CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

This question is mostly for Cheapy because I don't think it applies to Wombat.

I just picked up Lips on clearance for $35 (thanks CAG!). I've never really done much Karaoke before, but my wife and I are enjoying it.

Anyway, what are some of your favorite songs to sing in the game, either on disc or DLC? Since you're the only person I know who has the game, I might shoot a challenge your way. :)
Hello Mr. D and Mr. Wombat my question to you gentlemen is do you believe that the new PSP's lack of a umd drive will affect its price?(i.e.= cheaper?) Also, Cheapy what is up with your Twitter doppelganger and what do make of him getting threats?
Cheapy, here's an easy question. I was listening to an older show and you commented how some people don't like the CAGS on news theme. What is wrong with them?! The song is awesome! Who re-mixed the original Girils on Film for you guys? Did you do it and provide the voiceovers (although the voiceover sounds like Ship) Or did a CAG create the theme?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat
You may or may not know that Sims 3 recently got leaked onto the Internet. What would make of a person who downloaded it now in advance knowing that they were going to purchase the game on its release. I understand that most people are not going to do this but what about those that do?

Keep up the podcast its easily the best out there.
Hi Cheapy and Wombat,

As a dude who recently lost his job, the iPhone section is quickly becoming my favorite part of the show. I'm trying to save money but sometimes I just get the urge to buy something new (I'm such a consumer). iPhone games are perfect for me. I get a new game that satisfies my spending urge and I only spend a couple of bucks (fuck you Suze Orman!)

Here are a couple of my new favorites:

Uniwar- Bought it on sale for like $1.99. Like Advance Wars and Military Madness. I love turn based strategy so it's perfect. It has an online mode too!

SuicideGirls Flip Strip- FREE! Like one of those old novelty pens. Flip the iPhone upside-down and the hot tattooed girl is in her bra and panties.

Runkeeper Free- FREE! I started walking to try and lose my fat gut. This uses the GPS to track how far you go and at what pace. It's ad supported but it doesn't hinder the app at all.
After watching the GameTrailers review of Terminator: Salvation, they say the game takes less than 4 hours to complete, yet it's still being sold at $60. In this day and age, if a game is going to price itself at $60, do you think there should be a minimum amount of gameplay time so consumers feel like they get their money's worth?
After watching yesterdays Microsoft press conference I was a bit miffed off with the current state of additional/downloadable content. The 2 map packs for Modern Warfare 2 is great and all, but announcing DLC 6 months before the game is even out? That doesn’t sit well with me at all and feels like the content is just being held back from the retail disk. I bet the first pack will be out within a month of the game shipping.

Also with the Halo ODST disc now sitting at full price because it contains map packs for Halo 3, what about the early adopters that bought them when they were released? They are now in the same position as the people who bought the Gears 2 content only to find out it will be released at retail with additional content to try and get more money out of them by selling them content they may already own. I think the whole thing stinks and I am rapidly going off DLC content

Way to go cheapy i really think you just go to e3 to smoke weed and buy cloths you could care less about the game thats why you take shipwrek with you to do the dirty work thw reson wombat doesnt go is cause he knows he would have to do all the work while you sit on yor lazy ass smokes weed and jerks of to tila tiquila

I was listening to an old podcast of your's, as I'm wont to do, when the original story of pizza guy and his naked jaunt came up. You mentioned a few cagcast's ago that you had an update to the story. Did I miss it? Did you have another fireworks party this year?
[quote name='rolio64']Cheapy,

I was listening to an old podcast of your's, as I'm wont to do, when the original story of pizza guy and his naked jaunt came up. You mentioned a few cagcast's ago that you had an update to the story. Did I miss it? Did you have another fireworks party this year?[/QUOTE]

Yes, the CAGcast needs moar naked pizza guy.
The cheapest of all Cheap-asses,

Have you heard anything about NATAL not working with black people? I quite honestly find it to be hilarious. What do you think about it?

Also, what was the most appealing thing you had seen at E3?

Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

Was the Bring it Home campaign for special E3 demos on Xbox Live and PSN a huge failure this year? At most, there was Final Fantasy VII on PSN and the Overlord 2 demo, which isn't much at all.

Were there any interesting games that were shown or announced at E3 that you don't think any of the big sites paid any or enough attention to them?
Have you guys watched UP? if you have, what are your guys opinion of the film?

By the way, have wombat ever gave his opinion on the The Knight on the cagcast? (How The DK should ended?)

P.S Cagcast should have a MovieCritic segment! not a long one but a short one... just to mix it up! :cold:
Was there anything that you were anticipating that was a let down?

Any input on the Left 4 Dead 2 backlash (i.e. people upset over developing more content for the original instead of a sequel or a Half Life 2 Ep.3 or Half Life 3 announcement instead)?

Is there a game that you think your excited about now that once you get it might fizz out quickly? (Little Big Planet comes to mind)

Is Mass Effect 2 everything my little heart want's hopes, needs, and desires it to be? (just say yes)
You and Shipwreck's Game of Show? What was the biggest game disappointment or your biggest letdown of the show?

Did you get hands on time with MS and Sony's Motion Control peripherals? If so, what were your impressions?

Which company had your favorite booth and what, if any, show schwag did you pick up?

Which booth had the hottest booth babes?

What, if anything, do you think could've been done better, whether it's globally for E3 in general or specific companies' presentations?
Was wombat satisfied with the amount of coverage on e3 that he doesnt regret so much that he wasn't able to go?

Also did you get any cool swag from the show?
Cheapy, how's the 100 Push-Up Challenge going? I'm thinking the combination of jet lag, E3, and cannabis sativa has thrown you off schedule. Am I right?

You inspired me to do it and I'm on Week 2. :)
Here is my questions:

What was your biggest surprise about E3 this year?

Overall, what was the best/worst experiences?

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Wombat and CheapyD,

Two things:

1) I would like Wombat to let me know if the "All American" hamburger place on Merrick Road in Massapequa is still open. I grew up in Seaford and I used to love that place.

2) I recently started a thread on the CAG Forums regarding what might be considered false advertising by Activision. It would be great if you guys could comment on this issue on the next CAGcast. Here is the link:

Thanks and keep up the good work!
You have said in the past that your parents listen to the show, are they cool with you always smoking weed? As i lost count how many times you mentioned it in the show.:)
[quote name='AgentSushi']You have said in the past that your parents listen to the show, are they cool with you always smoking weed? As i lost count how many times you mentioned it in the show.:)[/QUOTE]

Ditto, your wife must be amazingly cool because I figure she knows this and is ok with it ?
*Cheapy do you always wait til you get to the US to smoke weed? You seem to have a good amount of time to do it in japan (when ur wife's at work and kid's at daycare). do they just not have an abundance of weed there in japan? or the penalties so severe that it's better to wait til you get to the us? just wondering.
Cheapy & Wombat,

I know you two like to talk about food like a pair of semi starved prisoners in Viet Cong bamboo cages. What was the restaurant in NYC you both went to for the great cheeseburgers with an egg on them? Also, any other must eat places in NYC?
Hey Cheapy, Wombat, and Shipwreck,
Just wanted to say that Wombat, I also havent played the first Uncharted but really want to. And just like you think that it should be much cheaper. There is no way in hell that I am paying $60 CAD for a game that was released nearly 2 years ago. I mean, just because it is a good game and is selling quite well, does not exclude it from being a Greatest Hit. Come on, isn't that what it is for? All they use it for is to repackage games with declining sales to boost them back up. Do you guys know of some actual criteria they add games to the list or am I pretty accurate in my assumption?
Lovin the show, needs a bit more of a Canadian flare though ;)
How pumped are you for Max Payne 3?

Hey Wombat, I have a question for you

I've been hearing on the previous shows that you play the bass guitar. I'm a bassist myself, so I'm pretty curious about that: what kind of instrument do you use, what kind of music do you play or are influenced by, who are your favorite bassists etc....

Thanks and keep up the good work, great show

With the return of "I Survived a Japanese Game Show" next week, I was wondering if you watch any game shows there in Japan, and do you have any favorites?

I don't have a twitter or really check other people's much (so am not really familiar with the features) but decided to visit yours (again) when you did your routine plug for 162. I noticed that one of your followers had an interesting name and checked their twitter:

I don't know what's the deal because it seems this guy was pretending to be you but then said it was all a mistake? his blog is here (via his twitter):

there's also this guy on twitter:

were you trying to screw with people or are these just impostors hoping to be like you? if these are impostors like I think, why have they "messaged" shipwreck and wombat on twitter as if they were the real deal?

please try to clear this up for me and others or I may never listen to another CAGcast again in fear that an impostor will take your place and an unsuspecting Wombat will not be able to tell the difference.

I was wondering if you guys, mostly Cheapy, had thought about doing a live stream, like Godfree has done. I know Wombat was at one of them, and I thought it was really cool. I think it would be cool if you guys did one, or even if it was just one of you.
E3 question.

I want to go to E3 next year, but the first day of E3 (June 15) is also my last day of school (I'm a teacher's aide). Would it be worth it if I hopped a plane after work on the 15th and caught the last 2 days, or should I just skip it and hope E3 2011 fits with my schedule?
Cheapy, had a question that was bothering me all during E3. Not to jinx you, but if you were to somehow get busted with some smoke, what would be the process as a foreigner? What if it was a large enough amount, would that effect your ability to travel back to the United States?
Hey Cheapy!

Now that you have been to the states and back in Japan. Do you miss American heart attack food? and 5 lb lobster? Or does Japanese food make you forget everything else? :))))))))
I have a question for CheapyD. I don't know if you have a Wii or not (just started listening to the CAGcast), but if you do, have you had a chance to use the currently Japan only video service Nintendo launched?
Cheapy, please fix the price tracker email alerts on CAG.

I decided recently that I want to get Fallout 3 for xBox 360, but not at the full almost $60 price that online retailers currently are selling it for. I slid the little slider bar thing to $30, only to have it tell me that it's already available for $19.99. Sounds great, but it's lying. According to the price tracker, it was on sale somewhere for $19.99 on May 25, but is now back to the regular price everywhere.

What's the point of the email alerts if they won't let me set my price alert line below the current prices? I really dig the idea of the alerts and greatly appreciate the service you provide, but they just don't work. I don't care what the price was a month ago, I care about what it is now and in the future.
Hey CheapyD and Wombat!

I love the show and, like Cheapy, I am eagerly anticipating Beatles: Rock Band. On the last show Cheapy talked about the "Abbey Road" DLC announcement and I think he misunderstood it.

I believe what Harmonix meant was the album will be available for Rock Band/Rock Band 2 a week after Beatles: Rock Band hits store shelves, giving people who did not pick up Beatles: Rock Band a chance to play their songs.

Keep up the good work and have a great week!

Keavy Rain

P.S. Its pronounced "Keevee" not "Kehvey"
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, I LOVE the show! I was wondering how much weed Cheapy bought in Los Ganjales, and are you a Cheap Ass Weed Buyer?
bread's done