CAGcast #78: And Thorbahn Makes Three


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Our second live show, broadcast via Stickam!
Wombat meets Major Nelson in NYC, we take your calls, give impressions on the latest releases and demos, play Name That Video Game Tune, answer your questions from the CAGbag and much more!

Listen for details on how to win another DS Lite from Goozex Game Trading Site!

Promotion rules found here.
Previous winner: King of NY

Download - 75 minutes, 35MB

Past CAGcasts

Unedited version

Can't get enough Cheapy & Wombat?
Check us out on Destructoid's Podtoid 24 - International Edition!

Show Linkage/Notes
(click the button below to expand):

I thought this week's live CagCast was a much better experience than the last in all but one area. That being the audio quality. While the last live show had lag issues, outside of those, the quality was crystal clear. This time however, it sounded as if Wombat was on a respirator.

Cheapy, I'm surprised you missed the fact about Amazon's Wii Remote description. I know your a Cheap Ass Gamer, but you can't pass up something that beams money via bluetooth from 30 feet away, can you?
I can't wait to hear this to see how you fixed the last half hour. I'm going to be up for awhile and had a shitty night so listening to your podcast helps. My car won't start, it has no power, no lights, no radio, nothing. I must have left the lights on and the battery is completely dead. I gotta call my buddy to come take a look. In the meantime I'll listen to your podcast again. :)

You cut out the entire last half hour of madness, thus ripping all the fun out of the show and leaving gaping plotholes. This episode is no longer coherent. For example, you mention that you were sweating and want to end the show, but if you listen to the podcast you don't understand why. Sounds too choppy this way, I think you cut the show down too much, like you're trying to hide something. Why hide it? The truth will set you free...
This sucks I had no idea a live show was going to happen. Cheapy you really should post news like this on the front page. I can't believe I missed this.
[quote name='Bazz']This sucks I had no idea a live show was going to happen. Cheapy you really should post news like this on the front page. I can't believe I missed this.[/quote]
I agree with the above. I only visit the site for the CAGcast. It would be nice to listen to it live. I was checking off and on for any sort of news when the show would air, then all of a sudden there is a recorded version up.
Great show guys, listened this morning, I regret catching up on sleep to miss the live show lol.

Are ya sure you can't drop us anymore hints as to what you're cooking up with the Major Wombat?
I didn't even know a Live show was going to happen. What's the point of a Live show if know one is there to listen? Ah well, I'm listening now.
Funny show guys. That part with Wombat v. Major Nelson was great. I can just imagine Wombat trying his best to explain Vagina Clown! haha

I agree with others that announcing a Live CAGcast on the main page would be a good thing.
[quote name='lspear76']Wow,

You cut out the entire last half hour of madness, thus ripping all the fun out of the show and leaving gaping plotholes. This episode is no longer coherent. For example, you mention that you were sweating and want to end the show, but if you listen to the podcast you don't understand why. Sounds too choppy this way, I think you cut the show down too much, like you're trying to hide something. Why hide it? The truth will set you free...[/quote]

i listened to the live broadcast and the mp3, and i think it made perfect sense. there was no gaps and was very coherent.
Same here, it was a great show. The only gap came at the end when Wombat said the next show shouldnt be live. If I hadnt read this explanation of a bad portion of the show being cut out it wouldnt make sense.

Once again great show guys! I am enjoying the podcast more and more every week!
How does everyone know when to show up for the live show? I'd love to be able to participate but I just never know what time these things take place. Please make the start times known. Thanks a lot.
Cheapy and Wombat, why aren't you using for videogames?

It is cheap with that coupon found on the message boards.

Only $6.75 for one game out, $9.75 for 2 games out, and $12.95 for 3 games out. Much cheaper than Gamefly.
i think the show got edited a little too much.i think what cheapy should have done is..that he should have left the last 5 seconds where he was left hanging.then shipwreck would come on.I dont know, theres a definite "plothole" missing when he edited and he mentions that he was sweating.People who listened to the mp3 and not the live would have no idea as to what had happened.Good show overall despite the awkwardness.
havent listened to the show yet but cheapy! had fun playing shadowrun on tuesday. clear out ur friends list so i can add u!
$10 for a new pacman game is a hard pill to swallow but this game feels just right. I think everyone should at least check out the demo for potentially the best pacman game yet. btw the ps3 dvd upscaling is great, I just rented Pans Labyrinth and I would highly recommend it for all the movie fan CAGS.
If I hadnt read this thread I wouldnt have even thought twice about the sweating comment.

So.. what is all that about?
basically near the end of the cagcast wombat was disconnected from skype and cheapy was left hanging.Wombat couldnt come into contact with cheapy so he(cheapy) was alone for about a minute.this would obviously lead to akwardness.This cannot be heard in the mp3.thus,the comment of cheapy "sweating" would make no sense if you didnt hear it live.
[quote name='thorbahn3']I don't why, but this has to be the best Cagcast ever. :)[/quote]

In one way, i guess..but man i applaud cheapy.i wouldve died if that happened to me.
Thanks for reading my comment Cheapy. I do agree that Wombat has been more positive the last two or three CAGcasts. I wasn't hating to hate though. I've listened to 77 CAGcasts before I even made a comment about negativity. I've listened and enjoyed every CAGcast. It was just something I felt I had to say. I do love the CAGcasts it was just the negativity that was erking me. The show is good, and funny. If I only have time to listen to one podcast I'm always going to pick the CAGcast.
I just wanted to say sorry to Wombat. I called in during the Nintendo segment and only said Cheapy's name when I asked if emulators and roms are considered piracy. I meant to address the both of you, Cheapy and Wombat, but I got a little nervous and just addressed Cheapy (also Cheapy’s name was the only thing I saw in my skype). I think you make up half the show Wombat.

Also, Cheapy did not hang up on me, my skype shutdown. My question Cheapy was really more directed towards Nes and Snes emulation. A friend of mine says he only plays roms of older systems (such as Nes, Snes, old arcade, and ect.) and says that downloading games from new systems is piracy. I say since Nintendo, M$, and Sony are offering these exact games, downloading older roms is piracy, what do both of you think?

Just as a contest idea, cags should submit in picture form there best item in their gamming collection. The best one wins whatever prize you guys are offering.

Digg you guys every week, great show.

Good show, this live CAGcast is way better than the last one. It seems most of the technical issues from last time have since been resolved, but still some exist on the other side. I mentioned this in the other thread, but I think having callers use a real phone would resolve the mic issue.

Also, I think this was one of your funniest episodes Cheapy. Some of the comments you made had me rolling.
I can't believe anyone bothers to do a podcast without having so much basic information. Folk Lore indeed has voice acting, contrary to what was said in the latest podcast. All you need to do is check the videos on game trailers to see this. They have English voice overs and all.
Cheapy and Wombat, please realize: unlike The Howard Stern Show or The Jim Rome Show, the callers are absolutely killing the momentum, not propelling it. I know you want to reach out to and connect with the CAG 'community', but I really don't see 'personalities' materializing out of this endeavor. It's gaming. Even a lot of the industry people and podcast participants are a complete snore. You guys and a handful of others are the exception.

The numbers just ain't with you here. Sorry.

P.S. I'm sure this will turn around the CAG consensus of me, no two ways about it!

P.P.S. I've always been okay with the both of you reading questions submitted by others, as you guys give them life through your natural deliveries, while getting across the valid and occasionally interesting points.
Yeah, that's true, Cheapy, and you shouldn't have to apologize for on-air chomping. After all, that's a Howard trademark!
Yeah, that's true, Cheapy, and you shouldn't have to apologize for on-air chomping. After all, that's a Howard trademark!
[quote name='SisterYO']I can't believe anyone bothers to do a podcast without having so much basic information. Folk Lore indeed has voice acting, contrary to what was said in the latest podcast. All you need to do is check the videos on game trailers to see this. They have English voice overs and all.[/quote]

Can you start a thread or reply (thank god they deleted your thread and simply merged it with this thread) that involves something positive for a change? Do you have something Good to say about the latest Cagcast? Are you capable of pointing out something good about the latest Cagcast? Are you the Gene Siskel of the CAG forums? Are you currently studying to be a Critic? WTF?
If I wanted to listen to Stern, I would get satellite radio and a lobotomy.

Good show but the thorban stuff got old quick.
Hey Cheapy, you can go get a flash cart and not use it for piracy, you could just put roms of your own games on there so you don't have to juggle carts while you're out about town.

I'd also like to suggest only taking calls from real phones to avoid microphone problems if you can do that. Also, it would be cool if you guys could find out why those Goozex guys chose that name, it sounds like a dirty porn site.
I agree about Cheapy's editing work. Really good stuff, and what he does both in presenting and preparing the show reminds me that not everyone can do an entertaining podcast. (And for his part, Wombat is great as well).

I also want to bump my suggestion of having someone screen the calls beforehand, although the spontenaeity is sometimes rewarding.

Then again, maybe Cheapy likes post-production?
As much as I like the cagcasts I'd have to say this one was the worse one by far, for some reason wombat's voice quality kept going up and down making it sound like alot of parts were edited out even if they werent. The callers really killed the flow of the show, I think the show should go back to the recording format. The show being live isnt doing anything to help its quality, all its done so far is diminish it.
does anyone know how to cancel an account once you made one on that goozex site? im having a hard time finding out how to do that. if anyone knows how to do that, please help me. thanks
The live shows do seem to present technical and pacing problems that perhaps cannot be overcome. If you want to get the community more involved, a good idea might be to have the old method of submission of questions via forum posts. You could then pick the questions you wanted to address and have the author of the question call in at a specific time and discuss their question. Thus, you would have a much better handle on making sure that the calls are worthwhile and could be handled in a more seamless fashion. Just a thought.
[quote name='gunm']I agree about Cheapy's editing work. Really good stuff, and what he does both in presenting and preparing the show reminds me that not everyone can do an entertaining podcast. (And for his part, Wombat is great as well).

I also want to bump my suggestion of having someone screen the calls beforehand, although the spontenaeity is sometimes rewarding.

Then again, maybe Cheapy likes post-production?[/QUOTE]

They could have someone who doesn't take part in the actual CAGCAST conversation like mrs wombat or shipwreck screen calls to see if people are actually there with working mics, and make sure they have something relevant to talk about.
Yes, the CAGCast needs it's "Bababooey" or "Jay-Stew". Someone who isn't afraid to say, "No, you're a bore--goodbye" or "You're a trainwreck waiting in the station, but that's exactly what we want."

And that's just it. Just about everyone that's called in so far has been incredibly 'milquetoast'. It's no surprise, as that's usually the best one can hope for when people talk on Live. Same type, one would assume.
Maybe someone like shipwreck can do it, like have callers call him and then he would make sure their question or comment is relevant/intelligent and then forward it to Cheapy to accept the call.

Not sure how that would work, as I'm not too familiar with Skype... but yeah.
[quote name='Milkyman']They could have someone who doesn't take part in the actual CAGCAST conversation like mrs wombat or shipwreck screen calls to see if people are actually there with working mics, and make sure they have something relevant to talk about.[/QUOTE]

Ya, generally that falls to a producer on a regular radio show (or an intern depending on what time of day/how big the staff is).
I was just avoiding work this morning.. looking for examples on how to setup a call screener for a skype broad cast and I ran across this link.. seems like good guidelines for people calling in, and it also seems like they are just having people contact the screener, the screener screens, then passes the call information on to the DJ.. the DJ then calls the listener.

Deviant Audio
How about posting the unedited version for the live Cagcast in the shownotes for those prefer that? The front page's show link can be the edited version, and the shownotes can have the edited and the unrated special edition director's unedited cut.
bread's done