CAGcast #298: Code Crackers

Great show. Loving you guys even more that Cheapy and Ship have hopped on the PC bandwagon. The 360 controller vs KBM discussion caught my ear. I've always been a PC gamer, but there are some games that I do use a controller for, so I can sympathize with Ship. Borderlands 2 is actually one of them. For some reason, I absolutely hate the aim down sight mechanic when it comes to keyboard/mouse (probably because old school PC shooters did not have this at all, and I've only been exposed to it with console shooters). Some games it is nice to just sit back with a controller in hand and go to town.

Checked out the Half Minute Hero vids and it definitely looks fun. Would love a chance to try it out if I'm one of the lucky few.
Cheapy get your son a otterbox or something along those lines for the next IPhone you give him. That way he doesn't break this one.

Have to agree with the Wii complaints. Though I think third party support (IE all games coming out on EVERY system, not just 360 and PS3) and online hurt them the most for me. They are addressing the online issues or so it seems. Third party is wait and see because while they have a big launch lineup if sales suck some third parties might bow out but I think they'll do fine.

Agree with Zer0. Very tough pre-level 31 and he seems to be the most difficult to use. However I am not using him as a sniper and more of a SMG/then run at you and melee for the finish character. In general the game seems much harder then BL1 for the first few levels. But I also play alone most of the time. Zero so far is my favorite of the new characters, runner up being Maya and then the Zerker. Axton is Roland so basically the easiest to run with. I have a feeling the Zerker is probably the most used character based on friend list activity, almost no one uses Axton on my list.
[quote name='metallicoholic']I completely get the aversion to the Wiimotes but look at it from a parent's standpoint. You've plunged hundreds into your child's Wii system--buying everything from games to extra remotes to a plastic balance board--and now your child wants a brand new system. That purchase looks a heck of a lot nicer if you find out that all those extra Wiimotes you bought aren't just going into the trash.[/QUOTE]
But that's been the way the video games industry has operated forever. The NES didn't meld into the SNES. The SNES didn't meld into the N64. And so on and so forth. Why does it need to change today? Especially when the parents are starting to become people who may have once played video games themselves. They'd understand.
I'm not saying I want everything to automatically become obsolete, but in the case of the Wiimote, I'm all for it.
Loved Shipwreck's rant against the wiimote. I'm not a big Nintendo guy but what really prevented me from ever giving the wii much of a chance is the wiimote. It's just an awful controller and I couldn't enjoy playing anything with it.

Also wouldn't mind being in the drawing for a last minute hero code.
[quote name='killthemall4444']Loved Shipwreck's rant against the wiimote. I'm not a big Nintendo guy but what really prevented me from ever giving the wii much of a chance is the wiimote. It's just an awful controller and I couldn't enjoy playing anything with it.

Also wouldn't mind being in the drawing for a last minute hero code.[/QUOTE]

I absolutely agree, and am glad to hear i'm not in the minority. nintendo had something revolutionary, but it was only good in select games. they failed to capitalize on that fact, and expected everyone to to be happy with a sub-par controller in every other game :(

Also, I'l like a half-minute hero code is possible!
[quote name='buttle']Yea, I'm kind of hoping that the Wiimote does fade away, just for the sake of having a standard. Unless a game is made specifically for it like boom blox or something.

Though I would love it if Nintendo came out with a perfect 2d platformer controller. With just the basic SNES buttons but a more confortable shape.[/QUOTE]

They did:

It's just too bad they forced movement controls on every game, like shake the wiimote to make Donkey Kong roll or ground, it's called a button press, I'd rather do that. Or shield block in Zelda means you have to shake the nun-chuck, ugg.

Thanks for the show notes Bickle!

The CAGcast crew slightly mentioned about how so many games just came out, or are coming out. I'd like to say, where was all this activity for Spring/Summer? Was such a dull time for games. I get why they release near end of year, but it's getting overflow. The average gamer is not going to buy all these games at release at once, who has that much gaming time? So imo they are missing out on release price sales.
Love the guys.

First I ended up buying an Apple Tv since Cheapy is always talking about it, FREAKING AWESOME!

I"m a PS3 guy myself so I'm glad Cheapy is off MS's nuts (x360) and playing on the PC, I pretty much won't buy a game for my Windows partition if I can't use a controller over a K/M.

People complaining about Wombat is nothing new, personally he's oversensitive and to PC(politically correct) but I honestly feel the show is awesome because of his presence.
I figured you'd like to know Cheapy, that Tokyo Jungle is extremely repetitive and frustrating - I couldn't agree more with the excerpts from that review you mentioned - I was initially captivated but the difficulty is extremely high and the game takes a lot of cheap shot, especially for the household pets such as the initial Pomeranian dog you have to use. I would like to add that the the general style and art direction is really impressive although rough around the edges but the level design is sub-par in many different ways(read: confusing as hell). Thanks again, you guys, for the excellent show!!!:applause:
... I'd also like to know if I could be entered in the drawing for 'Half-Minute Hero'!
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Resident Evil 6 seems solid but I don't think I'm going to buy it either, I can wait until it goes down in price. Resident Evil used to be a series that I would buy the games on day one, but since 4 I just wait until the inevitable price drop.

I would like the Half-Minute Hero code.
Great podcast as usual, always enjoy listening to you guys. It was mentioned before in this thread, but there has certainly been a lot of Cheapy talking up the pc versions of games lately, makes me a bit jealous, even caught myself looking into upgrading my pc, then I was like wait, this is why I prefer console, don't have to worry about upgrading to get the latest and greatest, besides I'd have to buy my wife a new laptop before I could upgrade my pc, and of course a new tablet is on her priority list (will it ever end?!)
[quote name='Curufinwe']How big is that game? I downloaded and installed the FIFA 13 demo using wifi from PSN on Saturday in 10 minutes and it was 1.5 GB.
Tokyo Jungle File Size: 2.4 GB

One Piece took me about 4hours to download and install. It has no English Dub but has English subtitles.

A fun game to purchase :bouncy:
First time posting on the site. Love the show! It is my Friday podcast and feel it is a great way to start the weekend. The dynamic of you 3 is great and enjoy the varied personalities. It's always great when let people have it who say your opinions are "wrong". Stay classy Internet.

P.S. - Please enter me in the Half-Minute Hero Contest. Thanks guys and see you next Friday.
Great episode guys like always,.. happy you guys are getting more and more into PC gaming.. I just wonder what will it take to get Wombat to try out PC gaming :)
No Torchlight 2 talk? will someone try out Torchlight 2, everyone is saying that is better then Diablo 3.
I would love a Half Minute Hero code, maybe i'm lucky :D thanks!!
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Regarding 2k series, it's been having gameplay/spacing issues for a while now. Live's only chance of beating it is by offering a better gameplay experience.
I feel like wombat is always sick or complaining about something. And I don't mean that in a bad way - it's part of his personality.

I, too, would like a code for half minute hero on Steam
I like this podcast for the reason that I love CheapyD, Shipwreck and Wombat opinions on Borderlands 2. For a while now, I have been getting more Steam games and I am so addictive with Borderlands 2 because I didn't play the first one and I give kudos to GearBox for creating this brutal game and I am laughing at how many times I die while playing.

I do still play Nintendo games and I do like how your opinions go for Nintendo because I see that you're more of a hardcore gamers. It's also a nice gesture that you have your children play some games and have their opinions discussed on the podcast. But overall awesome episode!

I am interested in the giveaway unless this comment was wrong.
As far as the wii-mote being in an uncomfortable rectangle shape goes, you gotta realize Nintendo fucking loves rectangles and squares. Just look at all the Gameboys and the shapes of most of their consoles. Eventually the GBA came along and it was only not a rectangle or square, but also comfortable to hold. Thankfully Nintendo realized what a mistake that was, so they released the GBA SP and kept the uncomfortable hand cramping trend going.

So in short, Nintendo has a rectangle and square fetish.
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Last week I thought Shipwreck's point was that it would be dumb to have to buy Wii-mote +'s for all your plusless Wiimotes. I was fine with this, since I'd have to buy extra controllers for any other new system anyway, and at least this way many people already have half of what they need.

I didn't realize you were talking more about the actual design of the wiimote. Which, I agree, is pretty horrendous. I tried not to think about it while I played games on the Wii, but having a decent controller would be just as awesome as getting HD graphics for games like Muramasa, Xenoblade, or Monster Hunter Tri.

Love the show as always, although I don't have an iThingy account to review on iTunes. Not that I've ever even been to the site or service, so maybe you don't need one. But I'll stick with posting here!

Enter me into contest please!
I see nothing wrong with the Wiimote being supported on the Wii U (the more control options/methods/styles the better for everyone), but what I can't understand is the assumptions & focus on the Wiimote being a primary control option. It won't be, it's just for the convenience of the Wii-user base and for the sake of accessibility.

Screw 'Standardization' if it doesn't allow people to have a choice on what control scheme they choose to experience their games...PCs can choose between Keyboard/Mouse &/or Gamepads so why can't this be the same?

The Wii U Controller Pro is going to be supported and advertised as the secondary control scheme for every game that provides some form of Multiplayer experience (right after the tablet) so I don't get the problem of supporting Wiimotes, when it's simply 'Optional'! Yes! 'Optional' is the keyword people should be paying attention to.

People are making Nintendo sound like they're in favor of the Wiimotes over the Wii U controllers, when in reality haven't shown any and seem to be mildly supporting both equally as secondary control schemes.

3rd-parties will be the ones making the choice here, when it comes to control schemes (aside from the tablet)...if they decide to use the Wiimote over the Wii U Controller Pro (as in not using it at all, and forcing you to use the Wiimote) then there's no one to blame but those aforementioned 3rd-parties and not Nintendo.

'nuff said.

I hope this opens some close-minded minds and make for interesting/intelligent arguments.
Tokyo Jungle is a lot of fun. Very weird but fun to play for a bit. Glad to hear Ship is trying it out.

I'd like to get entered into the contest for Half Minute Hero. Thanks!
i'll take a half-minute hero code!

i have no opinions until Cheapy watches one of the greatest superhero movies of all time.
Why are you guys complaining about using wiimotes for multiplayer?

It has never sounded like any of you ever really play any local multiplayer games on your console.

Yes the sideways wiimote isn't the most comfortable controller to hold, but I know I don't want to buy a new set of extra multiplayer controllers for the wife, kids and I either.
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Shipwreck needs to take a step back and get the hang of the m/k.

The payoff is there. M/K controls are inherently better in most ways. The mouse is more precise and faster. The keyboard gives you quicker access to everything.

You will be worse with m/k at first, but get over that and you will forget about the controller. It will take a month or two.

***I remember it like the birth of my first child. The day I had to switch from keyboard only to mouse/keyboard. It took me a few attempts. But then finally I stuck with it, suffered for a bit and then ultimately came out of the other side for the better. /dreamlike sequence***

Yes multiplayer helped motivate me. But there are many advantages in single player as well. Compared to a controller, inventories are much easier to navigate with m/k. Combat is more fun with the quick action of a mouse. And menus etc are easier to navigate with all the shortcut keys.

Also I think becoming fluent in another control scheme gives you a different perspective. In BF:BC2 I got decent enough with a controller in addition to m/k and it is weird, but using the controller gave me a new view on how to play the game. I had to slow down because a controller isn't nearly as fast m/k. And out of that I think I became a better player when I went back to m/k. I had a different view on how the game is played. Ok that was a multiplayer example, but it also helps you see the difference in design between control schemes and know when a game is not properly designed for a specific control scheme and how control schemes can force creativity ideas to mask their limitations or how accessing can be better with one scheme or another.
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You guys have a pretty good dynamic going. The audio quality's really good too, unlike some podcasts I've come across, blargh.

You guys said you got "Mark of the Ninja'd" (in addition to getting "borderlands'ed") - how are you guys liking that? I've been playing it for the last week and it feels really fun, but a bit on the "snack" side. I just wrapped up the first playthrough last night, and I'll probably go for 100%.

RE: Borderlands 2, I've tried to convert a couple of staunch console friends to M/K, and they just won't go. I'll probably play this on Xbox as well, (just because they refuse to play on the PC!) even though I could do it on the pc. So I feel for you both, Cheapy and Shipwreck :)

If possible, I'd like to get in on this Half-minute hero contest. I've had my eye on it, but I'm kinda waiting for a deal. Free is a good deal, imho :p
[quote name='celegus']
I didn't realize you were talking more about the actual design of the wiimote. Which, I agree, is pretty horrendous. I tried not to think about it while I played games on the Wii, but having a decent controller would be just as awesome as getting HD graphics for games like Muramasa, Xenoblade, or Monster Hunter Tri.![/QUOTE]

I feel Nintendo just has terrible controller designs in general. Going back and laying the NES, it's small and uncomfortable with it's square design, the SNES was better but still tiny, then they turn around and give you the N64 controller which is still IMO the worst controller on a console ever. Gamecube is probably my favorite controller a Nintendo console has ever had.
The 360 had a lot of Xbox ports at launch/launch window too at least from EA.

And yeah the Wii U isn't as powerful as the next xbox/PS will be. But this is deliberate. Is there a point where we just recognize the Wii U for what it is? And stop acting like Nintendo tried to make a console more powerful than the 360 or PS3 and failed? :lol:

And instead recognize that Nintendo is making vanilla to the other's chocolate.

They tried to do another chocolate with the Gamecube. I don't think that turned out very well for them.

So they made an entirely different flavor. Yes now you have a bunch of chocolate lovers screaming that the Wii U isn't fucking chocolate. Doh! But many others are saying I like this new flavor. Yes I like chocolate too, but it is nice to have a second flavor to choose from and not just one. NOw I can have 2 flavors.

But seemingly some are confused by this new choice of 2 flavors. BEfore they only had to buy chocolate. It came out every year. A bit more chocolate than before. But now are asked to consider Vanilla. This sets them on fire. And they can't get over that a company would dare to make something different. I mean all they had to do was add the chocolate syrup in there and they would have chocolate. But they didn't. Surely they must not know how to make chocolate any more. :lol:

AT least that is sometimes what the whole Nintendo Wii/Wii U/... discussion sounds like to me. :lol:
[quote name='4thHorseman'] Gamecube is probably my favorite controller a Nintendo console has ever had.[/QUOTE]

Yeah and it did the worst. What kind of message does that send to them. :lol:
I hope you guys rev up those gaming grills for some Torchlight II multiplayer action at some point; is there any chance for a CAGnight on that? I'm sure even Wombat's computer can support the clicketty clack clicks that game demands.

I'd also like to enter the Half-Minute Hero contest if it's still possible.

You have to be aware you're homing in on episode #300. What plans have you guys made for that big round number? Have you been stocking up on code giveaways? Are you ready to take the plunge and field skyped call in voice recordings of CAG'ers via a "voice mail" bag? Is Wombat prepared to trick shoot an apple off Shipwreck's head?? Do you have the poop story to end all poop stories??? Your listeners are dying to know!
Great show guys this is an excellent time killer while on the bus and trolley. I agree with you Wombat Borderlands 2 is a lot more enjoyable by yourself. I've been having a real good time with Tokyo Jungle cant wait to hear Ships impressions. Interested in Half-Minute Hero Contest.

PS. Get well soon Wombat.
i don't see what you guys have against the wiimote and nunchuck. I've never had a problem with the controller and it's a nice change of pace from the ps3 and 360 controllers.

One of my favorite games on the wii was excite truck -- and it wouldn't have been nearly the same awesome experience if it was done with a normal controller.

Good show as always -- and if you end up with a spare steam HMH code I'm in.
It's weird. My Wii has been a door stop for the last 3 years, but strangely I have a WiiU preordered. Why you ask? For the kids. They are 3 and 5 years old and while they love the xbox and even gaming on the PC, for some reason they really want to play Mario. I agree however with everyone that the wiiiiiimote needs to go. I handed it to my 5 year old at a friends house to play Mario Bros Wii and he could not figure it out.

Would love a Half Minute Hero code.
Enjoyed the show, as usual. I agree with the above comment about Cheapy needing to get an Otterbox for his son's hand-me-down iPhone, I have one on my 4S and despite my daughter's best efforts, it's still good as new.

Also, would really love a Half Minute Hero code and would put it to good use. Thanks for the contest.
It's been a few days since I listened to the show so I can't remember much about the details but thought I'd post cause I would like a Half-Minute Hero code please.

I will say that I agree with Shipwreck on the Wii motes, I don't really ever want to use one again, and I didn't even own a Wii. Most of the time it was only used to substitute a button press for a shake, which always supremely annoyed me, or some pointless pointy menu navigation.

Also, always been a fan of Wombat, I never understood why people like to complain about him. I like all his jokes, good or bad, they're funny either way.

Edit: Loving the PC love on the show since Cheapy and Shipwreck got their PCs. I'm a PC gamer foremost so it's good to hear more focus on the PC and some PC centric/exclusive games.
I will definitely be downloading mass effect when it comes out on PSN. I already have 2 and 3 and since they were on my backlog, I don't know anything about the story. It will be great to start from the beginning.... If I ever find the time. I'll have to go back and listen to your comments from when it came out :)

Would like a Half Minute Hero code please!
You guys seem to be my source for new & reviews of the DC animated movies. I'm looking foward to the new site design, whenever it gets around to coming out.

i'd also like a chance at the Half-Minute Hero codes
I just watched Cabin in the Woods and was thoroughly unimpressed. If that movie can't take itself seriously why should I? Maybe you could argue it's a super meta critique on the cut and paste unoriginality of the horror movie industry, but even then, just blog about it so I don't have to sit through a silly movie that can't decide if it's a comedy or a horror film.
[quote name='polly']I just watched Cabin in the Woods and was thoroughly unimpressed. If that movie can't take itself seriously why should I? Maybe you could argue it's a super meta critique on the cut and paste unoriginality of the horror movie industry, but even then, just blog about it so I don't have to sit through a silly movie that can't decide if it's a comedy or a horror film.[/QUOTE]

It's a bit campy, yes but I can't see how it's as bad of a movie as your'e making it out to be. You have to embrace the campiness of it and you'll enjoy it. I walked into it completely cold(didn't even know what it was supposed to b about or what sort of move it as), and I absolutely loved it. I especially loved all the monsters that were references to other movies/games. The entire plot was a little thin, but it was revealed in such a way that you didn't realize it till the movie was over.
Need more recommendations for Netflix, my $8 per month doesn't seem to be paying off as of late lol. Is it possible for you guys to post the 'outline' to the public as an added bonus?

If the Half-minute hero codes are still available I'd like to have one.
While I understand not every week there can be something worth talking about on the show in your real lives, I do enjoy listening to it; someone always seems to have something that would never happen to most people.

I could not possibly pick a console shooter over the controls of the PC. I mean if you're good at aiming with the controller ship then keep on doing it! But I would rather have the mouse to aim instead of the controller.

I'd like a half minute hero code.
Just popped in to say that I'm playing Borderlands (1) co-op with my wife right now (splitscreen, PS3) and I think co-op is sooo much more fun that single-player for that game. However, I wouldn't want to play with strangers online. So definitely try co-op, just do it with friends only (either online or split-screen).
[quote name='arimajinn']I just wonder what will it take to get Wombat to try out PC gaming :)[/QUOTE]

I believe it will take either $1500 or a really expensive gift. I don't think he's against games on PCs -- he seems to be perfectly aware that they look better and that there's a lot of unique PC-exclusive games -- it's just that he literally has no access to them and isn't swimming in the money that Cheapy and Shipwreck are.

And since I'm not swimming in money, either, I'm not above begging for a Half-Minute Hero code.
i dont know why you hate Gunzerker. I run at the enemies with 2 guns blazing, tons of health regen, tons of health, damage resistance. nothing can hurt me and i have the most damage output. whats wrong with that?
bread's done