CAGcast #91: The Special Tokyo Game Show Special


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Hear all about CheapyD's Tokyo Game Show experience and how Wombat got an early copy of Halo 3. CheapyD also reviews Stranglehold (360) and gives impressions on the first 90 minutes of Folklore (PS3).

Download - 89 minutes, 41MB
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Whoo hoo! Tagged!

Edit: What the hell are you doing to that sumo guy's ass?! Never mind, I don't wanna know.

Edit: Damn, I shudder to think of all the cool shwag you tossed that I would've gladly pack-ratted from you, were I at the show, too. I would've been all over that NG poster, for example. You kept the sword stylus, I hope.
Good show. Although it seems like TGS was kinda anticlimactic. Wasn't E3 also a bit of a letdown? Are these types of shows becoming less interesting overall or is 2007 just a slow year with little new hardware and no major announcements?
I'm glad that you mainly focussed on Tokyo Game Show, as it means that we still have a decent amount of discussion material available for the normal show.

It's great to know that CC (Or TC, whichever) is reaping the rewards of pursuing speedy. It also proves that the gaming community really /is/ a community. When it's obvious that a company (be it CC/TC or Sony) is going after a member of the gaming community, we respond in a viable, peaceful, but very noticable way. We all got the same idea, and most of the US gamers pulled it off.

There's no need for insults or discussions about their actions anyore (bar genuine information propagation); our actions are already speaking volumes about our point of view.
The pop up player does not have episode 91.

10 year olds love Halo. In fact, I spotted a toddler at Gamestop's Midnight launch.
Another Great Show Cheapy & Wombat! You remain my hero yet again for this week and i appreciate all the talk about your game experiences and meeting CAGs at TGS, very nice.

Can't wait for next week and your feedback from the final version of Halo 3 Cheapy to see how your opinion agrees/differs from Wombat's.

Also, I would like to say a special Hello to you Wombat! Mad Respect!!!
woohoo, Ninja Scroll intro! good taste

i'd love to play coop on Halo 3 with you guys when i get it. :)

btw Cheapy, which version of Halo 3 are you getting? Regular, Limited, Legendary?
I rented Strangehold from GF and I beat it quickly too. I am surprised you bought it, it's pretty one dimensional and the multiplayer is horrid. I hope you get a decent amount back for it.
Hey Wombat I am curious as to why you mentioned better schools as one of the reasons you put a bid on a house in that part of NY. You don't have any kids. Where you trying to tell us something or are you and the Mrs thinking of having a little one?
Good show guys. I kind of like the idea of MGS4 being hard, but hopefully it doesn't dive into the frusterating as hell category.

I also am really looking forward to Uncharted and it was cool to hear your impressions of it. I think this game is going to be very good and maybe even a must buy for PS3 owners.

For Ninja Gaiden DS it sounds like your going to need some sort of screen protector. My screen got scratched up playing lots of Cooking Mama so I can imagine how it would look after NG.
damn man i cant believe you didnt try and talk to morgan web or at least cop a feel or something. i cant blame you for not talking to sesslar though the guy is woman skin suit creepy you know bet hed make a good friend for michael jackson though . btw wtf was that music at the shows opening i think it was in one of the god of wars but i cant recall for sure. oh yeah why not post more pics of asian chicks dressed up like cartoon and videogame characters that shit is wicked nice!!!!!!!

oh yeah also cheapy when the hell are you gonna do another remix like you did with ass and tetris? that shit is still cool as hell and its past time you did something else if you havent already.
Once again, Wombat is prving to be the reason I listen to the cagcast. Wombat I hope you get that house that you wanted. I bought a house and I really feel like I made a good investment. As far as the school district comment, are you hinting at a little Wombat?
Great show again, guys. I'm beginning to notice the time difference between the hosts with Cheapy beginning his day, bright at chipper while Wombat sounds like the rest of the working world does in the evening after a long day. Try switching it up, Cheapy, for Wombat's sake. Unless, of course, he doesn't want to.

Also, (puts on nerdy sweat-stained SEGA cap) Nights was on Saturn, not Dreamcast (takes off nerdy sweat-stained SEGA cap).
I'm guessing that you suck at MGS4, Cheapy, because you've hated the previous games and I'm guessing you barely played them as a result? I'm betting that it'll be easier to get into for MGS fans.

I'm surprised to here both of you talking about Uncharted in a good light rather than just ripping on it for being a Tomb Raider clone.

The side to side tilting in the Folklore demo worked just fine for me. I don't really see how you'd have trouble with that.

Cheapy, are you and the missus going to take naming cues from Homer J. Simpson? :lol:
So I guess the contest is limited to people who live in LA and have unlimited amounts of time.Okay,Im in.
[quote name='Abiggs']Hey Wombat I am curious as to why you mentioned better schools as one of the reasons you put a bid on a house in that part of NY. You don't have any kids. Where you trying to tell us something or are you and the Mrs thinking of having a little one?[/quote]

Why do you think Cheapy and Wombat want to have kids?

Why, to continue the show of course! When Cheapy and Wombat are old and in the nursing home, their kids can continue the CagCast.
I gotta say this... Cheapy I love the cagcast and never miss an episode but honestly I don't care to hear you name drop so damn much at every trade event. I've been to them before and I know what a blast it can be to get together with friends in the industry to party but I and perhaps others care more about the games then the Romper Room style name listing. IMHO Keep the discussion about the parties a little shorter unless there is a good story to tell and give us more detailed impressions on what you played.
[quote name='Jazar']I gotta say this... Cheapy I love the cagcast and never miss an episode but honestly I don't care to hear you name drop so damn much at every trade event. I've been to them before and I know what a blast it can be to get together with friends in the industry to party but I and perhaps others care more about the games then the Romper Room style name listing. IMHO Keep the discussion about the parties a little shorter unless there is a good story to tell and give us more detailed impressions on what you played.[/QUOTE]

I tend to agree. I fell asleep, lulled by the not-so-gentle cascade of video game blogger names. Actually, I fell asleep 'cause I was dead tired. I'm glad you're having a blast getting wasted and partying with people in your industry, but I would like to hear less about that and more about cheap games.
Great show, guys.

Cheapy, why not go with "J." for the middle name. It's a subtle reference to the Simpsons, as in Homer "J." Simpson. :lol:
Great show guys, and most importantly you mentioned 'I Come In Peace'. Now maybe with your clout(s) we can get this classically badly amazing movie on DVD in the U.S.!!

Keep up the nice work guys.

I'm saying stay as far away from 'J' as possible. It's bad enough his fathers going to be 'that tall white bald guy' and now he's going to have a middle initial that leads nowhere? What are you trying to do to this kid?!? Grow some hair and throw a full name in there! Either way, congrats on the (future) kid Cheapy and best of luck ;)
[quote name='yukine']Great show, guys.

Cheapy, why not go with "J." for the middle name. It's a subtle reference to the Simpsons, as in Homer "J." Simpson. :lol:[/quote]
Though he learns that the J. stands for Jay in one of the later episodes. :lol:
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Though he learns that the J. stands for Jay in one of the later episodes. :lol:[/quote]

Exactly, that's what I was referring to. :lol:
The graphics of Halo 3 are a mixed bag in my opinion. Some outdoor environments are awe inspiring, the lighting and effects are amazing but most of the indoor environments suffer from some repetitive and not-as-detailed-as-we've-come-to-expect textures. The worst aspect of the graphics though has to be the human character models. They are just downright ugly.

While amazing in some parts and not so good in others, overall, when taken as a whole I think the game looks better than most but not the graphical showcase for the Xbox 360.

Other than that I don't think there is a more feature rich game on any of the consoles. The gameplay is perfect, as expected, the enemy AI is terrific and along with 4-player online coop the campaign feels satisfying even after mulitple play throughs. The online implementation (party system, file share, forge, stat tracking) shows the true potential of Xbox Live, or online gaming in general. Great game.
I agree with felix, but halo has always had ugly human character models. I love the motion models, the way characters move, run, dive, and flail their arms.

My biggest gripe with this game is actually the lack of clan support. I don't think we'll ever get to relive our cag clan halo 2 days with this game (without an update).

One thing I would like you guys to talk about, is how difficult it might be for a halo newbie to pick up matchmaking. Everyone starts on level 1 and I found myself to be a fairly average player on the first day. The discrepancies from game to game, however, were huge.

One game I would be far and away the best player; the next, three halo 2 faithfuls partying up on the other team would just roll us. Once things even out, I think it will make for a much better gaming experience. But until then, people who jump into matchmaking with no previous halo experience might actually find themselves turned off.

Basic training might fix this, but I haven't tried it.

For anyone who loved halo 2, this game is exactly what we expected and waited for.
[quote name='Abiggs']Hey Wombat I am curious as to why you mentioned better schools as one of the reasons you put a bid on a house in that part of NY. You don't have any kids. Where you trying to tell us something or are you and the Mrs thinking of having a little one?[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't read too much into that - I mean, he's 30, right? And assuming Mrs Wombat is the same age they would have to start thinking of such things when buying a house, even if they have no immediate plans. Though watch us find out she's pregnant now :lol:.
[quote name='thorbahn3']Give Tai an N intial . TNA would be cool. If not Jared is a good middle name.[/QUOTE]

You would say that ;).
As far as I'm concerned, Halo 3 is the game of the year because it is so packed with features. After suffering through half-finished releases (Shadowrun, Motorstorm, etc.) Bungie did it right and released their game with everything we could have hoped for and more. Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 are great games, but lack multiplayer. Warhawk has great multiplayer, but no single player campaign. Halo 3 provides the best of both worlds. Bravo, Bungie!

bread's done