CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey Wombat, a close friend of mine is in the top 12 of American Idol. Her name is Siobhan Magnus and she's super awesome. Since you said you're watching it, you should vote for her. If you have time please give her a plug. Keep up the great show guys.
Why is there very little coverage of all things Atlus on your podcast? I am a collector of Atlus, NIS America, and Aksys items and quite frankly, nothing else interests me. The fact that you don't cover them gets my neck beard worked up in a rage.
Cheapy, do you worry those radio waves from Tokyo Tower might give you testicular cancer or mutant babies? Because if that were me, that would be all I'd be thinking about day and night. Buy yourself a lead apron NOW!
The CAGcast, much like most video game podcasts, uses Skype. On other podcasts (like Joystiq), there is a constant danger of dropped calls. This usually leads to 30 seconds or so of mad fumbling trying to get people back on. It makes "great" radio.

I have never heard this kind of unprofessional-ism from the CAGcast. Do you have these kinds of drops and edit them out? Or do you have some awesome trick in Skype to keep it from happening? Thanks and keep up the good work.
Hey Cheapy,

Can the contest about shoving the Move controller up your ass be called Balls Deep?
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Alright - Activision announced that they're charging $15 for 5 maps for MW2.

Let's hear the official CAG statement on such a ridiculous price point.
Hey guys,
I have to put my dog down pretty soon, do you guys have any advice to give on how to overcome the depression of losing a pet for the first time?
Cheapy: I was reading reviews for FF XIII and I realized that I will probably hate it for its bogus storyline. This made me wonder if nonsensical narrative is a Japanese thing that is not limited to just games. You will probably have to ask your wife, but does Japanese literature generally have convoluted narratives relative to Western literature?

Also, did you ever play Star Control II back in your PC days? Sounds a lot like that game you describe (space exploration, combat etc.)

Also Also, I think you should make a contest were the first person to get a picture of your ass/wang from Tokyo Tower wins a prize.

Shipwreck: I understand that you are some type of engineer, I was wondering what your degree was. I ask because I'm working on my mechanical eng. degree.

Wombat: Ummm, I just read Civil War and Dark Knight Returns, they were good. Sorry I got nothing.
WOMBAT I need you advice about P.A.X.

Your panel will be going on during the same time as the Keynote and the first P.A. Panel. I really wanted to attend your session, but this is my first P.A.X. and don't want to miss the good stuff. What should I do?!?!

Hey CheapyD, Wombat, and Shipwreck:

The Joystiq fans recently released an 'Episode 0' to their podcast, which was basically a compilation of their 'best of' moments, would any of you think this would be an interesting idea for the CAGcast?
Hey Cheapy, Wombat, and that Shipwreck guy,

With the release of the Bad Company 2 Grenade Spam PSA that directly parodies the Fight Against Grenade Spam video Infinity Ward made last year, do you guys think EA and DICE should be doing more parodies and attacking other series in their trailers and ads like they did for the first game? It seems like they have some great guys to work on that kind of stuff, so I'm surprised that they were virtually non-existant on following up on the MGS4, Gears of War, and R6 Vegas ads/trailers they created last year. From what I've heard, they bash Modern Warfare 2 constantly in the campaign, so it seems like a wasted opportunity to really go all out on all of the ammo they had for their advertising.
Hey guys i have another question for you this week.
While reading reviews and listening to podcasts i constantly find that reviewers and general players curse games for having a story that is nothing short of laughable. Does that need to change? Is that what we want from games? Oscar winning drama story's? Don't get me wrong i love a good story when it is done right (mass effect, heavy rain). But then i usualy find when a game puts so much effort into a story, it misses the mark on gameplay (heavy rain). I feel there needs to be a perfect mixture. When i watch a film i want to big sucked into the story and totally forget about everything for 2 hours. But when i play a game, i want to be blown away by amazing gameplay, not the story. Yes i look forward to see what happens to Kratos, and yes i wanted to find out if John Shepard lived. But those where all secondary feelings, i was more interested in ripping someones head of and upgrading my ship than i was in one mans iternal struggle with the gods.
What are your guys opinions on this.
Thanks for reading, you guys are great. O and cheapy, i think i speak for everyone when i say, more youtube videos please!
Cheapy, I remember Shipwreck was reviewing Yakuza 3. Can you guys please talk about the game a little, since the review is not out yet. I have been dying to hear what you guys think about the game. Thanks!!!

In the 2009 December issue of Game Informer, its mentioned that Saints Row 3 will debut at E3 2010 and will be mind blowing.

Just wondering what they could do in your eyes to make the game better than Saints Row 2, and what could they do to totally fuck it up?
I have a suggestion for the show. Your going to hate this but I like the idea so I thought I'd throw it out there. I assume you do the live shows because A) they're easier but also B) to get the CAG community involved. Although I love the show and would listen to any one you put out, the live shows are my least favorite. So here's my idea....instead of doing a live show, you should pick a community member and interview them for the show. To make it easy, you could limit it to 10 or 15 minutes. Every interview could be same 5 or 6 questions and maybe leave time at the end for the person to talk about whatever they want or ask you a question. You could just tack it onto the end of the show. I personally would love to hear from the CAG community. I'm curious who they are, where they work, what they do, where they get their deals. Sometimes I feel like the oldest guy following Cheap Ass Gamer but I'm probably just like everyone else listening. I'd probably be surprised.

I think you should try it. It's probably more work though so make Dinghy Accident I mean Shipwreck do it.
General question for all three of you guys:

Are any of you interested in a Wii-HD (next gen Wii) or has the lack of hardcore games on the current Wii resulted in a lack of interest in anything next-gen Nintendo?

Also, what do you think will be the biggest surprise of E3 this year (predictions?), and who do you think will come out as the big winner (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo)?

Love the show, keep up the good work.
There are a lot of contests that specifically say "No lurkers allowed", so my question is, what qualifies as a lurker? I am sure it is subjective, but what generally in your opinion are the requirements?

Also, thanks Wombat for speaking so highly of Batman: Arkham Asylum, I would have overlooked the game and missed the joy of playing it without your glowing recommendation.

Keep up the good work with the show. It helps me get through my work day and its great to hear honest opinions of video games from people who aren't so full of themselves.
Do you think that it is beneficial to CheapAssGamer as a site to have a particular voice in shipwreck's reviews, or is it more dangerous for CAG, because if he left, a substantial amount of traffic wouild also leave?

Also, same question for any other review website, because CAG is not the best example.

(And by any other website, I mean a review website that also has a personality or voice for each reviewer.)
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Comics question for Wombat.

How do you feel about non-superhero comics? I'm into manga but I really like comics like Maus and Scott Pilgrim.

Also, what does your collection look like?

Dear CheapyD, Womat and Shipwreck,
Now that Shipwreck is now a regular on the podcast, I was wondering what will happen to CAG Foreplay?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, what were the themes to your bar mitzvahs?

I'd ask Boatcrash, but I'm not sure he's Jewish and it'd probably be GI-Joe themed if he were.
Hey, Cheapy, I just looked this up and saw that there is a Robocop remake coming in 2011! First I had heard of it and I wanted to know what your thoughts are on that since Robocop gives you a Roboner.
this question is for everyone. I just read something about a 3D DS and i wanted to know what you think about that. the DS claims to not require glasses to play in 3D and if this claim is true, and starts to occur more, do you think you would get into 3D gaming in the future
I don't know about you guys, but I'd be more on-board if MS and Sony just skipped Natal and Move altogether and realeased some badass lightguns instead. The pointer is the only good thing about the Wii Remote, anyway.
(Comic-book Spoiler question for Wombat) & question for all of you.

1.) Wombat, how do you feel about Sinestro being the white lantern & how do you predict Blackest Night #8 is going to end?

2.) I don't know if Cheapy or Ship are comic-book fans but, how do you guys feel about the fact that Hector Hammond will be the main villain in the upcoming Green Lantern movie and not Sinestro?
Cheapy and Ship since you have played God of War 3, do you think it really is a AAA title?

The jumping mechanic is incredibly broken. Jumping has been basically perfected as far back as Super Mario Bros, how can a current gen game be considered AAA if it completely fails at something so basic?

Additionally did you guys notice the wonkyness of the camera? I often found myself with the camera looking down a empty hallway while Kratos was fighting around the corner. I guess maybe this was a feature to show how badass Kratos is, that you don't even need to see him to defeat the game's monsters.

Sure God of War 3 is a fun, good game, but isn't really a AAA title. Do you guys think the title has gotten a pass on these issues because it's God of War, and the same game with a different name would be more critically punished?
Hey Cheapy now that the only reason you're considering PC gaming is because Steam is coming to the Mac are you going to have a CAG PC game night?
Guys, got a question for all of you. Thoughts on what will be the biggest game in 3 years time? Tell me! Also, please can I have a shoutout for my thread about Episode 200, because I really need submissions to compile the show for you. Please officially endorse it! Thanks guys, and Boatcrash rocks!
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I know the chance of getting the Bioshock 2 round table is not going to happen but maybe we could a roundtable not an a game but on a game topic, also Wombat made an awesome host on the last roundtable.

I noticed that you just posted the new GC deals from amazon on the front page, but when Wal-Mart offered the same thing yesterday (prompting action from amazon), they did not appear on the front page. Is this because you get a cut from Amazon and not Wal-Mart?
Wombat, how long have you been a member of the furry community? I'm assuming you are because you choose to represent yourself as an animal human rather than as a cartoon human in the cagcast banner. Your twitter avatar doesn't help either.

Great show (except for wombats animal sex fantasy discussion)
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I understand your frustration with the "late" release of the latest content. Don't you think that if they did release it sooner then you would be saying "Why didn't this come with the game? If it came so soon to the release, they could have easily just included it in the game.". Which you have dammed games in the past for doing (wombat). It's free content with the network, to bitch its to late is splitting hairs. I think that the release kinda makes the people that are interested in the game and playing all the content to put the disk back in. That's my thought, now what are yours?
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Any of you guys are watching Spartacus Blood and Sand? If yes, what are your thoughts? I wouldn't have discover this show if it was not for your talk in one of the cagcast. Personally, I can't wait for next episode.
:applause:Hello CheapyD and Co&, Xbox360Fanatic Here! new member! wanted to ask you a few things :

1: how do you all feel/think about Major Nelsons Confirmation that the xbox 360 is getting USB Support in April ?

2: What is your favorite 360 game that came out recenly... why?

3: what movies are you looking forward to and or seen lately?

thanks !
Hey Cheapy, is there any reason why you don't own any pets? I know Shipwreck has his cat(s) and Wombat is the family dog of his household. Are you not allowed to own a pet or do you just hate animals?

Just kidding Wombat, I'd also like to know about your pet situation (do you own any? why/why not?)
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Not sure if this question has been asked/answered before(too lazy to check), but what do you guys think about the 250gb hard drive for the 360?
bread's done