CAGcast #589: The Best and Driest Seat


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
The gang talks Endgame (spoilers only post-show), Days Gone, Mortal Kombat 11, Randy Pitchford’s Borderlands controversy, New VR headsets, next-gen console pricing and so much more!

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Show Linkage/Notes:
Intro - Britney Spears - Oops!...I Did It Again (Dj Nicky Rich & Dj Ed Remix)
Outro - Mattel Electronics Intellivision II commercial feat. George Plimpton and Henry Thomas

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Cheapy demanded more feedback, so here ya go: I’m pretty sure I don’t listen to a more dismissive video game podcast than CAG. While I find the show entertaining, it’s disheartening when I can picture the shoulder shrugs when you guys discuss things that you know little to nothing about. Would it have killed just one of you to check out Box Boy before making fun of and dismissing it? Reviews are great, and it’s a series of games that appears to get better with each iteration. While I know none of you follow VR at all, it seems that most complaints stem from people not wanting to deal with A. High price, B. Ease of use. So a wireless headset is coming for less than any other product on the market basically, and it’s “whatever, why are we talking about this” ? As a capper this week, talking about the Sonic trailer as something that seems “fine”, along with Captain Underpants being a good movie, just further cements the fact that you guys have wildly differing ideas about what makes a good movie than I do. #LastJediIsAwesome
*sigh* Why listen then, muh dude?

Cheapy demanded more feedback, so here ya go: I’m pretty sure I don’t listen to a more dismissive video game podcast than CAG. While I find the show entertaining, it’s disheartening when I can picture the shoulder shrugs when you guys discuss things that you know little to nothing about. Would it have killed just one of you to check out Box Boy before making fun of and dismissing it? Reviews are great, and it’s a series of games that appears to get better with each iteration. While I know none of you follow VR at all, it seems that most complaints stem from people not wanting to deal with A. High price, B. Ease of use. So a wireless headset is coming for less than any other product on the market basically, and it’s “whatever, why are we talking about this” ? As a capper this week, talking about the Sonic trailer as something that seems “fine”, along with Captain Underpants being a good movie, just further cements the fact that you guys have wildly differing ideas about what makes a good movie than I do. #LastJediIsAwesome
I can't think of anything more tiring than the "Sonic looks like shit" takes right now. IT'S A KIDS MOVIE! Don't watch it if it offends your delicate nostalgia. I can't conjure up any outrage for a sonic movie any more than I can conjure up enough outrage for diet coke. It's there, it's real and I don't give a hedgehogs' ass about it. 

I did find the Days Gone talk interesting because I thought about checking it out but the reviews were so all over the place I couldn't get a clean idea if it was worthwhile. Thanks, Cheapy for cutting through the 'reviewer group think' and giving a normal person review. May check it out when I have some time. 

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Whenever you see someone's tweets go beyond 2 or 3 parts you know that they've lost the plot and likely the argument. :argue:

Cheapy, carbs are not the enemy. From Atkins to the Zone to Paleo to Keto, these are all variations of low carb diets and don't work. They're not healthy and you build up insulin resistance. After a while you can't keep it up and gain weight back. See all the contestants on The Biggest Loser or how the host, Ben Harper, suffered a heart attack. No one in the NBA, NFL, or NHL does low carb. Read "Proteinaholic" by Dr. Garth Davis. Or this video by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:
Ding Dong XL is actually a good game. It got popular when some of IGN's staff started championing it.

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I can't think of anything more tiring than the "Sonic looks like shit" takes right now. IT'S A KIDS MOVIE! Don't watch it if it offends your delicate nostalgia. I can't conjure up any outrage for a sonic movie any more than I can conjure up enough outrage for diet coke. It's there, it's real and I don't give a hedgehogs' ass about it.
You should want better things for kids. I don't even like Sonic games and I think Sonic looks terrible in that movie. Why is he half man?
Seems like it's being changed anyway though.

Terrible shit is made for kids by the second. This is just 1 in a never ending cavalcade of horrible shit for kids to consume. I, personally, can't find the fucks to give about it. However, if you even glance sideways at the internet right now there are endless amounts of people with exactly the same tired opinion about it and none of them are children.

Not saying Sonic doesn't look like a nightmare I may or may not have had, I just can't get riled up about it the way most people are.

You should want better things for kids. I don't even like Sonic games and I think Sonic looks terrible in that movie. Why is he half man?
Seems like it's being changed anyway though.
was glad to hear how you've grown in regards to attending movies and the mother with the 2 children fighting. I remember a while back when you were put out that a group of probably special needs kids were in the same theater as you. much better attitude this time around, kudos to you. in regards to feedback, I do read the threads and have commented occasionally, but sometimes you seem to skip over different things, what kind of feedback would you like to see regarding the show? 

Based on the thumbs up/thumbs down and comments on the Oculus Quest VR YouTube video, seems like CAG's thoughts are pretty controversial!

I don't understand how anyone could be against the Epic PC store..  It's an embarrassment that people can have such strong negative emotions over something causing a minimal inconvenience in their lives, but such a positive monetary influence on the companies that MAKE THE THINGS THEY LOVE.

Also, when talking about console launch problems, people never seem to bring up the fact that the PS3 released a controller with no rumble.  

1. What the Shack Fu is cheapy talking about? Cannonball run is still great.
2.If the three of you were going to make a human centipede who would be front who would be middle and who would be back?
bread's done