CAGcast #124: Karmic Vomit

[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Oh, so are you one of those people that don't have friends? :cry:[/quote]Re: Facebook/Myspace

I'm not a fourteen year old girl.
God I was raging pretty hard when I was listening to the story about the wife who wouldn't let him have the xbox. What a fucking bitch. Way to let her control your life pussy. I understad that marriage is 50/50 but come on. That's like a 90/10 relationship.
So about the whole discussion of whether or not it's the right/in-demand thing to have good looking women promote gaming... did everyone magically forget there are also women gamers out there? I'm a girl... and a gamer... and actually a game developer by career; and as much as I am definitely not offended by companies throwing hot girls in front of their names (in fact I find it kind of funny), am I the only one worried that this will deter new female gamers from becoming interested in the industry?

As for that guy's wife: maybe she should give the 360 a try. Who knows, she might even like more intense stuff than just puzzle games (miraculous as that may sound). :)
When I heard spiderman is gay, i thought of this:
I think a more important question is whether Atari would've sued over the piracy issue if the game would've gotten a good review or if they would've just overlooked it.
Solid show guys and Wombat thanks for answering my question, and Cheapyd if you were to play the mgs games it would be more like 30-35 hours and honestly they are great games and you grow to love the crazy cutscenes and story
[quote name='shafnitz']"It was almost like you had a job that day."

I had to keep myself from laughing out loud so the people in the cubes around me didn't think I was crazy.[/quote]

Agreed, hilarious.
I know this is a common comment on the CAGcast, but can there be a minimal amount of fact checking and research before the show? Who doesn't know what Kirby Super Star is, geez...
Re: Eye Candy on Video Game Video Segments

I think you've missed the point. I'd prefer informed video game people doing spots on video game video clips, rather than complete ditzes that couldn't care less, but I'd enjoy it MUCH MORE if it were an attractive Gal or Guy that was ALSO a video game Nerd... You talk as if pretty people can't be video game geeks... yes they're rare, but not impossible to find.

Both Jessica Chobot and Veronica Belmont are knowledgeable enough in all things gaming that I'd be okay with their hosting a video segment even if they weren't as attractive as the are... them being easy on the eyes is definitely a bonus and *should* be used as extra criteria to use them as hosts.

I hope they don't do their segments while wearing bikinis while jumping on trampolines, else I'll be eating my words. But enjoying the bouncing "double dragons" none the less. ;-)

Anyways, all the people "reading" the news on BBC News are "news readers" not reporters, so why should we require Video game segments to have to be done by real video game experts?

Re: Amazon Affiliate Thief
IMHO CheapyD, you should have turned him in to Amazon instead of using it as a lever to stop him from posting to your site. It's the fact that he's an AMAZON.COM employee that makes in an unforgivable crime... he's stealing from his employer's customers! But since you already told him that you wouldn't turn him in if he stopped, you'll have to keep your word. I guess that doesn't mean you can't reveal his real identity to other sites he's stealing revenue from. :whistle2:O
Wombat was right on the money regarding the moral question of pirating games for review. Stealing is stealing no matter how you phrase it. As the owners of the game, and as the ones who invested money into making it, it's within the rights of the publisher to release the game ahead of time or not to whomever they choose. Some big sites, like, don't get previews of Ubisoft games and they have to buy them on release date like everyone else. Atari's big PR mistake was not saying they were suing the general principal of the German site playing pirated code. Even if they had given a good review.

Cheapy, I'm surprised that you don't see the irony of the Amazon guy "pirating" your website, then saying you didn't have a problem with sites stealing games for review.
Cheapy. Tell Mikey to dump his bitch. That sounds like a chick who wants to be in control of her man/relationship at all times. Come on. The system was free for goodness sake. She's just being a bitch. I bet he can find a nice Japanese lady who will probably be more understanding with his need to game occasionally.
Thanks for mentioning Mlb Power Pros 2008. I imported the ps2 games from japan and was very excited lest year when it came out for the wii/ps2. I was sad when i sold my ps2, but now I got a wii, so I can enjoy the Power Pro series again, and with MLB teams and not the very well known Chunichi Dragons and Softbank Hawks...
At the risk of revealing myself as a bigger nerd then Wombat, I have to correct his Hulk strength debate info. Namor the Sub-Mariner can lift 85 tons in peak condition, but if he is dried out he can only lift 40 tons. Juggernaut and Thor are indeed Class 100. That term means that if a character is so strong he can lift more then 100 there's no accurate way to judge his strength past that.

The Hulk's starting strength level, as calm as the Hulk can get before changing back into Bruce Banner, is 70 tons. What makes the Hulk so special is that depending on his psychological state and how angry he is, his strength has no theoritical limit. As we saw in the finale World War Hulk, Hulk got so angry that his footsteps almost cracked the Earth's tectonic plates.

To everyone else, yes I have no life.
Michael McDonald was the lead singer of the Doobie Brothers.

MARK McDonald was the "I'm crushing your head" guy from the Kids in the Hall.

Just wanted to point that out. :)
Hilarious shit as always, fellas. I LOVED the fact that it was almost two hours (although that will probably never happen again)

Also, I've gotta say, in the last 2 or 3 months, your forum moderators have been doing an excellent job. It's easy for a forum to become a cesspool of internet douchebags, but thankfully the dudes on here are cutting that shit out of the threads.

I can't wait for CAG 2.0, baby!
[quote name='vampireblood']The CAGcast IP/Matlock investigation story was way better than the Puke story.[/quote]

Not a bad show in all. The puke story was kind of gross, I was glad I hadn't eaten recently when I listened.

Only one real comment, as a lot of others have posted here. Wii's in hospitals makes perfect sense to me. In addition to being able to enterain kids (and kids at heart) with cancer or other problems that have caused them to have an extended hospital stay, it probably proves useful as a tool to help ensure that patients don't get bedsores, and is already used in some facilities as a rehab tool. I guess the keeping patients entertained one is a bit of a no-brainer, as it's been shown that people with good mindsets/morale have better chances of beating illnesses. Bedsores are a common cause of death in hospital patients, in part because I think patients aren't motivated to move around. Maybe Wii's would encourage them to do so? And, as one who's had to recovery from 8 different joint-related surgeries, I can vouch that some of the movements with the Wiimote are exactly the same as those you'd do to regain range of motion with your hands and shoulders. Also, I imagine that it would help with stroke patients and I know that I've seen stories that the military has used the Wii for helping rehabilitate soldiers who've lost limbs.

Definitely looking forward for the launch of CAG 2.0, and next week's show. :)

CheapyD how dare you try to dispel the stereotype that gamers are sexually frustrated nerds that can only get their female interaction from a video game console.
When Cheapy and Wombat went over the weeks releases, I was expecting Cheapy to expound on Ticket To Ride. But he didn't. I seem to recall him talking about Ticket to Ride on past podcasts. Am I just crazy?
[quote name='Indifference']When Cheapy and Wombat went over the weeks releases, I was expecting Cheapy to expound on Ticket To Ride. But he didn't. I seem to recall him talking about Ticket to Ride on past podcasts. Am I just crazy?[/quote]

Yup, you are crazy. However, Wombat, Shipwreck, and I wound up buying it, so I'm sure we will talk about it next week.
Good show as always. I was cracking up during the vomit scenes, and Wombat got you pretty good with the "actually had a job" joke. That voicemail from Woody Allen at the end was an interesting add as well.

I can understand where Cheapy was coming from when it came to the pirating a copy of a review being okay. While obviously its not okay to pirate, if the people sending out review copies to game journalists are not charging for these review copies, it should be no different whether the review came from a copy sent by the developer, or downloaded off the net. If its a shitty game and the journalist keeps the review copy, the developer will make $0 from them, which is the same as if the journalist were to pirate the game.

The whole "review based on pirated copy" claim is BS anyways. Retailers break street date all the time. You talk about people suing over anything, theres a lot of people who fret about playing games that broke street date on live in fear of being banned. I'd love to see someone sue MS for banning them on Live for playing a game before street date. I'd imagine if you had a receipt that showed the date, you may have a good case. Though whether the cost of hiring a lawyer and all that other stuff would justify the means, who knows.
[quote name='CheapyD']Yup, you are crazy. However, Wombat, Shipwreck, and I wound up buying it, so I'm sure we will talk about it next week.[/quote]

It was Rail Fan that you used to talk about. My mistake. Oh well, good show as usual.
great show i was wondering did wombat ever pick up LOST PLANET COLONIES? i want to know what you guys think about it
I loved the story about the amazon guy jacking your links. It all makes sense now that he knows how to get around your referral system.. you know.. cuz he's a god damn employee of amazon... fucking over their customers. It would've been more entertaining to hear you contact amazon and the resulting chaos that would've ensued, but I understand that you probably want to avoid as much wasted time and grief as you can over this issue.

And the story with Mikey.. the mind boggles about what kind of situation he's in to justify not being able to purchase a Xbox 360 let alone being able to keep one for free. He better be struggling to make ends meet in a major way or the whole thing doesn't make sense at all.

Great show guys, I could hardly smell the baby vomit on cheapy after the first hour.
You know Cheapy, regarding the Soba noodles, I had exactly what you had the other day, excpet I probably paid twice as much and got only only 1/3 the size. I even got one of those patties you were speaking of, except mine was the size of a UMD disk. They are quite delicious though.
Seriously, dude needs to grow a pair. And she obviously doesn't care if she comes across as a bitch, because saying "That's going right on eBay" to the people who pitched in for the 360 is really damn rude.
[quote name='Tengaport']Hey guys,

heads up on the DRM tool from Microsoft.

I eagerly ran through it last night consolidating all the licenses from all four of my 360s. It was a breeze, but still a pain in the ass to go through and individually re-download every single thing you have ever downloaded before.

Since I kept my hard drive from my original 360 I didn't have to actually download the content, just re-download the license I suppose. Each download only took a few seconds, but with 180 items on my list it did take a while to finish. Granted, a lot of the content was crap demos and what not that I no longer wanted/needed so I just skipped over them and downloaded only the good stuff.

Overall the process is worth the payoff, and I'm happy that my wife will no longer yell at me because she can't play Geometry Wars on her account anymore.

I am however nervous about the 'once every 12 months' restriction on this tool, as this is my fourth 360, and I doubt it will be my last.

In regards to the DRM 'how-to' video, Major Nelson looks like he's either high or sleep-walking. Here's one nerd video that could have benefited from a pair or two of double dragons.

Speaking of double dragons, anyone remember Ronilyn Reilly? I haven't seen her in eons, but YOWZA![/quote]

4 360's?? WTF?

I checked out Ronilyn Reilly. Nice dragons, I must say. I'm gonna have to go with Chobot in the end, though. She is the finest.
It seemed like you wished there were some rabid MGS fanboys defending the game... so here you go!

MGS4 is a great game, and deserves it's high praise.

Please don't make it sound like it doesn't and it's "just a rental" yea it's an acquired taste, but come on...

Just look at these beautiful ingame screens and tell me that it doesn't deserve above an 8!












YEA! This game totally deserves to be lower then Boom Blox and GRID!

So you are saying just because it's not made for people new to the series and people that have no idea whats going on it should not get a 10? So all games should be dumbed down 1 game long series?

Should Star Wars VI and Lord of the Rings Return of the King be rated down because they don't cater to those not fans of the series?
I don't understand that argument. Because you said, "Hey! I just thought it would be good because its been getting all these 10's so that means everyone should be able to enjoy it!" And about the cutscenes, on the box it's called a Cinematic Adventure. No where does it say a "run n gun action shooter game!"

SO THERE! Sorry I was a couple weeks late...
[quote name='StinkyCheese']

Which one is mikey and which one is his wife?[/quote]

If i had to guess, Mikey is the scared looking one with the beer & 360 in his hands, and the wife is the girl in the Black dress staring at him with the look of horrible death.

The girl has a camera, so it probably wouldn't be her. I'm sure she's not in the picture.
[quote name='Bezerker']If i had to guess, Mikey is the scared looking one with the beer & 360 in his hands, and the wife is the girl in the Black dress staring at him with the look of horrible death.

The girl has a camera, so it probably wouldn't be her. I'm sure she's not in the picture.[/quote]

he doesn't look scared. He has a huge smile on his face - cheapy said he was embarassed. Still though, that probably is him

As others have mentioned, more fact checking may be in order. The opposite of seeing a high school girl's panties is not having your son puke all over himself and a stroller.

When you were telling the story, I was sure you were going to say that you bent over to clean up the mess, and a high school girl saw your underwear or your bag or something. That would've been the inverse of seeing a high school girl's panties. Fact: the opposite of seeing a high school girl's panties is seeing a high school boy's underwear.

Otherwise, another solid episode.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat. What would you do if your wifes suddenly said you have to get rid of all your gaming consoles because Mikey's wife said he cant have one so you cant?I think he cant have a Xbox360 because she wants all the selfish.
I can't understand how someone who loves another person could actively deny them access to one of their hobbies or passions as long as it's not some sort of dangerous or immoral activity. My wife married me knowing that I was a gamer and that I spent long hours writing articles as a gaming journalist. I respect her by not playing too often when we both have free time, but she shows me the same respect by allowing me to play as much as needed when I'm against a deadline or I'm in need of some serious chill out time.

Both partners need to learn give and take, but it sounds like Mikey's wife is all take in this situation.
Does that chick who wont let her husband have that expensive x-box, happen to wear $100 shoes and $100 earrings and $200 dresses?

Also wombat would your answer to cheapy's question about getting the pirated copies of games for reviews change if the reviewer had preordered the game or buys the game at release. Then it would be more like cheapy's situation where he buys the movies if he can but otherwise he bittorents them.
I don't think I've ever had any interaction the JimmieMac but, based solely on the quality of that voice message, I'm adding him to my block list as a preventive measure.

People who speak in idoms and cliches should eat my balls.
[quote name='bmachine']I don't think I've ever had any interaction the JimmieMac but, based solely on the quality of that voice message, I'm adding him to my block list as a preventive measure.

People who speak in idoms and cliches should eat my balls.[/quote]

Yea, that guy is a bag of douche. Or in Austraillia a dick bag.
Cheapy- Good work, Mr Junior Detective. hehe. Loved that story cover the puke or vagoo one.

Wombat- It was Future Imperfect that had the Hulk vs Maestro, his future corrupt self, in a dystopian future. Days of Future Past was the X-men story of a world where the Sentinels had taken over and only a few surviving mutants worked as a resistance group to get Kitty Pryde to go back to the past to prevent the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants from assassinating Senator Kelly, thus preventing DoFP from happening. God, now that's a run-on sentence. lol

From one comic nerd to another, good call on the Hulk thing though. World War Hulk showed how strong he really is. Besides, Jugg's powers are all magical thanks to his helmet. Take that off, and he's just a big dude.
bread's done