CAGcast #61: Cheapy's Choice


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
CheapyD unveils his next ridiculous toy and explains why the PS3 should have been launched during Xmas 2007. Wombat wonders why God of War 2 is not a PS3 game and we both discuss video game shopping and industry news, answer your questions from the CAGbag and much more!

Listen for details on a new contest!

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Intro music: Space Harrier Remix - (CAG) EOWXXX (Download entire DJ Mix here)

NYC Video Game Ads
CheapyD's Latest ridiculous toy
Contest winner:
dadeisvenm : Resistance

New Releases (1/29/07)

The PS3 hardware scaler: it exists, but Sony may not want it used
Sony 3rd-Quarter Profit May Fall 50% on PlayStation 3 (Update2)
PSP Connect using PGR3 Screenshot

CheapyD's new Japanese XBL friend:
Def Jam demo beats on XBL this week (NBA Street)
Rewards coming for Xbox 360 achievements?
XNA opens up NES emulation on Xbox 360
The Rumor that won't die: Devil May Cry on X360

NES Nintendo - EVERY GAME EVER MADE - 670 LOT Licensed

4th PAX Details
eBay delisting most virtual items


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Outro: Laser Blast (Atari)

Bonus videos:
Part I

Part II

The CAGcast is my one joy on the commute to and from class during the week. Having said that, I am only 48 minutes into the CAGcast and will likely save the rest until tomorrow, so the comments below only apply to the first 48 minutes:

First, I would like to talk about the hypothetical release of PS3 over Christmas 2007. In regards to this issue I am going to have to agree with Wombat 100%. A 2007 release of the PS3 would have been much too late; rather, Sony should have taken a cue from Mircrosoft and released the PS3 with a DVD drive and saved the Blu-Ray for an add-on.

It has become apparent to me that the Blu-Ray drive in the PS3 was a purely selfish attempt by Sony to trojan horse their next-gen movie format of choice into the living room. Currently, Blu-Ray shows little benefit for games and a passel of drawbacks. Chief among these being high initial prices, low initial stocks (although this seems to be a problem of antiquity already), decreased prospects of early price drops, and poor loading times on games (just research Bethesda's problems porting Oblivion to the system). Now, had Sony decided to use a DVD player, price points would be lower, demand would rise, production numbers would easily have increased, and competitive pricing strategies would be a viable option in 2007.

Now, had Sony decided to release the PS3 over Christmas 2007, I think the system would be even more poorly received than it is now. As things stand, Sony is already saying there will be no price cuts on the PS3 through 2007. If the PS3 were to be released in 2007 at the current price point I think the system would be a disaster. Xbox 360 and Wii would already have a DOMINANT market share and the PS3 would be launching alongside Halo 3. Sure, the online service and launch games for the PS3 could potentially be more polished, but most of the improvements to services and games don't happen until the services and games are being used by the public. You can only make so many improvements in a theoretical realm before you max out and must turn to realworld experience to see what needs polishing. Developers being hands-on with other developer's games is integral to creating better software; developers don't sit in a room trying to come up with more and more brilliant ideas until they create a perfect game, they borrow from the collective wisdom of the community. Without a console on the market this is nearly impossible. With only "launch-caliber" titles availble, a much higher price point, and a market already comfortable with two alternative consoles, the PS3 would be entering hostile waters indeed.

I have to go pick up the wife from work and run some errands, but I will continue this later...

P.S. I should win Phoenix Wright because the first game basically inspired me to apply to law school. Now that I'm paying $40,000 a year in tuition and realizing that the actual legal system lacks much of the luster of Phoenix's world, I think that I deserve at least a $30 game to help get me through.
Wow, a little early this week, but still welcome. Just as I would certainly welcome a brand, S&M-spanking new copy of Phoenix Wright 2...pretty please with sugar or some stomach-churning sugar substitute like splenda on top? ;)

Nice video. I'm glad I'm not the only one to buy useless toy crap once in a while. :)

Notice the Guitar Hero controller in the back.

"'s soo big!" lolz.
[quote name='zewone']First bitches![/QUOTE]

In some countries this would be a ban worthy post!

*I really hate first post posts*
**I also hate posts bitching about posts :whistle2:\" **
God of War 2 is a PS2 game because a lot of the content was created for the original and didn't make it into the game. Plus, it can be enjoyed by PS2 and PS3 owners alike, especially with the BC fix. Where's the bad part about this?

The PS3 couldn't be delayed to next year, that option wasn't available to Sony at all. Being down 10+ million or so in sales to MS and Nintendo by coming out a year or two later makes their chances to do remotely well slim to none. The risk is easily worth the reward for them, as they are more active with the firmware updates, which allows them to fix problems, add new features, and add whatever else they have planned for the PS3. The games will come, but hardware needs to be there first.

Also, Microsoft didn't make their 10 million units sold goal, they might have shipped that many to stores, but they fell short of 10 million units sold. They said at E3 that they'll have a "10 million unit head start(doc file)," but only managed to ship 10.4 million at the end of the year.

You guys should bring back the hypewagon, it's something I noticed that you guys haven't brought up for awhile. It seemed like Wombat was creeped out at the end when Cheapy was talking about shower sex, like he wanted Cheapy to move on ASAP.

I'll try for Killzone again.
great show guys, i disagree with you cheapy on the ps3 about them waiting, that would leave microsoft with 2 full years without competetion basically. I know the launch was kinda rushed but sony had to get systems out there on the market.

btw psp and ds are equal to me but i want phoenix wright 2 lol
Nice episode. I definitely need to continue listening. (I miss a few here or there.)

Is this where we enter the contest? If so, put me down for Phoneix Wright 2.
This is my first time making a post about the CAGcast. I've been listening now for the past few episodes. Keep up the great work CheapyD and Wombat.

CheapyD's quick mention of the whole handjob thing was... wow. I guess it's nice to see someone who doesn't mind sharing such personal information though. :applause:

I would like to go for Killzone Liberation for PSP. It will help me get into the Killzone franchise.
Faaaaaantastic! [/frank west]

Looking foward to hearing about Cooking Mama sometime.

Also, enter me in for Killzone please.

[quote name='ummmmmm......']

click on the link. thats why i deserve to in the game[/quote]

Sorry to sound like a dick, but spelling it "Phoenix Right" should be a one way ticket to losing ville.
I was listening to the podcast today while cleaning up around the house, and when Wombat started comparing Wii downloads to a Xbox version of the same game. It’s like a spontaneous root filling.

Playing original 8 bit and 16 bit games on an Xbox totally destroys the game. Anyone deep into retro gaming should know this, and let me tell you why:
Xbox does not show “True” low resolution. SNES games play in 256x224 (8:7) and Genesis (or Megadrive as it was known over here) run at 320x240. Xbox cannot output these resolutions and shows everything at a crappy 480i. 480i is a bad resolution since it’s the wrong scale with NES and SNES games, and upscaling low res it always a bad idea unless you do a 4x upscale as you want the scan lines to measure up correctly, so the Xbox version of this game is far from optimal.

We also know that the soundchip that was in all the old games does not emulate well on modern day consoles, and will often sound hallow or just plain wrong. The Wii? Perfected emulation for all Nintendo games, near perfection for Sega Games.

Now an easy retort would be: But why don’t you just buy the game on a Genesis and hock that up to your tv? Well, these old consoles don’t have a good solution for plugging it into your tv, the signal is.. sub par at best. The Wii is the solution for this.

For true-retro nerds, the Wii is the Blue Ray of Retroness, and telling me that the same game exists on the Xbox for less money, is like telling me I can get my Blue Ray movies on VHS for less money.

It’s good that wombat comments more and has more opinions, all in all the show is getting better every time I listen in, but this one opinion just shows ignorance for retro gaming.
[quote name='Matshelge']I was listening to the podcast today while cleaning up around the house, and when Wombat started comparing Wii downloads to a Xbox version of the same game. It’s like a spontaneous root filling.

Playing original 8 bit and 16 bit games on an Xbox totally destroys the game. Anyone deep into retro gaming should know this, and let me tell you why:
Xbox does not show “True” low resolution. SNES games play in 256x224 (8:7) and Genesis (or Megadrive as it was known over here) run at 320x240. Xbox cannot output these resolutions and shows everything at a crappy 480i. 480i is a bad resolution since it’s the wrong scale with NES and SNES games, and upscaling low res it always a bad idea unless you do a 4x upscale as you want the scan lines to measure up correctly, so the Xbox version of this game is far from optimal.

We also know that the soundchip that was in all the old games does not emulate well on modern day consoles, and will often sound hallow or just plain wrong. The Wii? Perfected emulation for all Nintendo games, near perfection for Sega Games.

Now an easy retort would be: But why don’t you just buy the game on a Genesis and hock that up to your tv? Well, these old consoles don’t have a good solution for plugging it into your tv, the signal is.. sub par at best. The Wii is the solution for this.

For true-retro nerds, the Wii is the Blue Ray of Retroness, and telling me that the same game exists on the Xbox for less money, is like telling me I can get my Blue Ray movies on VHS for less money.

It’s good that wombat comments more and has more opinions, all in all the show is getting better every time I listen in, but this one opinion just shows ignorance for retro gaming.[/QUOTE]

I want to say something witty, but I'm too tired and too sick to be clever. Instead I will offer this, your points are all valid but for the average gamer the noticibility (I think I made that word up) of the difference would be minimal. Also I would say DVD to Blue Ray might a be a more accurate comparison and for the record I say yes save your money and DVD's over Blue Ray. I stand by my comments that there absolutely no reason to ever buy a 10+ year old game for 8 dollars, especially when you can serviceable versions of the same game for far less. So stick that in your pipe buddy, ;)
Where would one post if one wanted to be entered in the contest for a DS / PSP game? Is this the correct thread?

In reference to the movie downloads on the 360 you dont have to wait for the whole thing to download before you can watch it, when I rent them usually in about 5 minues I can start playing the movie and it never hiccups at all.
Hey there, I really do like my PSP. So if you would be so kind as to send me the copy of SOCOM II Fireteam Bravo, that would give me something to do when I am taking a big dump at work.
Another first time poster about the podcast. Actually been a listener since about episode 7. Can't wait for Wednesday to roll around, so I can listen to the newest episode, while I work at menial work tasks. You guys have morphed into one of my favorite shows, and me and my wife both enjoy it. Yes, I converted my wife into a fan, so you DO have a female listener.

Wouldnt mind a copy of Killzone...

Evil C.
Co-host of MSRcast, part of Metal Injection Radio
I suppose I should specify which I'd prefer, just in case this is the correct thread... I never played the original Phoenix Wright, but I was always curious about it... so if you happen to pick my name out of a hat, I would prefer Phoenix Wright 2.
Nice show fellas. I agree that Sonywould have been better off making GoW 2 a PS3 game. Resistance is the only reason, IMO, to own a PS3 right now. GoW with PS3 graphics and the ability to download content via the PSN would have been sweet!

PS. Please put me in the Phoenix Wright 2 contest. thx!
damn you wombat if you jinx God of War coming out on time for the ps2 ill stomp the living turkey jerk outta ya. the reason why sony is focusing on making the game for the ps2 only is like cheapy said theres more money in keeping it on the ps2 than on the ps3. and im glad theyre not looking to do the douchebag thing like nintendo did in delaying a flagship game just to push their new system sales up. not to mention if they did put it on the ps3 then what? do you think peopel would really shell out a grip load of cash to buy a ps3 and god of war 2 on the ps3 just to play next gen God of war 2? hell no.

the only reason people bought twilight princess for the wii was because nintendo purposely pushed the game back to pressure gamers into breaking down and getting a wii and twilight princess for wii because many peopel didnt want to wait any longer for the GC version and still thought it was goign to get cancelled. in hindsight i bet many of the had wished theyd have been patient and waited because there werent any real benifits or advantages in the wii verrsion of TP over the GC version that made it a must buy game.

im sure sony has thought about it what company wouldnt but after seeing how much nintendo tainted and pissed off alot of their loyal fanbase dicking people over with that whole TP debacle ( with constant delays and lies) sony knows theyd be better served keeping the game on the ps2 because in the systems dying days its still selling huge not only system sales ( since its still a solid system with tons of great original games) but the games are becoming cheaper too and many people who arent interested in any of the next gen consoles at their ridiculous prices would rather shell out 150 bucks or less for a new ps2 and have access to hundreds of great games in its catalog of games than spend 600 on a ps3, 300 on a wii or 4 something for an 360 to play what about 10 or so good 360 games, 1 good ps3 game and maybe 2 or 3( and im being very generous here ) wii games.

God of War 2 will sell big numbers and many people who are fans of the series would sell out full price to get the game asap i know I will . theyve got plenty of time now to get God of War 3 ready for when the ps3 drops in price and then itd be a good thing but to try and make a sloppy seconds upgraded version of God of War 2 like nintendo did with TP on the wii is sickening. and its cool to see sony has too much love for quality game making to pull a dickhead move like that. not to mention theres not as much money to be made in doing that now. true they could release an remix version for the ps3 later but for now its better as a ps2 exclusive.

and even further though those people who are buying ps2 now because theyre waiting for next gen price drops will be awed by God of War and God of war 2 and many of sonys other great games and could easily be swayed to getting a ps3 over any fo the other systems once they see how great sony gaming really can be.
I want Phoenix Wright 2 so I'll have an extra copy to loan around, and share the greatness that is this game with all. the game isn't quite the level of the first, but it is amazing.
First and foremost Thank You Cheepy and Wombat for choosing me this week. Awesome.

Good CAGcast. Lasted me a whole train ride and then some. Few things.

Retro Gaming...
Absolutely agree with Wombat as to "old game" downloads for the current generation systems. Look folks... If you like it and you want to buy it then go ahead and buy it but be a smart purchaser. Modern Retro Gaming Emulation(I'm trying to come up with a term that covers this with out using a singular catch phrase or corporate label) should not be limited to uber-perfect emulation and to top it off, the MRGEs are less then perfect even from the manufacturer themselves. With the authentic disks/tapes being scarce and hard to find, I personally think compilations like that of "Sonic Gems Collection" is just fine for the average gamer looking for a retro bargain.

Ye Old Arcades...

Coney Island Astro Land Park (still there)
Broadway Arcades (gone)
Penn-station Arcades (gone)
Laser Park (gone 5/29/07)
Motts street Arcade with the tic-tac-toe chicken (R.I.P. tic-tac-toe chicken) still in operation and run by the Triad. Yay!
Local bodegas (markets), video stores, and game shops


I think the launch of the Wii and X360 were rushed. If the X360 was delayed to better hardware (stability, quietness, etc...), there would be even more incentive to purchase it. The first year for the X360 was a trial by fire where it was luck enough to be the only next-gen console but not so lucky to have a so-so 6 months. If the X360 had launched with the PS3 and Wii, the X360 would be the clear winner with a huge launch line up littered with AAA titles, better hardware, and better distribution. The PS3 launch was pretty successful for a 500-600 dollar blu-ray player. Like it or not everything will do everything; MP3 players will do more than play MP3 and TVs will do more than be "channel changers".

P.S. PSP rules, wombat. I will buy Phenix Wright 2, but I feel pressured to do so. I think its a crime that they would cancel a sequel of a PORT because of sales.
I totally agree with Cheapy about the Ps3. They rushed that system way to much and they thought just because it had the Sony Playstation name it will be the best thing ever , but it takes more then that to prove especially when your system is $600.00 and people don't even care about a Blu-Ray Player.

God Of War 2 works for me on Ps2 , saves me money being I really would want to play that game , but I don't know if I would want to pay $600.00 to play it on a ps3. Although if they did release it as a Ps3 game would bring more intrest towards it.
Just to clarify, the Sony guys who made the prizes I provided possible are ACUTELY aware that these games are now up for grabs as contest prizes. I know they aren't looking for recognition. In fact, they are probably thankful I didn't eBay them (which would have been a dickhead move anyway). Just know that the rank in file (I think that is the term I am looking for) at Sony are definitely fans of the show, even if they cannot "come out of the closet."


@Wombat - Bottom line, God of War IS NOT a PS3 system seller. At this point, only Gran Turismo and Metal Gear Solid are system sellers. God of War will sell better on the PS2.
If I was an anal prick, I'd tell Wombat that the game he was referring to (and apparently holding in his hand) was "Sonic Mega Collection Plus" and not "Sonic Gems".

But I won't do that since I'd like one of those Phoenix Wright games.
[quote name='shipwreck']If I was an anal prick, I'd tell Wombat that the game he was referring to (and apparently holding in his hand) was "Sonic Mega Collection Plus" and not "Sonic Gems".

But I won't do that since I'd like one of those Phoenix Wright games.[/QUOTE]

They made "Sonic Mega Collection Plus" for the Xbox?

I stand corrected.
WEll the PS3 didn't have the titles for it at launch, but launching another year later with the Wii and 360 out there carving out huge leads wouldn't have been good either.

I think ultimately BluRay will save the PS3. Movies are way more mainstream and as hi-def movies become more common place and console prices drop the mainstream consumer will pick up a PS3 as a cheap BR player.

You could say digital downloads would nip any chance BR has, but 99% of consumers don't have the bandwidth to download hd movies in a timely fashion. Also consumers are creatures of habit and it's going to be a long hard sell to get them to stop renting movies at Blockbuster and what not.

So I think BR ultimately is a success that sells the PS3.

Also let's not forget the PS3 has some big titles coming out for it.

And the PS3 in 2k6 actually outsold the 360 in 2k5.
I really like Wombat's idea about a sonic burnout-esque game. It would allow Sega to final capture the sense of speed, it has been missing in those shitty resent sonic games.

DS over PSP anyday. At one point in time I owned move but the lack of quality PSP games, at the time, caused me to sell it. Phoenix Wright is great a game.
Seems like the last few weeks have been pretty barren with regard to games for the PS3 and the Wii. As for Sony launching the PS3 a year later or w/o Blu-Ray, I think it would have been suicide unless they managed to launch with FFXIII and MGS4 amd brought the price down a hundred bones. The 360 has a ton of momentum right now and by Xmas 2007 MS might have been able to drop the price to counter Sony.

Put me down for Phoenix Wright 2.
[quote name='McBacon']Faaaaaantastic! [/frank west]

Looking foward to hearing about Cooking Mama sometime.

Also, enter me in for Killzone please.

Sorry to sound like a dick, but spelling it "Phoenix Right" should be a one way ticket to losing ville.[/quote]

what are you talking about? its spelled phoenix wright. check the website
Listening right now at work. I'll listen again at least 2-3 this week. Keep up the good work. I dugg for yall!!! Phoenix Wright 2, thanks!!
Phoenix Wright - seriously. with a copy of mr. wright i can at least pretend to be the lawyer my mother always wanted.

thanks for the cagcast, without it my life would be empty. [tear stain]
Another entertaining 80 minutes that made me a happy cag. I feel like cheapy should have a segment where he says a certain thing he misses about the usa ie weed or axe body spray. I am always happy to hear simpsons references on the show, memories of arcades back in the day, and other random things such as cheapy getting a hand job, cheapy getting laid and mrs wombat walking in the room naked. Dr. Wombat, graduate of Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, should perform vasectomies via trauma center for those dumb enough to get those certain virtual console games that make him an angry wombat.

I would like to try to “TAKE THAT” ===> Phoenix Wright 2

on a side note thanks for the shoe pics last week cheapy. I used to be really into sneakers before i found cag and now thats where my time is spent.
Here's looking for the future

Hey Wombat, I'm impressed you were able to subdue your mooching powers on 'Phoenix Wright 2'. Great show as always guys!
I've never played a Phoenix Wright game, although I've heard great things . . .

Actually, my DS Lite hasn't been getting much love at all in general, :(.

*Goes back to Elite Beat Agents*

And here's to hopin' I win it, :p.
bread's done