CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey Cheapy, two questions. In the Cagcast before you and Ship went to E3, you mentioned a Cagbag question of mines about "what if you or Wombat found a porn or weed stash on your kids" on the show but really didn't answer it. What was up with that!? Did you just forget it or did you think it was a stupid question and just dodged it skillfully?

Also, Microsoft has just announced that XNA community games will be on sale on the XBL in the fall and that the creators will get "up to 70%" of the profit. You mentioned that a few Cagcasts ago it was something MS mentioned but never came through with. So how do you feel about it now that they are going through with it?
hey cheapy i just wanted to know if in the next xbox console microsoft introduces a blu ray player then will sony really need to make a ps4
Hey Cheapy,

Recently, I was in Akihabara and was struck by how large and how crowded the arcades are. And there weren't just teenagers playing - there were plenty of people in their 20's and 30's playing fighters like Street Fighter IV and old-school Ikaruga-style shooters in the middle of the afternoon on a Friday. Do you have any thoughts on why the Japanese arcade has been able to thrive whereas the American arcade died? How long do you think the Japanese arcade can survive within the environment of next gen consoles?

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We all heard about Microsoft's so called 3-mote and it seemed that Microsoft had to show it at E3, but they didn't. Why do you guy's think this is? is it because they wanted to put all light on FFXIII or because they finally listened to the internets and decided that it was a stupid idea. Or possibly could this have anything to do with the new Bungie Project and maybe it's incorporation of the 3-mote?
Hey guys great show this week. My question is would you ever consider having cag users guest star on the podcast week to week(not talking about a live cagcast) but you know like how shipwreck and other people guest star from time to time. They might know something you don't for the day and freshen it up a little. If my idea sounds stupid please let me know either way on how you feel.
Gamestop isn't your sponsor next week? Then allow me to get something off my chest.

As a PC Gamer, the Steam service is already in high-gear with most PC gamers. They've started to have weekend deals every weekend, and I love the idea of having all of my games tied to one account, and being able to install them all without media.

I have to wonder if the next generation of consoles will have the option of downloading all of your games online. Gamestop really hasn't bent over backwards trying to give gamers reasons to pick them over other stores, especially when it comes to new games. I really see Gamestops days as being severely numbered. It's just plain easier to buy the game online than it is to go out to the store, and with gas prices continuing to rise, I wonder what Gamestops plans are to deal with this in the longterm.

Imagine being able to buy any Xbox 360 game online, and having the game immediately tied to your Xbox Live account. Furthermore, what if they had the option of mailing you the media for the cost of shipping?

Since you're throwing out movie recommendations to the CAG community with such qualifications as watching every episode of Tila Tequila and the Real World I thought it would be a nice gesture to throw something back your way. I was the one that recommended you check out Harvey Birdman awhile back and you seemed to like it so I thought I'd give it another shot. In keeping with the fowl theme, "Duckman" is a show for you as I see a few similarities between you and the shows main character (voiced by Jason Alexander). Both of you are fathers, love your porn, are sex starved, and go on R-rated adventures (smoking weed in the back seat of a taxi). It's a no-brainer for any Stern fan.
Here's the Amazon link but you could easily pick up some episodes of your favorite site.

You didn't seem as angry this last podcast. Was it because you're much happier being a new father or just too tired?
Anyways. Congratulations!
Hey guys,

Great show, been listening since the beginning etc. Now that that's out of the way, I want to ask Cheapy, and Wombat (and Shipwreck) a question. From what you have said in the past, you all think the music creator for Guitar Hero World Tour is a fairly stupid gimmick. Yet Cheapy is in love with Little Big Planet. Don't you guys think that both the creators are similar? Sure, most people won't really get into creating epic stuff in either, but that doesn't matter. The 1% who do will churn out great content for the rest of us. I for one am pumped at the thought of playing songs "inspired" by bands that would never even make it into downloadable content. Or what about playing Bach; hey, Tenacious D did it.
Great show as always...

But I hear you guys complain about the PSN and XBL marketplace games being overpriced nearly every show. I have to agree about XBL games being overpriced and in over-abundance, but I have only boughten games from PSN. The only reason is because you can share the games with 4 other people, cutting the cost in 5ths. I'm just curious why that is not mentioned when "mentioning" new PSN games on the CAGcast. I just got a group together that bought 1942 and Pain for ($3 each person) and still have a spot open for one more. I haven't paid for a PSN game without sharing the cost yet. Is it considered immoral to do so? It saves CAGs a good amount of money on PSN games?
CheapyD, It seems to me that you've just let the "Your man in Japan" forum die out. Any plan to revive it or do we need to get a new tall bald man living in Japan to take care of that forum?
[quote name='JMEPO']CheapyD, It seems to me that you've just let the "Your man in Japan" forum die out. Any plan to revive it or do we need to get a new tall bald man living in Japan to take care of that forum?[/quote]

He just said a couple CAGCAST's back that he wants to use his Blog for that stuff and he said he was just going to merge the forum.
What happened to the Cheap Thrills segment that you guys were doing for a while? I thought that this segment had a lot of potential in that it can help point me and other CAG's in the direction of some really nice cheap games that have been out for over 6 months or so. The discussion of podcasts is too often on games that haven't come out yet or are too damn expensive rather than on games that people can actually play and don't cost 60 bucks.

So I saw The Dark Knight a while ago and was going to ask for your thoughts about it, but then it got me wondering, how do you watch new movies? Are movies that are made in English still have English audio but Japanese subtitles at your local theater? Do you just wait until the movie is available on disc or do you have any 'other' ways?

Also I wonder if either you or Wombat have read Watchmen or are looking forwards towards the film; I saw the trailer shown before TDK and it looked good so I just picked up the graphic novel.
Hey Cheapy,

Having picked up the iPhone in Japan, which apps have you tried? Have you purchased any games? Do you have reasonable data plans over there? If you do, I would highly recommend buying Tuner for 5 bucks for some streaming audio action. This may be of particular interest to you as I know you're a Howard Stern fan, and there are a number of Howard 101 streams available. Live Howard 101 on-the-go in Japan would be pretty sweet.
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Surely with all of your free-time (ummmm the gay E3 video) you will be able to put together a CAG meet up at PAX this year....maybe breakfast (steak & eggs) on Friday? Thought it would be cool since the Joystiq one at E3 sounded cool. Maybe a combo meet up with CAG & Stiq...hell worst case it's another ego trip for you ;)
Hey Cheapy,
Since you are considered "press" now, is it possible for you hook up some CAGers with press passes to TGS this year?
Cheapy, do you plan on recording the Pax panel and then throw it up on youtube after you get back from your cruise ship trip. I bet a lot of CAGs who can't make it would like to see it.
Cheapy and Wombat,

How do you guys feel about obvious product placement on respected series such as Soulcalibur's "force" characters? Do you believe that ideas such as this are to increase the unique quality of the product, or to simply drive sales by printing Star Wars characters in large sizes on the box cover. Thanks.

P.S. Can we expect another great live show in the near future?:applause:
Dear Cheapy and Wombat, Where's the love for the CAG blogs? It's been over a month and there has not been any mentions of blog posts on the CAGcast. I know that both E3 and Sabrina might have thrown the normal show style off a little bit, but still. Where is the "CAGs On Blogs" segment on the CAGcast?
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What sports games are you guys excited for this year?

Also are you guys sports fans. Since both you guys are both from New York, are you Mets fans or Jets fans etc?
CheapyD and Wombat:

What do you guys think of the charge that Resident Evil 5 is racist, based on the ethnicity of the enemies? Or that Call of Duty: World at War is racist? I'm not sure how any other CAGs feel, but I think it's unfair to call these games racist because the enemies you'll be shooting happen to be of a different skin color. It's not as though we can make a game about the Pacific Theatre in World War II where the Japanese are replaced with Caucasians. And in Resident Evil 5, the protagonist's race has long since been established in past games; it's not as though they can just make him black, and if the narrative needs the setting to be Africa, that they can simply make everyone white (or else they might be charged with racism for not showing any blacks at all.) I think it's especially unfair because the same line of reasoning desn't work if you replace racism with sexism. Does shooting female villagers in Resident Evil 4 as a man imply sexism? Of course not; then why does it imply racism if it's different races instead of different sexes? Just food for thought, I suppose.
Cheapy and Wombat, don't know if you guys have mentioned this before but the CAGs on News theme is originally from an 80s song, correct?

And then I heard it is it possibly from Duran Duran's "Girls on Film."

Also Wombat have you read Marvel Zombies or Image's Walking Dead? I recommend both to you.
Cheapy and Wombat,

How do you guys feel about obvious product placement on respected series such as Soulcalibur's "force" characters? Do you believe that ideas such as this are to increase the unique quality of the product, or to simply drive sales by printing Star Wars characters in large sizes on the box cover. Thanks.

P.S. Can we expect another great live show in the near future?:applause:
[quote name='BlueSwim']Dear Cheapy and Wombat, Where's the love for the CAG blogs? It's been over a month and there has not been any mentions of blog posts on the CAGcast. I know that both E3 and Sabrina might have thrown the normal show style off a little bit, but still. Where is the "CAGs On Blogs" segment on the CAGcast?[/quote]

A blog segment is a great idea. Maybe a section of the show where Cheapy and Wombat would take a minute each to recommend a single blog post that they enjoyed reading that week of the episode.
[quote name='XTommyDonX']A blog segment is a great idea. Maybe a section of the show where Cheapy and Wombat would take a minute each to recommend a single blog post that they enjoyed reading that week of the episode.[/quote]

Thank you! I've taken up the issue here and on my blog so it won't clog up this thread. Let us march to get a blog segment on the CAGcast!:bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:
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[quote name='BlueSwim']Thank you! I've taken up the issue here and on my blog so it won't clog up this thread. Let us march to get a blog segment on the CAGcast!:bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:[/quote]

Well, it isn't a problem at all, just a suggestion for the CAGcast. It would be cool but if Cheapy and Wombat aren't up for it, then that's fine.
cheapyD are xbox live gamers in japan better than the ones in america? lol

both of you guys. Do you guys collect anything? Besides games? and cheapy's robocop stuff? I.E Vinyl?, Medicom toys?
Cheapy I thought it was really really funny in your new video when you clicked on
but since that youtube are being tight ass bitches lately aren't you worried that video may be flagged and possibly get your account suspended again? We definitely wouldn't that.
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hey Cheapy, it's August. Did you see Dark Knight yet and what did you think of it?

Wombat, did you see other superhero flicks like Wanted and Hancock? Wanted was decent but Hancock was total shit.

Thanks dudes.
hey Cheapy i have a friend who is going to Japan on an exchange for school. Being the good friend she is, she has allowed me to request two things which she will bring back from Japan for me. What are some sweet relatively cheap toys that would interest a 17-year old.
CheapyD - What the hell do you do during the weeks that Howard Stern is on vacation? I find myself getting Stern withdrawals.

Wombat - Secret Invasion or Final Crisis?
Cheapy, just wondering why are you excited for a game like LittleBigPlanet where you get to create your own levels and such, but not for Guitar Hero IV to create your own songs?

Was it because LBP made it so much more easier to do this than Guitar Hero? Or is it simply you have no desire to make your own songs?
Since the Venom movie looks like it's underway I got a question for you guys. One of my biggest gripes with Spiderman 3 was the cross casting of Venom and Sandman (should have been swapped). Would you like Topher Grace to return to the role and if not who would like like to see take his place?
hey cheapyD and wombat. huge fan of the show and the site. I tried listening to other podacst but they bore the hell out of me. I wanted to know since im not willing to cough of the money for a XBOX 360 is there any games on the ps2 that are like Oblivion. Im a huge fan of role-playing games but don't wanna pay that 15 bucks a month, i am a cheap ass gamer after all. Keep up the good work.

A few friends and I are going to a friend's party next week and there will be karaoke. Since you're an expert, I was wondering if there were some tips/song choices you could give to an aspiring amateur.

And congrats Wombat!
Cheapy and Wombat,
I know you will probably be discussing it on the show, but this is incase you don't. Have you guys played braid? And what do you think, fuckING AMAZING right? I'm guessing wombat probably played the demo, and I'd suggest to him, and you cheapy, to play this amazing game.
PS 1up(nick suttner) game this game an A+
Cheapy, I'm surprised you didn't mention the murder in Akihabara on June 8th. I just saw it in the new EGM magazine and it seemed like it would be big news for you since you're in Japan. To think you could've been there :shock:
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Cheapy And Wombat

A week ago my 360 red ringed, so went through the repair process, but needed something to play, so got myself another 360 until the repaired one came back, sure enough yesterday that one died, so now have 2 broken 360's, been thinking about getting myself a ps3 so i can actually have a console brake, any suggestion?? Running out of dreamcast games to play
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, are there any time consuming non RPG games on the PS3 (exclusive or not) that you can recommend for me? I'm off school until September and have a hell of a lot of spare time on my hands. I already have MGS4, COD4, Uncharted and Guitar Hero.
Some food for thought about the Shovelwares Cheapy:

Recently I've been doing my best to spread the hilarity that is the CAGcast to my fellow internet friends. But I've yielded almost no results, it's just too hard to tell someone to listen to a 90 minute Pod Cast. But lately I've been starting a special mission to convert my number one internet friend to the CAG goodness, and I've found that the only way I can get him at all interested is to promise that it "Won't take a bit!" So over the last month I've had him listen to the best and funniest stuff the CAGcast has to offer. I had him listen to the Girl's Panties story and the Pizza Guy story, both of which he found to be hilarious. I've also showed him the Shovelwares, videos he found to be very entertaining. And most recently I instant messaged him with this: "I can't believe I listen to this guy's pod cast..." and linked him to the Bath Tub video. This really got to him and made him genuinely interested in the big, naked, bald, deep voiced white guy in a Japanese bath room with a baby in his lap. I think I've almost got him hooked to the idea of listening to the CAGcast.

But I just wanted to tell you that the Shovelware videos are not a complete waste of time, it's more of an advertisement for your show if you ask the CAG community to use them properly. Tell them to use these "Best of..." clips to get their friends into the show. Because it's one thing to say "Hey, this 90 minute long waste of time is awesome!" But then to show them a 3 minute long clip or video of you doing something wacky or interesting can be a real bite sized treat, and could get them hooked. I personally gave the CAGcast a chance because of links on Joystiq and Kotaku, and I happened to listen to the Falafel Problems story and found it to be fucking hilarious, way more entertaining than Vaj Nelson's boring drone.

And as closing: I've only been a listener since the 90's, but often spend an average of 3 hours a day listening to old CAGcasts at work, so I may not be a long time listener, but I feel like one. Also, I can't wait to see you at PAX as possibly the only guy who will be taller than you, yet half your age. Also, get ready to show off to your wife your popularity, cause I'll probably ask you to sign my DS or something.
Thanks. :V
On #130, Wombat once again complained about Little Big Planet and making his own levels. I understand this desire to buy a complete game. But the game is shipping with a "story" mode with at least some pre-made levels. How long would this mode have to be in order to be complete enough to warrant a purchase?
I have a couple questions:

Cheapy, now that your Dad has made you an offer on a house back in the States, are you considering the move? I believe that having you in Japan and Wombat in the States adds to the show, as Wombat can give his opinions on games and content available in the US Stores (XBLA/PSN Region Locked content), and you can give opinions on Japanese or Asian exclusive titles. It also gives us Westerners insight into Japanese life and lifestyle with your stories such as the "Vomit Stroller" and also your story about tips at Restaurants and how it differs in Japan. If you are considering the move, why?

Great show as always, please keep them coming.


-Xiofire (said Zeo-fire)
bread's done