CAGcast #334: Even Batman Cries

I don't think Cheapy was wrong for yelling at this wife.  (I don't what he said.. but I can understand why he was upset... he had a right to be upset in my opinion.)  Cheapy sayd that he "sees" his wife get into the taxi cab, and then calls her to say "hey I'm locked out...need your key; ask the taxi to turn around."  Obvisouly she says NO...  but from the time he saw her getting into the taxi from the time he made it upstairs she couldn't possibly have been far away from their home.  So... honestly,  if my wife did me like that I'd be pretty upset about it.  Now... if she had an appointment first thing in the morning, then I understand.  If Cheapy was leaving to work and she got locked up... I believe that he would have turned the taxi around and not leave her stranded.  (screw work! Going to be there all day and night anyway). 

Books typically have more than one edition, with the first edition always being the most valuable. I don't see why it would be so difficult to do that with games
Basically because when games switched from carts to discs, print runs got much smaller, and companies will just press more when needed. Not only did cd's reduce manufacturing costs, but they also reducing investment risk because they could do smaller print runs rather than having to stick to a large number predicted far in advance. So what gamers seemingly assume to be an original or 1st edition is any one of a number of "print runs". The whole concept really doesn't make sense in videogames. Which is a good thing. The book collecting world is messed up. The important thing should be the words, not the date they were printed.

Personally I think the Xenoblades thing is great. It gets more copies out there. This is an assumption on my part, but I would think that Gamestop had more of a financial risk in ordering more copies to be manufactured. And if that is the case, then they *should* be charging more. If people are that bent out of shape over it, they should've bought it when it came out in 2012. It just sounds like people are looking for reasons to piss and moan. Which I guess is the norm for the gaming world.

Friday was my bad day.

My 6 yr old son wiped out on his bicycle.  Was all bloody.  Saw it in slow motion.  HIs handle bars started wobbling back and forth and just got worse until he jack knifed it.  Crash.  He said later he was praying to make it to the grass off the bike path before he crashed.  He almost did.  

I had to carry him what seemed like forever at the time back along the bike path to a parking lot where my wife was waiting to pick him up.  

That isn't the problem though.  I mean he's quite ok minus the scrapes/bruises/shock.  

The problem is my 6 yr old just  had surgery on his nose.  He just went through that whole scary painful process.  We just spent 7 days in Boston and $15k on the surgery.  And $1.5k on plane tickets to Boston along with a rental car.  And this was last week.  We got back Wednesday the 21st.  ON Friday he wiped out on his bike.  Yeah if you didn't do the math that is less than 48 hrs back home from the trip out to Boston.  

His dumbass Dad (that's the role I was playing) thought it would be ok to go around the block while Mom was picking up pizza for dinner.   But as fortune would have it, we discovered  that the city finally re-paved the bike path that they dug up 2 summers ago and so instead of just going  around the block, we ended up checking out the newly re-paved bike path for another minute or two.  Big mistake.  Slight slope.  Smooth as can be asphalt.  Nothing around to worry about.  No cars.  No loose sand.  No cracks.  Just smooth sailing.  Picked up a bit of speed.  My 6 yr old was laughing because he was in front of Dad.  Not too fast but fast enough to smash a face.  And I still can't fecking believe it happened.  Wobble, wobble, and boom, bam, boom.  Both of us highly upset.  Blood all over.  He got up.  I instantly knew he alright relatively speaking despite the tumble.  But we both wondered about his nose.  His cry was part, 'I hope Dad and Mom aren't mad at me for hitting my nose' as much as I'm hurt cry.  The surgeon had warned us about not participating in recess or gym in case a kid bumps him or something.  Good thing we had talks with his teacher etc.  But a few minute bike ride?  For some reason the normality of just hopping on the bike for  5 minutes had me not even thinking twice about it.

Great chance we're going out to Boston again next week or week after.  Surgeon wants more pics next week after some swelling goes down from the crash.  I have a feeling from looking at it that it messed part of the "nose job" up.  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wake me up please.

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Sounds to me like GameStop just wants to sell Xenoblade for 90 bucks, and marking it as used was probably the only way they could do it. I imagine Nintendo wouldn't have allowed them to sell it new at 90, but they have no control over used pricing. This certainly has nothing to do with "trying to fool the customer." Reprints typically aren't distinguishable from the original anyway, and if they are... well, just don't buy them. Anyone who actually gives a damn would surely know what to look for.

Anyway, I can understand people being upset about the 90-dollar price tag when reprints typically go for less than the original MSRP, but additional prints devaluing the game? Oh, come on. Games are a terrible investment to begin with. You wait 20 years and you get... the exact same price you paid for it way back when. They can't all be EarthBounds.
This I'm pretty sure is exactly right. I'll bet Gamestop is under contract to sell new games for the MSRP. So the company buys the games new, pays everything they are supposed to pay to the proper companies and then sells it as used so they can up the price over the MSRP to whatever they think they can make off of it.

This I'm pretty sure is exactly right. I'll bet Gamestop is under contract to sell new games for the MSRP. So the company buys the games new, pays everything they are supposed to pay to the proper companies and then sells it as used so they can up the price over the MSRP to whatever they think they can make off of it.
lol ... if Gamestop were doing what you suggest (entering into a contract with a manufacturer to fix prices) they would be breaking antitrust laws. Even if they were price fixing the goal is to keep the minimum price high, not to limit the maximum price.

Wombat, are you really saying that a game where Pikachu, Mario and Link fight each other has limited appeal and is not a system seller? If you've been  to a college dorm at any time in the past 15 years, you'd know that's not the case. Sure it's no Mario Kart Wii, but what is?

Fortunately your talk on Xbox was spot on. Any applications available on a Roku, smart tv, PS3, or a Chromecast should be free (or Xbox Silver, if they prefer) period. Netflix is free on the Wii for Christ's sake. I would understand if MS would want to require Gold for their exclusive apps though (ESPN, for example). But forcing people onto gold membership for Hulu, Youtube and Netflix is a fantastic way to make your machine unappealing.

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Dragon's Crown is Cross-save. You should play it on the PS3 instead of the Vita. Before the patch i'd say Vita might be preferrable but since they changed it so that the cursor auto clicks shiny stuff the PS3 is handsdown the better version. Probably has more people to coop with as well. Best coop game on the PS3 in my opinion. Could have used voice chat but most players who ive met have skype.

Also finding that most people i'm meeting on the game are around my age between late 20s and early 30s. I guess the oldschool beatemup gameplay attracts a slightly older gamer. Either that or the younger kids aren't driven enough to play past normal mode. Unlocking new skills and getting better loot keep it from feeling too repetitive. Also the fact that there are 6 classes and only 4 player slots so its fun seeing what different kind of group you get thrown into and how it differs from playing with other combos. Creating the custom names and death/resurrection messages is pretty fun. 

I bought the WiiU 8gb for $230. No regrets. Nice device. Not many games which doesn't bother me because my Ps3 backlog is 35 games and growing with all these PS+ deals/freebies. Most interested in DKC TF. Will be the best game on the console this year. Surprised that you failed to mention it.

Oh and if you're really into crossbuy, I just picked up Limbo and Retro City Rampage really cheap like $3.75 and $7 respectively. Seems like a pretty good deal to me since you get both versions. Anything $3 or below I just buy it for the hell of it. 

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Great show guys.  Your discussion on voice controls got me thinking.  I bought mass effect 3 not even expecting any kinect functionality, and I was rather blown away by how clean and accurate the in-game voice recognition worked.  Not having to stop the action by bringing up the weapon/power wheels made the gameplay much more fluid and enjoyable even than that of it's stellar predecessor ME2.  I just recently learned of the voice integration into Skyrim (which I have yet to tear into) and am happy that I have the 360 version to try out the voice commands.  I for one would totally pay more for voice functionality that added to my games or simplified the interface in ways like these.  

Store-based exclusive games seems like a bad idea all around, and it's funny that this is the last shoe to drop on how much Nintendo underestimated the long-tail demand for Xenoblade. They should have held it back, prettied up the resolution, and used it to move Wii U's.
Yeah, I'm way behind and just listened to this episode. I just had to say that this is a great idea - I really wish they had done this. I spent 160 hours playing Xenoblade Chronicles and it would have been great if it was a Wii U launch title.

I also loved how Wombat dismissed the game out of hand. I thought it was probably the best game of last generation - or at least certainly top 5.

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bread's done