CAGcast #42: Life, the Universe, and Everything


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
JimmieMac, the Greatest Icon in Professional Gaming and CAG community staple, joins this week's show. Homosexuality in Enchanted Arms, violence in video games, and sniffing Half & Half for fun and profit are just a few of the topics covered, as well as the usual assortment of new releases, industry news, and your questions from the CAGbag.

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Intro music: Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap (Parappa the Rapper)
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Enchanted Arms

New Releases

Motorola NFL Head Coach Headset (Xbox 360 & PS2) $29 shipped at Amazon
Saint's Row - $39.90 Play-Asia - Not yet confirmed Region Free

Peaceoholic’s Protest Of Rockstar’s Bully
PAX: Gabe and Tycho ascend the Q&A altar
Sony lists playable PS3, PSP games at TGS
48 New Backwards Compatible Games

CAGbag - Forum Spy
Outro: Virtua Boy System

That clip of the gay guy from Enchanted Arms is hilarious. He definitely is the gayest character in the history of media. Cheapys impressions is great to. Another good CAGcast, but then again I enjoy all of them.
Bwa ha ha, Cheapy's impression of the Enchant Arm gay guy is too good. "Friend of the Gays", indeed!

What was up with Mr. Roboto, aka JimmieMac? Sounded like he was speaking through one of those smoker's voice boxes sometimes.

And no one is interested in Okami, FFXII, or Valkyrie Profile 2 for PS2? Or you all bought the import versions already?

Can't wait for that play-asia contest...I would go bananas with dat $500.
[quote name='smellytim']That clip of the gay guy from Enchanted Arms is hilarious. He definitely is the gayest character in the history of media. Cheapys impressions is great to. Another good CAGcast, but then again I enjoy all of them.[/QUOTE]

100% agree.

Gayest thing ive ever heard in a game.
Hearing cheapyD's impressions were even better!!

good show guys.
[quote name='gunm']And no one is interested in Okami, FFXII, or Valkyrie Profile 2 for PS2? Or you all bought the import versions already?[/QUOTE]

okay episode, I know that the 360 is still the newest console out, but some people still dont own one, so talking about it so much does get boring
i think the show was great keep up the good work i didnt like that jimmy guy he was boring i feel offended im spanish :( jk :)
I was hoping Jimmie Mac would regale us with tales of his professional videogame victories. But instead he just made sarcastic responses to everything. :whistle2:(
[quote name='BustaUppa']I was hoping Jimmie Mac would regale us with tales of his professional videogame victories. But instead he just made sarcastic responses to everything. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

you must be new to the site or something and havent seen him post before
Sorry to be the only dissenter, but I really didn't like this CAGcast at all. The 3 man format this time wasn't too bad, but the show itself seemed VERY dissorganized. Most of the times you went off-topic got boring very fast. A few awkward moments listening as well this time. I caught more than one time where Wombat would throw in an attempt at a witty quip and the cast would go dead silent for a second or two. I feel like he's trying too hard to be funny all the time.

You're still my favorite Podcast and I always look forward to it every week.
It started strong with the Parappa song, but then was kind of meh. I get sick of hearing how stupid people are who think videogames are evil. You don't want this to end up like that crappy PCgamer podcast where they constantly talk about how ridiculous it is to blame games for things. We get it already.

(don't get me wrong, it was still an enjoyable podcast and better than most)
Although, Im probably the biggest CAgcast fan out there, for obvious reasons, I wasnt peticularly pleased with my performance this week either. I'll admit I've been alittle down in dumps, having moved from a bad situation to a worse one, also we needed to stop in the middle of the show and pick it up again becuase my dog started to act sick and I needed to get her some help. So hopefully next week I can bring back my A game, sorry guys.
Yo - although it was a bit weak at times, it still had a few good moments. Plus you got to realize 75% of the podcasts out there are not even bearable. We happen to have a good one here. This week was a big "all over the place", but hey - it's still better than 80-90% or the stuff out there! (Even if Wobat rants a bit too much sometimes ;-). Keep rocking with you bad self Cheapy and Wombat!
Does JimmieMac have pictures of a naked CheapyD in a compromising position? He really brought this CAGcast to a halt by bringing nothing to the table except his heelish persona that grows tired even on the boards. Please keep his appearances limited to an annual basis.

The sniffing milk joke got old after the first 20 minutes. Though intially funny, the half and half didn't age well. Wombat did sound terribly miserable. Wombat, I hope your employment situation works out.
I wasn't a fan of Cagcast 42....

- JimmyMac seems way too cynical. He doesn't like anything- He's about as much fun to listen to as my thirteen-year old neice who hangs out at Hot Topic and listen to Good Charlotte all day. Wah, wah, wah!

- Wombat seemed to get the short end of the stick. Here's a guy who actually is into games, and he gets crapped on for liking Oblivion, and PS2 RPG's. Lose the holier-than-thou attitude guys. If it weren't for games, we'd have to talk about Cheapy's Balls on the Cagcast.
While this episode was a little unorganized I think JimmieMac really added to the episode. If you could get other key members to be on the show and give there little one liners and thoughts I think the show would be more enjoyable. IMO every episode gets better and better. If it's any consolation just know that when I am parked in a alley working a telephone pole I turn the stereo up so I can listen to the CAGcast up there and everyone nearby is FORCED to Listen.

[quote name='bobthecat23']guys y did cheapy go live in japan i just started to hear the caggast[/QUOTE]
CheapyD went to make Xbox cool in Japan and eat at all the restaurants that have girls in maid uniforms.
I actually enjoyed this CAGcast. I thought that Jimmiemac was pretty funny. Since I don't spend all day in the forums I guess I don't have the same opinion as others do about him. Wombat, hang in there man things will get better.
I thought it was a great episode. Like getting away from the usual format and bringing something new to it. Keeps it fresh. Next week you guys can go back to the regular format but I actually enjoyed this one alot. Nice break.

Thanks guys. Keep up the excellent work.
I thought I said this before but no more episode long guests. What happens is you guys get way off track, try to impress the guest and bore me. I will say that JimmieMac did have me laughing pretty hard but by the end I wanted to piss in a glass on half & half and see you guys drink it. BTW Wombat, add some of your homemade cream before you quit this job you must really hate.

Last thing, are there no more ODB clips?

P.S. There is a gay guy in Steamboat Chronicles that is pretty gay, but only a NPC.
Yeah I detected that Cheapie was ignoring the Wombat's jokes in favor of his new 'kewl' bud JimmieMac. I also got the vibe that Wombat didn't like the idea of adding the 3rd wheel. Personally I liked just Cheapie and Wombat. I found JimmieMac to be too 'GTA' for me.

The 3 people thing had you all tripping over each or not paying attention to one or the other.
[quote name='trip1eX']Yeah I detected that Cheapie was ignoring the Wombat's jokes in favor of his new 'kewl' bud JimmieMac. I also got the vibe that Wombat didn't like the idea of adding the 3rd wheel. Personally I liked just Cheapie and Wombat. I found JimmieMac to be too 'GTA' for me.

The 3 people thing had you all tripping over each or not paying attention to one or the other.[/QUOTE]

^ pretty much what i wanted to say. thanks :D
Watch - this is like when McGinley did a guest shot on Married With Children...two seasons later he was a major character with a spot in the opening credits. Wombat must be working without a contract, perhaps he's in negotiations with another podcast.

"The Major Nelson + Wombat Show" - headed your way in '07. BANK ON IT.
As a long time listener (but not from the start), and a first time poster (relatively speaking), this is the first time I've given feedback. So... Here goes. I thought JimmieMac added to the show, of course I'm new to the forums, so I don't know what everyone else does about him. I liked his satirical humor, except when he dissed the cag community in conversation with the leader of the herd, CheapyD. I think he said we're unintelligent, and that's why we listen to the podcast. Ouch. Oh, and are there transcriptions of your podcasts? I remember you guys mentioned something cool you were going to do... Yes, the playasia thing sounds amazing. Good idea for a contest. And it would be cool if it was merit based, instead of a random drawing. OH, and CheapyD and Wombat- you guys sounded great as usual. Wombat- I think you handled yourself well-- I didn't get the vibe you were unhappy. Albeit, I hope you feel better soon.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Quit you bitching people. CheapyD is Conan Obrien and Wombat is Andy Richter period. If you didn't enjoy the show you must be a terrorist.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, when that show first started.
Hey guys, not a great episode for me this time around. It seemed all over the place and the show seemed to go away from games and gaming and into bad jokes.

I do have an idea though for future shows, maybe make a poll for each show that we can rate 1-10?

I'm sure next week will be better. See ya next week.
It was an OK CAGcast this week. Although you guys went off topic numerous times, it was still alright. However, if you guys do decide to have a guest every now and then, maybe he or she could have their own time slot within the CAGcast instead of jumping in and out at random times? Otherwise, just stick with the classic 1, 2 punch combo of Cheapy and Wombat.
So much talk about the 360 just got boring. Parts were funny, but one of the more boring CAGcasts that I've listened to. Wombat was pretty funny with the sniffing of the half and half and he was trying pretty well. JimmieMac sounded messed up or as though he was trying to impersonate Jack Nicholson or something. Next CAGcast my suggestion is less Jimmie. Still one of the better Podcasts out there along with TwiT and some of the movie ones.
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']I wasn't a fan of Cagcast 42....

- JimmyMac seems way too cynical. He doesn't like anything- He's about as much fun to listen to as my thirteen-year old neice who hangs out at Hot Topic and listen to Good Charlotte all day. Wah, wah, wah!

- Wombat seemed to get the short end of the stick. Here's a guy who actually is into games, and he gets crapped on for liking Oblivion, and PS2 RPG's. Lose the holier-than-thou attitude guys. If it weren't for games, we'd have to talk about Cheapy's Balls on the Cagcast.[/QUOTE]

I got the same sense in regards to Wombat. The guy is trying, and they're ragging on him for being a gamer and liking Oblivion.
Another solid CAGcast. I really enjoy that it is just some friends talking. I thought the whole game ethics and protest segment was really good. Keep it was nice to take a small break from Madden 07.

I enjoy JimmieMac's antics and such since he seems like how a few of my friends act.
Sorry guys. Just wasn't feeling this one. Jimmie Mac, at best, came off as an irritating curmudgeon, at worst a bully. I liked it when you had Chris on because I felt like he at least offered some (admittedly infrequent) insights into the gaming industry. Jimmie Mac, on the other hand, simply seemed content to piss on the topic at hand. And not in a funny way.

Combine that with a clinically depressed Wombat and you've got a real downer of a show. I think you guys need a hug, a puppy, a good lay or all three. Cheer up!

Did anyone tally the number of cream-sniffing jokes? I lost count (and interest) at 8.

On the positive side, I liked the DIGG feature Cheapy was describing. I've never heard of that before. It'd be awesome if CAG could get it, but I suspect it's a proprietary technology that they're holding onto pretty tightly.

And that guy in Enchanted Arms sounds pretty gay, but still not as gay as Tingle. The whole discussion reminded me of that Mystery Science Theater 3000 bit where they had the stereotype machine, in that case using Italian-Americans ("mild stereotype" = guy in sweatsuit with a Brooklyn accent; "offensive stereotype" = mafiosos; "ethnic slur" = pizza tossing chef with big mustache talking about spicy meatballs)

Yea, I'm gonna have to disagree with all of the negative feedback this CAGcast seems to be getting.


This show is definitely among the top 10 shows as far as I am concerned. I think the addition of Jimmie Mac helped detract from the RL issues that were surrounding Wombat during the show. (Sorry Wombat but it was clear you were troubled just by the tone of your voice.)

And for all you Half & Half Sniffing haters out there, FU! That shit was funny each and every time they said it. Besides, are you people really that stupid to think Wombat is sniffing Half & Half?

One question though. How the hell does a chef become known as "the greatest gaming icon?" No offense JM but I call shenanigans!
As always I enjoyed the cagcast.

The negative: I found JimmeMac overly sarcastic and negative as if he were trying too hard to be "cool", and it seemed he wasn't able or was unwilling to find anything positive to talk about. I liked Chris much better. It also seemed that there were more tangents than usual.

The positive: It doesn't seem to me that Cheapy steps on or cuts off Wombat as others have suggested. You guys have a really good dynamic together. Really, you have the cagcast down to a science and it shows.

Maybe for a change of pace Wombat can be the host for a week? We all know this is cheapys' site, but I think Wombat has earned it if he wants it for a week. And just as you guys would like to see more minorities and women with small tits in games, I'd also like to see a female guest on cagcast to get a different perspective.

Edit: I personally loved the running Half and Half joke, and Wombat has a great sense of humor.
I can't believe all the JimmieMac hate...I thought he added some fun to the cast this go around. It seems like everyone takes video games a little too seriously. Most of his comments were in good fun and were opinions. I welcome the sarcasm.
[quote name='jkam']I can't believe all the JimmieMac hate....[/quote]
I have nothing against JimmieMac but I never found him to be funny. He's just like any other dude that you met in a bar; Nothing special.

Also Cheapy, I'm the dude who posted the gay saxaphone thread.

I thought it was a good show overall. I like the 3 person format.
bread's done