CAGcast #64: Good Enough

After hearing CheapyD raving about Rail Fan. I think I am interested in it. I am not sure about importing it just yet. Maybe its my trust in CheapyD. I do like unusual games from Japan. Did they release a special controller for Rail Fan?
GTA 4 will more than likely be set in europe. there was a rumor a whiel abck theyd be goign back some place theyd been before. but if i had a choice as to where id like to see it set id choose south america.

and as far as them rereleasing ps2 games with updated ps3 graphics why would sony need to do that damn near all of the ps2 library is backwards compatible so why waste your money on old games they just get touched up? its not liek a wii where you need to buy gc games since most peopel who buy wiis get it for the gmmick of it all and they didnt have a gc previously so they need gc games to make the thing worth owning.

its attitudes like that that are the reason why the movie industry is full of lame ass remakes. its one thing to take an established series to the next console generation but nobody wants to play cheeseball lazy upgrades of games we already own.

virtua fighter 5
Great episode. I recently found your podcast thru Digg and have been going back thru the old episodes. I am certainly going to be adding your cast to my playlist.

Love the talk about Railfan.. I just picked that one up a few weeks ago and I have to say it is strangely addicting. I have been amazed by the video in the game which makes it very cool.

I have a few Train games for my PSP and only one so far has video play which I think makes the game really unique.

Well keep up the great work. Looking forward to more entertaining shows from you.. Great to have someone in Japan one of my favorite places to play / shop.. Nothing like hitting Akiba Yodobashi.
[quote name='shipwreck']I think he may have been referring to "advertising" as Major Nelson talking about it on his podcast. It might not be formal advertising, but Microsoft's "unofficial" spokesman about everything 360 has a large userbase (a userbase that wouldn't exist if he wasn't breaking news and having interviews with insiders at Microsoft). Well, if the face of Xbox is going to talk about it, people are going to want to know what is on there. And if things are leaked outside of PartnerNet, it's going to find its way onto the internet.

I understand all of Microsoft's reasons for not wanting PartnerNet info out in the wild, but it's the nature of the beast. They have NDA's in place to protect against this stuff and they obviously aren't enforcing them well enough to keep this stuff under wraps.

But you've got to respect the wishes of CheapyMom.[/quote]

THANK YOU for the back up, Shipwreck.
Once again another funny and entertaining podcast.
Would have posted earlier but work for me has been tough this month.

And Evangelion- your not the only one from the forgotten borough ;)

I also request the "British Stereotype" CAGcast with tea, fishsticks, and High-Class British porn.

*runs away saying "Yay"*:)

PS: Everyone should see this at the top of their page.(the dugg part)
There are so many times when I hear you so blatantly wrong, mistating facts, misunderstanding events, probably misled... and I wish I could just yell out "come on guys, you are both so wrong this isn't even funny".


"I know EXACTLY what you mean."

Not bitching here, per se, but very often there are blatant oversights and significant bits of misinformation on the podcast that really push it out of the 'casual, comfy' parameters that we all know and love, and right into 'messy' and 'reckless'. Then again, Garnett Lee wouldn't be who he is if he didn't fuck up at least one fact a week on "1up Yours". So it's not just you two.

I also vehemently disagree about members of PartnerNet having some sort of "obligation" to report what they're seeing on there. Granted, Microsoft has handled the Live Arcade very poorly, but getting gamers frothing-at-the-mouth angry because they assume that Ikaruga being 'out there' means that they should be playing it within the month isn't helping Microsoft's cause. Hell, it's not helping these idiots' blood pressure levels, either. I just can't get with this 'Spoil everything you know' protocol that permeates every corner of the Internet. The way the geek savages go after these sorts of scraps makes me actually feel sorry for monolithic corporations. Quite a feat, I must say.

P.S. Thank God no one can hack J.K. Rowling. I sometimes wonder if half the reason the Harry Potter books are as successful as they are is because they're one of the last pop culture events that isn't totally spoiled six months before they release. YOU REALLY DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED AS MUCH AS YOU THINK YOU WANT TO BE. Ah, I'm old. I grew up with only vague playground rumors to go on. My opinion doesn't matter to the Fall Out Boy crowd. Uh...whatever that means.
Put down for crackdown. Wombat is getting funnier, so I turn the volume up slightly each podcast. Hopefully, this won't affect my hearing.
Great show made me laugh out loud several times. You should be happy that you don't get hit on often cheapy. I know you have said before that you would never cheat on mrs.cheapy but its even easier when the temptation is not presenting it self.

I hate the whole showering in public thing as well. Maybe its different in japan but around here most of the gyms around here have individual shower stalls rather than the older style big open room.

I really like the idea of not so old last gen games getting a slight update and being put out at around $20 or so on the 360 or PS3. I know there are older xbox and PS2 games I would still like to play but I really wish I could get some nerd points for them. It would be the perfect thing for xbox live arcade. Seems like this would also be a good way to beef up the poor line up for the PS3 as well.

I agree with you Wombat about the length of a game not being such an issue any more as I am in the same boat of not having near as much time to play games these days. I've been playing R6 Vegas for awhile now and it still feels like I have a long way to go.

All this talk of rail fan makes me wish it would come out for the 360 :whistle2:#
[quote name='jollydwarf']
P.S. Thank God no one can hack J.K. Rowling. I sometimes wonder if half the reason the Harry Potter books are as successful as they are is because they're one of the last pop culture events that isn't totally spoiled six months before they release. YOU REALLY DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED AS MUCH AS YOU THINK YOU WANT TO BE. Ah, I'm old. I grew up with only vague playground rumors to go on. My opinion doesn't matter to the Fall Out Boy crowd. Uh...whatever that means.[/QUOTE]

Utterly and hopelessly off-topic here, but I know what you are saying about spoilage. If you are close to my age, you'll remember seeing the original Star Wars and, of course, thinking it was the greatest thing ever made. Maybe you saw it a few times that summer (I think I saw it 3 times). Then you kind of forgot about it as you went through a few more years of school (as there was no video tape release, no TV showings, no nothing except for a brief re-release as "Episode IV"). Then all of a sudden, whoa, there's a sequel out, and the news says there is supposedly some huge secret revealed. You go to see it and get so [highlight]blown away[/highlight] by the Vader thing that you are in denial until 3 years later when RotJ comes out and Obi-Wan confirms it ;). But, like you said, there was nothing but (completely off-base) playground rumors at the time. This damn interweb and it's semi-accurate rumor-mongering! The kids these days have it so easy... and yet, so lacking in some ways... Hmmm...
Re: the length of games

I totally agree with you Wombat on the length of games. This sort of goes along with the difficulty question I asked for last week. I personally don't have time to sit for 2 hours a day to play a video game. That's part of the reason why I've only made it 25 hours into Zelda and haven't played it in a couple of weeks.

I hear people complaining about how an 8 hour game wasn't long enough, but I say it's just the right length. If I only get to play 2-3 hours a week, I'd finish it within a month. I have all these 50-70 hour RPG's (including Oblivion) just sitting on my shelf and will probably never get played because I don't have the time.
Hey CheapyD,

No offense but that video of you on the segway was hilarious. The two attendants working there looked like they thought you were gonna either fall really hard, or just steal the damn thing. I dont know if its your height, the segway itself, or just the fact that im bored and at work, but i was dying watching that video!

The cast is awesome too. More PSP stuff please.

Put me down for that Japanese Motorstorm PS3, that is, if its compatible with US systems, if not ill take Socom II PSP. Nice.
Regardinging your dilema with PartnerNet Cheapy, I feel what's done is done and the best you can do is just lay low and stay off Microsoft's radar for now and definitely not repeat this incident again. Like Wombat I don't see the need for an apology, more so time to let things cool down between you and the big MS. My $0.02.
You go to see it and get so blown away by the Vader thing that you are in denial until 3 years later when RotJ comes out and Obi-Wan confirms it.

Not only did I see the original first-run in a mall theater (and again a handful of times over the next couple years), I distinctly remember the pre-Return of the Jedi hype building up through things like print media (!) and conversation (!!). The local paper had an article on the front page of their entertainment section the week before it released featuring various theories about who Luke's father really was (Obi Wan?) and who Yoda was referring to when he said "There is another." Some of the readers' submissions were pretty funny, as you might guess. I also recall hearing Revenge of the Jedi as the title in the early going, as well as seeing a trailer for the film unexpectedly before another movie. It was a double-surprise, as my dad never got us to the theater and in our seats on time.
NOTE to Cheapy - Please stop making a mockery of the Playstation 3. Railfan is worth 600 dollars to the right customer; you're right, but the same can be said about any game. No one game can justify the cost of a system, it's about the collection of games a system has in its library that justifies the cost of the system. Right now, no system has a single game that's worth the cost of the system... is Zelda worth 249.99 to play, or Wario Ware worth 249.99, is Gears of War woth 399.99 to play. Is it worth 600 just to play Resistance... NOooo. None of the systems (Wii, PS3, and 360) have a library that's worth the cost of the system. (360 will have a great library when Mass effect hits)

Overall, I love the show Cheapy, Wombat you two are doing a great job with the CAG casts. One suggestion.. In the beginning I love how you use the old school sound clips as a intro for the show, if possible use some sound clips to Distinguish the beginning of a new segment of the show.. like a specific sound byte for Wii Talk section, and for the PS3, and 360 sections. I let my wife listen to the show for the first time, she liked it, but she thought it sounded like you two were just talking on the phone. Oh yeah, read more comments from your listeners.

You guys should definitely make amends to Microsoft, and not because you did anything wrong by posting the MS information, it's just a matter of protecting that relationship that you have with MS. I don't see Sony or Nintendo having any dialog with you guys, and giving you guys freebees for the show. [ex.Just explain that you're behind them (ref to MS) 100 percent, and that CAG is a multioriented website that focuses on not only gaming related deals, but on breaking news.]
Interesting comments about Jade Empire, although I can't help but think you two would be all over Nintendo if they released older Gamecube with updated controls at a $30 price point for the Wii (which Miyamoto has talked about in the past).

The Gamestop call I guess is obnoxious, but it did prompt me to go in and get $42 for Zelda: TP ($35 + 10% edge + 10% game informer coupon).
[quote name='daphatty']The Short Answer:

Game certification and game testing ARE NOT the same thing.

The Long Answer:

Game certification usually happens early on, when much of the game is on paper and/or during the alpha phase. At least, that's how it works (yes, present tense) at Sony.[/QUOTE]
I think they mean when a game is certified Gold. This happens when the game is finished.

[quote name='PyroGamer']Okay... I hope I'm don't offend you guys, but I think this is a bit of constructive critisicm.

Wombat just doesn't seem to know what the hell he's talking about.

Not that CheapyD doesn't do his fair share, but it's almost laughable to hear the misinformation and blatant ignorance you guys sometimes spew. Props to Wombat for admitting he doesn't know, and I realize he's a very busy man, so he doesn't have alot of time to keep up with the industry, but it seems like running a videogame podcast requires a bit more knowledge about videogaming then you guys exhibit.

There are so many times when I hear you so blatantly wrong, mistating facts, misunderstanding events, probably misled... and I wish I could just yell out "come on guys, you are both so wrong this isn't even funny".

Good thing CheapyD seems active on the internet, and is sometimes able to correct his and Wombat's errors through a google search even as the podcast is being recorded.[/QUOTE]
I feel the same way. I like listening to you guys, but goddamn you guys always seem to be talking out your ass. At least read Kotaku/Joystiq's last two pages of updates so you kind of have an understanding on what's going on.

Also, Wombat disappointed again, by not recognizing the Chun Li capsule voice.

And the Jade Empire with slightly better graphics for $20-30 is a terrible idea. The 360 already does this by upconverting the game to high def. The minor additions of Rhino Man and Bo Staff+1 do not make the justification of releasing a 2 year old game on a new console.

[quote name='Thomas96'](360 will have a great library when Mass effect hits)[/QUOTE] game makes a great library? :roll: The 360 has a great library, because it has a great library of games, not one. At this point and time, the 360 is the only new gen system that you can say that about.
The show was great as usual. Wombat was especially snarky on the podcast and that led to some humor in the show. The manhunt 2 mail was hilarious as I probably would have had the same reaction.

One suggestion. You guys should either name the theme music from the show open at the end of the Cagcast or make a contest for us Cags to guess what the music is. I would really like to know how right or wrong I am.
Thank you for separating the CAGcast contests from the discussion thread .

It is now readable .

I like to read what other people think about the CAGcasts , without weeding through a bunch of prize grubbing troll posts .

Great show !
[quote name='XXXplosive1']The show was great as usual. Wombat was especially snarky on the podcast and that led to some humor in the show. The manhunt 2 mail was hilarious as I probably would have had the same reaction.

One suggestion. You guys should either name the theme music from the show open at the end of the Cagcast or make a contest for us Cags to guess what the music is. I would really like to know how right or wrong I am.[/QUOTE]
I think it was The Goonies this episode.
[quote name='zewone']I think they mean when a game is certified Gold. This happens when the game is finished.

I feel the same way. I like listening to you guys, but goddamn you guys always seem to be talking out your ass. At least read Kotaku/Joystiq's last two pages of updates so you kind of have an understanding on what's going on.

Also, Wombat disappointed again, by not recognizing the Chun Li capsule voice.

And the Jade Empire with slightly better graphics for $20-30 is a terrible idea. The 360 already does this by upconverting the game to high def. The minor additions of Rhino Man and Bo Staff+1 do not make the justification of releasing a 2 year old game on a new console. game makes a great library? :roll: The 360 has a great library, because it has a great library of games, not one. At this point and time, the 360 is the only new gen system that you can say that about.[/QUOTE]

Not in every case, but in this case, does the 360 have any RPGs? I think Mass Effect being that it's an RPG on a 360 that's short a couple RPGs is a game that completes the library and shows that the 360 has all genre's covered.
[quote name='XXXplosive1']The show was great as usual. Wombat was especially snarky on the podcast and that led to some humor in the show. The manhunt 2 mail was hilarious as I probably would have had the same reaction.

One suggestion. You guys should either name the theme music from the show open at the end of the Cagcast or make a contest for us Cags to guess what the music is. I would really like to know how right or wrong I am.[/quote]
Cheapy doesn't choose music until after they're done recording the show, so there's no way that they can talk about it during the show.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Cheapy doesn't choose music until after they're done recording the show, so there's no way that they can talk about it during the show.[/quote]

Plus, you can always find the name of the intro music (and other info) in the first post of the CAGcast thread.
[quote name='CheapyD']Exactly.
Plus, you can always find the name of the intro music (and other info) in the first post of the CAGcast thread.[/QUOTE]

For next week put in some serious Genesis era a synthesized Lion King or something. I'm sick of the commercials from the past few episodes. Hahaha
This is the first cast I've heard and (as a casual gamer, a few hours a week max) I'm kinda surprised how much I enjoyed your show. I registered just to say, "good job, keep it up" and I almost never register in forums so you're doing something right.

btw - I love the idea of adding a European (or South American, African, Austrailian or Middle Eastern for that matter) perspective on gaming to your show. I think the reason I listened in the first place was the international vibe so throwing in some input from other countries every once in a while would be great.
bread's done