CAGcast #607: Xbox Raccoon Disc Console


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
The gang talks PlayStation 5 news, Pig Eat Ball, Pilgrims, Activision, and so much more!

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Show Linkage/Notes:
Intro - Billie Eilish - Bad Guy (Ryan Enzed Remix)
Outro - National Geographic 1964 - 1987 Full Theme and Montage HD

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We all know that even with the playstation V coming out for 672.59$ (Controllers included for 89.99 each) gamers are still going to pay it. Just like they did with the PS1/2/2S/3/3S/4 and all the variants that go with it. Ive seen it too many times in peoples homes where they have the ps3 and the ps3 slim... WHY!?!?! You know mom and dad will keep buying it for them so ofcourse its gonna sell. Same goes for xboc as well, and yes im speaking from experience :( once i saw the thousands ive spent on these consoles, i just went and built a super pc for half the price that comes with not only more updates and content, but has better graphics and a more friendly/larger community base. Seems like these consoles are getting closer and closer to pc specs and standards so just go get a pc and be done with the console rat race.
Would it make sense for Microsoft to release a budget Xbox 2? Big, normal hard drive, regular controller but similar processor, graphics, ram, etc? They could even release a premium version like the One X for more money, but I think that price matters more than anything as Cheapy has said before. It could get them into more homes and put them back in front of Sony if Microsoft cares about that. I would say Sony should do it too, but that's not their style.

Any more concrete price predictions?

Xbox 2 shitty: $399

Xbox 2 good: $599

PS5: $499

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Really good episode. Cheapy’s battle cry at the raccoon had me in stitches. So glad you worked that into the outro.

MS should go with Xbox Six for the next one to jump past PS5.
Pronunciation guide: I'd go with "BOT-uh-NICK-you-la."

Naming guesses: I can't imagine Microsoft hasn't already tipped their hand by telling us the title of their flagship title launching alongside their new console. It'll be the Xbox Infinite.

Raccoon encounter: fried gold.

Wombat's take on Joker was hilarious in how wrong it was, but I kinda get how that's one might be led to believe from everything shown in trailers and reported by the media. Having seen the movie myself a few days ago, I think its a movie with a terrible script, a very slow first half that requires the spectator to take immense leaps of faith when it comes to the plausibility of certain events happening in the movie, but despite all this, the movie is lifted into greatness by the sheer strength of Joaquin Phoenix' performance alone. The guy carries the movie on his own (and thank goodness for that, he is sucking up screentime for about 95% of the movie's length) and as a comic movie fan its absolutely worth watching for being practically an arthouse take on the comicbook genre. 

That being said perhaps not worth watching in the cinema, like most drama-centric movies.

I don’t know...I watched the RLM video on Joker and Wombat seemed exactly right.
Spoiler Alert:

Its not really about the girl at all, the first transitional murders he commits are not because of her rejection, they are what brings him to her (in his mind). If anything sends him utterly over the edge, its realizing the truth of his mother.

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I wonder if USB, non-SSD drives will still be an option.  You still get at least 5x the storage space per dollar.  Keep frequently played games on the main drive, infrequent ones on the external one.

About the guy that broke into Valve headquarters.  What is the significance of his car being a Geo Prizim?

Also, I look forward to Round 2 with the raccoon.

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Are the companies saying game data is 100GB because regular hard drives would have an easier time fetching the data if it's spread out and most of it is dummy data? fuck

Game companies in the future should start budgeting time for excising unnecessary data, or allow consumers to download the game in a variety of resolutions, like 720p and 1080i and 1080p texture packs, as well as compressed audio. We definitely aren't ready for a solely digital future if we got to deal with the Comcasts and Charters of this country. 

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Cheapy's yell/cry had me laughing so hard!

Cheapy, if racoons are tearing up your lawn you probably have grubs underneath. They're digging it up to get to them. I had the same problem years ago, but I think it was skunks doing the digging in my case. I bought nematodes (they are a natural grub killer) to spray on the lawn and that took care of it.

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bread's done