CAGcast #40: Happy CAGiversary!

[quote name='RedComet']Wasn't Wombat supposed to get Kameo for free from Microsoft?[/quote]

Whoa, I went to quote you and it says Wombat, but in the post it says Kameo instead of Wombat. But he got PGR3 I thought.
[quote name='RedComet']Wasn't Kameo supposed to get Kameo for free from Microsoft?[/quote]If she does exist, I would assume Microsoft would give her a copy.;) He chose PGR3 instead.

I love all the CagCasts including this one, but this wasn't nearly as entertaining. Very few jokes, very little laughing. I only go to joystiq when I find a link for it, so I wasn't too interested in the main subject matter for a large portion of the show. Angry Wombat was pretty good, but that seemed to replace other, more random rants by Wombat, which is the main reason why I listen every week. I hope that it will be more spontaneous and care free next time. Everybody just seemed nervous, and Cheapy haveing to ask "So, what do you guys think?" after every story was rediculous. I don't know what Cheapy told Wombat before the show, but Wombat backed off of everything so Chris could have a little bit of time to talk. I guess the chemistry is just better when it's Cheapy and Wombat.

Still was enjoyable to listen to, and hope for CagCasts to be coming in weekly for several years. And I personally like the show to be longer. The only video game podcasts I listen to are "The Hotspot" from GameSpot and the CagCast, which they're both only once a week. I don't know if they have to end it at a certain time, but I would love a 2 hour CagCast if their was a lot of news to talk about at some point.
I have to say that the Joystiq guy was a bit boring. I would rather hear more from Wombat and CheapyD.

By the way, Wombat, why do you seem to hate going past the 1 hour mark?

Is there a reason you seem to want to avoid going over an hour?
Regards to the gaming addiction topic.

[quote name='CheapyD']
"I used to play (this is going to date myself); I used to play, when CompuServe first came out, they had these like kidna sorta text based massively multiplayer online games and I used to really (I was totally hooked on those) and I can't even remember the name of the game but it was like a space game where you like upgrade your ship and you had to take over like different planets but CompuServe, back then used to charge based on how much time you played (it wasn't like a set fee) and I remember I was just like a kid and my dad got the bill for that and he flipped out and that was the last time I played that game or went on CompuServe."
Many years ago, I remember playing a game called TradeWars on BBS' that sounds a lot like your description. I can certainly vouch for its addictiveness. Back then the local town bulletin boards I would frequent each only had 1 modem so you had to take turns through out the day making your moves. It had an electronic pen and paper feel to it. There were limits to the number of moves you could make while you waited for your planets to rake in money. To get my fix, I would often spend time on different BBS' playing completely separate games.

I suspect we’ll see online ‘AAA’ MMORPG online meetings pop up for this Variable Ratio Reinforcement addiction (otherwise known as Excessive Game-play Syndrome). Hopefully it will be covered by most HMO's.
congrats cheapy on the 40th episode. although I don't post much, ive been here for a while and have seen the site change a lot (for the better). Gotta say that you are doing a great job with the site.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Is the 4th E for "Exclusive?"[/quote]
No, Expo. It's called E3Expo, or Electronic Entertainment Expo Expo. I still think the ESA might've made too drastic of a change, but I guess the staggered E3 news will reveal what else will be different. Good luck to getting back in next year's show, Cheapy.

Great show, one of the best in a while. Great pacing, nice amount of topics, and you guys didn't ignore your guest or dominate the conversations. Of course, this all lead to an over 75 minute show, but it wasn't really boring at any part of the show.

The angry Wombat segment reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Peter gets his own ranting segment on the news. Let's see if Wombat has enough hatred inside of him to do a weekly segment, if that's the plan for it.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']No, Expo. It's called E3Expo, or Electronic Entertainment Expo Expo. I still think the ESA might've made too drastic of a change, but I guess the staggered E3 news will reveal what else will be different. Good luck to getting back in next year's show, Cheapy.

Great show, one of the best in a while. Great pacing, nice amount of topics, and you guys didn't ignore your guest or dominate the conversations. Of course, this all lead to an over 75 minute show, but it wasn't really boring at any part of the show.

The angry Wombat segment reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Peter gets his own ranting segment on the news. Let's see if Wombat has enough hatred inside of him to do a weekly segment, if that's the plan for it.[/quote]
Awesome CAGcast, the ODB segments at the end are a perfect fit, I hope you have more.

I agree that your guest was the most boring part, but it's still fun to hear someone new.
great show. I liked the idea of having an industry guest on the show, hope to see more industry guests in the future and..... who are we kidding my cheapass just wants the free joystiq t-shirt! ;)

Just kidding (sorta) thanks for a solid year of CAG.
Although longer than the previous cagcasts im familar with, the quality of discussion didn't drop in my opinion. Keep it up gentlemen.
Hey Wombat I was thinking of you this morning when my 360 started to freeze randomly while playing Chromehounds. It froze during my Dead Rising demo and a movie too.

The reason I’m writing this is to inform you of the GREAT service I received from XBOX (Microsoft) support. I know I was freaked out too, especially after I heard the trouble you had to go through with yours. I only waited 3 minutes on the phone and the first guy I got, although located in Texas (I know I asked), he was from Arizona (me too) and he spoke like an intelligent, literate human being. After a few minutes of trouble shooting and note taking we discovered the problem. It turned out to be a time issue due to a power outage I had a couple of days before. The clock was all messed up, I reset it and all was good. Weird.

Anyway, just wanted to share my experience with the 'Dark Empire', maybe they heard your CAG cast and wised up.


Ron of Mesa
[quote name='xxxmisfit']
Anyway, just wanted to share my experience with the 'Dark Empire', maybe they heard your CAG cast and wised up.


Ron of Mesa[/QUOTE]

I believe that's "EVIL empire"
Why is it that the Ziff-Davis properties always rock and the others--not so much. 1up, Joystiq, etc. Amazing content!

I'd love to have the shirt, too... :)

Keep on CAG'n!
Suprisingly, Wombat is actually more iintelligent and humorous than his name makes him out to be.

Cheapy, as always, one of the most entertaining Podcast of any genre.
[quote name='Cursor']Why is it that the Ziff-Davis properties always rock and the others--not so much. 1up, Joystiq, etc. Amazing content!

Joystiq is owned by AOL, not Ziff-Davis.
Good show. Regarding the angry Wombat segment, I thought the point of Peter Moore interview was to complain about why all the good Xbox games were not compatible with the Xbox 360, not necessarily Kameo.
Enjoyed the Cagcast as always but I really could do without the 3 man format for the Cagcast.

No offense to Chris from Joystiq but he didn't bring much to the table.

-I think the cagcast is at its best when its cracking jokes and sticks to sophmoric content. I like it better wehn I feel like its two regular guys talking games. Tthat is really what makes the cagcast shine.

Stick with the two man formant.

-Cheapy loved the -"titties should be in my mouth" comment. That's what makes you guys great.
[quote name='CheapyD']Joystiq is owned by AOL, not Ziff-Davis.[/quote]

I stand corrected. Hontoni gomen nasai!

I liked the 3-man format, myself. Gives you guys one more person to play off of--less 'dead spots' in the banter. I think you should do more of this in the future. I like the fresh perspective, and the interview as well.

Looking forward to the 'man in Japan' coverage of TGS. Always enjoy insights into the Japanese market.
So-so CAGcast this time. I like the guest, but definately devote a segment to just asking questions instead of having him jump in and out of the 'cast. The Angry Wombat section didn't really do it for me this time. I'd rather see an AW segment where there is a cohesive argument instead of screaming and yelling for 3 minutes.

Keep up the good work.
If you link back to Joystiq some douche is attacking us and our "immoral" ways. search for fawcee's comment. I have not seen anything that is considered illegal that cheapyd has not condoned either through the banstick, in a past cagcast or the lockhammer. just my 2 cents. CAGs are mostly good people, cept the plants from FW.
I find it fascinating that so many are calling Chris "boring," when I thought his presence helped make this one of the better shows yet. I wasn't so interested in the constant discussion of the rivalry with Kotaku, but most of that seemed to be prompted by reader questions and Cheapy, rather than Chris, who seemed to be above it. I always love the show, but this one felt a little more...I dunno...professional.

The Angry Wombat segment is fun and I agree that game journalists MUST do follow-ups if at all possible. However, I think he overestimates how much pull most game journalists actually have. Most developers have no desire to explain themselves and there's no law that says they have to. Thus, if they talk to you at all about a perceived problem with one of their games, they'll usually feed you some PR BS about how they developed the best product they could and it's impossible to please all of the people all of the time blah blah blah.

Case in point: When I was writing about games way back when, one of the publishers that consistently delivered crap was Crave Entertainment. We would skewer them in reviews and had the chance to talk to them by phone and in person on multiple occasions and they'd never give a satisfactory answer for why their products were invariably flawed. They're still around and still cranking out garbage.

Cheapy: It sounds like the game you're describing is Trade Wars.
This is by far my least favorite episode.... it seemed like CheapyD was trying to impress that nerd from Joystiq (and who gives a fuck? When was the last time Joystiq saved me cash on games?) while acting somewhat embarrassed about Wombat. Maybe it was just me and my hard-line pro-Wombat stance, but I definitely got the vibe that CheapyD was acting like Wombat was a retarded child who he and Mrs. Cheapy adopted and are ashamed of.

Well, I'm here to say that there's nothing to be ashamed of. Wombat's holding down *hard* and the Angry Wombat segment was a few audible spittles of rage away from being pure podcasting gold.
OH, btw, gaming mags are enthusiast mags. They are there to promote the hobby more than anything. They aren't journalists. They get giddy when they get to fly somewhere to play a game. YOu can't be a real journalist and be wined and dined to play games and get free copies and your mag/site accepts ads from the same companies you review. Come on now.
[quote name='Scobie']This is by far my least favorite episode.... it seemed like CheapyD was trying to impress that nerd from Joystiq (and who gives a fuck? When was the last time Joystiq saved me cash on games?) while acting somewhat embarrassed about Wombat. Maybe it was just me and my hard-line pro-Wombat stance, but I definitely got the vibe that CheapyD was acting like Wombat was a retarded child who he and Mrs. Cheapy adopted and are ashamed of.

Well, I'm here to say that there's nothing to be ashamed of. Wombat's holding down *hard* and the Angry Wombat segment was a few audible spittles of rage away from being pure podcasting gold.[/QUOTE]

I'm a "pro-Wombat" hard-liner, too. Are there any Icons I can use on my sig or something to show my support of that anthropomorphic, rageohol fueled, hirsute creature known as wombat?
[quote name='botticus']Wow, CAGcasts have been going on for a year? Yet another example of how working a 9-5 sucks time away from you.[/QUOTE]

Ding. :whistle2:(
Well...this was a tough one. As much as I loves me some CAGcast, this one wasn't as strong as some of the other recent episodes.

I think Chris Grant is a smart, well spoken guy, but as a guest he doesn't really jump in as boldly as he probably needed to. It's not really his fault of course, as it's not his show, and it's incredibly difficult to do when Cheapy and Wombat have done 39 shows together previously and have an established chemistry and repoire. I gotta give Cheapy props though for being aware of the guest making sure Chris was included at every major topic change though.

I gotta agree that this type of thing would work as an interview segment, but not as a three man show. A third member would have to have an incredibly strong personality, somebody to be a real foil to Wombat and Cheapy.

Hell, I think it would even work better if Cheapy or Wombat were unavailable to do the show one week for someone to "guest host" with the other. That way, Cheapy or Wombat could handle the CAG business like the deals and new releases, but the guest host could bring something of their own to the table.

Just my worthless $0.02.
[quote name='Scobie'] Maybe it was just me and my hard-line pro-Wombat stance, but I definitely got the vibe that CheapyD was acting like Wombat was a retarded child who he and Mrs. Cheapy adopted and are ashamed of.

I got that vibe too. Does this take me out of the running for the free t-shirt?
[quote name='Scobie'] Maybe it was just me and my hard-line pro-Wombat stance, but I definitely got the vibe that CheapyD was acting like Wombat was a retarded child who he and Mrs. Cheapy adopted and are ashamed of.
.[/quote]Ashamed isn't the right word, I think frustrated is better.
It's pretty annoying to keep cleaning up those doody stains off the floor.
Even a cat learns to use a litter box after some training...
I must have lost touch with the CAG community because I thought this was probably my favorite CAGcast so far. Chock full of lots of good content, new segments, and an interesting guest.

Maybe I'm not an objective listener anymore. :(
bread's done