CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

I've heard that you're only allowed one avatar on the new 360 dashboard. I never got into the whole Mii craze in the first place but it seems to me that a lot of the attraction of Miis was that you could make one for everyone. Doesn't having only one Avatar sort of take the punch out of the fun factor? How are games going to use Miis Avatars if there's only one to choose from?
Hey guys! In the latest podcast, Wombat wondered about his factual errors in the last podcast. The Joystiq Podcast has the Joystiq Killjoy, who fact-checks each week's episode (much in the same fashion that Statboy fact-checks each episode of ESPN's Pardon the Interruption). Could you see the CAGcast integrating such a segment?
[quote name='Chase']Hey guys! In the latest podcast, Wombat wondered about his factual errors in the last podcast. The Joystiq Podcast has the Joystiq Killjoy, who fact-checks each week's episode (much in the same fashion that Statboy fact-checks each episode of ESPN's Pardon the Interruption). Could you see the CAGcast integrating such a segment?[/quote]

That's what the shipwrecks show is for. If both shows comment on it, then it's fact otherwise, I'd ignore it. :)
Hey guys.

Unsurprisingly, we've now seen a new set of themes for the 360 labeled "Premium Themes". Little did I know that Microsoft has the nerve to ask for OVER $3 DOLLARS FOR A THEME. How do you guys feel about so-called "interactive backgrounds" as an excuse to make us pay twice the price of the old themes, most of which have been rendered useless due to the new dashboard. How do you feel about these new, over-priced themes, as well as the old themes being rendered useless after Microsoft had claimed that they would look "beautiful" on the new dashboard?
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Cheapy! Wombat! Somebody please tell me what happened to the "Video Game Pre-order?" This season I've only pre-ordered two games: Rock Band 2 (because I really wanted it day one and thought it would sell out) and Banjo-Kazooie Nuts 'N Bolts (because I wanted a free code for the original Banjo-Kazooie download).

I paid $5 for the Rock Band 2 pre-order (won't say where), but when I went to get it only a few days after release, they were sold out and refunded my money. Why take the pre-order if you're not gonna hold it for me?! Then, when I went to get Banjo-Kazooie, the store had a copy of the game for me, but they didn't have any "code cards" left. Again, why take the pre-order if you're not gonna hold both the game and promised code for me?!

This is ridiculous, and I can't see what the point of the pre-order is anymore if vendors just take the money without any concern as to whether they can fulfill it. Great show, guys. Keep it up. If you can't, pass it on and make a legacy of it.
Hey fellas. I'm wondering how you even pick questions from here anymore. There is like 171 pages of questions. As for my question there are a few this week. First, when are you guys gonna start live shows again. Its nice to personally talk to you both once in a while instead of hoping you will read a question i asked you from like a week ago. I know you're both busy especially with the holidays coming up. Second question is for you Cheapy. I know you are both Jewish like myself but since Cheapy lives in Japan the question is more relivent for Cheapy. Do you miss being able to see the family as much for Hanukkah and passover and such. Or do you come back to the states for the holidays? Do you still celebrate it in your own way while you are home(tokyo) or do you just kinda pass on it?
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i was wondering if it's worth ordering the out of print Criterion Collection of Robocop? I've been wanting to watch it, since its been a good five years since i've seen it last. i know ebay has the Criterion on there all day long. i was wondering if its worth the extra cash? does Nancy Allen show a full frontal?

Hey Cheapy, after hearing the other show I decided I would get a 120gb 360 Hard drive just like you. And I can say that I am really enjoying it having all of my favorite games installed on it, and to never have to worry about space again. If I run out, I just delete a 6.8gb game file and whoosh, more space!

But I just wanted to say that I hope you didn't toss out that one time use dongle and transfer disc, that part has a huge aftermarket of it on eBay. I just got done selling it for $42 to a guy in Milwaukee, re gaining some of my $163.49 cost on the damn thing. Also selling my 20GB HDD for some cash. Something to consider for any other 120GB HDD buyers out there.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, as we near the completion of Super Programmer John's programming on the CAG game collection, is there any plan for a beta? I mean outside Wombat logging in once and saying "best collection system ever! I did more than Cheapy."
Hey Now!
Cheapy and Wombat, been a listener and big fan since being bed ridden after recovering from a ruptured patella tendon in France, where I was playing pro ball last year. A question for Wombat. A couple months ago on the Howard Stern Show, Howard mentioned his list of the 5 worst superheroes. On the list were Thor, Dr. Strange, Ant Man, Sgt. Rock and Aquaman. Just wondering who is on your list Wombat? Love the show keep up the good work guys. Baba Booey! Baba Booey!
Cheapy in an earlier episode of the CAGcast you mentioned that you would have liked to cancel your pre-order for Left 4 Dead, It being too much of a hassle you decided not to. I was just curious what your opinion of the game was and if you wish you had canceled it or remain with your decision to keep it? As well Wombat would you consider picking the game up or do you believe that the game will lose it's mojo pretty quickly?
Hello guys,

First off I love the show I always look forward to another CAGcast every week. I actually have a question/comment and a question I hope to hear it answered on the next cast, ok as for my question/comment: Wombat have you received your copy of Mortal Kombat vs DC yet? and if you have what is your official take on it I picked it up and LOVE it well mainly cause I am a superman fan (the biggest one ever) and also cause it is a cool concept. and the comment part is I think you were right when you said captain marvel has just a bit more cooler moves and powers than the rest.

And now for my question question just simply would like to know if little big planet is really worth getting I know you said that it is a very good game so guess I would like you to say "You should go out and pick it up" my girlfriend wants it pretty bad so thought I would check with you and cheapy first again love the show and thanks
Dear CheapyD and Wombat

i have 3 questions and here they are;

CheapyD do you really smoke weed? If so what made you start smoking it? Was it peer pressure or just your choice??

Wombat how come you don't have a CAG nick-name like CheapyD does?Is their a reason your name isn't CheapyS, or CheapyW??

And my last question, Wombat, if you had a chance to meet CheapyD in Tokyo would you? And if you do choose to meet what would be the top 3 things you would do with Cheapy??

Thanks, Pavi
Hey guys great show as always. I was listening to old podcasts and I remembered Wombat saying that he wasnt paying for his car because of the lease. I was wondering how that worked out. Also I was looking into Rock Band 2 or World Tour. I dont have either the games before and was wondering which one you would suggest. Thanks

CheapyD and Wombat , Unless I am just not looking in the right places on the bigger game sites page why is it no one includes a rating for "difficultness" or how hard a games is ? I freely admit I am not the greatest gamer skill wise but I do enjoy gaming so for purchuses this would help in bieng informed.Now I do understand most titles come with the ability to choose a easy/medium/hard or in some cases "legendary" modes and that is great but why not post a simple 1 -10 meter rating upon the titles release/review.Is this something that maybe could be added to a future C.A.G. games review/collection/or database? what are your opinions about rating games for difficulty? to hear both of your views.

Dear Cheapy,
Why in the hell did you give little big planet the biggest, sloppiest, two year long blowjob, ever since you laid eyes on it? Much of the reason as to why I bought this game was because of your recommendation of it. And you know what? It's boring as SHIT. It sounds like even you're not enjoying it that much. It's not even one of those games where you can make excuses saying, "Well, look at all these other games, I have no time for this." You know why? If you guessed "It's boring as shit" you win a a free little big planet blu-ray coaster. And a question for Wombat since I know you don't like things being one-sided...what's the game you think cheapy or yourself will give a handjob to next that will not live up to expectations?

PS: You guys better fucking answer this.
I just recently watched the movie Hellboy 2 with my boyfriend ( by the way the movie sucked) and during the previews there was a trailer that came up that had me glued to the TV. the graphics looked cool and the action looked crazy. i want the game when it comes which Im hoping will come out when the dvd comes out Dec. 2. Does the game look like something you want to play or is it just me. CheapyD and Wombat keep up the good work.
Hey guys, just want to say i have been a fan of the show for about a year or so now and it only gets better. I have one question for you both today. Now that the NXE (new xbox experience) has launched and gives people the chance to install there games. Do you think reviews for xbox 360 games will be based on installing games e.g. load times, frame rate......... what do you think? thanks guys.
This isn't a question, but it is a challenge.

I have a whole dollar that I'll mail to wombat if he can say something nice about the Playstation 3 on either his blog or the CAGCast.

Are you up to the task?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

If I recall correctly, Wombat said he liked the PS3's XMB a lot when he first got the PS3 from Cheapy, so I'm wondering how you think the Xbox 360's new dashboard stacks up.

What are your thoughts on the new community games? Though I haven't liked any of them enough to buy one, I've seen a few that I'd like to see be picked up and turned into XBLA games. The crappy 4-5 minute time limit you get for the demos is way too short for most of them since I'm used to having unlimited time with most of the XBLA demos. It seems that a few of the games had trial modes set-up for their demos before Microsoft forced the time limits onto the games instead of leaving it up to the developer on how they want to handle the demo.

One of the community games developers made a post on CAG about how Microsoft doesn't allow leaderboards or achievements in their games and will even threaten delisting games that just use those terms for their own versions of leaderboards and achievements, which seems oddly restrictive for an initiative that Microsoft said they would be taking a hands-off approach to the games they come up with. Do you think Microsoft is hurting this potentially huge feature with some of these restrictions they've placed on XNA developers?

Since it's the holiday season now and many of us are getting time off to spend with family and our new games, I was wondering if you two had any suggestions for games from earlier this year that you'd recommend people buy or rent to play in their time off to maximize their free time? Are there any games you bought earlier this year that you've yet to finish that you'd like to pick up again during the holiday season?
Dear Cheapy,

What's your opinion on games that try to innovate and push the envelope in terms of gameplay, setting and story.

Mirror's Edge for example is one many new games which further tried to be unique yet seemed to get shot down by the reviewers.

Do you think innovation and uniqueness is what makes a game special?

What do you look forward to in a game? What setting do you find is underused?

Also an issue with the podcast. What is Wombat's issue with PC gaming? I understand both of you aren't PC gamers yet every time the PC platform in mentioned you can hear Wombats voice tone change and the usual snide remark about PC gaming and Gamers is made.

Majority of CAG gamers are probably console gamers but did you ever consider that there might be PC gamer listeners.

Thanks for all your hard work and keep Cheapy's bald ass head shiny.
Hey Wombat,

What's the deal with your friends at PETA and Cooking Mama?
Hi cheapyD and wombat, I am kind of new to CAGCAST,
I first started Listening to the cagcast round about the time you were talking about pizza guy but I frist saw cheapyD in the youtube video of your reviwe of the ds lite stand and styles,
I have only resently become a member.

The Question I want ask is,
whould you is whould either or you trade in a 40GB PS3 X 4 games
for a 60 GB XBOX 360 X 2 games

PS: the cagcast is "AWSOME!!!!" cheapyD's and wombat's make a grate teem, keep up the good work!
Hey Cheapy, love the site & the podcast, been there since ep 1. my question is, when ever you come back to Florida to visit the family, could we meet up? would love to take a pic with you man. ( nothing guy about it. ) LOL serious IM me. that goes out to Wombat too, if he ever get's down here. keep up the great work with everything.. catch ya's to go defrost the turkey..Happy Thanks giving, to all My Cheapass brother's & Sister's !!!
Cheapy, I wonder what your wife's opinion is on you sharing information about your sex life on a podcast that is listened to around the world? :)
My partner would kill me (and then some) if I talked about even half the stuff you do.

(duplicate post from another thread, thought I'd submit to CAGbag)
[quote name='vanilla_shakin_it']Dear Cheapy,
Why in the hell did you give little big planet the biggest, sloppiest, two year long blowjob, ever since you laid eyes on it? Much of the reason as to why I bought this game was because of your recommendation of it. And you know what? It's boring as SHIT. It sounds like even you're not enjoying it that much. It's not even one of those games where you can make excuses saying, "Well, look at all these other games, I have no time for this." You know why? If you guessed "It's boring as shit" you win a a free little big planet blu-ray coaster. And a question for Wombat since I know you don't like things being one-sided...what's the game you think cheapy or yourself will give a handjob to next that will not live up to expectations?

PS: You guys better fucking answer this.[/quote]

I agree Little Big Planet is not that great and it to me is just a mediocre platformer with a level editor. This is not a system seller.
Hey Wombat and the other guy that talks.

Wombat why do you have to bash Fallout 3 so bad. Like gimmeabreakman. Can you not say something negative for at least 1 cagcast?? CheapyD you should reward Wombat with something If for one Cagcast,Count them one cagcast don't you think he deserves something like a little something from Mrs.Cheapy Maybe??? A Dinobox maybe

When the fuck are you we going to have the game catalog system?? Also, do you get all of your games for free from Play-Asia via credit? It seems like you buy/pre-order a lot stinkers as if you have money burning a hole in your pocket. I know you need "material" for the show but if you're not exactly sold on a game why bother buying it unless you're getting it for free?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

Do you think that with games such as left 4 dead, warhawk, bioshock and deadspace that the shooter genre is slowly learning to focus on either a great single player experience or a great mulitplayer experience instead of trying to include both elements and making the overall game subpar?

Excellent work with the podcast!
CheapyD and Wombat,

If you guys were stranded in the middle of nowhere, and could bring 3 games of your choice (and matching system + TV of course + possibly an internet connection), which 3 would you wanna play until the rescue team found you?
Dear Cheapy

After speaking so highly of the Screwattack Gaming Convention during the last show and during the black Friday live show, why not put your money where your mouth and have a booth at SGC. You could offer some of those CAG rubber bracelets, sell shirts, hand out pamphlets, and have a raffle where you must already be a CAG to enter or sign up to enter. I really think you're not taking advantage.
Hey guys,

With the imminent release of T-shirts and other clothing for purchase for NXE avatars, would you consider looking into the development of CAG-wear for the avatars? I understand the gamerpics didn't quite work out, but hopefully something like this would.
Hello there, finally listend to all episodes (I started at 134 and went back). BTW, ChapyD, episodes 36, 37 and 38 are broken on the Big Contact Server.

This is mainly for Wombat (Chapy can answer too, but I doubt it you read those). So, you like Marvel, and you like zombies. Did you like Marvel Zombies? I only read the first histories, because that´s all that was available here (I live in Brazil).
Cheapy and Wombat:

I was wondering if you two could tell us loyal listeners a tale or two from your childhoods relating to the holidays and games - for example, did you guys ever "sneak a peak" at any games under the Christmas tree? Any holiday disappointments?

When I was younger I remember asking for Sonic Spinball for the Genesis and instead I received a copy of Ecco the Dolphin, a game which still weirds me out to this day.
This question is based on something Wombat said, but I would love to hear what both of you have to say.

I remember Wombat said on a podcast right after he got MGS 4 that he thoroughly enjoyed it and that it created a new found desire for him to play more games with the typical linear story type game play. I like you, am the same way and kind of tired of Sandbox games. I was looking forward to the new Prince of Persia due to the fact that in the past it followed this linear story game play, but when I found out it was sandbox my enthusiasm kind of waned. Especially when it was really the only Action/Adventure game coming out this year. (You might say Fable but I consider that an Action RPG).

So the Question is, has this happened to either of you? Are you so tired of sandbox games that you won't play them anymore, regardless of how good they are? I know it seemed like Wombat wasn't as enthralled with Fallout 3 as Oblivion, and I wonder if that is because of this.

P.S. Wombat, are you looking forward to the new Captain America movie? (Rumored to follow the ultimate storyline where he fights nazi's and then is frozen?) I am shocked he hasn't had a full blown movie made of him yet, and am a big fan and personally cannot wait for it (as long as they don't hire someone stupid to play the role).
Hey guys, im a big fan of the site and podcast.
Recently Wombat has mentioned that he thinks he has a ghost in his not sure how serious he is, so can you guys tell us for 1. if he is serious and 2.what other non-fact based pseudoscience stuff you believe in, if any? (ex. accupuncture, religion, earth being visited by aliens, ghosts, homeopothy, bloodletting, etc...?)

Het guys
For a little while now something has been rubbing me the wrong way with Little Big Planet that I couldn’t put my finger. I just realized what it is. DLC that you have to pay for. They want me to pay for extra costumes from video games like Metal Gear Solid. It just occurred to me that they want me to pay for a freaking AD. People are going to see my sack boy and wonder what game the costume is from. I’m basically turning my sack boy into a walking billboard.

That isn’t even the worst part. The worst part is even if I don’ t buy the costume I’m still forced to download it in a update. So now my hard drive space is getting eaten up by crap I can not use unless I pay for it. Capcom should be paying me to wear street fighter costumes not the other way around. This is just nuts.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

Since the holidays are almost here, what was the most outrageous present that you have given or received?
Hey guys,

Does the possibility of the video-CAGcast that you guys mentioned quite a while ago still exist? I just wanted to know if you guys are still thinking about it or if that idea has been canned.
Dear Cheapy,
I am a big gamer who wants to ask for some games for the holidays. Now my grandparents hate M rated games. So I was wondering what are the top 10 T or lower rated games that you like on the Xbox 360. May the Dinodick reign supreme forever. Fellow blogger and Cag.
ps. If this becomes part of the cagbag Wombat should answer too.
Double P.S. screw you Banjo Kazooey (Yes I know I spelled it wrong)
Cheapy and Wombat:

Have you put any thought into how you'll game with your kids in the future as they get older?

Some things to consider: How old will they be before you allow them to play T or M rated games? Will you have a separate console for yourself or share a communal console, assuming there will still be consoles and not cybernetic implants in the future? Are your kids going to be spoiled and have every game that is released? Will traditional father-son/daughter relationship building activities be replaced with multiplayer games?
bread's done