CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

The game industry currently operates very similarly to the movie industry in the way that it tries to maximize certain times of the year for its big releases. Movies release blockbusters in the summer, family movies in the holiday season, and riskier films in between. Gaming is similar with how the holidays and Spring are important.

What I want to know is if you guys think gaming has evolved far enough as an entertainment medium that they can buck the trend of calendar-based releases. Don't people want year round entertainment? Shouldn't a good game sell regardless of launch window? Obviously the holidays will always be heavy in big hitters, but wouldn't a year round flow of games be easier for gamers to handle? After all, movies last 90 minutes and you're done, games take many hours and it would be nice not to have them all pile into 3-4 months out of the year.

i got a question is ps3 slim really bad cause most of my firends are saying its bad and the games take way long to load i just dont know what to get a ps3 slim or the old ps3
Hey Wombat
How much did you donate to Child's Play this year? I noticed the last time the topic was brought up Cheapy mentioned donating and I think Shipwreck did also but I didn't hear anything from you. I'm sure you put something in being so kind and understanding. I think if you told us how much you put in others will follow your lead. After all you are a natural leader.
dear cheapy wombat or ship if your there,

this question is mainly for cheapy. cheapy you often talk about your use of pot and you also often talk about how your parents listen to the show. have they ever conforonted you about your use of pot? if so what do they think? thanks guys huge fan
pieman22 =D
Don't know if this belongs here, in any case I was listening to Cagathon for child play (23 December), and when you were talking about Jason on the Howard Stern show I realized how enjoyable it is when you mention howard stern on these few occasions. Please do it more often, despite the fact that you're not so lovable co host Wombat who obviously doesn't listen to howard stern (which bothers me) find it to be rather irrelevant... Lastly I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you CheapyD about your feelings towards the fact that 2010 is likely to be the last year for Howard Stern on sirius. Since it is after all your very important english input (as far as i know).
With CAG Foreplay either dead or on life support, have you thought about bringing in a new CAG podcast? I know there's several CAGs who podcast and would relish the opportunity to become an offical CAG podcast. Maybe a contest?
Shipwreck, I think you owe Mrs Shipwreck an explanation:

Cheapy, whatever happened to you getting into gaming on the PC. You mentioned on the show you had a buddy who was going to build you a gaming rig. You've been missing out on all the crazy deals on Steam. Crysis Complete pack was only 13$. Whats up?
After Shipwreck's comments regarding the extreme difficulty of Demon's Souls, I immediately transferred the title from my regular wishlist to my Target clearance wishlist. If a game is too hard even for the almighty Shipwreck, I can't imagine that I could possibly enjoy it, especially at full price! As an old school gamer, I do appreciate a good challenge, however, in this generation of unlimited saves and continues, I simply don't have the patience to play through a level 200 times. Much to my surprise, I was recently perusing Gamespot (something I haven't done much since Gertsmangate transpired) and realized that they awarded it game of the year for 2009! Is Demon's Souls a legitimate game of the year candidate, or is Gamespot seeking to draw attention to their site by defying the norm of selecting conventional titles such as Uncharted 2 or Modern Warfare 2 as their game of the year? Shipwreck, I have been dying to hear your thoughts on this.
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Nope, it is actually a good game which is obvious by the number of post it has in the PS3 sections. It is indeed hard. Heck I even almost gave up on it but it just clicked with me at some point. I think most places have it in the top 5.
I just finished listening to Cagcast #183; great show again. I'm curious if you'd be willing to publish the stats briefly mentioned from Shipwrecks excel sheet of games and if you'd be willing to publish the sheet of games itself so I can compare what I finished and didn't finish from last year.
is there anywhere you guys know of and can recommend to fix my out of warranty 360? it red ringed a year ago and i was too lazy to send it in
I am huge fan of the show and I have noticed you guys talk about many titles you enjoy from Borderlands to Dragon Age Origins or even Rock Band. However I never seem to hear you guys, other than Shipwreck, talk about buying any type of DLC for them except for Rock Band songs. Is there a specific reason why or do you feel that most DLC is a ripoff like Cheapy's experiance with Saints Row 2?
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Got a question with FF13 being one of the most anticipated games of 2010 for North America, will you guys actually get it once it comes out. Cheapy I'm going to assume that you wont be getting it since you dont like Japanese RPGs.
bah. hate when FX crashes.

My question is about 'optional features'. CheapyD isn't alone when he once said "If you don't like it, don't use it". Wombat on the other hand expressed the opposite sentiment (take it out). To be fair you were talking about different games. CheapyD was talking about the Rewind feature in Forza and Wombat was talking about Detective Mode in Batman:Arkham Asylum*

Do you guys maintain your stated stances in the other game? How about other games entirely. For instance Mega Man 2 has one of the most powerful weapons in all of video gaming (Metal Blade**). When you're faced with something like that are you going to not use it or do you wish the developer had just not put it in the first place?

*to be fair Wombat your actual suggestion was that there be a limit to Detective Mode.

** it has a TON of ammo plus you pick up ammo drops so often it's essentially limitless. it goes thru walls, most bosses are weak against it (even Metal Man), and you can fire in 8 directions.
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To Cheapy or anybody else: I'm sure that this has been brought up multiple times before, but I'm curious about what kind of merit you think an iPhone/mobile gaming forum has? I think the iPhone/ iPod Touch has evolved enough as a gaming platform to get its own forum.

The iPhone app deals thread has become the main spot of disscusion for anything relating to the iPhone, so it would be nice if those discussions could be taken to their own topic so that the app deals thread could be what it is supposed to be. Thanks Cheapy.
Wombat, I know you love Fallout 3. I want to know in terms of combat how similar is the Fallout 3 to Borderlands? Also, what are the similarities between the two games? [I'm asking this question cause I waited a until the GOTY edition of F3 was released, and then ended up passing it up for Borderlands]

How long do you guys think it will be before PS3 multiplatform title(s) gets on par with the exclusive titles of the PS3?
How obsessed are you guys with nerd points and if so in what way?
Do you ever feel the need to get all of the achievements in a game,
or is it your overall gamerscore you have a strange need to increase?

Cheapy, what are your thoughts on Medical Marijuana being passed in New Jersey? Do they have anything like that in Japan? Do you think you could qualify based on the chronic pain that you have.... you know, Wombat?
Ship when we going to see a video tour of your video game/GI Joe collection?
Cheapy whats this amazing box moving story to forgot to tell us?
Whats the status of the CAG app?
Do you guys think that ps3 trophies will ever eclipse the all-important achievement point in terms of desirability. This coming from a self-proclaimed achievement whore!
MOVIE RELATED QUESTION: have either you or wombat seen the clash of the titans teaser trailer? if so, what does wombat think? since he's nerdier.
When the F-Salad are we going to be able to see other CAGs Wishlists/Collections? I've been dieing for that feature for a while...

Much love vanilla faces!
What do you think the worst cagcast is?
I can answer for myself pretty easily and that the worst cagcast was the very first (I think) award show where Cheapy put this ridiculous echo effect on during the ENTIRE SHOW. Maybe I should change my question to, what were you thinking?
(To be fair I don't think you'll have an answer to this question but just in case you do, or maybe you can comment on the second question. Remember, it's all in jest.)
Hey CheapyD it's Ryan the dude doing the 100 Push-Ups App, I just wanted to ask if you have started it back up again? It seems to be working for me.

Also thought i'd give you a heads up on how it's going. I did get 200 Sit-Ups as well and i'm not doing both Apps and for $4 in total I think it's a friggen steal. My initial amount was 14 consecutive push ups and i'm now on Week 4, and can do 30 consecutive push ups, I can actually see improvement in my arms too. Definitely going great.
What is your all time favorite video game? Why? (Mine was Baudur's gate for years but was recently replaced by Bioshock). You guys are the best!
Hey Cheapy -- I was listening to some old CAGcasts for poops and giggles and heard about your friend Mikey and the "Fixed Wedding XBOX 360-Raffle" (Episodes 124 and 125). Since his wife finally allowed him to keep it, how did that turn out? Is he a big gamer today? Does his wife still get enough TV time? Maybe most important, are they still married? Thanks and keep up the great work, guys.
Hey Cheapy, I was wondering if you could get any answers out of EA about their server issues with the new Army Of Two:TFD. The co-op and the multi-player are damn near unplayable due to lag and server stability issues. The first game ran smoth for the first few weeks and then about a month or so later a patch was applied for the multi-player and my friend and I had to finish our Pro run (hardest diff) seperatly because of the same server issues. I know realisticaly you may not be able to do much but I figured since you are the head of such a large community that you would have a better chance of getting an answer than I would. Love the show and I have been listening for a very long time now. In fact I have listened to all but about 20 shows! take care and God bless.
I was wondering what Wombat and Shipwreck thought about the Jets beating the Bengals in the playoffs, and them advancing to the AFC Championships against the Colts. As an Aussie I don't often hear a lot of opinion about NFL, and since I really only have time to listen to good podcasts, I'd like your opinion on that and perhaps see Wombat poke fun at Shipwreck about it.

Speaking of good podcasts, you guys should do a bit more plugging for 2 Chimps on a Davenport. It's a fantastic podcast made by those guys at NextGenWalkthroughs, and it's how I found out about the CAGCast. No I am not plugging and I am completely independent of those two douches, but they're awesome and their podcast and video game guides/voice overs are pretty hilarious.
Is there a general rule of thumb for price drops on games that fall in between a million sales and absolute failure. It's obvious terrible sellers will drop quickly, and excellent sellers might go greatest hits or never drop, but what about in between?
dear cheapy wombat or ship if your there,

this question is mainly for cheapy. cheapy you often talk about your use of pot and you also often talk about how your parents listen to the show. have they ever conforonted you about your use of pot? if so what do they think? thanks guys huge fan
I've been listening to the show for about a year now. I love it. You guys are great. But I hadn't felt compelled to register with CAG until Shipwreck publicly took issue with the tastes of one Jeff Gerstmann.

I know there isn't any real beef between you guys and Giant Bomb, but I thought it'd be fun to give Shipwreck a little dose of reality all the same, so here it is:

Jeff Gestmann and Shipwreck have both written reviews for nine different games. In seven of them they gave the game the exact same score. Shipwreck uses a five word scale and Giant Bomb uses a five star scale, so the scores are completely analogous.

The two games they disagreed on were G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (no big surprise) which Shipwreck scored as "Poor" or 2 stars in G.B. terms (Gerstmann gave it only one star) and BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger which Shipwreck scored as "Outstanding" (5 stars) Gestmann thought it only deserved 3 stars (Fair).

I contend that no man who gets excited about getting a boatload of G.I. Joe crap for Christmas is qualified to make value judgments on another man's taste.

Keep up the Awful to Outstanding work!
I have a question that wombat can ask the producers of Mass effect. When is the PS3 version going to come out since they are 3rd party and MS is no longer the publisher. I ask because of the Xbox being hardware junk I no longer buy anything for the 360, that's not to say I won't rent it, but for EA and Bioware to get my money it has to come to the PS3.
Is there any game that completely changed your mind about a certain gaming genre?

For instance, I wouldn't go anywhere near a FPS many years ago. I associated them with PC nerds hunched over their keyboards. I eventually tried Red Faction on PS2 and loved it. I was also never really into racing games until I played Burnout Revenge on 360. Now, not only do I love arcade racers like Burnout but I love sim racers like Forza and Gran Turismo as well.
I have been meaning to send you a question for the cagcast. I loved your "Shitbox" term from last week. I was crackin up at that one because I too am sick of the motion control hype. What is up with all this attention on motion controls and no mention of improving regular controllers. I have recently bought an off brand PS3 controller that looks like the xbox controller, and i love it. Now I play PS3 games with the comfort of the xbox controller design. However, I cant help but think of improvements that can still be made. I think it would be cool if they added a paddle for instance. games like space invaders extreme or a "new tempest type game" would play so much better using a paddle. Driving games or even scrolling menus would seem a natural fit. I was also thinking about a little track ball for more accurate pointing or to just play centipede. Perhaps I am alone in this, or just to old(38) but there must be some reason they abandoned the paddle because I still have my old Atari 2600 ones. What do you think? Thanks for all the great shows. Best podcast ever! Wombat rocks! Thanks again-Dave
I have a crackpot theory...

do guys think that Sony released the PSPgo to give digital distribution a bad reputation? thus brainwashing certain people into thinking that owning the disk is better..

given that Sony practically owns Blu-ray disc technology (ergo, a monopoly of some sort) and thus cock blocking the next generation consoles of microsoft and nintendo.. unless they develop their own disks, which might drive the prices up or make the market saturated with a plethora of different forms of media storage...

I hope I made sense... I LOVE YOU CHEAPY and wombat
You talk about movies alot but I don't recall anyone mentioning Inglorious Basterds. Did you guys see it? What was your take? Personally I thought it was the best film I saw last year and one of the best I have seen in a long time.
Question for Cheapy, Wombat and Shipwreck...

What instrument peripheral would RedOctane/Activision have to release for one of their "Hero" games to make you roll your eyes and think, "Ok, NOW they've gone WAY too far!"
You guys need to get your facts straight! The proper name for Sony's wand thingy is Sony SEXAXIS(tm) Motion Controller. It's not "buttplug"!
Not really a question but a thumbs-up.
So i remembered wombat how you talked about you buy cereal in a bag..
BEST CHOICE EVER.. it taste like the exact same thing and you save like 3 dollars!!
bread's done