CAGcast #42: Life, the Universe, and Everything

wow, i can't imagine how fucking busy you guys are going to be with the podcast when the wii and ps3 launch. I bet there will be no mention of the 360 when that happens:lol:
Firstly, Wombat sorry about the sucky job situation. I can't believe they actually had the "balls" to tell you to sniff the freaking half and half. I would have quit right then and there. Isn't it the secretarys job. I hope your dog feels better.

Second, Cheapy didn't read my entire post on the cast and Jimmy unjustifiably bashed me for it and pretty much called me a pussy.
Jimmy- I didn't know being a fan meant that your "team" can do no wrong. For example, if your a fan of the yankees and they suck-do you say they were great like a fanboy or do you criticize the team for its poor play.

In my post, I also said I loved the your man in japan segment.

Anyhow, I think you guys are back in midseason form. I loved the running joke with the half and half. It made me laugh each and every time. That's what makes the cagcast the cagcast-that and the joke about the rats in wombats apartment being the size of the rats in oblivion.

-What's the deal with jimmy? Why is he picking on wombat for liking obliviion? It's probably the best game on the 360 = what the hell is jimmy playing madden? Is he cool b/c he plays madden and is wombat not cool b/c he plays oblivion. I definetly got the impression that Jimmy was trying to be to "cool for school" by ragging and wombat and knocking the listeners with a remark about their intelligence.

Again, good podcast for me. Would have been great if not for the "icon" Jimmy.
Ok show this week guys, not sure why your guest JimmyMac was invited as he essentially became a heckler the entire show rather than actually contributing. He spoke his mind a bit too much perhaps to discourage useful discussion on games.

Some laughs at times but by the end I only came away with what CheapyD and Wombat talked about.
Dudes! Don't listen to anything these haters have to say. At first I was a bit s[k]eptical about another guest speaker after the last one, but JimmieMac was an amazing guest, and definately brought the cagcast to a whole new level. He definately needs a better mic though. I was a little dissapointed with the "Your Man in Japan" segment this week, but other than that, great show, the only podcast that I enjoy listening to, even if the discussion is of something I detest (PS3) or dont own yet (XB360). You guys just make stuff enjoyable to listen to. I know you try to stick to a little over an hour, but you should throw in a special extra long one every once in a while. btw, what happened to the hype wagon? maybe i just missed it...anyway, GREAT SHOW

p.s. I think people are really going over the top with the whole "OMGZ CHEAPYD IS NOT LETTING WOMBAT SPEAK". I really don't see where these people are coming from on that one...

edit: changed c to k in skeptical
I listened to The HotSpot and then listened to CagCast right afterwards and I enjoyed the CagCast much more (although The Hotspot had a host or two missing this week). The Icon was funny and I thought the Oblivion jabs were in good fun and friendly the whole time. Good job to all three of you guys and I hope Jimmie can come back in a month or two, after some different guests come in and we get just Cheapy and Wombat a few times.
I like the violence in video games and comparing it to the shooting range. I have the same type ordeal when afew weeks ago my friend invited me to go shooting with him. I have to say with all the socom, halo 2, counter strike I've played, that shooting did not come any easier to me. My accuracy was way off. I am used to being able to shoot people in the face in halo 2 with a shotgun. But when shooting a rabbit I was lucky to even knick it with just 1 of the hundred BB's flying out of the shotgun shell. Maybe if I had a plasma rifle or needler I would have been more accurate.
Since the beginning, the CAGcast has been the best video game podcast out there. The combination of CheapyD and Wombat is top notch. However, adding guests has really driven the quality of the CAGcast down. Jimmie Mac sounded like every other person doing a video game podcast. And that is not a compliment. Please, for the love of god, go back to a two person podcast!

With a third person, CheapyD seems more interested in showing off for his guest and Wombat seems to be less and less a part of the show. We need more Wombat, not less. By the way, during these 3 people podcasts, Wombat's jokes seem to go by unoticed by the other 2.

Anyway, the CAGcast is still better than the other podcasts. It just seems to be a bit off track.
[quote name='quickstraw'] By the way, during these 3 people podcasts, Wombat's jokes seem to go by unoticed by the other 2.[/QUOTE]
I'm assuming you meant to type "unnoticed", which these "jokes" as you call them weren't funny. ;)
I don't know why everyone has been dissin the show lately Ive seen no change in the past few shows they all are awesome and like a fish! Also Jimmy scares me :( he's like MC hammer! Keep the great shows coming and the half & half sniffed!
[quote name='quickstraw']Since the beginning, the CAGcast has been the best video game podcast out there. The combination of CheapyD and Wombat is top notch. However, adding guests has really driven the quality of the CAGcast down. Jimmie Mac sounded like every other person doing a video game podcast. And that is not a compliment. Please, for the love of god, go back to a two person podcast!

With a third person, CheapyD seems more interested in showing off for his guest and Wombat seems to be less and less a part of the show. We need more Wombat, not less. By the way, during these 3 people podcasts, Wombat's jokes seem to go by unoticed by the other 2.

Anyway, the CAGcast is still better than the other podcasts. It just seems to be a bit off track.[/quote]

i agree.

not to add to the jimmie mac hate, i just didn't feel that he added anything to the CAGcast.

bring the show back to the original format! sophmoric humor can go a long way! :bouncy:
So who is jimmimac and why is he a video game icon?

This was an okay show, but I thought jimmmiemac was just baggin' on everthing without really adding anything. Also, Cheapy and Jimmiemac teamed up on wombat, giving the show a very uncomfortable feel- at least from my prespective.

Also, I think cheapyd said something about feeling compelled to do a Your Man in Japan segment. In all honestly, I think if there is nothing worthwhile to report then he can just skip the segment. This week's segment felt very last-minute and rushed. You don't want to saturate every cagcast with Japan segment and have it become repetitive.

Anyhow, how about having violent lee on the show? He's a bonofied video game reviewer. I'd like to see a segment where he reviews a game, or maybe a point-counter point segment between wombat and violent lee.
Gotta add my voice to the throng that felt that this show, like bad half&half, was off. Jimmie Mac was that kid who sat at the back of the class, put down everything, but actually didn't do anything. Besides the delectable throat punch/creme brulee combo, he didn't contribute anything -- and it seemed that CheapyD played along with the tired bad-ass routine, picking on Wombat. The whole show was oddly mean-spirited.

I don't think guest hosts work for you guys. Maybe a guest segment -- someone who actually had something to say -- would be cool, but throwing a third party into a two-man operation has been awkward so far.

By the way, my sympathy goes out to Wombat. A few years back and a couple of jobs ago, I had to fetch my boss' shoes from the repair shop and courier them out to her. Being a lackey is never fun, but sometimes it's necessary to get where you want to be.
[quote name='wageslave']
The negative: I found JimmeMac overly sarcastic and negative as if he were trying too hard to be "cool", and it seemed he wasn't able or was unwilling to find anything positive to talk about. I liked Chris much better. It also seemed that there were more tangents than usual....

Maybe for a change of pace Wombat can be the host for a week? We all know this is cheapys' site, but I think Wombat has earned it if he wants it for a week. And just as you guys would like to see more minorities and women with small tits in games, I'd also like to see a female guest on cagcast to get a different perspective.

I agree completely. While I did laugh at some of JimmieMac's antics, the actual substance that I came away with was almost nil - something I would never expect with a guest. Guests should be people who can actually add to the show, given their occupation or view on the industry. Perhaps Cheapy should use some of his charisma (or bribe) industry folks to be interviewed for a short segment, and have fellow CAGs submit questions. That's what I loved the most about the Joystiq guest, and the recent trend of reader reviews - not only was he an active player, but it got the community involved with the cast in a much more dynamic way than the Cagbag, which allows the fourth wall to be shattered to the degree in which I feel like I can smell Cheapy's burps from the comfort of my car.

And like others have suggested, I think it would be fun to have Wombat host. Afterall, Robin does have his own comic in which Batman cameos. Plus, wageslave's idea of a female guest - or even a segment - would be a fresh addition. Perhaps, something in which Mrs. Cheapy, Mrs. Wombat, or Momma Cheapy contributes, if they'd like. Gotta keep it in the family afterall.

Oh, and more hypewagon. Toot toot!
You guys complained about Lego Star Wars II not having online co-op. After thinking about why they left the feature out it came to me: it's those damn kids. See, Lego Star Wars I was a fun game for grown-ups but the target audience was children, just like the toys and other video games. Because of that, I can see why it doesn't have it with all the internet sickos out there.
Jimmiemack making rye asides echoed many of my sentiments of the gaming industry as a whole, especially the general contempt of the industry's lack of imaginiation.

And as far as milk sniffing jokes go, at least we're in the loop on the inside joke. I've actually quit listening to RadiOPM or 1 up yours becuase they endlessly flaunt their own inside jokes about what happened to them at their last developer insider shin-dig, but unfortunately, I wasn't invited. That's the uniqueness of the CAGCast - it's like we're actually part of their inner circle while most all others have us as an outsider looking into their annointed game "journalist" world. In fact, I just had to listen to 10 minutes of how good the snack offerings were at various developers' break rooms on RadiOPM. Their PodCast is as useless as their magazine.

I couldn't care less about interviews and guests. Once in a while is great to break up the monotony, but it's not necessary. Many others' casts Have up to 6 people all talking over each other. Some interview insiders and are beholdent to the industry, having to kiss ass in order to get access. I don't want ass kissing, I want honest opinions about gaming and I like people who can speak like normal human beings instead of diskjockeys.

Good show, again - period
poor wombat and his milk :rofl:

i personally loved this episode it's like 2am right now and i just finished it and im pretty drunk right now, i loved it, haahahhahaha
Wow. The first show that I didn't like. Only laughed once (CheapyD doing the gay impressions) and Jimmimac seemed very judgmental of Wombat. While I can live with all of that, not mentioning Wombats progress with his diet makes the straw that broke the camels back.

By the way, the “guest” thing seems to be a wrench in Cag’s works.
If you didn't think this podcast was good check out XBLradio, what a snooze fest that was! I regularly listen to Podtacular a halo themed Podcast that has different guest every week from Halo clans and or from the community in general. At the end of the last episode of Podtacular they had a commercial for XBLradio, so I downloaded it. If you think CagCast is bad check these guys out. You will have a new appreciation for the CagCast and it's superior format.

1 thing that I thought of that I wish was in the CAGcast was a weekly interview with a random japanese person and CheapyD trying to sell them on Xbox 360. I know a lot of people think the CagCast has too much 360 content already but I think it would be funny to hear CheapyD get some Japanese guy stuck on the train or bus and on his way to work to somehow like Xbox 360, "Sir can I send you a friend request?"
JimmieMac should be on every cagcast. Best episode ever! He was SOOOO more natural and comfortable then the toolboy from joystick
[quote name='doctorfaustus']So who is jimmimac and why is he a video game icon?

This was an okay show, but I thought jimmmiemac was just baggin' on everthing without really adding anything. [/quote]

Uggh. Like some 18-year -old nerd trying to act cool. Please never invite him on again.
[quote name='donkeydrop']Uggh. Like some 18-year -old nerd trying to act cool. Please never invite him on again.[/quote]

Forgot to add; this was the first time I ever just stopped listening mid-show and deleted it.:cold:
I finally listened today. The guys ragging on JM are just envious THEY weren't invited to be on. So what if he didn't "add" anything? At least he didn't drag it down like other recent guests. I might be in the minority, but I don't look at this as a show where people add important information to the's just a goofy and generally entertaining video game show.

What I said earlier in another thread still stands - I don't necessarily think it's a good idea to have someone on for the entire show, especially someone from the boards...but if it only happens once in a while it does provide a nice change up from the usual. The interaction was a lot better than it was with the Joystiq guy. I wouldn't mind a 4-times-a-year/once a season special guest, whomever it may be.

I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this show less once the other consoles are out. If our two esteemed hosts get one or both of the new consoles it'll probably cut down on the 360 talk, and that's no good from my selfish perspective.


"I am on the side of the gays" -CheapyD, August 2006
Listened to the show last night. It was a good one. JimmieMac was pretty damn funny. I would be fine with him being a monthly guest or something.

Wombat don't forget to update your resume with your new found dairy skills.
I'm a little behind on CAGcasts, so real quick I'll just say that I thought this was great, and while I'm still not a huge fan of the 3-mic format, this was a far better show than the previous attempts. The Icon JimmieMac did a great job as a guest this second time around, adding an entertaining color commentary feel, especially with the bit on Oblivion and FFXI. I didn't hear the mean-spiritedness a couple of other posters brought up, I thought the whole show was a quick listen and flowed well with some good natured elbows in the ribs between friends.
bread's done