CAGcast #85: You Got Served!

[quote name='rogueweapon']Circuit City SUCKS!! They should be kissing your asses, not sending subpoenas. I won't ever shop there again.. unless they have a good deal on a game or something. Instead of giving up Speedy, can we just kill Wombat and call it even? Good show guys. ps I actually like Wombat but not in that way.[/quote]

I like how he says " unless they have a good deal on a game or something" I thought "I won't ever shop there again" means ever not, If you find something cheap buy it. Cheapy and Speedy thanks for making our lives more awesome:applause:
Could someone post a summary of the Circuit City subpoena? I downloaded the CAGcast and it won't work. :( I even used a download manager to make sure it wouldn't be corrupted. I tried both iTunes and WMP and neither will play it. WMP says the format doesn't match the file type. Do I need an unusual codec to play it or something?
Although I have no personal use for and do not actually "use" speedy's threads/these forums that often for their actual intent (although I always have fun reading them) as I no longer really have money to spend on games, I have to say that the fact subpoenas got put out is absolutely tripe, asinine, garbage.

Speedy has done all the people of that follow CAG a great service and should be lauded. not vilified. He has not done anything wrong. If these companies don't want to have their ads posted early, here's a shocking idea: don't post them early (note: i know this isn't a pragmatic/viable solution, just a common sense one)!

It's almost funny how closely this parallels to journalism. A good writer never reveals his source(s). In that vein, speedy shouldn't have to ever reveal where/how he gets his ads early. No matter how "damaging" (*rolls eyes*) his posts may be to a company's profits, he has every right to dispense any and all information available to him at HIS OWN discretion.

And honestly, how many sales do these giant...uh, so-called "corporations" (thinks of Target and laughs, as he is currently working at one) think forums impact? To hardcore gamers, the news will spread like wildfire, regardless of where it is first presented. Considering that a growing contingent population of gamers is more casual/un-informed in comparison to the past, most of this news will *hardly* have an impact on them (not to diminish the value of CAG here, of course =p) And among the hardcore gamers, his information promptly gave them business whereas they otherwise would have had NONE. They should be thanking him.

And finally, hopefully before this stupidity becomes more serious for those involved, remember they are subpoenas and not yet formal charges. Hopefully, these comapnies' woeful ignorance will be exposed soon enough, and we all know where the court of public opinion will prevail on this one.

Here's to hoping common sense and justice prevail...unfortunately with the current state of America these days, one can never tell. Let's just all remember, no matter how much the wolf huffed and puffed, he never was quite able to blow the house down.
Wombat, go to network settings and disable media server connection and see if that fixes your problem, I had the exact same thing and I did that and it started to work.
I used to use a program called Vindigo on my Palm Pilot that listed all the public restrooms in NYC, and you could find one based on proximity to your location. Did you know there's a free public bathroom in the Plaza Hotel? Of course, I just went to the bathroom before I left my apartment to avoid any unfortunate situations, but you never know what's gonna happen. Since my wife had to pee every five seconds, I got familiar with all the decent public washrooms in Manhattan. Banana Republic, usually.

Good toilet story? Our apartment in the West Village was so small, I couldn't sit straight on the toilet without banging my knees against the wall. So I learned to sit at an angle, a habit which was pretty tough to break once I moved into a house with a real bathroom. My wife's pretty small yet she did the same thing, don't know why, and to this day I still catch her sitting diagonal on the can even though she could probably stick her legs straight out and still not touch the wall. True story.

And I think this post wins the award for "Too Much Information." Glad to share.
Wombat playing Halo 3? CheapyD hooking up with Major Nelson for Sumo? This podcast is getting somewhat legit now!

Great episode, keep it up guys!
Wombat loves Halo 3? Cheapy loves Metroid Prime? When did I cross over into Bizarro world?

But seriously, it was exciting to hear about Wombat's invitation to the inner circle, hanging out with Cliffy and playing the newest of new Halo 3 builds. Cheapy seemed genuinely impressed, as well he should have been. Congrats also to Mrs. Wombat for finally pulling down the salary she deserves.

I also have to give props to Cheapy for going out of his way to get an American Wii, going back and giving Metroid Prime another shot, and, most significantly, admitting that he was mistaken in his disdain for the series. That takes huevos. Glad you're enjoying the Wii more now that it's speaking your language. I'm sure I speak for many CAGs when I say I'd love to take you on in Strikers Charged, if you can abide the friend codes.

The subpoena and the whole Speedy1961 situation is surreal. I can't believe they're really taking this course of action, especially after Sony took a PR bath after the whole Home/Kotaku blackballing thing. Do all these companies think their customers won't find out about this? Chances are, if you're savvy enough to have been using the information Speedy was providing, you're certainly tuned in to what they're doing now. Label us devil customers or whatever you want, but you WILL lose our business.

Shame, too. Since BB killed the GGC and Circuit City started offering the best deals, they could have easily positioned themselves as the game retailer of choice. I was even considering purchasing a 360 there to take advantage of their new gamer discount card thing. No longer.
In yet another sign that Circuit City is behind the times here comes the time honored tradition of getting your lawyers involved when all else fails. This whole fiasco is merely a smokescreen to cover the fact that Circuit City did a lousy job or protecting their secrets and now that the cat's out of the bag here comes Circuity City fishing for scapegoats. What can they possibly gain from this that would make all the bad PR worth the effort?

Woe to the people who thought this was a fine idea without thinking the consequences all the way through while at the same time provoking a tidal wave of backlash from the CAG community. Woe to Circuit City if they truly feel that this was in their best interests. Woe to us who without needing it have received in earnest more than enough reason to say you will never see our harded earned cash again.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Wombat, go to network settings and disable media server connection and see if that fixes your problem, I had the exact same thing and I did that and it started to work.[/quote]
I also had this problem. Here's what helped.

1. Had the PS3 on a switch below my router. So the connection went from cable modem to router to switch to PS3. I put the PS3 on the cable directly from the router.

2. That improved things somewhat, but I still had occasional disconnects, so I made sure the router had UPNP on, and turned on UPNP in my network settings on the PS3. I did NOT turn off Media browsing, but I've read others suggesting it.

That seems to have done a great job of keeping me connected. Knock on simulated particleboard wood-like substutite, I haven't gotten disconnected once in Rainbow Six Vegas since I did that.

Other things about my setup:
- This is an ethernet (wired) connection.
- I am assigning an IP address to the PS3, not letting it choose its own settings, etc.
- My router is a SMC Barricade 7004VBR 4-port router, probably 5 years old now, no wireless on board.

In the future I might put the switch back and see if UPNP is good enough to keep things running smoothly. I'm having difficulty usng a wireless box for another device under my TV.

Good luck Wombat, and let me know if I can help any other way.
so its been a few months, what ever happened with this?

bumping the old topic because i didnt want to create a new one, if this gets no response maybe i will after all.
As far as I know, Circuit City has taken no further action towards CAG.
I'm assuming my lawyer would have contacted me if there was any news.
If I email her to see what is happening it will cost me $150.
[quote name='CheapyD']As far as I know, Circuit City has taken no further action towards CAG.
I'm assuming my lawyer would have contacted me if there was any news.
If I email her to see what is happening it will cost me $150.[/QUOTE]

ah, well i suppose no news is good news
bread's done