CAGcast #408: Project MICROPHONES


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
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Third week in a row that the download link doesn't work. Am I just the last to hear that this isn't a viable way to retrieve the podcast anymore?

I use the amiibo I buy and they are all out of the package. I use them for Mario Kart 8 for the costumes, Smash Bros., and to unlock the Hide N Seek mode in Captain Toad. Keeping them in the package takes up way too much space too.

Wombat, could you please stop critiquing Cheapy's intro every episode. For some reason it ruins any humor that was in the joke for me.

Wombat: To quick-swap signs in Witcher 3, hold parry (on PS4 it's L2) and use the D-pad left and right. It cycles through them in either direction. It was one of the tips during a loading screen or something.

I rarely agree with Wombat, but Cheapy was certainly victim blaming the woman that got raped by the bomb.

The amiibo thing kind of baffles me. Not that Nintendo can't seem to get enough in stores to meet demand, but the insane demand for these things in the first place. I'm sure this isn't an original idea, but someone explain to me how this isn't a Beanie Baby for gamers. Instead of asking "how is Nintendo screwing this up so badly?" (Short answer: because it's Nintendo.) I'm asking what I'm missing by not giving a shit. Maybe I've gotten too cynical, but this just seems like a planned scarcity thing wrapped in glorified capsule toys. (Good to see at least thorbahn3 is actually using the damn things tho. :) )

Also, thanks for not spending half the podcast discussing superhero shows this week. I love you guys, but the only time I care about Marvel is when it's followed by vs. Capcom.

Wombat, could you please stop critiquing Cheapy's intro every episode. For some reason it ruins any humor that was in the joke for me.
I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. Every intro is followed by a, "oh, that was good, lets spend some time talking about my introduction and what I would've said to make it better."
Someone else remembers Kid Nikki Radical Ninja!  Loved that game.

Great show guys.

Wombat, don't listen to guys telling you to stop being you.  Besides which, "Wombat criticizes his intro" in on my CAGCAST bingo cards.

I rarely agree with Wombat, but Cheapy was certainly victim blaming the woman that got raped by the bomb.
I think he was also getting Paz from Ground Zeroes confused with Quiet from MGS5.

But I always enjoy the parts of the CAGcast where Cheapy says non-PC stuff that would have people recoling in horror on any other videogame podcast.

Right click -> Save As doesn't work anymore, but you can do File -> Save Page As instead in firefox, works the same way

I wonder what was so dramatic at Wombat's house that his wife was unable to handle it herself.  Everything a-okay over there?

I found Cheapy's assertion that it's impossible to make a meaningfully artistic AO game a bit puzzling.  There are plenty of great films with content that, if presented as is in a game, would earn an AO rating.

Considering the resources that Microsoft has, why hasn't that conglomerate thrown its hat in the ISP market? A good deal of the country does not pay a good price for their internet services, and the current gen constantly needs an internet connection considering the continuous GB++ updates. On tv they keep advertising crap about 4g services on phones and such. I'm sure Microsoft has the resources to build some kind of wireless internet infrastructure for its Xbox Ones and Windows Phones, especially when they invested a lot in the latter.

So my though its: What if a game ISN'T bundled with the Xbox One? What if Microsoft somehow builds some kind of router that connects to the cellular internet infrastructure and bundles that with their system instead? You know like Amazon's Whispernet on steroids? That would be a kick in the pants for those who want to use the Xbox One and its Live services.

Oh it's just a pipe dream considering how unwilling the ISPs are willing to do anything, and it seems like a untapped opportunity for Microsoft or any other company to move systems.

I hope Wombat took care of his bizness and had his bread. And wouldn't Shipwreck's Amiibo hunt be a better reality show?

The Amiibo thing is a bit weird. Nintendo MADE the Pokemon Company to handle all of the merchandising of Pocket Monsters, and almost 20 years on, it's still churning out products! For 2014, the company claimed to have sold more than $2 billion worth of Pokemon crap!

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I have no clue what Cheapy is talking about with Paz from MGSV: Ground Zeroes, as she's wearing a prisoner outfit when you go to rescue her.

Wombat sounds like he'll be surprised by Massive Chalice since it's a turn-based game, which is also what XCOM was. Square Enix has only offered Thief for free on last-gen consoles between PS+ and Games with Gold, so they seem to have no intention to offer it for the newer platforms.

Good to see the return of depressing Cheapy movie recommendations.  I thought for a second there Cheapy had moved on to fun entertaining shows to watch.

Good to see the return of depressing Cheapy movie recommendations. I thought for a second there Cheapy had moved on to fun entertaining shows to watch.
I, like Cheapy, enjoy a good depressing ass doc, or movie. I feel it's like when people listen to the blues.
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I rarely agree with Wombat, but Cheapy was certainly victim blaming the woman that got raped by the bomb.
No, he wasn't victim blaming... he specifically stated that it wasn't because she was dressed provocatively. I'm thinking that a skimpier garment allows easier access to the vagina? Obviously none of it makes sense, but that is why I listen to and enjoy the cagcast. I enjoy Cheapy's sense of humor.


"Slightly Mad's Project CARS has taken the UK video game chart No.1 spot, ending a three-week run at the top for NetherRealm's Mortal Kombat X.

Released on PS4, Xbox One and PC, Project CARS sold a massive 63 per cent of its week one total on Sony's console. 31 per cent came on Xbox One and 6 per cent on PC - the bulk of PC sales will have been made digitally."

"Project CARS is the first racing game to claim the UK No.1 spot since Codemasters' GRID 2 back in 2013."

I have no clue what Cheapy is talking about with Paz from MGSV: Ground Zeroes, as she's wearing a prisoner outfit when you go to rescue her.

Wombat sounds like he'll be surprised by Massive Chalice since it's a turn-based game, which is also what XCOM was. Square Enix has only offered Thief for free on last-gen consoles between PS+ and Games with Gold, so they seem to have no intention to offer it for the newer platforms.
He probably got Paz and Quiet mixed up. Probably thought they were the same person.

Just started listening, but thanks for the intro song.  That was one of my favorites back in the day.  Keep them coming!

Guuuuuys come on now. You got to get someone who cares about Nintendo on the show. 

Cheapy, not sure if you have a Wii U or not but Splatoon would be a fantastic game to play with your son (if he likes it of course). 

There is something different about the dl link of the past 2 or 3 cagcasts with Firefox. You used to be able to right click the download link and click save as and it would save the MP3. If you do that now it saves it as an HTML Document.

What you need to do to save it now is to left click the download link and it will take you to a page with the cagcast playing. You can then right click the audio player and "save audio as" and it will save as an MP3.

I know you said you have "lots of other games to worry about," but you guys should consider giving Splatoon a fair shake. This is seriously the most fun I've had with an online game in years!
Cheapy, you should give Marvel Heroes another try.  I've been playing since launch and while I still liked it back then, it's way better now.  It's much more stable, the UI is vastly improved and they recently added achievements.

bread's done