CAGcast #61: Cheapy's Choice

Once again you made my week, Wednesday is easily the best day of the week. Cheapy looks a lot of different than I had imagined.

Put me down for SOCOM 2.
Enjoyed the show as always. Glad we are past the Cheapy-Wombat dischord and unpleasantness. And as a DS whore, put me down for Phoenix Wright 2.
I also agree with Wombat regarding the Sonic Gems Collection (even though he mean Sonic Collection Plus). Just does not make much sense UNLESSSSSS you don't have any system that game was on. Also the Genesis Collection that just came out for PS2 would also support his opinion on this issue.
I'll expose myself to some heckling and admit I've downloaded some Virtual Console games. AFAIK, R-Type 3 hasn't been re-released anywhere, and it's been well worth the $8. I never had a TG-16, and the shmups available (R-Type, Soldier Blade, Super Star Soldier) are quite fun. Gunstar Heroes is a similar case - I don't believe it was ever collected, short of the Genesis "Treasure Box." A cleaned-up Mario 64 in 480p is nice if you never played the original.
Phoenix Wright 2

CheappyD I must disagree with u in regards of the ps3 launch, they shouldn't have launched in the 2007 christmas period, their mistake was delaying the launch of the system because of the blue ray diodes ( that's what they say, but I believe it was because they didn't have the specs finalized for the system).Think about it.They delayed the launch, and they have relied so much in the HD stuff, that must gamers still can't afford a HD tv, I am getting one but like this christmas, but that's ray still is not an option, as hd-dvd still not an option.
Good show cheapyd and wombat. I agree virtual console games cost way too much. I probably get get some VC game when they drop the price.

I would like Phoenix Wright please.
Another great show, really enjoyed it. Have to agree with Wombat about his comments on GoW2 and VC games.

And I'll have to go with Killzone.
Did anyone else notice that around 3:16 left in the first video, CheapyD gets a little too friendly with the ED209 box while trying to get it open. The "Ahhh..." right afterwards had me rolling :D

Cheapy, you're a big RoboCop nerd and we love you for it =)

Great Show.. hate listening to it when commuting, i look like a right prat laughing on the bus :)

I loved this weeks show, can't wait for the next one.

I always did wonder if there was like an after show, like you guys still talk afterwards or its like you don't speak to each other until the next show.

Also Phoenix Wright 2 ftw.
Great show once again guys. I always look forward to a new CAGcast.

Re: PS3 launch should've been 2007. I agree, unfortunately they just couldn't afford to be last. Their hand was forced. 360 already made major headway in the US (arguably the largest of the three big markets right now) and sitting out another Christmas would handed Microsoft an even bigger lead -- and yes, that's even with PS3s being in short supply and it being more of a "token" launch anyway. It also would've pissed off third-party publishers who count on holiday software sales and had projects in the pipeline for PS3 all year. Already Sony has lost some key exclusives -- they can't afford to lose more.

Second thing forcing their hand is Nintendo. While Sony America might not consider them much competition, in Japan it's a different story. Sony already lowered the price of PS3 there in order to better compete with the lower-priced Wii. Had Nintendo not been ready with Wii Sony might've had some room to delay.

Now their obstacle is the PR battle with Nintendo and Microsoft. They need to nail down a Q1/Q2 lineup, talk software, talk up the advantages of the PlayStation Network and get some more positive buzz going. They need a community figurehead a la Major Nelson or Reggie to be there and at least put on the act that they're listening to fans. Right now they're coming off a string of so much bad press that it is going to be difficult to get away from it. I think they're just hoping that Wii becomes a gimmick with no life in it and that the public embraces 1080p high-def gaming and Blu-Ray movies, but I dunno how quick that'll happen (if it does this year). They were hoping that the public was as hungry for Blu-Ray as they were for DVD when PS2 came out...and guess what? Not happening.

Anyway, great 'cast and thanks for the shout-out Cheapy and Wombat. :D Drop me an XBL friend request and I'll add y'all to my list and we'll play some Gears sometime (I am a very easy target, trust me).
Hey guys--great show.

Wombat this is for you. Here's why you need to give me one of those copies of Phoenix Wright: And Justice for All. I'm like you in that I am changing jobs this year. Unlike you I have to move about 2,700 miles from Knoxville, Tennessee to just outside Seattle, Washington in a couple of weeks. I'm going to be taking a moving truck on an epic journey across the country and I'm going to need something to occupy my time when my wife is driving. Even after the CAG-worthy coupon codes I found for Penske, and after saving money on boxes by hitting up my buddies at the neighborhood liquor store, the moving truck alone is going to cost a MINT. I'm sure you have moved around in the past--and you know there's always the possibility that I will need to lay in the bed with an ailing back. Phoenix Wright would make hours of pain seem more bearable.

Just the gas for the truck (6-10 miles/gallon!) is going to cost more than $700. The move is going to cost me about 3 grand total.

Help a CAG out, will ya?

That's my entry for the contest. PM me if you need verification of employment. :)
Although I liked the stories and concept of Phoenix Wright, I found myself falling asleep while playing due to all of the reading. So I'll have to request Killzone for PSP. Hopefully all the shooting will help keep me awake.
[quote name='CheapyD']
[/quote] :lol:

The "Recorded CAGcast without burping" shocks me the most. :applause:

:edit: The center of the Jets is Kevin Mawae! No, I didn't look that up OR like the jets, just too much madden...

I'll take killzone.
Sonic Gems is backwards compatible for the Xbox 360???
You were too heated at the moment, but I know you meant the Wii :) .

Great show besides the small error.


Wright 2 please.
Nice episode guys. I wish my showers were as exciting as Cheapy's lol. Anyways I would like a copy of Phoenix Wright 2 for the good old DS.
Wombats discussion about sonic got me thinking. They really should just make a 2-d sonic game. Because all the consoles have an ability to download games it should be a downloadable game for something like $15. If it had the same great level design as the sonic games on the Genisis it would be a must buy for me. Its ridiculous how these classic franchises are being ruined by these new guys. The only problem would be with the 360 because as anyone who's touched the controller knows the d-pad is absolute shit. any who if you could throw a copy of killzone liberation my way that would be great. Thanks!
The lack of a video to accompany the shower handjob story is a moderate disappointment. Otherwise, swell episode.
[quote name='hcamacho']Phoenix Wright 2[/quote]
No argument there. :)
[quote name='hcamacho'] CheappyD I must disagree with u in regards of the ps3 launch, they shouldn't have launched in the 2007 christmas period, their mistake was delaying the launch of the system because of the blue ray diodes ( that's what they say, but I believe it was because they didn't have the specs finalized for the system).Think about it.They delayed the launch, and they have relied so much in the HD stuff, that must gamers still can't afford a HD tv, I am getting one but like this christmas, but that's ray still is not an option, as hd-dvd still not an option.[/QUOTE]
I was thinking the same thing as I was listening to the CAGcast: the PS3 should've launched back in the spring of 2006 instead of the fall. Even if they didn't go with the worldwide simultaneous launch (window), at least dev kits would've been released sooner and the price would've been cheaper as Sony wouldn't have had to shoehorn Blu-ray in to their system before the standards were set (and the diodes held up because of production issues). They could've still included HDMI ports and added Blu-ray movie and/or game capability later on either as an add-on or as an upgraded "premium" system/SKU that would've justified the price difference. A token launch nearly a year ago would've at least given Sony six months to catch up to Microsoft's UI (mainly through firmware updates) and get a "massive" leg up on the late-arriving Wii. Releasing the system earlier would've also handed developers the specs to the Sixaxis and some semblance of a network framework for online games in time for the second-gen releases that could've really utilized them by the holiday shopping season of '06. Releasing all this for a price comparable to that of the 360 would have just been icing on the cake.

At any rate, HarassmentPanda's initial comments near the beginning of this thread covered most of the reasons why a late release wouldn't have done any good, so I won't repeat what he had to say here. For the record, I own both an Xbox 360 and a Nintendo Wii. The PS3 will have to wait for a price drop and some more games; Blu-ray just doesn't cut it for me.

Shoot. I just want to win something, anything. Either of the PSP games would be cool, Killzone slightly cooler.

I think we should have CAGcast achievements. That'd be neat.
I agree, more 2D Sonic. I don't get why companies feel the need to force everything into 3D, especially when it means the game turns to crap. More 2D Mario while we're at it, too, not that the 3D games haven't been good, but 2D games are still fun.

I think the point about delaying the launch of the PS3 isn't bad. Had they waited a year I'd imagine they could have gotten out at a lower price point. And they could have had many more units available at launch. And a decent lineup of games. And not having to compete with the Wii's launch. However, Sony is overly arrogant and believes that people will buy their stuff regardless of how much it costs and they don't think Nintendo is even their competition so got what they deserve with the PS3 launch in my opinion.

Oh yeah, and Phoenix Wright 2. Since I'm not the one getting handjobs in the shower I need something to entertain myself.
Great show this week guys! I enjoyed hearing that you are getting some connections with Capcom and hope that it only looks up from this point.

Mention Phoneix Wright 2 : Check
[quote name='MillerTime2523']:lol:

The "Recorded CAGcast without burping" shocks me the most. :applause:

:edit: The center of the Jets is Kevin Mawae! No, I didn't look that up OR like the jets, just too much madden...

I'll take killzone.[/QUOTE]

no Mawae left the Jets for the Titans in 05, Mangold was the Center this year, he's a rookie
I also feel like a wierdo laughing while i walk to and from class listening to the cagcast...I wonder if podcasts will reach a level where we can laugh in public and you wont get looks as ppl will recognize youre listening to a show, not music....

anyways-phoenix wright 2 me up!
Case of NDS vs PSP

Phoenix Wright: "Objection!! Your Honor, the defendant's PSP battery died after hours of load screens therefore he used the UMDs to kill his friend who brought him the PSP for his birthday instead of what he really wanted which is a shiny Nintendo DS with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All."

Judge: Gulity!! Defendant is sentenced to a life of Nintendo DS gaming glory. As for the PSP toss it into the growing PSP disappointment bin.

Justice is served. Signing off for Gaming Court.
Wombat- The new Sonic game (360/PS3) has segments that you were describing. Basically Sonic is going really fast (almost too fast) and all you push is left/right and jump.

And Killzone for me
Nice show, good stuff all around. Except when Cheapy talked about the HJ in the shouldn't be gross by any means but it is. :/ I don't know how else to explain it.

The reason why I'd like to have Phoenix Wright 2 is because I played the first one, and loved it, however I have fallen on kind of hard times and I don't think I'll be able to purchase the second one when it comes out. :( Also, I wouldn't like the series to not sell well, and me having a copy, assuming it's wonderful, will spread good word-of-mouth to my friends and such.
Good show, had it looping a few times to help pass the time while I finished unlocking the rest of the outfits I was missing in Rockstar Table Tennis. I also enjoyed Elevator Action, remember playing the Game Boy version when I went to Thailand years ago to visit relatives.

I've been trying to find Phoenix Wright 2 at Best Buy so I can use a GGC with it, but no luck so far.
Dude, that Ed 209's dope! More obscure japanese robot unboxing vids please!!

P.S. I'd like Phoenix Wright please, thank you and good day. I said, "Good day!!"
Hooray that my question was ansewered. I am going with PSP this week so Killzone! Good episode, i'll check out player1 and planetxbox360. Good stuff.
Gotta give the PSP some love.Now that you can play PSX games on it,its become quite the decent portable.I would like SOCOM please.

Cheapy,is it true that the Japanese like to put mayonnaise on pizzas?
I think I deserve the game becasue I am horribly deprived of DS games. The last DS game I bought was Metriod Prime Hunters. I also havent plyed the first game. Finnally, yesterday was my birthday and it would be a good present;)
Hi Cheapy and Wombat. I'm a long time listener first time poster.

I've recently returned to Australia after spending a year in Japan (Nagoya, go dragons!) doing the teaching thing, so it's really cool to hear your stories, they really remind me of the fun times we had there (mainly involving lemon chu-hai and convinience store fireworks :D) . If you ever go to Nagoya check out the tebasaki at Yamachan (theres like a million of them in the city) they're the best I've ever had :) and the ¥1300 pitchers are pretty sweet too :beer:

Oh and Phoenix Wright ftw! :D

hmm i should really change my profile location ;)
Regarding PS3 launching in 2007... While many in the gaming community think that the PS3 has launched not with a bang but with a whimper, it has lit a fire under the ass of the BD v. HD DVD format war. Where before PS3 launch the HD DVD was selling more titles then Blu-ray, after November there was a huge surge of BD titles sold soaring over the competition.

Wombat and others can argue the relevance of adding the BD player to the system (increasing the price of the unit dramatically) but how would the PS3 distinguish itself otherwise? Right now (just 3 months after launch) you're not going to see the benefit of having 25-50Gigs of disc space, within a short time I believe that it's defnitely going to be a bigger and bigger issue further down the road. The Xbox 360's disc can only hold 7 Gigs of game data and already there are games that push the format to the disc limit.

The problem Sony has right now isn't really the price. The always forgoten 20Gig system is $500. Take two years of Xbox live that you've already paid for on the 360's life span and add that to the $400 price point and you're already at equal footing. The problem is, as always, THE GAMES. There aren't any, and until Sony blindsides us with an assload of titles that people want to buy, the PS3 will be seen as this cursed object which maybe well built but doesn't give you much to do with.

Contrary to popular belief it's not all bad news for Sony. They have sold well (better then the 360 last year comparitvely) and continue to do so. Blu-ray is slowly gaining ground and the system's FW continues to improve. Hopefully soon this year the system will become a real contender in this generation.

This is coming from someone who doesn't own a PS3 and only a 360. I look forward to the day that the system is worth a purchase because who doesn't want kick ass games?
re: 3D Sonic games, I really think a Burnout-style game would be an awful idea. Playing through the original on Wii (yeah, I was one of the suckers that bought it and then realised it was on a GCN disc) really made me realise how much Sonic really isn't about speed at all. It's about the illusion of speed, and forcing you to use restraint in it. Sonic, mainly, is about frustration - speeding down a runway into a bank of spikes being the prime example. In the 2D games this is executed very well - when you are able to get a burst of speed, usually at the end of a level, or if you're able to navigate the obstacles well enough to keep your speed going, there's tremendous satisfaction. That's the essential thing that the 3D games have been missing - there's too much freedom.

Uh, also, Phoenix Wright sounds good. I'm not going to be buying it - the first one was enough for me, really - but I wouldn't say no to a mooched copy. :)
Phoenix Wright 2, I love the first one and just got layed off from my job. Please give me the game. Great show guys thanks a lot.
I agree with Wombat that some of the VC titles are redundant in that you can buy them on a collectors edition, but that only goes for Sega games at this point. There are no Nintendo compilation discs you can buy, and no TG-16 compilation discs either (AFAIK). So if I want to play Bonk's Adventure or Super Mario 64, I have to purchase a used console and find the game as well.

I never owned a TG-16 or a Nintendo 64 so those games are very enticing to me and a lot of other gamers who are in the same boat. I don't want to have to hunt down retro consoles and games just to have them handy in case I want a quick game. I like that I can boot up my Wii, switch to the SM64 channel and play.

So those games might not be worth $10 to you, but for the ease of being able to play classic games that I missed, it is worth it for me. A Mario Kart 64 cartridge alone goes for more than $10. I think as long as you are smart about what games you are downloading, the VC is a great addition to the Wii. The 3 VC titles that I have downloaded so far cannot be purchased through any kind of compliation in the US.
bread's done