CAGcast #55: Top Guns


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
PS3, Wii, 360, oh my! This week's show features all three next-generation consoles, a CAGcast rivalry, Name That Console: The Next Generation, new releases, industry news, your questions from the CAGbag and much more!

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Joystiq won't post your charity raffle because they've decided to do their own apparently. Wouldn't want to help raise even more money right stiq?
I've noticed that about 360 games online as well. Everyone seems to move from one game to the next fairly quickly.
Sexy sound quality, this has to be one of the best CAGcasts so far. I haven't laughed this much at a CAGcast since the wife questioning spectacular.

In response to the podcast conflict, I like the idea that baldness reflects on the financial situation someone is in. Being a fellow baldy I live in pride that I have higher levels of testosterone levels than other men. It probably explains my current status as a sexual Tyrannosaur.
Good show. It was the perfect length as it started in my driveway and ended in my work's parking lot.

And screw All Games Interactive, all of their shows are boring and annoy the piss out of me. They are the PS3 of the gaming podcast world.
how dare you answer questions from your website!!

you guys are douchebags!

although this will come off as bias

wow all games interactive guys are very classy...felt like something I was listening to a high school radio show.
Don't mind the All Games retards. They always seem to be starting feuds like this, same thing happened to a gaming podcast called Gaming Noise.
Listened to half the show on my way to work, will probably listen to the other half at lunch.

Funniest episode so far. What's the beef with that other podcast?
The audio quality was great this week; huge improvement (although the sound quality before didn't bother me too much).

Metal Slug Anthology for the Wii does offer some Wiimote and Wiimote + Nunchuk modes (6 control schemes in all I believe), but you can just play it with a GC controller as well.
Another great show; my favourite thing is reviews of games, because I trust both of your opinions, so review everything, preview everything,!
damn i cant believe the 360 is that damn loud when you cut it on. sound sliek you could dry your clothes with it the fan is so powerful lol. cool battle of the planets music i used to love that show especially when it was on another channel and they called it G Force. best part of it was that music theyd play during every big fight when there fighting a bunch of the minions at once. that cartoon should have gotten the videogame treatment by now or at least maybe a movie.
I also thought the sound quality was much improved this week, so congrats on that. The massage trilogy was hilarious, although I do question Cheapy's manhood now with the manicure finale. If it didn't include a happy ending, it was gay. You should have brought along a beer and some porn to save face. One bit of advice is to stop with the Wii puns. I think somewhere in there Wombat had a sentence long pun regarding Wario Ware that actually made me cringe. Let them go.... please? :pray: That's my only real complaint this week though, so keep up the good work.
Tagged for listening and comments, etc!

Good show, much improved audio--all future cagcasts should be like that, thanks!

And fuck that other podcast and their knee-jerk reaction.
[quote name='MysteryMan2333']I also thought the sound quality was much improved this week, so congrats on that. The massage trilogy was hilarious, although I do question Cheapy's manhood now with the manicure finale. If it didn't include a happy ending, it was gay. You should have brought along a beer and some porn to save face. One bit of advice is to stop with the Wii puns. I think somewhere in there Wombat had a sentence long pun regarding Wario Ware that actually made me cringe. Let them go.... please? :pray: That's my only real complaint this week though, so keep up the good work.[/QUOTE]

What Wii Words Weren't Working Well With Wisteners? ;)
[quote name='orntar']i heard you can copy/move the vc games to an sd card. not dl to them though.

cant confirm though[/QUOTE]

it would be great if i can transfer it to the card to take over to a friend's house. otherwise i would need to take the Wii with me.

sound quality is great, i can understand what CheapyD is saying at times. Great show and thank you for answering my question.

i dont know if I miss this before but what kind of dog is Zelda?
[quote name='orntar']i heard you can copy/move the vc games to an sd card. not dl to them though.

cant confirm though[/QUOTE]

This is correct, I DL SM64 and moved it to my SD card before I even tried to play it. Found I could not play from the SD card, so I moved it back to the Main System memory and it showed up on my Channels.

Good show guys.. Wombat are you feeling better?
[quote name='Kfoster1979']This is correct, I DL SM64 and moved it to my SD card before I even tried to play it. Found I could not play from the SD card, so I moved it back to the Main System memory and it showed up on my Channels.

Good show guys.. Wombat are you feeling better?[/QUOTE]

I am doing much better today thanks, but Mrs Wombat cought it so....
Good show, my favorite intro yet.

Wombat, be honest. When you "ran into" the guys from Rockstar, was it because you were hanging out in front of their building until you spotted someone you knew?
Boxing has more of a learning curve to master. Yeah you can throw punches easily enough, but to get them to register consistently you have to punch in a specific way. So you need to practice up a bit.

Maybe my favorite game because it's the most active one.
Good, solid show. I give it *** (3) out of a possible 4 stars.

Cheapie, give us an update on how things are with Bloomberg in the next episode. I'm guessing that you pissed off one of their corporate lawyers, but that the producer who is in charge of getting you on doesn't give a damn. How do you get hooked up with the guys from Bloomberg TV anyway? Next time have one of your friends post the YouTube video and don't link to it on the front page--just in the forums.

Thanks for not burping, Cheapie--that shit is just nasty.
Finished listening to it. Great show as always. You guys had me lol'ing during various parts of the show, especially the 360 being the "man's console" and how you let everyone know you are going to play a game.

As mentioned above, thanks for not burping, though Wombat's stomach virus talk had me wanting to turn it off at times.

Great job on the audio quality by the way. And forget those All Games guys, they have nothing on the CAGcast.
Great show today. I was laughing my ass off at work while listening to it. Glad to see you guys took some of my advice and tightened up the show, such as actually talking about COD3 for once... Wombat is truly the Adam Sessler of public access television.

RoboCop 3
1. Not sure why everyone's complaining about the sound quality. I listen to your shows every week on my computer at work and have never had a problem with sound.

2. Why are the listeners so faint of heart to hear burping or talk about a stomach virus? Like none of the listeners burp. Really, it's not that big of a deal. And if just hearing about a virus makes you sick, get a backbone.
Oh hell no! It's on now. The internet war has officially begun. This thing gets up to episode 55 and now they think they're the new hotness? When they hit over 200 episodes with over 1000 hours of content, then maybe..MAYBE they'll be in the same league as All Games Interactive. (And by same league, I mean that they'd still be the Golden State Warriors while AGI is the Lakers. )

Cheap Ass Gamer needs to change their name to Punk Ass Gamers.

This was the best done show in a while. Cheapy's audio quality was vastly improved, and a fair amount of time was given for each topic. I do agree Wombat needs a new routine. The Wii puns are starting to get to me.

And also, those guys from All-Games Interactive are a bunch of pricks! They couldn't even pin down what they were dissing you for, and Cheapy's comment wasn't even a direct attack at them. Yet they immediately turn around and bash the CAGcast? They sound like a bunch of freakin' crybabies.
[quote name='DerrickH']Oh hell no! It's on now. The internet war has officially begun. This thing gets up to episode 55 and now they think they're the new hotness? When they hit over 200 episodes with over 1000 hours of content, then maybe..MAYBE they'll be in the same league as All Games Interactive. (And by same league, I mean that they'd still be the Golden State Warriors while AGI is the Lakers. )

Cheap Ass Gamer needs to change their name to Punk Ass Gamers.


Did I miss something?

EDIT: Just saw Pawn's reply.

...Now where'd I put that eye-roll emoticon?
[quote name='DerrickH']Oh hell no! It's on now. The internet war has officially begun. This thing gets up to episode 55 and now they think they're the new hotness? When they hit over 200 episodes with over 1000 hours of content, then maybe..MAYBE they'll be in the same league as All Games Interactive. (And by same league, I mean that they'd still be the Golden State Warriors while AGI is the Lakers. )

Cheap Ass Gamer needs to change their name to Punk Ass Gamers.


Quantity does not equal quality, my stupid friend.
[quote name='DerrickH']Oh hell no! It's on now. The internet war has officially begun. This thing gets up to episode 55 and now they think they're the new hotness? When they hit over 200 episodes with over 1000 hours of content, then maybe..MAYBE they'll be in the same league as All Games Interactive. (And by same league, I mean that they'd still be the Golden State Warriors while AGI is the Lakers. )

Cheap Ass Gamer needs to change their name to Punk Ass Gamers.


I used to listen to The Joystiq Readalong ERRRRRRRR All Games Interactive. Seriously I got tired of waiting 3 hours of pure crap before Jessica (cute but the nasal voice gets to me) read DIRECTLY off of Joystiq and Kotakau. Scott Rubin the 40 old Jim Rome of Public broadcasting game podcasts, who got bounced out of G4TV, is terrible! How bad do you have to be to get picked off of G4TV? Its probally because he knows jack shit about gaming. For example about half a year ago he did not know that FFVII and all RPGs since Playstation had a play timer. If its anyone is being a douche its Scott Rubin. His show is truly the worst in the All gays interactive lineup. Just because he were on a short lived cable TV show and he makes a couple gaming related commercials a year he thinks he is the shit. The only good podcasts that I would listen to are Bobby Blackwolf and Orange Lounge Radio (only when that bitch princess emo-punk Dark Suckra isn't on it). What has All Games Reactive added for its visitors? Any deals. or non-gamefaqish community, or donate to a worthy cause? There is a reason GamerTag Radio dumped you guys to go onto GamerCast Radio, cause ya'll are spitefull punks that do noting but bitch.

DerrickH troll on your own site jackass. And your store sucks and is filled with overpriced crap. 200 shows its quality over quantity. Are you saying tha Bobby Blackwolf's show is crappy because he has less than 10% of what AGI has? Please in the last 200 podcasts nothing has changed they have a daily ramblecast big whoop. Some weeks they skip days on days. Daily my A$$! They don't even have thier owns studio. The audio feed sounds either like they have Windows 95sound recorder or like Scot is breating down the mike like he is going to eat the damn thing. Not to mention they tape in a glorified daycare ERRRRRRR Arena Lounge game center. I mean come on, when there isn't ambient noise in the background they are getting reviews from some kid or bum off the street who paid their 6 dollars to play the games. I mean leave them alone not only are they stupid for playing the games at a game center ($6 x 10 hours and you could have bought your own game, and if you need friends get XBOX Live, which that center doesn't have because they dont have broadband there). They were raggin on Wombat asking for games to review when the very center that they were taping at would not get the games that people demanded because the owner thought it was stupid (They didn't get Cromehounds when it came out) . There only instance where I agree with your statement is OLR where they have added value to thier podcast by getting exclusive Konami upcoming songs ( I
bread's done