CAGcast #51: Of Mice and Mrs.

Great show. Just a nice touch having the 2 Mrs. on there. Nice to throw a few curveballs into the shows here and there. Keep up the good work.
Hey Cheapy, quick question. You talk about the number of downloads you get. I was wondering if someone downloads it directly from iTunes does it count towards the download number. Or does it have to be downloaded off your site? What if you subscribe to it in iTunes?
great CAGcast this week, I enjoyed the CAGcast with Mrs. Cheapy and Mrs. Wombat, as well as hearing about Wombat's time at the MS event.
[quote name='Limpbizkit182521']Hey Cheapy, quick question. You talk about the number of downloads you get. I was wondering if someone downloads it directly from iTunes does it count towards the download number. Or does it have to be downloaded off your site? What if you subscribe to it in iTunes?[/quote] It counts everything...
I liked the show, except for Wombat crying about HD movies and TV on the 360.

Mrs. Cheapy and Mrs. Wombat were great.
Fantastic show. you really should have your wives on as a semi-regular segment, I don't think I've laughed as hard for this show as I did for that. Thanks to that Rez bit, most people in my subway car looked at me like I was schizo (I guess not many people are used to the idea of seeing people with headphones listening to things other than music).

You know, screw those guys that want you to be informative-- that's what review sites are for. We don't need you guys reading off prepared previews/reviews, that's a book on tape, not a podcast. This site is still primarliy a Deals site, and it feels like it. You barely talk about deals, and that's fine because there's really no good deals available, and you're having fun with it. It reminds me of those guys that loiter at gamestop discussing games but not actually buying anything-- sure, they'll grab anything worthwhile when it's around, but in the meantime? Yeah, they just talk a lot of crazy tangental s#!t, and that's great. Half of the reason I shop at eb/gamestop is because of those great spontaneous storewide conversations that can tend to errupt that would never ever happen at Circuit City, and this show is like an MP3 version of that.

Keep it up guys, at least for another 50.
[quote name='Wombat']you don't even know my real name, what makes you think Mrs Cheapy will divulge hers?[/QUOTE]

Wait... Wombat isn't your real name?

Great show guys. I was playing some games while listening and zoned out and tuned back in as Mrs. Cheapy was talking about the Rez, talk about awkward...

Thanks for mentioning my comments at the beginning (about last week's show) too!
I guess this is a suggestion for how to run auctions for Child's Play on CAG

after flipping through itrader it seems the this place has a relatively high positive trade rate.

so why not just create a temporary sub forum that is like the trade forum

here are some points of contention...

-auctions threads with descriptions, photos, starting price and end time.
-invite only (after the users agree to abide by their bids they post etc.)
-no post editing in the sub forum (to prevent bid tampering)
-pretty much bidders post how much they're willing to pay (this is actual auction house style rather than the proxy style we're accustomed to on ebay).
-when the time stated in the original post has been reached the last bidder standing wins
-if the winner defaults on payment, they earn a ban or something and the next in line gets it.

I mean it's a pretty rudimentary system, but given the relative trustworthiness of CAGers it might work.
Great show as usual, guys. I really enjoyed hearing from your better halves. It added a whole new dimension to the show. I only have one small caveat to add to one of Mrs. Cheapy’s answers: CheapyD does not own his farts – they belong to the world.
Wombat, regarding your comments about not having Ratchet at launch being a bad decision, if you remember Deadlocked, you'd see why the Insomniac guys needed a break before jumping onto the next game. Be glad that they're putting their team back onto the next Ratchet, which I'm guessing will be out in the fall. Would you rather they make another Ratchet for the 5th year in a row or try something new and come back to the series refreshed and ready to take the series to the next-gen?

I was surprised by the announcement of Microsoft's additions of TV shows and movies coming to the XBLM, as that was something Sony's been talking about for their PlayStation Store for a while now. Granted, Sony was more into music and movies since they have their own labels and studios to draw from, but it's interesting coincidence nonetheless. The possible prices of $20 for movies, $2 for TV shows, and $4 to rent movies seems like a little much, but that's more up to what 360 owners are willing to pay.

Great show. It was nice to have your wives on to freshen things up with the CAGbag. It'd be nice to have them on a little more often than every 50 shows, maybe every 25 shows would be nice. Keep up the good work.

PS. Wombat, you're wrong!
Another execellent podcast, Wombat I am indeed very jealous of your whole microsoft adventure. I'm not going to lie, you have sparked my interest in viva pinata a tad, but it still looks like a game that would be best to get during the summer when its 20-30 bucks, nothing is coming out, and you have time to waste.

Anyways, looking through the flickr set I saw this:
Peter Moore is now my hero!
Awesome show. I'm gonna go ahead and develop a crush on both your wives now. They were terrific.

I also emerged from the episode with a serious hankerin' to play Castle of Illusion--where's a good ROM when you need it?

Question for you, Wombat: I have a 10-year-old daughter who is a veteran of Animal Crossing (GC and DS), Harvest Moon (GC), and Nintendogs. She's really interested in Viva Piñata--wants it for Christmas. Based on your time with it, do you think it's too convoluted or difficult for a girl that age?
Great show again guys. That sucks about the Childs Play auctions on ebay not working out. I can't believe they take such a big cut.

I had my fiance listen to the CAGbag portion of the show and she was lol'ing during some parts. Looking forward to next week!
I've listened to about 3/4's of the current episode and was really impressed about the questions posed by my fellow CAGs and hearing various questions answered (Ms. Wombat's take on the WLA, the house husband question DaPhatty asked, the Rez vibe question). I'm really impressed as a somewhat new listener to the CAGCast, as I started listening regular-style episode wise in the mid-40s.
I very much enjoyed the show. It's cool that Ms. Wombat is an Architect. (I am as well). There are very few women in the field. I am curious to know if she is licensed.
Good show! The female counterparts were great guests. Maybe the next show will ACTUALLY bring this fabled contest? You got more delays than a Nintendo game. (haha not funny)
it was nice hearing from both your wives and their thoughts on your hobby. great show. keep up the good work.
it was an interesting show guys, it's nice to know us podcast listeners aren't the only ones subject to cheapy's gas. oh and is Ziff Davis' gaming arm, so I think they can afford to lose some money.
concerning the childs play auctions.

Couldn't you just sell them on eBay yourself, not through the charity service, then donate the money you make to Childs Play?
This showed up on iTunes just in time for me to sync it to my iPod and listen on my flight up to Wisconsin for a business trip. I think I can safely say you guys are more entertaining than that entire state.

Loved hearing from the ladies (I suppose the term "CAG HAGs" would be inappropriate) and I look forward to playing that segment for my wife. I'm sure she will enjoy it, though I suspect I will be asked, "What's a Rez Trance vibrator?"

But in all seriousness, it sounds as though you guys, like me, are blessed with funny, intelligent, and, above all, PATIENT spouses that are willing to put up with (and help subsidize) our gaming habit.

God, I hope we don't screw it up.
Entertaining episode.

CheapyD - keep up with the not burping thing; it makes a huge difference in the quality of the podcast.

How do you feel about not being able to attend events and such? Seems like CAG is gaining recognition stateside getting invites and such, but you're not here to enjoy it. I guess you have the guys at PlayAsia though.

Wombat mentioned the Viva Pinata cartoon! Have you seen it? I happened to see it on tv and it seems to be targeting a very young age group; it's hyperactive, the bright, neon colors EVERYWHERE was sickening. I can't really see this game taking off.

And why the whole Pinata design????? It's probably the weirdest game I've seen in terms of design - "collect" Pinata versions of animals?
Great show. I don't usually listen to CAGcasts, but the wife gimmick was enough for me to give it a listen, and it was a good listen. Viva Pinata sounds really intriguing, though that 3 extra pinata thing is kind of ridiculous. Mrs. Wombat voice sounds complimentary to Wombat's; they're both cute in a New Yorker sort of way. *blush* at the Rez Vibrator discussion.

And Mrs. CheapyD rocks for saying that her favorite game of all time is Fallout. It's certainly one of mine. I actually got my bf (longtime Mac user) into the original Fallout earlier this year.
Peter Moore looks like he cares about you, Wombat. Like he would take you home, make you a pot of tea, and just listen to you talk on and on all night long.
[quote name='youruglyclone']I guess this is a suggestion for how to run auctions for Child's Play on CAG

after flipping through itrader it seems the this place has a relatively high positive trade rate.

so why not just create a temporary sub forum that is like the trade forum

here are some points of contention...

-auctions threads with descriptions, photos, starting price and end time.
-invite only (after the users agree to abide by their bids they post etc.)
-no post editing in the sub forum (to prevent bid tampering)
-pretty much bidders post how much they're willing to pay (this is actual auction house style rather than the proxy style we're accustomed to on ebay).
-when the time stated in the original post has been reached the last bidder standing wins
-if the winner defaults on payment, they earn a ban or something and the next in line gets it.

I mean it's a pretty rudimentary system, but given the relative trustworthiness of CAGers it might work.[/QUOTE]

CheapyD is a lazy man. very lazy.
[quote name='ThePoisonNinja']Is it just me or does Wombat look like he's striking a super hero pose in that photo?[/QUOTE]

Wombat's pose is very Burt Ward-esque ...

I don't mean that as a side kick comment at all . --------- DC>Marvel

Your wives seem very cool . I was actually nervous for them when I was reading some of the questions , but they were extremely good sports about answering them .
Great CAGcast, loved the gals joining in.

Only problem is, I'm HATING this new server you got the casts on, Cheapy. I'm on dial up, so it was nice being able to use a download manager to resume the downloads when I get disconnected. Now I can't do that. Took me 5 tries to get #51 downloaded, and 3 to get #49 downloaded. >_
Another good show, it was interesting to hear your wives perspectives on gaming. Two small complaints though, 1. I don't feel like you guys spend enough time on new releases, it seems like you guys just kind of gloss over all of them except for maybe 1 or 2 360 games, and even then more often then not you don't give a lot of insight (IE: hands on review) about the game. 2. You guys spend pretty much 0 time talking about traditional RPG's. I'd love to see you guys add a little segment, maybe 5-10 minutes, where you get a guest or regular correspondent to talk about the latest RPG releases.

Other then those 2 complaints I really enjoying listening to the podcasts.
Sorry about the download issues, Abalistar. I don't know why a download manager wouldn't work with the new host. The name of the host is called "libsyn" maybe you can use google to figure out what the problem is, or if you tell me what program you are using, I can do it.

jimbodan, I hear ya on that. The problem is, unlike heavy hitters IGN, GameSpot, 1UP etc, we simply do not have access to games before they are released.

I'm not sure who we could get as a guest that would have that kind of access either. I'll think about it though.
[quote name='CheapyD']Sorry about the download issues, Abalistar. I don't know why a download manager wouldn't work with the new host. The name of the host is called "libsyn" maybe you can use google to figure out what the problem is, or if you tell me what program you are using, I can do it.

jimbodan, I hear ya on that. The problem is, unlike heavy hitters IGN, GameSpot, 1UP etc, we simply do not have access to games before they are released.

I'm not sure who we could get as a guest that would have that kind of access either. I'll think about it though.[/QUOTE]

Good point, I didn't even think of that. Even if the reviews were a little late I think it would be ok, just give us a little bit more info on some of the hotter titles. Same with the guest, it wouldn't even need to be in advance, especially with RPG's a week or so late wouldn't be a big deal, and with that segment it wouldn't have to be all reviews either, maybe some previews or discussion.
Was the the second week in a row where you didn't mention Major Nelson? (I'll have to re-listen, but I don't think you mentioned him in 50, at least...)

Wombat: Peter Moore's body language is rather interesting in the photo - he seems sincerely interested in what you have to say. (Given his line of work, that "posture" may just be second nature...) You look really good, BTW; now just keep the weight off. ;)

Honestly, I wasn't crazy on the "having the wives on" issue - in fact, I forgot I even posed a question weeks ago. (I should have phrased it better; it was one of those "off the top of my head" things - I don't actually "yell," but sarcastically imitate or belittle the characters. I'm a pretty level person and am not prone to psychotic fits nor have I ever thrown a controller. I had to get that out there, because I felt my wording made me come off bad. )

I was afraid they'd slow the show and I must say I rather enjoyed them on. Both of them seemed to be enjoying themselves; Mrs. W in particular gives us the insight that Wombat is pretty much exactly how he comes off on the CAGcasts as her interactions show. Both seem to possess a nice sense of humor - I'd love to hear them on again!

I have a suggestion for a segment for future eps: Have you ever thought about doing "Second Looks?" Kinda like a revserse Hype Wagon where you talk about a game a few weeks or a month after it has been out? This way, the "honeymoon" period is over and the replayability can really be tested. This would be nice for us CAGers who don't buy a game right on its release week.

Overall, very nice work guys - as always, I cannot await new episodes!
[quote name='PlumeNoir']I have a suggestion for a segment for future eps: Have you ever thought about doing "Second Looks?" Kinda like a revserse Hype Wagon where you talk about a game a few weeks or a month after it has been out? This way, the "honeymoon" period is over and the replayability can really be tested. This would be nice for us CAGers who don't buy a game right on its release week. [/quote] Excellent suggestion.
Great show again, guys. With all the free games and the show invites, it sounds like you are really building momentum, and for good reason.

I really enjoyed hearing the wives on the show; I'd like to hear them more often. I laughed harder at the Rez Trance Vibrator segment than I have at any of the other CAGcasts in a while; not that other CAGcasts aren't funny (they are, very much so), but that the Rez Trance Vibrator segment was exceptionally funny.

[quote name='CheapyD']jimbodan, I hear ya on that. The problem is, unlike heavy hitters IGN, GameSpot, 1UP etc, we simply do not have access to games before they are released.

I'm not sure who we could get as a guest that would have that kind of access either. I'll think about it though.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't ViolentLee review a lot of games? Maybe he has early access. If I recall correctly, he likes RPGs, too.
[quote name='CheapyD']jimbodan, I hear ya on that. The problem is, unlike heavy hitters IGN, GameSpot, 1UP etc, we simply do not have access to games before they are released.

I'm not sure who we could get as a guest that would have that kind of access either. I'll think about it though.[/quote]

I'm sure we can find a pirate who can get "special" access to a game early to talk about it.:cool:
Listened to CAGcast #48-51 today at work..Have to say it really helps the day go by. As a Mrs. Cheap ass gamer, I particularly liked hearing the point of view of Mrs. Wombat and Mrs. CheapyD and found myself having the same points of view on gaming. Keep up the good work.
Good Show as usual, it makes the Wednesday morning break at school much easier (that way I don't have to think about actually studying)

The Mrs. sound like they are a good match for Cheapy and Wombat. I think the "Second Look" section could be a big hit, since afterall this is cheap ass gamer, and some people do wait to see about the longevity of a game, or if stores are going to be running a sale on it in the near future.
Although you guys didn't ask the question I posted, it was still a good show. I like how you posted a little outline (with links) of the show. You should do that with every show in the OP from now on. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to listening in on the next show.
bread's done