CAG cast for about a year now. Really enjoying the show so far. My question is why do you two continue to go by your forum names on the podcast? Is it a concern for your privacy? I've always thought it sounded a bit awkward for you to refer to each other (out loud) by the nicknames that you go by on the forums. I think just using your real names would make the podcast flow a bit more natural in my opinion.
bread's done