CAGcast #403: S.A.D.


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
The gang talks Mortal Kombat X, Guitar Hero Live, GTA V PC, and so much more!
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Show Linkage/Notes:
Intro - Outro
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I guess you can listen to Wombat's other podcast, Uninformed Opinions.

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Hi CheapyD, for some reason the CAGcast won't download on iTunes (Windows version).  Something about the URL not being found on the server, per the error message.

I'm getting the same, URL and itunes aren't working.

audioboom stream works though.

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I am looking forward to either the Rock Band or Guitar Hero Live, my rock band songs are tied to Microsoft and since I now play Sony consoles I have no ties to either, I am leaning towards Rock Band because it gave me a chance to play with my friends something I don't think I can do with Guitar Hero Live, Soundtrack is another big thing for me, I don't like games that feature a lot of Metal.

I would like to put in a request for the GTA code Cheapy

Edit there were problems getting the episode on Downcast I had to follow the link in the description

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CAG season pass is required to download this show. Shame the way the industry is going these days..

..I hope the link is fixed soon!

Great episode, as always, guys! I wouldn't mind trying out GTA V on PC if I end up winning that extra code. Cheers! ;)

ran into the same Mortal Kombat stuff you guys did.  I hate learning every fatality, but for 10 minutes I was my son's hero for discovering the "easy fatality"…until we ran out of the 3 free ones.  

Hey Cheapy, I'll take your extra copy of GTAV on PC off your hands. And I want the whole thing! :p

Great episode as always guys, Mr. Cheapy I'm interested in that Grand Theft Auto V PC.  Thanks!

Wow - I'd love a copy of GOD 5 FOR MY PC. Just updated my video card and haven't been able to play a game that'll take advantage of it. Thanks!
Wow - I'd love a copy of GOD 5 FOR MY PC. Just updated my video card and haven't been able to play a game that'll take advantage of it. Thanks!
I still feel burnt out on Rock Band and Guitar Hero. While I think they both have interesting new features, I just can't get behind the games anymore. The other thing against it, in my case anyway, is that the games came around when I was finishing High School, and while I was in college. Which is the perfect age group for those games.

Also, I'd love a shot at GTA5 PC too, Cheapy.

Don't tell anybody, but Shipwreck has a nuclear power source in his sub basement, thanks to his friends the Libyans.

Enter me into the drawings for the heckuva it.

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That Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack is too high of a price for what is included. The easy fatalities are fine since it really doesn't affect the overall gameplay, if you won the match why does it matter if you input the command easy/hard. I do think Mortal Kombat X does have a good amount of content to get coins for the krypt. You get a good amount of coins from the story mode every time you beat an enemy on the first try. However if you lose and retry, you get a crappy amount. Also the Klassic tower is great to get coins from too since each character has an epilogue when you complete it which I find out when I beat it with Erron Black. 

Great episode as always and I will take that GTA V PC off your hand if you don't want it :D

I would love that GTA 5 code, that would give me a reason to break down and upgrade my PC!

You guys mentioned your wives watching you play games. Are there any in particular they like watching? The only games my wife has ever sat and watched me play are 1 vs. 100 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica, for some reason.

CheapyD do you play Elite: Dangerous standing up as well?

Also, you should use a password manager like 1password instead of losing them.

I would like the GTA V PC code.

WHOO IM FAMOUS.            

Sorry I should of tweeted the link, but I got the info that coins drop rate did not decrease from here .            

Neogaf has tested and confirmed that the coins drop rate did not decrease with the patch.            

Apparently the news stories only had one source, who was a reddit poster.           

  The MK 10 DLC and the advertising of the DLC is still gross of course.

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Great show guys. Can't wait to see the finished Shipwreck Arcade.

Cheapy, I would love a copy of GTA V PC! If Wombat can get free stuff, why can't I?

Great episode! Sounds like Cheapy has adjusted to NY living again. I didn't hear one complaint from him this week about apartments, or toilets.

You guys should give Hearthstone another shot. I was burned out on it too, but the new solo adventures are fun and different than regular 1v1 matches.

Looks like I'm the only one interested in the Heroes of the Storm code. Give it to me!

Cheapy you've gotta find time to give SHIELD another chance. It's kicking the pants off Arrow this season and I like it better than even Flash I think. It's especially easy to make that claim this week after Flash had a sub par Bees episode and SHIELD had one of it's best episodes yet. It's easy to power through the underwhelming episodes or just skip to around episode 13 or 14 and watch from there. Every single episode since Captain America 2 came out has been strong.

Just maybe wait until a short while after you finish Daredevil because nothing looks good next to Daredevil. I do appreciate SHIELD and Flash for being a lot more fun and "comic books" than Daredevil though.

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I think you guys overlooked the part where Halo Spartan Strike debuted the same day on iOS as it did on Windows Phone and PC. And how it didn't ship on Xbox.

Also, Goro code, please.
I wish I could play Guitar Hero, like you play Gitaroo Man.  I'm glad you can use the old peripherals, because I absolutely have NO MORE SPACE IN MY HOUSE FOR PLASTIC GUITARS AND/OR DRUMS.  

Great show as always. Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms and now he'll be in the bomb Batman vs. Supes. Don't know why DC cant see their tone is all wrong. Daredevil hits exactly the right tone, dark, disturbing, but also human and even funny.

I would love a copy of GTAV on PC, Cheapy :)
Love to have the GTA 4 PC code.

Been waiting for it to come out on the PC to enjoy playing it in HD glory.

Love the show.

Tom in Vegas

I'm a random guy looking to win that GTA 5 pc....I'm on your friends list cheapy...that means I'm made out of magic!
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Another great show. I don't post much to the forums, but I wanted to post a bit about Mortal Kombat X. First, Cheapy, be glad you didn't buy the PC version. It has been a mess. Most of the game didn't work for well over half of release day. Plus the game is terribly optimised. The Sky Temple level(the one with the rain) runs just horrid while everything else is fine. I also get random crashes for no reason. And now the latest patch, which was 15 GB btw, has attempted to fix it, but the Dead Woods level is now all screwed up(looks heavily pixelated) for those with AMD graphics cards. Nvidia graphics card users like myself are fine(for the most part). I don't regret buying it though, it's still an awesome Mortal Kombat game. Though I'm biased as I've been a fan since the first game.

Second, the microtransactions are really shitty, but completely avoidable. You can pay $20 to unlock the entire krypt without putting in the effort for the koins, but it's really not worth it. I don't know how it is on consoles, but on PC each living tower(and klassic tower) you beat gives 30K koins. So you'll have the krypt unlocked in no time. Though some PC users are reporting getting less. Not sure why that is. The other microtransaction, the easy fatalities, is also not necessary. You get some red koins to do them, but can buy more for like, $5 or something. However, the fatalities are easy enough to do on their own. Plus, like the previous game, there's a fatality tutorial for you to practice them.

Lastly, there are 5 faction kills per faction, and they're all different. You get them by leveling up in your faction. That's done by simply playing the game in any mode online or offline. You can increase the faction xp you get by changing your profile card.

Wow, that was more than I expected to type. Anyway, I'll throw myself in for the GTA V PC code as well.

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bread's done