CAGcast #79: CheapyD and Wombat Show


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
If you were waiting for a long CAGcast, your prayers are answered! If not, fast forwarding is your new God. We cover everything in this episode. Yes, EVERYTHING! Want to know which big 3 game company has the best PR? ANSWERED! Has Cheapy ever seen Scarface on weed? ANSWERED!
CAGbag questions? ANSWERED!

Listen for details on how to win another DS Lite from Goozex Game Trading Site!

Promotion rules found here.

Download - 113 minutes, 52MB

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I'm so glad you told that story about my Mother... To be honest, I don't talk to her too much since she lives in New Jersey and she's always curious as to what I do. but yeah, your mom on CAG, creepy. Better to have a Mom who cares than not one at all I suppose.
Wombat, You really should send your 360 to MS because

A: Theres a chance that a malfunctioning Disc tray may scratch your discs.


B: MS says that people should not focus on the 360 failure rate and focus on their Customer support and Repair center. If more people dont hold them to that then MS gets away with selling a defective product.
Cheapy, I think you need to do a tad bit more hunting when it comes to Nintendo news, at least in the rumor department. It was a couple of weeks ago that rumors started flying about Nintendo's E3 plans, which included the announcement of Mario Kart for the Wii and a Hard Drive. It would've been a great follow-up to the maxing out the Wii story.

Other than that, a great show as always, keep up the good work.
CheapyD, If the PS3 riot story from Desrtuctoid was this one

Those Riots actually occured during the launch of the PS3 in November. Destructoid was just making a joke about how no one cares about the PS3 anymore and Best Buy has to now slash game prices to try and earn sales.
Funny episode, a lot more relaxed than the live shows. Good thing I was listening alone... if you know what I mean. I'm gonna be in trouble if someone else listens to the show. I did not expect you to read that question since I wrote it to be answered 2 weeks ago. fucking Cheapy!
Shazbot! A next gen tribes has been on my wishlist for a while.

Tribes 1/2 were a great games, but the mod community is what really made it last so long. I miss lancing people from behind with the little shock gun. Vengeance on the other hand..not so much.

Good show this week guys.
Can't wait to give this show a listen , but have to wait untill after work. Awesome Thanks Cheapy & Wombat!

Who ever thinks live shows aren't fun and exciting are crazy if you ask me. They're so fun to hear and gives a chance to be apart of the cag show as wells as gives a ton of chances of awesome spontaneous things to happen.

Wombat take it from me don't send in your 360 untill it's 100% dead , Xbox has the worst customer support ever I know you've had your system repaired before , but still it's just not worth it unless you go on a vacation it's the best time to send out your system. Being it takes a month at least for everything.

7 days for you to get box , 7 days untill they get your system then 7 days for them to return it. Of course this happens because they use the slowest shipping and always ends up somehow over the weekend and box never ends up in transit so always ends up wasting days. I don't care what they say weekend should be a buissness day they need to start shipping usps then.
There is a massive NeoGAF thread about Mario Strikers by the actual UK owners and they rave about the online mode. Don't forget that even though Strikers uses friend codes to play against "friends," you can play against anyone else without friend codes. You only have to exchange friend codes to play with people you know, otherwise you just go online and play.

The VC games storage issue could be addressed by the rumored hard drive accessory that is coming. You also don't have to move VC games to SD cards to free up space, you could just delete them completely and re-download them later. That might not be too inconvenient for the larger games, but it wouldn't be too much of a hassle for NES, TG-16, and Genesis games.
While I agree that Overlord's demo was good, it was short (it felt like it was shorter than 30 minutes, especially given the size). I would actually say the demo was like Zelda and Pikmin, given the tutorial nature of it.

Although it makes me want to buy it, given that it has a worse than Shadowrun pricing plan ($60 on 360 while $40 on PC) makes me say no to a purchase early.
Good cagcast! Wombat, you're on this week... I lol'd a few times to your jokes.

Cheapy, regarding your Code Veronica experience... I hit a similar wall on the Dreamcast version. Apparently I used too much ammo early in the game, so when I got to the fight on the airplane at the very end of disc 1, I didn't have enough left to kill the big bad dude. Didn't have a save with enough more ammo, so... no more game. No way I was going to start over. Even the Gameshark, which I bought JUST to be able to get past this, failed me. The only ammo cheat could only be enabled from the beginning of the game. Poor design, indeed.
VC games definitely have some DRM on them so you can't play them at a friends house. Remember you can (already) back them up to SD cards as it is and transfer them back to Flash memory as needed.

The talk about NeoGeo games and not enough room? NeoGames are (for the most part) a max of 330 MegaBITS not MegaBYTES. There are 8 bits in a byte folks. :)
Neo Geo games aren't as big as it sounds. They're listed in megabits not bytes, divide by 8.

N64 games are larger than Neo Geo games.
I love you guys and you're hillarious and all of that. Anyways, I have to say, this CAGCast had 3 of the most intellegent comments I've heard:

1) A new Tribes. Tribes 1 was badass, and I thought Tribes 2 was underrated. There was a new Tribes for PC, but it ended up retailing for like $30 (yikes). I know there are some legal issues becuase I believe Dynamix shut down, but I too would love a 360 version of Tribes... maybe even an XBLA version of Tribes 1. I mean, it can't be that expensive. There was no copy protection on 1 and that disk got passed around like hotcakes... or something... probably not hotcakes, I've never had them.

2) Wombat's comments on affiliates. Probably the smartest thing I've heard come out of his mouth. I checked out the site just on the basis that Cheapy made the post, and I too was disappointed.

3) Cheapy's comments on marriage. I'm not married, but my girlfriend and I spend most of our free time together. We really are best friends, and it's great to hear confirmation from both Cheapy and Wombat that they find the same to be true of their wives.
The length was perfect and it address lots of topics that were necessary and fresh. Hearing about the affiliates program was interesting.Listening to Wombat beg for Shadowrun was groan inducing. I really enjoy that Sony thinks they are upper crust and need not silly RSS Feeds that speak about games.

I am glad to say that this week besides the whole "riot" CheapyD did not spread misinformation.

The Live Cagcast will contiue I hope. I have heard the first cagcasts and they were painful. "CAGLive" will get better as you do more of them.
With regards to the affiliate who sells mod stuff....

Walmart sells "modchips". I bought a Datel Game 'n Music DS card. It's pretty much just a 'homebrew kit' with a microSD card in it. You can download hombrew or just download ROMS.

They even have the balls to have Mario screenshots on the back (though it's from a homebrew Mario game).

Word is they'll be carrying the Datel Drive Doctor for the Wii (which is also just a Mod Chip).

I'm very ambivelant on mods. Personally I like to own games, have no bootlegs and probably never will. I do, however, love imports and homebrew.

There's good and bad.
hey guys love the live show, don't let the negative comments stop you from contuning, cuz in no time you'll have it running like a hot knife through butter! and the reason for no voice acting in the forelore demo was to keep the file size down and you can't share your vc games with friends cuz when you download them, your wii 'signatures' the game, and it will only work on your console!
You totally wussed out on pleasant1's question about emulation of older games. Sure some games you can buy some games on the VC but that’s not even 1% of them and some games like golden eye 64 we will never be able to buy, So is emulation wrong for games that we can't buy yet(and probably not any time soon) or will never be able to buy? Also many people want these old games on portable systems which is not offered to us at all, How many cags do you think want mother 3, chrono trigger ect... on there ds,gba,psp but they wont give us an opportunity to buy them.

Also Japan's suicide rate had been relatively low (I think close to or even lower than the US's) but has been on the rise especially in the past 10 years. It’s speculated to be due to the economic down turn(they still have a high unemployment rate) and the elderly (who more likely to commit suicide) becoming a larger proportion of the population.
You didn't need the fire extinguisher in Code Veronica, silly Cheapy. If you wanted to snag the Magnum, you needed it to put out the fire, but otherwise you could continue on with the game just fine. I know this for a fact, because I screwed myself on having it later in the game as well (I left it in the security check box), and had no problem beating the game.
If I remember right from my business law class, an advertisement is only an invitation for someone to come to your place of business and make an offer for some product or service. A business is not required to honor errors in their ads and I think that most have a disclaimer about it. But as you all say, it does make for good customer service.

Great show by the way. I don't mind at all when they're long because I can listen all day at work.
Great long show guys, I enjoyed it! As for the whole debate about that videogame site, heres my two cents.......Normally I wouldn't care if a site or b/m store sold bootleg crap, as long as their prices on their legit stuff was great, then so be it. But Oracle's site sucks pretty bad dude, I could go to the local FLEA MARKET in Jax and get better deals....which is not good lol. But, it all comes down to you Cheapy, I have a feeling from hearing you talk about this on the podcast that this is killing ya. I know its not all about the cash with you and that you just want to improve the cag community. I respect whatever decision you make! Btw, you guys should keep doing your live shows.....the level of community interaction makes them great!
[quote name='zewone']The PSP came with Spiderman 2.

n00bs. ;) ;) ;)[/quote]

See...didn't I say that?!?!? Silly Wombat.
[quote name='CheapyD']See...didn't I say that?!?!? Silly Wombat.[/QUOTE]

Yes, you did.

But it's pronounced "Guyden", bitch.

And yes, you corrected yourself, but I corrected you first when I was driving in my car.
Cheapy, Wombat... Xbox Live Arcade pricing is pretty simple:

$5 (400 points) Games = Coin-op Classics + 1st Party Published originals
Examples: Joust, Dig Dug, Centipede, Double Dragon//Geometry Wars, Uno, Jetpac Refuelled

The only 2 exceptions to this rule are classic fighting games (Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat 3) which are $10 instead of $5.

$10 (800 points) Games = PC Classics + Console Classics + 3rd Party Published originals
Examples: Doom, Prince of Persia//Castlevania//Pinball FX, Assault Heroes, Pac-Man C.E., Boom Boom Rocket
[quote name='zewone']Hey, I live in Fresno where the riot was.

This is the second riot at that Bestbuy because of the PS3.[/quote]

Actually, there was no second riot. The riot mentioned was the riot from launch night.

Destructoid was just making a joke about how people used to want a PS3
Hearing Wombats comments on his defective 360 has me worried. Mine failed about an hour and a half from taking it out of the box. It scratched a perfect circle on the disk, then it said the disk was not clean and stop often with every game i own. I sent it back for repairs once and recently i received the same error again. Do you guys know if buying a cooling system will help avoid the problem, cause i heard it has to do with it overheating.
BTW.. Cheapy and Wombat are right... a price is an invitation to bargain... a store no more has to honor a price than it is required to sell something to people.

(So these "you must honor the advertised price" folks are full of crapola.)

Usually they'll honor the price just to shut people up... ;)
  • Advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive;
  • Advertisers must have evidence to back up their claims; and
  • Advertisements cannot be unfair.
so yeah they have to honor their ads and no it is not an "invitation to bargain" I don't know about online ads, but for store ads the stores have to honor it there are laws for it or else everyone would lie about their products
Did Cheapy say that he was excited for something that is coming out for the PS3? ;-) And is it just me, or did Cheapy's audio sound different? Seems like I had to turn my speakers up a lot louder than usual.

And everyone complains about the price of the PS3 and lack of price, but what people fail to relize is that my friend who's 360 broke, cost him $180 to fix and pretty much paid what it would have for a PS3. And What would you guys rather have? Hardware failures or software failures.

Did you guys record this before the Time Crisis 4 announcement?

And Wombat, were you not a Casino Royale fan?

I liked the answer to my question, nothing that I thought of and I agree with people only making rational criticisms.
[quote name='Mechafenris']BTW.. Cheapy and Wombat are right... a price is an invitation to bargain... a store no more has to honor a price than it is required to sell something to people.

(So these "you must honor the advertised price" folks are full of crapola.)

Usually they'll honor the price just to shut people up... ;)[/quote]
If Best Buy makes a error in their Add they post a correction on their door.
even though you are a BIG disappointment! Anyway, I just recently received back my 4th 360 and its the best one yet. After 2 red rings and a refurbished model that sounded like a helicopter in my living room, they finally sent me a newer system. I did bitch to customer service that they sent me a piece of shit and to please replace it with a new model. Also GUN Cheapy.. really? You should check out Red Dead Revolver, its a way better western game. It nailed the quick draw mechanic and the Spaghetti western style. GUN was a big disappointment in my book. I personally can't wait for the next gen Red Dead, we saw a glimpse of it a few E3s ago where Rockstar showed of some next gen teasers. good show guys.

now thats a cag mug
FYI, the update for the PS3 Tekken 5 will also include Practice Mode and Survival Mode. Don't know if that will be worth it to some, but just to let you know the upgrade is a little more than online capabilities.
Cheapy, drop VGC as an affiliate and contact Tony from LionGames - the guy posts here often enough, is extremely nice and helpful, has really low prices on some hot games, and the store seems to be very reputable.

He seems like the type that would definitely go for an affiliate slot, because it would be mutually beneficial to both groups.

VGC doesn't fit in with the other affiliates - Gamefly, Amazon, Play-Asia. All of them offer fantastic customer service, amazing prices, great deals. VGC offers none of this.

The guy is actually even slandering Play-Asia now in that thread, which, imo, is one of our best affiliates and is really close to the site - the whole Child's Play thing as well as the very awesome special coupon we got. Cheapy, it's not just about bad deals anymore, these guys are slimy to the core.

But shame on you for not checking them out :cry:
My 2 Cents about the comics

Planet Hulk was really good. It's very much like a Conan story.

Irredeemable Antman is really good. Some average Joe gets his hands on the new Ant Suit that lets him shrink to the size of an aunt and be super strong. So, naturally he uses his power to watch women in the shower. He’s a shmuck of a guy, hence the Irredeemable title.
Cheapy, I'm going to second Roufuss' request to drop VGC as an affliiate. The guy in the thread in the deals section is bad-mouthing your other, reputible affiliates (Play-Asia, etc.), and the inclusion of their potential-for-piracy tools in their store violates the ToS we have to abide bt in the trading forums.

I love CAG and try to support it via affiliate links even if I'm not buying game-related things (say on Amazon), but I don't feel I can continue to support the site through said links as long as that joke of site is part of our "network."
bread's done