CAGcast #335: Grape Jokes

Grape is not the worst flavor, lemon is. If you don't believe me, open a bag of Starburst, put them out for everyone at your office/home to enjoy, and come back in a week to see which flavor is left. Spoiler alert:  It's the lemon ones.

I can definitely see the appeal of Disney Infinity if you have children and/or love the Disney namesake, but taking away the option for co-op unless you purchase a second figure for a particular playset is unruly. Not to mention it sounds buying a new playset means spending $30 on 5-6 hour DLC that would be $5-$10 in any other game.

Hey Guys,

Another great show, thanks for all the laughs.

Now, in the show, Wombat had a boner for Disney's Infinity via a three page love manifesto and on the podcast. I was wondering, what is Cheap D and Shipwreck guilty gaming pleasure or movies?

Hey Cheapy,

You left the audience on a cliffhanger. Did ad issue on the website resolved? What happened?

Also, you shared that you pissed off your wife when you said some mean things when you couldn't get the keys after you lock yourself out of the apartment. Did you sleep in the dog house? What did you do to apologize to Mrs. Cheapy?

Last thing, I heard the podcast you and your wife did for the expensive sushi place, I love it. Maybe you can make short podcast, 5-7 minutes about strange foods in Japan.

Other notable video game industy Elitist Nerds observed in the wild are:
Phil Fish- Fez
Jon Blow-Braid
Jeremy Hoffman-Gametrailers Google Glassman
Colin Moriarty-IGN editor
Hideo Kojima-Metal Gear creator
Arthur Gies-Polygon
And me Gooff Kantghlayd

Jerry Holkins and Mike Kraholic
kingdom: animalia
phylum: chordata
class: mammalia
order: primate
family: homindae
genus: homo
species: h. sapiens
Subcategory: ARUDITE ASSES
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I would say there are "elitist nerds" on both sides of the Penny Arcade story.  I think both sides have taken this story to the extreme.  I do think if they had used the word murder instead of rape there would be no controversy if they had sold a bunch of dick wolves t-shirts at Pax.  

The big advantage the US has over the rest of the world is we get access to media functionality that the rest of the world does not.  So we may not be getting a free game, but we do get a lot more for our $500 than a lot of other people.  Although I wouldn't mind a free copy for Forza.


I liked that G.I. Joe rap thing Ship mentioned on twitter and on the show.  Good stuff.

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I gotta agree with Wombat on Ducktales Remastered. That game is bad not only because the mouths don't move, but for many other reasons I won't get into. It's stupid how they're trying to cash in on nostalgia but I'm preeeetttyyyy sure the mouths moved in the old Ducktales cartoon!

Skip Ducktales, buy Castle of Illusion. It's both a tribute to the old school and a fine game.

And here are my favorite Cheapy quotes from the episode.

"If you're making rape jokes, you gotta be on top of your game, basically. Its gotta be really funny." -CheapyD

"If you don't have the rape hoodie, it's gonna be cool." -CheapyD

"When's the Holocaust coffee mug coming out?"  -CheapyD

And some Wombat quotes.

"That's the name of my rap album, by the way. Wombat- 'Pee and Weed'." -Wombat

"Yeah, let's ask the engineer a marketing question." -Wombat


"It's a huge, uh...what are those things called? The continents! It's one of those things."

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While I am of the opinion that the initial Penny Arcade webcomic referencing Dickwolves was not trying to be intentionally insensitive to rape victims; it was used as slang. Jerry and Mike's response to their critics was callous. They decided to create "Dickwolves" jerseys and monetize on the whole ordeal. Seemingly becoming "pro-rape" and saying fuck you to anyone who was offended by the webcomic. They later then pulled the jerseys to their own chagrin.

At this year's PAX Prime during their panel, Mike decides to open an old wound and state that he regretted pulling the "Dickwolves" merchandise. Why go there?
They brought it up because their business manager asked if they had a problem with anything he did while working for them. Mike responded that he regreted that the guy pulled the dickwolves merchandise, not for monetary reasons but that it continued to engage a controversy. They clarified this in a recent newspost that they regretted their reaction, selling the merchandise and pulling the merchandise because each action only seemed to make it worse.

The news about it out of PAX takes a lot of the context out of how he was asked the question, and on the cagcast they assume a lot of motives on behalf of the PA guys based on a story that exaggerates the circumstances of the Q and A session. They acted like dicks after the initial comic, and they should be able to tell that people where offended since they can't even answer a question slightly related to it two years without it blowing up into its own controversy.

And finally, I'm sorry. Since WHEN is Jim Sterling a bastion of virtue who cares about people's feelings??? Isn't this the same Jim Sterling who made a 9/11 joke on or around Podtoid #100? Jim Sterling told two bad jokes in a row and then compared it to airplanes crashing into buildings one after another. And then he spent the rest of the episode explaining why the joke wasn't offensive. Ask Topher Cantler about that joke if you don't believe me.
He had some big change of heart a few months back.

And finally, I'm sorry. Since WHEN is Jim Sterling a bastion of virtue who cares about people's feelings??? Isn't this the same Jim Sterling who made a 9/11 joke on or around Podtoid #100? Jim Sterling told two bad jokes in a row and then compared it to airplanes crashing into buildings one after another. And then he spent the rest of the episode explaining why the joke wasn't offensive. Ask Topher Cantler about that joke if you don't believe me.
He had some big change of heart a few months back.
Yeah, he's actually changed a lot recently. He has even been congratulated or recognized or whatever by feminists for being good or whatever it is they care about. Of course, he's still pretty crazy on Podtoid, but that's really just become the point of Podtoid now.

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Grape is not the worst flavor, lemon is. If you don't believe me, open a bag of Starburst, put them out for everyone at your office/home to enjoy, and come back in a week to see which flavor is left. Spoiler alert: It's the lemon ones.
There aren't any grape Starburst, so to be more acurate you would need to get a candy that has both grape and lemon.

Thanks for the rundown on Disney Infinite. I've been looking for a game to play with my 3.5 year old daughter and as a huge Disney fan myself,this looks perfect. Looking forward to the Wreck it Ralph characters they will be releasing in December.
I won't stop going to PAX, but their stance on the issue has offended me. They are basically fighting for artistic freedom, it just feels like they are also defending rape jokes. They seemingly have quite a history regarding this because the developers of Gone Home decided against bringing their title to a PAX event due to what the creators stand for. 

Cheapy: Are you excited or what about the Tokyo 2020 Olympic games?! Please tell us you are making hotel reservations and not planning on renting out your apartment and fleeing to SF.

Crew: What's the early word on Carnivore Hunter HD on the psn? Daniel wants to slay dinosaurs.
There aren't any grape Starburst, so to be more acurate you would need to get a candy that has both grape and lemon.
There are grape Starburst... just not in the default Starburst line. It's in the Berries and Creme one, and a few others. Regardless, I disagree with that other guy. I like lemon stuff, Starburst included. Lemonheads are awesome.

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bread's done