CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey guys I wanted to know the games you are looking forward to in 2008/2009. I myself am looking forward to left 4 dead.
Hey guys,

How do you think the setup for the rumored "DJ Hero" that is supposed to arrive next summer will be like? The game is said to have been in development for over 2 years now. Do you think a new controller that will attempt to immitate a laptop turntable peripheral is a good idea? I know at least Cheapy may be excited for a game like this. Wombat, how about you?
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Are there any games that you have ever looked forward to where you convinced yourselves that the game would have no or very few flaws whatsoever? I've done this twice this year; I've gotta stop that.
Just wondering if Cheapy or Wombat know, why us UK gamers are treated so badly. Its getting harder and harder to be a CAG while we have to spend $300 for Guitar hero world tour, and you guys get it for $189. Games retail in the US for $60 while here its $80 and sometimes even $100. The US arcade 360 is $200, and ours are $320
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, what do you guys think about Mark Hamill(Luke Skywalker from Star Wars) voicing The Joker in the new Batman game, Batman: Arkham Asylum? He was the voice of The Joker on the 90's Batman cartoons, and was absolutely fantastic in the role. I figure since Cheapy just saw The Dark Knight that now was as good a time as any to ask.

Keep up the great show guys. And one more quick thing, what about using the term "generic" instead of "average"? Wouldn't that be a better fit after the discussion last week?

- Swim
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[quote name='kvadair']Cheapy and Wombat,

Please do the world a favor and quit discussing the following topics until at least one of you discovers that games can in fact be played on PCs:

1) 'Hardcore' gamers.
2) Quality graphics
3) Why the Xbox is the best current gen console
4) Why you dislike the Wii

Your ignorance has become painful to listen to, and undercuts your credibility as cheap ass gamers as well. There are only a handful of titles for the xbox that are not also available for the PC within their first year of release. The PS3 fares slightly better, but only due to MGS4 and Sony first party titles. The PC version of such titles is usually superior featuring enhanced controls, graphics, and in titles such as Jade Empire the xbox DLC is included out of the box, or available online, for free. All of this for $10 less than the cost of the console version. In addition there are whole genres, such as real time strategy, that are available to PC gamers, and not to console gamers.

On the hardware front a competent gaming PC costs little more than a PS3 these days, and it costs less than that to upgrade an existing computer for gaming. In addition there is no fear that Microsoft will gouge you $180 for a 120GB hard drive when more drive space is needed, and then not allow you to transfer all of your content. For 'graphics whores' like Wombat you might appreciate that PC games have been doing 1080p graphics for years, many new games support higher resolutions.

I cannot consider anyone a hardcore gamer if they are not interested in playing the best version of a game available, and as such have trouble considering any console exclusive gamer hardcore. In this light I find the Xbox to be the LEAST desirable of the current gen consoles, because it offers very little that I cannot experience better elsewhere. Likewise the WII becomes the most desirable of the current gen. consoles because though it may only have a few great titles, those titles give an experience that I can't get anywhere else. Curious to hear your thoughts.

Examples off the top of my head (recent quality titles only)

Available on PC and xbox/ps3, PC version better:
Orange Box
Half Life 2
Mass Effects
Call of Duty 4
Lost Planet
Gears of War
Jade Empire

Available on PC and xbox/ps3, console version better:
Guitar Hero III
[EA sport] 2k8

Console (multiplatform) only:
Rock Band
GTA IV (PC release 11/18/08)

Edit: Corrected resolution comments, I forgot 1080 refers to vertical not horizontal resolution.[/quote]
I know this isn't a discussion thread, but I'm still gonna put my opinion here.

I don't understand why the 360 (and PS3 in some cases) releases are considered worse if they're also released on PC. Just because they're also on PC doesn't make it worth less, PC exclusive gamers and Console exclusive gamers are becoming more and more separated and there really isn't an issue with that. It's clear that Cheapy and Wombat are Console gamers almost exclusively, as displayed over their choice in using Macs as their main computers, they just don't care for PC games all that much.

You can't call the Xbox 360 crap just because there are a handful of titles on PC also, this really shouldn't be an issue, you get it for the console or the PC, just because the PC games usually have the potential to be better than their console counterparts does not discount the consoles all together. Now, the problem is that console exclusives are consistently outperforming most computer PC exclusives for the first time in a while. There is no question that last generation (2001-2005) PC games were consistently better looking and better playing than console games, but that has changed. Back way when we played console games at 640x480i and PC games at 1024x728p - always sharper, and with the proper hardware, much better and prettier. Now it's much more even, with the PS3 and 360 often beating out all but the most high-end computers with 1920x1080p versus (insert any random PC res from 1280x1024 to 1680x1050, etc).

You need to admit that the only PC exclusive that can still prove that "PC's can do it better" is Crysis, a game that is too gnarly for the PS3 or 360. Now look how unfair your standards are. If you judge by just "what pure exclusives this platform has determines it worth" way of thinking the PC is far off worse than the two main consoles.

Now, in the "console war" - it's dumb to take these 'On PC also' games and to discount them. BioShock was considered a 360 exclusive, it was merely coincidence that it was also launched on PC at the same time, PC games don't matter in the "console war".

Now, I've tried my best to point out the follies in your reasoning, I'm going to now sympathize with you. I myself used to be a primary PC gamer, and I've been trying my best to keep up with the PC crowd for as long as I can, I'm close enough to be a fan of the latest PC cult hits like The Witcher, STALKER, and Crysis - I very much look forward to these three titles in the next few days (Enhanced Edition update, Clear Sky, and Warhead). But I've switched over to the 360 and Wii as my console outlets, there have been situations where I'll take the 360 version over the PC version, not because my computer is too shitty to run it right, (I updated my PC early this year just to play Crysis at medium-high settings, and everything else at max.) - I got The Orange Box, BioShock, Call of Duty 4, Mercenaries 2, DiRT, all for the 360 because I can trust the online mode, I don't have to deal with hard drive space, or patches, or potential problems, and I want to play with my friends on the 360. It's all relative and a matter of opinion, it's true that it's unfortunate that Wombat and CheapyD don't get their kicks on PC, too. But you shouldn't shun them for that, they can be a little ignorant without knowing the wonder for Half-Life 2 over three and a half years ago and the amazing experiences with the mods such as Garry's Mod and such.

But seriously, you're acting a little too elitist just because you're a PC gamer by heart. You're stance of "if it's on the PC, why even bother with the console version?" is really snobby, you can't trust the average Joe to properly make the right decisions to getting a great gaming rig for the price of a PS3. It's a lot easier to buy a PS3 than all the parts to a PC from for the average lay-person. Am I really not a hardcore gamer if I prefer to play many of my games on my 360 when I could play them on my PC perfectly fine? Am I not a hardcore gamer if I play an average of 2 or 3 hours a day, yet don't go out of my way for the mouse and keyboard controls? Seriously? Seriously?! You're strange.

Lastly, the statement about the Wii being the best console out there is a gross overstatement in the importance in exclusives, just because it can only really be on the Wii doesn't make it the best. And again, by judging on quantity over quality is misguided and potentially a way to burn yourself with PC games, because it's clear that PC games are by far the least numerous in exclusives that are worth a damn than the Wii, PS3, or 360.

Okay, I'm going to cut it short there, I'm tired of putting so much effort into this.
With the announcement of the full Guitar Hero: World Tour song list, Joystiq noticed that both Rock Band 2 and World Tour have 14 on-disc songs in common along with World Tour having 2 Rock Band DLC songs on the disc, as well. It was previously thought that exclusive bands and songs would hurt these two franchises, but could the opposite be true, as well? Are the labels and bands responsible for this large overlaps of songs by not licensing different songs to both games or is it the fault of Activision and Harmonix?

The follow-up article from Dean Takahashi reported on Robert Delaware's firing because he was willing to put his job on the line to talk about Microsoft's RRoD troubles on the record, but I found the section of feedback from readers who are on their 11th Xbox 360. If both of you were on your tenth Xbox 360's and both were going to die in a few days, would you still be enthusiastic about the system, the games, and playing on Xbox Live or would you be fed up enough to at least focus less of your gaming attention on the Xbox 360?

With Jeff Green's 17 year tenure at Ziff Davis and 1up ending last week, do you guys think you could last that long another 14 or 15 years doing this podcasting thing or would you hope that your slowly-rising fame, or eventual drug abuse, gets you out of the hot seat long before that point? If there was one developer that you'd be willing to quit the show to work for without any hesitation, who would it be and what would you hope your job would be or entail?
Cheapy Do you enjoy american arcades more or japanese ones?

How the joystick is..
The japanese ones has a ball and then a thin rod to connect it
or the american ones thats just a black weiner..?

Button layouts? americans buttons all straight left and right
the japanese ones the light punch and light kicks are in a angle.

YOU decide
Hey Cheapy, whatever happened to the CAGwiki? The site hasn't been updated for at least a year. Did you and/or the CAG community just forget about it? Or did you just quit updating it altogether?

P.S. Love the show, guys!
Greetings gents!

Wombat, considering you're a comic book fan, are you looking forward to DC Universe Online for the PS3? Should those of us who are getting the game tremble in fear of the "gosh darn" Wombatman?

Cheapy, I must add that if CAG had a feature called, say, "CAG Auctions" I would never again use eBay to sell things. eBay treats their sellers terribly, as evidenced by their new fees and changes in feedback.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

It's nice to hear that the upgraded Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories is coming to America on the PS2, and it made me think of how Dreamcast games still come out in Japan. Do you think the PS2 is going to be the Dreamcast of America? Will we still see PS2 games coming out 10 years from now, simply because everyone has one?
Hey Cheapy,

Now that you have played and beaten both, which XBLA game is more worthy of the 1200 point price? Braid or Castle Crashers?
can either you or wombat explain to me why the fuck the wii is still selling out everywhere? both you and wombat and alot of cagers were happier than fegs at a penis farm when you heard about the wii and even moreso when you got your wiis and only now do you see the error in your ways but that said the damn thing is still selling out!!!!!!!who the fuck is buying the machines and why ? there arent very many decent games on it and those that are are basically the same damn nintendo retreads we know to expect.

i said from day 1 this system was all about gimmicks and that id never buy one and i was hoping over time people would wake up and smell what the rock is cookin but there doesnt seem to be any end to the maddness. im kind of afriad that the wiis success will cause sony and that other guy to rethink their future strategies for future consoles which will leave real gamers like me out in the cold because i refuse to buy a console centered around lame gimmicks.

i want games dammit. the only time i want to wave my arm around is when im slappin a girls ass or when im pretending to be a hip hop hype man. this shit has to be stopped.
Hey Cheapy,

In a (very) previous CAGcast you mentioned that Mrs. Cheapy's favorite games were the Fallout series. You also mentioned that you are looking forward to LittleBigPlanet with great anticipation.
Now, LittleBigPlanet's release date has recently been confirmed to be October 24, and we've known for a while now that Fallout 3 is being released four days after that on the 28th.
That being said, do you foresee conflict between you and Mrs. Cheapy on who gets to use the TV? Or is Mrs. Cheapy possibly turned off by Fallout 3's new gameplay and style?
[quote name='TiE23']I know this isn't a discussion thread, but I'm still gonna put my opinion here.

I don't understand why the 360 (and PS3 in some cases) releases are considered worse if they're also released on PC. Just because they're also on PC doesn't make it worth less, PC exclusive gamers and Console exclusive gamers are becoming more and more separated and there really isn't an issue with that. It's clear that Cheapy and Wombat are Console gamers almost exclusively, as displayed over their choice in using Macs as their main computers, they just don't care for PC games all that much.

You can't call the Xbox 360 crap just because there are a handful of titles on PC also, this really shouldn't be an issue, you get it for the console or the PC, just because the PC games usually have the potential to be better than their console counterparts does not discount the consoles all together. Now, the problem is that console exclusives are consistently outperforming most computer PC exclusives for the first time in a while. There is no question that last generation (2001-2005) PC games were consistently better looking and better playing than console games, but that has changed. Back way when we played console games at 640x480i and PC games at 1024x728p - always sharper, and with the proper hardware, much better and prettier. Now it's much more even, with the PS3 and 360 often beating out all but the most high-end computers with 1920x1080p versus (insert any random PC res from 1280x1024 to 1680x1050, etc).

You need to admit that the only PC exclusive that can still prove that "PC's can do it better" is Crysis, a game that is too gnarly for the PS3 or 360. Now look how unfair your standards are. If you judge by just "what pure exclusives this platform has determines it worth" way of thinking the PC is far off worse than the two main consoles.

Now, in the "console war" - it's dumb to take these 'On PC also' games and to discount them. BioShock was considered a 360 exclusive, it was merely coincidence that it was also launched on PC at the same time, PC games don't matter in the "console war".

Now, I've tried my best to point out the follies in your reasoning, I'm going to now sympathize with you. I myself used to be a primary PC gamer, and I've been trying my best to keep up with the PC crowd for as long as I can, I'm close enough to be a fan of the latest PC cult hits like The Witcher, STALKER, and Crysis - I very much look forward to these three titles in the next few days (Enhanced Edition update, Clear Sky, and Warhead). But I've switched over to the 360 and Wii as my console outlets, there have been situations where I'll take the 360 version over the PC version, not because my computer is too shitty to run it right, (I updated my PC early this year just to play Crysis at medium-high settings, and everything else at max.) - I got The Orange Box, BioShock, Call of Duty 4, Mercenaries 2, DiRT, all for the 360 because I can trust the online mode, I don't have to deal with hard drive space, or patches, or potential problems, and I want to play with my friends on the 360. It's all relative and a matter of opinion, it's true that it's unfortunate that Wombat and CheapyD don't get their kicks on PC, too. But you shouldn't shun them for that, they can be a little ignorant without knowing the wonder for Half-Life 2 over three and a half years ago and the amazing experiences with the mods such as Garry's Mod and such.

But seriously, you're acting a little too elitist just because you're a PC gamer by heart. You're stance of "if it's on the PC, why even bother with the console version?" is really snobby, you can't trust the average Joe to properly make the right decisions to getting a great gaming rig for the price of a PS3. It's a lot easier to buy a PS3 than all the parts to a PC from for the average lay-person. Am I really not a hardcore gamer if I prefer to play many of my games on my 360 when I could play them on my PC perfectly fine? Am I not a hardcore gamer if I play an average of 2 or 3 hours a day, yet don't go out of my way for the mouse and keyboard controls? Seriously? Seriously?! You're strange.

Lastly, the statement about the Wii being the best console out there is a gross overstatement in the importance in exclusives, just because it can only really be on the Wii doesn't make it the best. And again, by judging on quantity over quality is misguided and potentially a way to burn yourself with PC games, because it's clear that PC games are by far the least numerous in exclusives that are worth a damn than the Wii, PS3, or 360.

Okay, I'm going to cut it short there, I'm tired of putting so much effort into this.[/quote]

Just wanted to clear a few things up, and then we can take this elsewhere if we wish to continue it, or at least until Cheapy and Wombat chime in.

I in no way meant to imply that I think the 360 (or PS3) are bad in any way shape or form, indeed I think they are both quality pieces of hardware, and would happily take either one. My point was that the 360 and to a lesser extent the PS3 give me little reason to BUY them, and I get tired of hearing people talk as if these are the only gaming choices.

I tried to be fair with the games that I listed, and I know I missed many. The ones I listed as 'better on the PC' have multiple improvements over the console versions not just in graphics (personally I could care less about graphics, and would much rather have quality game play). This is not because they are on the PC, but because the PC versions are made better partially due to the fact PC gamers demand more. The two biggest improvements IMHO are the ability to save anywhere, and mouse and keyboard controls. It drives me nuts to not be able to put the game down whenever I want, and in this day and age where the saves are no longer stored in a limited amount of on cartridge memory it is just ridiculous. For the most part PC gamers do not accept this (titles with checkpoint only save systems have traditionally underperformed), why console gamers don't demand better I don' t know. As to mouse and keyboard controls, a skilled player with a mouse and keyboard will always beat a skilled player with a gamepad in any first person shooter. This used to be more open for debate, but when games such as Halo 2 and Shadowrun came out console gamers consistently got decimated by those with mouse and keyboard. My favorite account of this was a challenge between editors or OXM and PC gamer in Halo 2 shortly after the PC version came out. Despite playing it consistently for nearly three years the OXM guys got it handed to them by some outlandish score. In addition the mouse and keyboard make entire genres possible that are not available in any quality on the consoles. Real time strategy games come to mind.

Back to the games themselves. I certainly would argue that Crysis is not the only game PCs can do better. In fact Crysis is a terrible poster child for the PC since few PCs can play it. As I stated above any good real time strategy game is an example of a game PCs can do better, and so are most shooters. In particular it has been painful to hear Half Life 2, and KOTOR discussed by console gamers. The coverage was along the lines of "what a surprisingly good game!" Those of us who play PC games have been excited about these for ages since HL2 is the sequel to one of the best games of all time, and KOTOR was the 10th game (counting expansions) from Bioware, a company that has yet to make a less than spectacular game. This is not to say there aren't genres the consoles do better with. Platformers and sports games are better on consoles, and so are rhythm games such as Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and DDR. None of those however makes me want to drop $300-$500 on a console. As to the argument of of quantity versus quality it should be clear that I care much more about quality than quantity as my whole argument is that the quality games are often higher quality on the PC. Certainly the PC will never top consoles in the quantity department. That being said it takes more than a couple of quality games before I am willing to spend money on hardware (PC or console), and that is why I have not bought a PS3 or 360, as I can already play superior (or at least equal) version of most of their best titles.

I do not begrudge Cheapy or Wombat their consoles, but I find it tiresome to hear games discussed as though they can only be played on one of the two systems. In particular the argument that 'the 360 has the most best games' grows tiresome because often neither 350 or PS3 has the best versions of the games in question. These days I play more games each on the Wii, DS and PSP than the PC. However what I am looking for on all of these systems is something unique from what I can already get on the PC. The 360, and to a lesser extent the PS3 don't offer me much in this regards.

Hope that clears things up a bit, thanks to everyone else for your patience.

Edit: I missed one thing I wanted to respond to. Consoles have always maintained an ease of use advantage over PCs, and only a fool would dispute that. Buy any console game, stick it in the system, and within a few seconds (longer if installing to the hard drives) the game is guaranteed to be up and running on your system. It's the biggest reason cited for why the PC market has grown much slower than the console market. Personally I find the extra effort worth the reward, especially since there is no cost involved.
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CheapyD, you mentioned that people in Japan are buying 360s because the heard the news of Final Fantasy XIII coming to the 360? Are they idoits over there? Final Fantasy XIII is still a PS3 exclusive in Japan. It's only coming to the 360 in North America. Unless that has changed and I havn't read about it.

Also, Wombat, getting Crushed to Mrs. Shipwreck in fantasy football and having my wife rub that fact in my face all week, so NOT cool.

Overall, though, another great show.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

What do you guys think of the news that Konami has cancelled Rock Revolution's guitar and are focusing on the release of the drum set, which won't even be out for a month or so until after the game itself sees release next month? Is this game just doomed to failure when it comes out or does it actually have a chance to make a dent in the plastic instrument and music games market?
Hey guys, seeing as how the xbox live arcade has been an attempt for microsoft to snatch up the casual gaming audience, what are your thoughts on the top selling xbox live arcade games (Castle Crashers, Penny Arcade, Braid) being geared towards non-casual gamers?

I know UNO would be a good example of a good selling XBLA game that's casual but I don't know of any others.
I just got my PS3 a few months ago and I'm looking at Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero World Tour. How are the pre-orders going for those games from CAGers? I've heard you report how certain pre-orders were going in the past when big games were coming.

I suspect I know which one is getting more (my gut tells me RB2) but by how much?

Thanks. Love the 'cast!
Yo finally the CAGcast has smashed 1up on digg. This weeks show launched it what is right now 35 diggs ahead.

CONGRATS to Cheapy and Wombat!!!!!!!!

You have to love Mega Man 9 coming out, game looks sweet. But here is my question, how many gamers do you think will purchase Mega Man 9 that have not played any of the first 8?

I think there is a good number, and that begs the question why...why buy 9, when you can get the Anniversary Collection for about 10 bucks used that has 1-8 on it and is back. compat. My answer=hype.
Dear Cheapy and Womabt,
With a whole buttload of games set to come out in the coming weeks, do you feel certain games will get overlooked becasue of the lack of hype and the lack of a marketplace or PSN demo? I would have loved to try out TNA impact but with the less than par review scores and no demo that game will never see the light of day on my list of must haves eventhough I am a huge wrestling and fighting genre fan. Do you think we will see demos for some of the sleeper titles that are coming out? (like the Fracture demo) I would like to see more game companies do that for the non jaded gamer who is controlled by metacritic review scores.
So, Cheapy, what is it like to be the most hated man on Kotaku. From the comments, you're an idiot, an asshole, a communist, but we all know you're definitely not a porn star. Seriously though, Brian Crecente declared that CAG has lost all credibility over this and that you've personally set the progress made for the credibility of blogs back a long ways, but Wombat's hardly getting any of the hate for actually being the one that fully endorsed this contest. Do you plan to fire back at Kotaku and try to discredit Brian Crecente by maybe saying something about his mama, possibly a Yo Mama joke?
Dear Cheapy and Wombat,

With the recent anouncements that Guitar Hero wants to triple its game releases by 2010, and also that GH: Aerosmith made more money for the band then any of their cd releases ever did, did you think that this pretty much confirms we'll be seeing a whole slew of GH branded band games. GH: Metallica, GH: Beatles, GH: U2? Do you think that Activision threw these news items out in the public to try to get more bands to sign on for exclusive games? Certainly the news that Aerosmith made more money on the game then any of their cds would only help to entice more bands to try the same.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, would you guys ever give up gaming all together and if so, what for? Please try not to say stuff like "I would give up gaming for my wife, kid etc." Just something in general that you would give up gaming for if you would ever give it up.

P.S I'm not encouraging you to give up gaming guys, it's just hypothetical.
This is a question for cheapy and wombat
i was listening to an old podcast and someone brought up something about ilovebees
Rumors are saying bungie is re releasing another ilovebees arg
i was wondering if wombat or cheapy was going participate in this arg ?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

I wanted to ask if you two had seen the week-long interview that Peter Moore had with this Guardian website, where he made public some of his more controversial moments and thoughts, like Rare not being a relevant developer anymore, his first impression when seeing the Wii Remote four years ago, and his experiences with having to kill off the Dreamcast and Xbox. It's far too rare to see heads of these companies being this open and honest about his past, so I wanted to also ask what departed executive of one of these huge game publishers would you most like to see spill some of the beans about their past?
In addition to FriskyTanuki's question, do you feel that it is wrong for Kotaku to call CAG out because of the creation of the false rumor? They didn't even have to research it, there were tons of posts referencing a contest going on and they could have easily held off on posting the story. I feel that this contest was actually a great experimental project which tests the credibility of news sites in the gaming industry. It was actually pretty affective and allows you guys to further validate your theories.
Hi guys I discovered this podcast this week and have already listened to 17 hours worth. By the way wombat your awesome. The episode with shipwreck and CheapyD was boring without you.

My question is about the new Jasper motherboard on the Xbox360. Do you guys know how I can tell from the box if its a jasper? I want to get a new arcade bundle, my premium RROD on Christmas day and I was screwed over by Microsoft. I sent it in and they told me the warranty was void.
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Cheapy, I'm sure you probably have talked about this before (I can't remember everything) but since it sounds like you purchase a lot of new releases what do you do with your old games? Do you sell them at local stores there in Japan, have them stock-piled, give them away, or something else? Also, if you do sell/get rid of your games what is your deciding factor of when to get rid of them (i.e. completed, bored, no room, etc)?
Dear Moses and Abraham,

In the lonely time between Tuesday and Sunday, I decided to listen to the Giant Bombcast. One of the topics that they were talking about was the Fable II Pub games money glitch/cheat. They said that the glitch was put in there intentionally, and that people who used it will face consequences (which I recently found out is a neutral word) in the actual game. What do you think that consequence will be? and what do you think about this in general?


Hi guys I discovered this podcast this week and have already listened to over 35 hours worth. By the way wombat your awesome. The episode with shipwreck and CheapyD was boring without you.

My question is about the new Jasper motherboard on the Xbox 360. Has it begun shipping? When can I expect to see it in Australian stores. Do you guys know if its possible to tell its a jasper from the box? I was listening to the podcast 109 where you mentioned you wouldn't get a new American 360 until jasper hit the shelves.

I want to get a new arcade bundle, my premium RROD on Christmas day and I was screwed over by Microsoft. The warranty sticker was missing since the day I bought it.

Also what 3 games would you recommend to a person that hasn't bought anything for the 360 in 9 months.
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Hey Cheapy, if you guys win the gaming podcast award again this year, are you gonna let Wombat keep this one?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, I would like to get your guy's opinion on this piracy topic. I was just pondering on video game piracy and thinking, is it really all that bad? If a game can be pirated then it is obviously going to get around a lot more and therefore more people will know about it. People who pirated the game could then tell more people about it who may then go out and buy the game, spread the word etc. Do you think that word of mouth from video game pirates could actually help game sales? My friend has a modded Xbox 360 and I have had the privilege of playing a lot of games on his console which has then encouraged me to buy the good ones and avoid the bad ones.
Sup Cheapy and Wombat. I would like to know if a game developer would sway your decision on buying games. I have a friend who refuses to buy games from THQ, even if the game is great.
Cheapy and Wombat,

Would there be an 8-bit game you would be excited about to see a "sequel" come out for? Didnt seem like Mega Man 9 was up your alley. I think I'd like to see a new 2d Metroid game that wasnt on a handheld.

Love the show, keep up the good work, (my wife loves Tai's movies.).

Any chance of special "Off Topic" pocasts in the future, I think those would be entertaining.
Question for Wombat.

I like hearing you on the show and I greatly enjoy your part to make the show what it is. I do however find myself getting more and more irritated by the fact that you always want to be mentioned in everything Cheapy does and what everyone writes about CAG. Such as the usually comment you make now which is "Where's ther part about me?" or "It's missing 'Wombat is Awesome'" etc. As well as actually asking for someone to yell "Wombat is awesome" during Pax panel cheapy was on. Wombat do you suffer from severe self esteem issues? Have you considered seeking therapy for this or anything? The reason I ask is because it's getting really REALLY ANNOYING having to hear you basically scream "WaddaboutMeeeeeeeeeee?" at every possible oppourtunity. If you mean this in jest I suggest ceasing so as it's getting hard to listen to.

Please stop doing that. Most people like you, I myself included. However continously crying out for more attention on a show you already Co-Host make me think "Then why the hell doesn't he just make a CAG spinoff show for himself called "Wombat is Awesome" where he can rant on and on and on and cry for more attention. In other words and more plain words; this shit is getting really F'n annoying please stop!

To Cheapy.... How do you constantly tollerate these antics from him?

Thanks guys I Love the show

PS Wombat stop crying for attention you may be in fact awesome but that needs only to be said a few times and not every 10 seconds. Like you desire it to be.
If Wombat would like to add some analysts' opinion to something, I might like to ask about some of the things said about Konami in the last show. The outlook of Konami's new Rock Revolution music game looks to be pretty poor. The common wisdom seems to be that the game is going to have a hard time cracking a market that's already pretty heavily held by two other guitar games in the U.S. It was also reminded that Konami started this whole thing back with Guitar Freaks / Drum Mania some years ago.

I've been going around asking a lot of people - why is Konami not releasing a U.S. version of GF/DM now?

A bit of historical context: Dance Dance Revolution was sort of a cult hit in America for a little while, just with whatever arcades managed to land an import copy of the arcade cabinet. When the first official U.S. home version of the game showed up in 2001, it came in a very limited release. Most stores got a couple of copies and that was about the most of it, and the game sold out quickly and left a lot of people asking for more. It was later revealed that Konami executives deliberately kept the print run small because they didn't see a big market for the game in North America - they thought it was just too strange to pierce the market and didn't think it was worth too much of a chance.

Now, you look at everything that Konami must have had to do to get Rock Revolution going: they would have had to speak to a handful of music companies in the U.S. and elsewhere and negotiate the rights to a lot of these songs, they needed to develop a somewhat new system for delivering these songs in the game, they needed to receive a lot of new master tracks and remaster and mix them to fit the new game profile. There's a lot of effort that would need to be put into a game that looks like it isn't going to be a big seller. They'll probably make their money back, at least, but it's not going to be a serious return on the investment.

On the other hand, Konami has already produced, what, 13 versions of GF/DM and has a huge library of music tracks to go along with those games. Negotiating the rights to re-release these songs in a different market shouldn't be terribly difficult, as much of the music was produced by in-house or smaller composers. The framework for the games is already well in place. It would seem like reproducing a copy of the game they've already been doing for years would be a fairly simple process.

The obvious question would be, how big would the market GF/DM be in North America when it doesn't rely on classically American music? However, a large number of American households already have plastic guitar controllers installed - which would have been a much more difficult hurdle five years ago, and that the American public seemed to adopt the DDR library much more quickly than anyone expected. I'm not suggesting that GF/DM in America would sell any more than Rock Revolution would, but it seems like the game would essentially be free money - just repackage the game in the English language and relicense music as downloadable content, and you've got an extra 100,000 sales in your pocket.

Granted, my bias here is that I'm a big fan of Drum Mania, and I'm hoping that sparking a bit of fervor will get a true U.S. release of the game, but I can't see why Konami wouldn't just go for that instead of trying to directly compete with Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Am I alone in thinking this?
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Cheapy and Wombat,

Has poor box-art ever affected your game buying habits, pershaps when you were young and didn't know about the actual quality of a game? I'm looking at the Street Fighter 4 box art as I'm typing and despite an awesome's not too pretty...
1. Wombat : Over on the Joystiq podcast Chris Grant has said (as most recently episode 66 @ 33:20 min into) quote " of the up to 90 million copies of Grand Theft Auto 4 sold , He (Grant) doubts less then one quarter (25%) of the players finished it " I was shocked, I always play through a GTA title and GTA 4 had an amazing story how could anyone not ? DO YOU believe this number is accurate ?

2. Cheapy : Are you going to Attend / cover Tokyo Game Show 08? I mean not just side note stuff on the regular podcast ,but dedicated episodes/on the floor pics anything of that kind (a live call in type show on nowlive each night or at the wrap would be awesometastic)

Anywho those are what im asking ,now drop some wisdom on us O' wise overlords.......
Cheapy and Wombat, maybe you should get Duke Nukem 3D even though you said you were not interested. The game is great and has EIGHT PLAYED CAMPAIGN ONLINE COOP!
Just wondering if you guys would be interested in an online Cod4 Tournament on the 360, I'm a father of three in Vancouver, Canada and an officer of the Facebook Group "Gamers Unite:1,000,000 Strong." If you go to the group we have a registration page linked to it. I love your podcast, I listen to it at work all the time and you've almost made me shard my pants laughing. I'd love to play online with you guys some time, my gamertag is Dirty Rabz, if you read this on air, please mention my Tag as I'm always looking for new challengers online. Thanks, keep doing what your doing cause it's K-Rad.
Hi guys I discovered this podcast this week and have already listened to over 35 hours worth. By the way wombat your awesome. The episode with shipwreck and CheapyD was boring without you.

My question is about the new Jasper motherboard on the Xbox 360. I was listening to podcast 109 where you mentioned you wouldn't get a new American 360 until jasper hit the shelves. Has it begun shipping? When can I expect to see it in Australian stores. Do you guys know if its possible to tell its a jasper from the box?

I want to get a new arcade bundle, my premium RROD on Christmas day and I was screwed over by Microsoft. The warranty sticker was missing since the day I bought it.

Also what 3 games would you recommend to a person that hasn't bought anything for the 360 in 9 months. Keep in mind I already own CoD4, Bioshock, Mass Effect and the Orange Box for PC
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Hey guys, I really enjoyed CAGcast 134. Nice job stickin it to da man!

I've anticipated CAG 2.0 for so long and I'm not afraid to ask ... WHAT IS THE STATUS OF THE Game Database & Collection system and OTHER CONTENT? WHAT IS FRAGGIN TAKING SO LONG? Is it really as state of the art as you say Cheapy?
This question applies to the both of you. Most marriages involve the couple having a joint bank account. There are some couples who don't have one, and instead have their own separate ones and split the bills when it comes to that time of the month. With that being said, do you guys have a joint account, or separate accounts?
bread's done