CAGcast #73: The One With Vagina Clown

great podcast once again. but once again, i disagree with Wombat about Major Nelson. if you listened to Major Nelson's podcasts, he openly praised the Wii and its games and has also criticized about microtransactions that were considered unfair by consumers who commented in his sites.

while Major Nelson will never openly slam MS (since he's employed by them), he'll try to be fair about what is going right or wrong with MS and their decisions about Live and its Marketplace content.

also Cheapy, lookin forward to the Youtube video about the new DS accessories that you got. i'd like to see them in action! :)
As far as the Wii getting undeserved praise for the price, I think to a point that is true. I feel a hell of a lot better having bought a Wii for $250 and not having many games compared to how I would have felt had I bought a PS3.

Being cheaper somehow does make something "better" or at least makes us more tolerable to problems that come with that object. We see this with games all the time. $20 for Cooking Mama for the DS was a good buy, $50 for the Wii version is not. I can put up with the issues that Cooking Mama has on the DS because I only dropped two Hamiltons on it.

In that same vein, a system that is very expensive, like the PS3, is going to get blasted more often for its problems than the Wii, simply because you expect more from a system that is $350 more.

The Wii will definitely not be my only "next-gen" system, but I will wait until the 360 gets a nice big price drop and I can pick up a ton of the games on the cheap.
Wow its weird to see the CAG hate this week, that's pretty atypical. I do NOT go into the CAGcast every week with the expectation of hearing reviews of all the latest games and gadgets. I DO go in looking forward to hearing their (often humorous) commentary about the latest news from the video game industry. There is no other video game podcast out there like it.

I really enjoyed that email you received this week from the 'anonymous developer'. It makes me wonder if 3rd party developers now see this generation of consoles as a fractured market. In the past, the 2 or 3 main competitors were all usually similar in graphical capability. But now, direct ports to the Wii of PS3/360 games sounds difficult, if not impossible in many cases.

With the explosion of growth the video game market has experienced over the past few years, it makes me believe that supporting a fractured market may be feasible. But... due to ballooning development costs of games for the 360/PS3, ports are now more financially necessary than ever. Will a system that is not port-friendly be viable long-term? The flip side is that the Wii is not nearly as expensive to develop games for, opening the door to smaller development studios and for the top studios to take on less financially risky projects.
As much as I hate to rain on the parade of another great CAGCast, Wombat 's humorous but tragically unprofessional attitude towards Major Nelson went a lttle too far this week and I'm surprised no one has called him out on it.

Referring to him as the Ronald McDonald of gaming was one thing, calling him a Vagina Clown is simply grammer-school name calling and repeating it throughout the show was like hearing the latest political mud slinging campaign.

I am a regular fan of your show and I don't necessarily disagree with your points Wombat and kudos to making bold claims but I just thought you were just pushing the envelope for the sake of a quick laugh and can you please do some research before going on the offensive and at least learned his job beforehand?
This show was wonderful. I really enjoy listening to your discussions about the games you have recently played. It is refreshing to hear gaming celebrities/personalities such as yourselves talk about playing games that are more than a week old. Other gaming outlets only discuss games that are either brand new or soon to be released. Although I enjoy hearing about the next best thing (after all, it is their job), their discussions often leave me dissatisfied with my current collection. Hearing Cheapy and Wombat still express their love for Oblivion, Guitar Hero, and even the JLA heroes game (despite that game being terrible) makes me excited about playing the games I do own rather than anticipating new releases. Thank you, and now I'm off to secure more nerd points in Call of Duty 2 and Oblivion!
[quote name='jollydwarf']You know, I think the PS3 will find its equilibrium soon enough, but when you start listing every game ever announced* (including Sudoku!) and insinuating that they're all coming sooner than later, it really comes across as desperate and weak. That's a page right out of a [/quote]
Merely too lazy to edit those out of IGN's list. :) But since you asked, I did.
I listen to most of the same Podcast as you. Being stuck behind a desk for 8 hours a day, I listen to quite a few Podcast to keep me from going insane.
I have not listen to Evil Avatar, GameScoop, and Hotspot so I am going to check them out.
A new Podcast I stumbled upon just recently is Game Theory. The are only two or three episodes in but show allot of promise.
That EGM with Denis Dyack was probably one of the best shows on the net I have ever heard. It was so cool to hear someone who has poured their heart and soul into a project just rip into some of these "Game Journalists". Although with 1UP and EGM I wish they would produce two versions, one the raw show as is, and the other with all the naughty four letter words beeped out.
I think you are missing the developers point. It is not hard to program for the Wii, what is hard is to try to create a game that looks even remotely good on the Wii when the same game look incredible on the PS3 or 360. To create a simple cartoon game like Mario or something is not that hard. It is when the PR and Marketing people expect a game to look and play like the same game on the PS3 and 360.
I am sorry if the comment stings a little bit. Like I said in my comment your family of video game blogs is probably one of the best on the web. But I guess I do not find the way that you and Ludwig present the information as something that does not appeal to me. And maybe it is because your blogs are really good that I just expected more. I have heard you on other PodCasts and I was very impressed, I really like the interview with GamerTag Radio where talked about how PR agencies try to make journalists feel special by inviting them to private parties to see games and make them feel special to get better reviews. And how you warned all PodCasters and Bloggers to always have their Bullsh#$t detectors on. That was an increible interview, so I know you have it in you.

I listened to your filthy podcast yesterday and only one thing is still on my mind: Wombat's vagina monologue.

You see, I like vagina. Vagina is one of my all time favorite things in this world. They're not all pretty, trim, or pleasant, but I hold in high regard every vagina I've ever come into contact with or sought out in various forms of media. Because of this I have to express my deep, penetrating displeasure with equating Major Nelson with a vagina. Clown-like or not, it's an insult to all vaginas, everywhere.
Metal Gear Solid 4 - crap
Final Fantasy XIII - final fantasy is crap
Final Fantasy XIII versus - never heard of it
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - i own both versions for the Xbox
Tekken 6 - crap
Time Crisis 4 - who cares
5th Phantom Saga - never heard of it
6GUN II - what's this?
Old West Game by Rockstar - who cares

Overpriced paperweight that offers all the same games as the 360? Ohh really? I think this list of 25+ exclusive games that come out within the next year prove you wrong on that one. And don't give me that "No games right now" crap, because anyone who REALLY expects a system to have numerous games within the first 5-6 months is being unrealistic. So even though if you get free on-line, hd-dvd, and wireless free with the ps3 that would cost you 700$ it's over priced? Hmmm... And Blu-ray will never hit the main-stream, how do you know that? can you predict the future? DVD's had just as bad as sales as DVD's did now and look at them. And when a piece of equipment has the newest technology in it, of course it's going to be expensive. I don't remember early adopters of HDTV's complaining about the price..... If you want to say the PS3 has little games, that's fine, but calling it a worthless paperweight is just ridiculous and I have read more on these forums of people trading in their Wii's for PS3's than the other way around.

Anyways, Wombat, this was one of the funniest podcasts ever and you have been on a roll lately with your jokes. Keep it up.[/QUOTE]

The PS3 is a worthless system. I don't know how else to say it. Sure, it will have exclusive games, but nothing to make me want one. Metal Gear hasn't been good since the first one on PSOne. No one cares about Tekken anymore. And yes, Blu ray will never be a mainstream success because #1 the masses aren't knowledgable about HDTV's or hi definition dvds. Plus, the prices of the movies are too high. I *own* the hd dvd player for the 360, and to tell you the truth, upscaled dvds look almost as good. I think most people would rather buy a regular dvd for $5.50 then pay $34.99 for an hd dvd/blu ray disc.

I love Sony fanboys. Cheapy and Wombat, at times, have the balls to tell it like it is, that the PS3 is worthless, but I'd bet they get the same kind of emails/repsonses as I got by my post. To keep everyone happy, they lay off their true feelings. I'd like to see them come straight out and tell it like it is.
How have either of you NOT played a Pokemon game!? I mean to own a Nintendo handheld without a Pokemon title. You guys should try them :)

Anyways, BIG shoutout to ALL of the breeders of the pokemon topic in the ds/gba subforum.
Please acknowledge the following users for their hours of hard work they put into breeding and getting event pokemon to aid the collections of fellow CAG's! Its amazing how fellow pokemon players can help each other for 110 pages and counting.

List(please read)
Anyone else who put time into helping fellow CAG players!
I would have to disagree with you on one fact. That more people are trading their Nintendo Wii for a Sony PS3. I have read and seen ads on CraigsList and on here the other way where people will trade their PS3 for a Wii. Honestly I play my PS3 allot more then I play my Wii, I play my 360 allot more then I play the PS3. Unforunately the Wii much like its forfathers suffers from the fact that Nintendo is the only company that makes good games for it, and everyone else just ports over games that look worse the same game on the last gen console versions. Now there are a couple of titles that come out from companies other then Nintendo but these are Nintendo DS ports that are now much cheaper then the comprable Wii titles.

I would agree with you that I unless you press pause the High Def disks really do not look all that better then the upscaled DVDs. Now if I had a 1080p television I would feel more comfortable saying that. But with my 720p television I do not see allot of difference from DVDs. One last note to that comment I feel I have to say is that does vary a little bit from movie to movie. Some HD-DVD and Blu-Ray disks look some what better then others. And I think that download services like Amazon, and XBox LIVE are showing that people will be thrilled to go digital download for movies they rent. NextFlix has rumblings coming out that they may offer a digital download service also. So I really do not see one format wining over another format.

In reply to Cheapy's comment about people playing Pokemon, I grew up with it and continue to play it. It is an attractive series because of its easy RPG elements and large ammounts of replayability and content. That's why it had so many pre-orders and so many sold. I myself picked up a copy just to see what new content they added.

Thanks for the tip about Game Theory, I had heard it mentioned, but never got round to checking it out. I'll download the latest epsiode and give it a go. I listend to the latest 1up Yours today, which was pretty good and plenty long, if you get a chance to check that out.
wombat how big is the box cheapyd sent u is it big would it be a ps3 will cheapyd be cheap and send u a crappy present find out on cagcast 74

I have not heard this weeks 1UP, because a smaller complaint of mine is that they are so frakin long! I think the last one was one hour forty four minutes. Really any where from forty minutes to an hour is long enough for a podcast.
BTW great CAGcast, this one actually seemed short (despite being nearly 2 hours) because it wasn't just a rundown of the latest rumblings in the game world.

I prefer to hear what you guys are playing/thinking about rather than what everyone else is telling you to focus on. Keep up the good work lads.
Awesome episode yet again, guys. I was on vacation, so I'm a bit late, but I'd just like to say one thing- I also have the DS Stulus Pen Attachment, straight from Play Asia. It used to be my stylus of choice until I got the new Pokemon one last Sunday :cool:
another great show guys. For reading my comment last week I gave the CAG cast a DIGG . Its time for wombat to open up his favorite bookmark and go for a meat spin. btw I love the long shows, the cag cast is like jello. there is always room for more.

This question should be for the CAG bag but since I'm on my motorola Q I can only do so much. cheapy , since you live in future-land, what are the cellphones like and which do you use ? I hear they make one now with waggle.
I agree with you Cheapy, it'd be nice if they just kept the dubbing to whatever language it was originally. Especially in games where it makes sense that they would be speaking a different language, at the very least have an option to set it to either language if disk space allows it.

I think the main reason why game companies feel like they have to have it in English is because a lot of people don't like to read while playing games, or even watching movies (Wombat's wife is one of them.) I never really understood that, even in English games I tend to turn the subtitles on.


And thanks to whoever suggested the meatspin idea. As of right now Wombat will have to endure 47 spins of meat, hilarity will inevitably ensue thereafter.
cheapy d ive lost 55 pounds in 6 months. i did not exercise at all. just try doing what i did. completly cut carbs and sweets out of ur diet. also eat in moderation. do not eat any snacks even if they are low calories/low fat etc.
just a suggestion.
Cheapy, if you want to cut 15 or so pounds, the easiest way is to cut back on sugary drinks. If you drink those, just replace a good chunk of them with water. That was the first big thing I did when I started losing weight and that alone cut 10 or 15 pounds off in about 1 1/2 months. Also, if you want to lose more in the long run, the easiest way to stick to it is to just do little things at a time, and stick to those. It's MUCH easier to stick with something when you cut it out little by little instead of trying to cut out everything at once.

I just wish I had something else to comment on about this week's show. Uhh, great show as always!
I'll go ahead and back up Abalistar's comments. I quit drinking "regular" soda and switched to diet and lost nearly 20 pounds.
You know what? I listened to the latest podcast again and I have to be honest and say I was too hard on the episode. Earlier in the week I was distracted, but after relaxing some, watching the nba playoffs, playing some games and getting laid, I listened to the episode again and it was actually pretty well done. I have some issues with the show, but I'm looking forward to another summer of biking with my ipod, listening to the show. I apologize, Mr. Wombat, but buy or rent some fucking games to talk about. And stop trading in games to Gamestop. Collect and cherish them for all-time.
Long live the Wombat!

The whole "Vagina Clown" bit is hilarious! I still chuckle when I think about the whole "Vaj" Nelson theory: Ronald McDonald indeed.

Keep up the great work on the CAGcast. Every week it's enjoyable. I put other podcasts on hold until I can finish the latest CAGcast and will sync up my iPod earlier than normal just to keep up with you guys.
There seriously is nothing wrong with people who are older playing Pokemon. Regardless at what it is marketed at it's still an RPG. Although I find Diamond to be just an updated version of Pokemon Blue :cry:. It is quite predictable if you finished the very first 2. But I will finish it regardless. BTW I believe you guys have beaten Major Nelson's podcast now as he is at 768 and u guys are at 784. You think the Vagina clow comment has knocked him off? I find his podcasts boring most of the time I Am so happy they are only half the time now.
[quote name='lspear76']Metal Gear Solid 4 - crap
Final Fantasy XIII - final fantasy is crap
Final Fantasy XIII versus - never heard of it
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - i own both versions for the Xbox
Tekken 6 - crap
Time Crisis 4 - who cares
5th Phantom Saga - never heard of it
6GUN II - what's this?
Old West Game by Rockstar - who cares

Overpriced paperweight that offers all the same games as the 360? Ohh really? I think this list of 25+ exclusive games that come out within the next year prove you wrong on that one. And don't give me that "No games right now" crap, because anyone who REALLY expects a system to have numerous games within the first 5-6 months is being unrealistic. So even though if you get free on-line, hd-dvd, and wireless free with the ps3 that would cost you 700$ it's over priced? Hmmm... And Blu-ray will never hit the main-stream, how do you know that? can you predict the future? DVD's had just as bad as sales as DVD's did now and look at them. And when a piece of equipment has the newest technology in it, of course it's going to be expensive. I don't remember early adopters of HDTV's complaining about the price..... If you want to say the PS3 has little games, that's fine, but calling it a worthless paperweight is just ridiculous and I have read more on these forums of people trading in their Wii's for PS3's than the other way around.

Anyways, Wombat, this was one of the funniest podcasts ever and you have been on a roll lately with your jokes. Keep it up.[/quote]
The PS3 is a worthless system. I don't know how else to say it. Sure, it will have exclusive games, but nothing to make me want one. Metal Gear hasn't been good since the first one on PSOne. No one cares about Tekken anymore. And yes, Blu ray will never be a mainstream success because #1 the masses aren't knowledgable about HDTV's or hi definition dvds. Plus, the prices of the movies are too high. I *own* the hd dvd player for the 360, and to tell you the truth, upscaled dvds look almost as good. I think most people would rather buy a regular dvd for $5.50 then pay $34.99 for an hd dvd/blu ray disc.

I love Sony fanboys. Cheapy and Wombat, at times, have the balls to tell it like it is, that the PS3 is worthless, but I'd bet they get the same kind of emails/repsonses as I got by my post. To keep everyone happy, they lay off their true feelings. I'd like to see them come straight out and tell it like it is.[/quote]

Ummm.. most Blu-ray movies are 20$, 30$ brand new. And the general consumer does not know about HDTV's now, but those aren't the ones who have video games systems anyways usually, and Soon HDTV's will be a lot cheaper so they could hit the mass market. Really, nobody knows and While Blu-ray may never replace DVD's it could still have a substantial market with all those that do own HDTV's. And yes, there are quality problems right now with some blu-ray movies, however most of the newer ones have rectified that problem.

"The game's critical praise was matched with commercial success. As of March 2007, Tekken 5 has sold around 4.3 million copies (note that the game was first released in February 2005)." Ohh really? No one cares about Tekken anymore? I think you should tell that to all the people in America and Japan who love it, and all those people posting claiming that it will be going to the 360. And just because YOU don't like Metal Gear Solid, that clearly means that it's not a good game and that no one will like it, even though MGS 3 got an average score of 93% according to gamerankings. So clearly, just because you do not like the games, that is justification to call a system with many past AAA sellers coming exclusively to the system, developers who have created AAA sellers creating exclusive content, and the ability to fold@home a Useless paperweight....

And it's hard for CheapyD to call the PS3 worthless when he enjoys Railfan so much.
bread's done