CAGcast #'s 1-4

[quote name='The Successful Dropout']and looks like a white paul mooney[/QUOTE]

Holy shit.
So much video game shopping news, so little time!

CAGcast #3 covers Xbox 360 and GameBoy Micro price announcements, the DS price drop, a new major online game retailer, and Madden 2006 sales numbers.

iTunes users can find the CAGcast by clicking here.
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Right click here and select "save as" to download the 17 minute, 9MB MP3.
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[quote name='CheapyD']So much video game shopping news, so little time!

CAGcast #3 covers Xbox 360 and GameBoy Micro price announcements, the DS price drop, a new major online game retailer, and Madden 2006 sales numbers.

iTunes users can find the CAGcast by clicking here.
Don't forget to hit the "Subscribe" button!

No ipod, no problem!
Right click here and select "save as" to download the 17 minute, 9MB MP3.
RSS feed[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, I keep getting an error when I try downloading the mp3.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Hmmm, I keep getting an error when I try downloading the mp3.[/QUOTE]Bad links are my trademark. Stop trying to take that away from me.
Man, this is hard work. I'm going back to bed.
Also, I'm swapping out the current file with a one that has better adjusted sound levels. It should be up in 2 minutes.
Another great show guys! Keep up the good work! I think that 20mins is the perfect legnth for your shows. I laughed quite a bit this time around. Screw audio, you guys need to get a damn webcam and start filming shows.
I have to admit, I wasn't impressed by the first CAGcast, but you've improved a bit everytime.

The pace was brisk, attempts at comedy weren't too groan-inducing, you covered all the pertinent information.

I think 20 minutes is a good length for the casts. I would like to see some more commentary on political movements in the industry, Jack Thompson, bill progress, fundraisers, etc. You could also discuss press-releases and sales numbers.

Keep up the good work.
Thanks much for the broadcast! You've been great about putting out new episodes regularly. This won't be able to continue once the move to Japan takes place; will it? :cry:
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']Thanks much for the broadcast! You've been great about putting out new episodes regularly. This won't be able to continue once the move to Japan takes place; will it? :cry:[/QUOTE]

Oh yee of little faith, plans are being made, shows will continue. And you will marvel at this grand age of technology.
It would actually be cool to have interviews with people in the industry. Maybe you guys can interview someone at Infinium Labs and make fun of them about their Phantom.
good show, it keeps getting better. the length was perfect...interviews would be nice, as well as more bicking back and forth between the 2 of you....
Very very good! lol...
You guys should use the sound boards on and have like homer saying D'Oh or "Damnit!" and such.
Enoyed #3... liked it much better then #2.

#3 was a good mix of deal discussion and current event items.

But where's the breaking news Best Buy memo that was mentioned in CAGcast #1?
Finally got around to listening to #2! Good stuff... Anyone know how big the video game industry is in Japan vs. the U.S. in terms of real $$$ (or yen or whatever)?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to listening to #3 this weekend. Thanks guys.
another good show. 20 minutes is a good gives plenty of time to cover several topics and discuss them with adequate detail. hopefully, we'll get some more 360 news for you guys to discuss. although i completely disagree with you guys about the quality of the launch lineup, it is interesting to hear the other side's point of view discussed intelligently. i think launch titles like project gotham racing 3 and perfect dark zero are going to prove to be some of the best games of the year on any system.
[quote name='trent82']another good show. 20 minutes is a good gives plenty of time to cover several topics and discuss them with adequate detail. hopefully, we'll get some more 360 news for you guys to discuss. although i completely disagree with you guys about the quality of the launch lineup, it is interesting to hear the other side's point of view discussed intelligently. i think launch titles like project gotham racing 3 and perfect dark zero are going to prove to be some of the best games of the year on any system.[/QUOTE]

No one wants to be more wrong about this than me :)
Good Cagcast but I have a few complaints. First off why do you guys keep pronouncing Katamari Damacy wrong? You guys have never played it I bet since the theme song says it like 80 times. It goes caught-uh-mar-ee duh-ma-cee .
Also you you guys acted like we were all in a cave for the past three days with the Xbox 360 prices and the rest. If we are on this site chances are we already know.

My theory about the PS2 beijng a hit in the beginning is that it could play DVDs back when DVD player were $199 at the lowest. Kind of like how the PSP can use game emulators and that is why people buy one right now.

Also CheapyD's laugh is sounds like a retarded Dracula.
[quote name='thorbahn3']Good Cagcast but I have a few complaints. First off why do you guys keep pronouncing Katamari Damacy wrong? You guys have never played it I bet since the theme song says it like 80 times. It goes caught-uh-mar-ee duh-ma-cee .
Also you you guys acted like we were all in a cave for the past three days with the Xbox 360 prices and the rest. If we are on this site chances are we already know.

My theory about the PS2 beijng a hit in the beginning is that it could play DVDs back when DVD player were $199 at the lowest. Kind of like how the PSP can use game emulators and that is why people buy one right now.

Also CheapyD's laugh is sounds like a retarded Dracula.[/QUOTE]

Listen to it again, cause you are mistaken (says my Japanese wife). We both finished the game as well.

I have no defence for the retarded Dracula laugh comment other than the fact that I am a retarded Dracula.
Just listened to the third CAGcast and like the part where Cheapy says "I'm staying up all night for you guys"....heh heh....still question when the hell are we going to get the news about that damn best buy memo....come on now....Time flew by on this one...too bad some of it feels like rehash considering if you are a frequent CAGer most of the news feels like old hat but there were some new details....liked that you cut down on the sound bites...but if you do use some wish they were ones I would recognize...sounds like you guys are getting better....
LOL -- The start up music on this just made me laugh and laugh...

The old cartoon from Japan -- Gatchaman / Battle of the Planets - G-Force theme song stuff... that was hilarious because the music sounds so climactic.... and it's this old 80's cartoon... great...

I loved it.. =)
[quote name='CheapyD']
I have no defence for the retarded Dracula laugh comment other than the fact that I am a retarded Dracula.[/QUOTE]

Best reply ever. I've read it a few times now... and I laugh every time.
[quote name='CheapyD']Listen to it again, cause you are mistaken (says my Japanese wife). We both finished the game as well.

I have no defence for the retarded Dracula laugh comment other than the fact that I am a retarded Dracula.[/QUOTE]

I was just about to post a reply on how my laugh is odd too when the site went into matainence mode. I also listened to the Katamari Damacy intro again. I will agree that the end is a chi but the rest totally sounds like what I said.


OK I listened to the Katamari Damacy part again. Wombat says it wrong but you say it right.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']will cagcast 3 become rare and/or valuable?...and i have cagcast 1 and 2 still on my you think the value of them will go up too, now that 3 is out?[/QUOTE]
Yes because only a million were made so if you don't open it for ten years you'll be rich!
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Yes because only a million were made so if you don't open it for ten years you'll be rich![/QUOTE]

Thats why I'm keeping my wax originals, dont worry Cheapy I'll use them to put you in very nice home that specializes in Special Need Vampires.
Great job guys.I think the pacing was extremely brisk and I'm sure you can't really reveal exclusive breaks on the Cagcasts but overall, its very enjoyable to listen to. You don't seem to be biased towards any system so your suggestions hold a lot more credibility than the suggestions of other sites. I can't wait for the next one. ^_^

I'd like to point this out to you.


The world of videogames is something that numerous people around the world hold closely to their hearts. Unlike music, television, or movies, the world of videogames is transcendent in the amount of allegiance it carries. Sure there are fights between fanboys on whether the LOTR movies or the Star Wars films are better, but nothing in the world [short of religious and political tensions], can compare to the up the amount of anger, love, and sales figures brought up in a videogame fanboy argument.

There is something about this specific industry that has changed the way people enjoy their entertainment. It becomes close to them, like a beloved pet whom you would fight to death for. It's an amazing transition from how we treat old television shows, which have become nostalgic, yet unessential to one's being in comparison to amount of devotion the videogame industry brings out in us. All one has to do is look at the annual E3 Nintendo press conference and amount of cheers the journalists in attendance let out [as well as the occasional tears (see: Zelda: Twilight Princess)].

You will not see people cheer and cry when the new Spider-Man 3 teaser is shown off. You will not see people gasp in excitement when the new Harry Potter trailer hits quicktime. Yet a new Zelda or Grand Theft Auto trailer can easily kill all the bandwidth a site like IGN has. This is what separates us from those industries. In many ways, the videogame industry respects us [even if it wants all our cash] just as we respect it back. You can't say that about any other entertainment industry. In every other industry, it's all about the stars and singers. Luckily, that's not the case here.

Here, it's all about the work. It's all about the games. Sure, we have our own little quirks. As everything in life, perception plays a big role in things. We have our own little passions. Nintendo is supposed to be the system for kids. Xbox is for the hardcore gamer. The Playstation is for the family. However, once again unlike other entertainment industries, no other multimedia body is more looking to put its competitors out of business than the videogame industry. In the movie industry, you never hear how Warner Brothers is trying to put Disney out of business. Or how Universal Music Group is trying to bankrupt Virgin Records America.

However, we all clearly know that Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are all trying to put each other out to pasture. Nintendo at one time was clearly the leader of these tactics by declaring exclusivity deals with all developers threatening to cut them off from their goldmine should they disobey. Sony essentially has that role now, suing online stores like Lik-Sang for not doing business the way they would like them to. Finally, Microsoft is the one who wishes they were in the role of Sony for one day they wish to have conquered the planet. Antagonizing, but true.

Out of these three companies, Nintendo is the only one to have called for a wake-up call. They claim that a videogame crash is coming and if the industry does not change its ways, it could be very costful. Of course, since they've been branded as a kid's company [starting with the Sega Genesis (regardless of how ruthless their business tactics were)], no one tends to take the company seriously anymore. The lot of them are seen, and this is just being honest, as sissies.

Of course, Iwata and Miyamoto are somewhat to blame for this perception of the company. They've been extremely passive over the past few years allowing both Sony and Microsoft to walk all over them [most notably until Reggie showed up]. In addition, much blame lies on Nintendo's shoulders for this perception for not delivering the kind of gaming experiences they should have brought. Zelda and Mario were both lackluster [though great] titles and nothing else they've done this generation has blown any minds. The pizazz they showed in the battle against the Genesis is gone [most likely with the departure of Yamauchi-san], resulting in a more kinder, gentler Nintendo. Of course, kindness is seen as weakness and this new attitude has played right into the hands of Microsoft and Sony [who are too cool to be weak].

The basic ideals of Sony and Microsoft are similar to those of John Hammond [of Jurassic Park fame]. They feel that since they have the technology at their fingers, why not just push forward and keep moving ahead. The rebute that Nintendo gives to this rationale is [to quote Dr. Ian Malcolm], "Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

The success of gaming systems is not held only by the manufacturer of the hardware, but by the third parties who support that hardward. This we know. However, in the next generation, with every game costing more and more to develop, what will the price of a flop be? Just looking at the development costs of a X-Box title tells us that on average, it costs $1.8 million to create an X-Box title. Now imagine how much more a X-Box 360 or Playstation 3 game will cost to develop. Now imagine what happens to the developer or company should that title flop?

Even this generation, gaming companies are starting to sink into the red. THQ posted a loss even after shipping out a million copies of Destroy All Humans! and Juiced! Midway posted a loss after low sales of Unreal Tournament 2. Activision posted a loss even after shipping out a million copies of Doom 3, Madagascar, Fantastic 4 as well as strong sales for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith across Europe. Even the mighty Electronic Arts posted a loss regardless of Battlefield 2 and Medal of Honor: European Assault both reaching Platinum status.

When Nintendo started speaking of gamers being bored with the current product and them wanting new experiences, they honestly believed in what they were saying. However, they didn't completely clarify that growing development costs were making it harder for publishing companies to recoup on a gaming investment [even though they did hint at it]. Once you start to see the whole picture, you begin to understand what Nintendo was talking.

Sure you can argue that the crash of 1983 happened because Atari was churning out crap that no one bought, but the truth is there are many ways for a new videogame crash to occur. Regardless of whether the games suck or not, just look at what happened to Majesco. Poor sales of just two titles [Psychonauts and Advent Rising] has caused the company to be on emergency red alert. No one should know this better than you guys. I mean, how hard is it to a copy of Nanostray without Ebay?

Other companies should begin to wake up and understand where Nintendo is coming from. Crashes don't build up. They happen out of the blue. They're like earthquakes that cause the house around you to fall apart. That is what Nintendo is expecting and they're doing their damndest to make sure they're not a part of the casualities.

The word going around is that in order to create Playstation 3 and XBox 360 titles, people may need nearly ten times the budget that they require now [$10 million], especially if they want to get all the power out of those systems. Now what happens if people are slow to adopt? What if people just don't like the games being made? What happens is the same thing that happened to Majesco. Companies start filing for Chapter 11 and people start losing jobs.

Sure, Sony and Microsoft paint a rosy picture. I mean, why wouldn't they? They want you to believe everything is going to be okay and its going to be their console that is going to have the hippest, most coolest games. At the same time, we, as lovers of this entertainment medium, do not want to believe that such a thing is possible to our entertainment format of choice. It simply is impossible.

However, when we blind ourselves like this, its not any different than thinking the stock market is going to rise up forever, just as the world wide web bubble was going to keep inflating forever. The truth is, at some point, the bubble is going to burst. Unless every single debut title on the XBox 360 and Playstation 3 is a million seller [apart from the obligatory majong(sp?) title], profit margins are going to be extremely small [due to development cost]. When this happens, a large number of companies are going to go under. The ones who aren't will be the major ones such as Electronic Arts and Square-Enix.

Nintendo will also be one of the survivors. By positioning themselves [and whoever wants to join them] as producing original, innovative games for the low development costs, Nintendo will be able to easily make truckloads of money without by putting itself in as much risk as its [publishing] competitors. Just look at Jump Superstars, that title alone has sold more than any other PSP title. Think of how much money Nintendo made publishing that game alone. Think of how much Nintendo made on the DS systems that sold because of Jump Superstars. Now think about how little Nintendo how spend developing that title and how large the profit margins are going to be when the sales are added up? That is what Nintendo is all about.
I subscribed to it on iTunes today.

It's an interesting podcast, although I'd appreciate a little less one-sided-ness from 'the other guy'. :) Dyed-in-the-wool Xbox zealot. Why not put him on a podcast with a Nintendo zealot and a Sony zealot, and you can have one of those political pundit shows...but for gaming systems.

Other things that caught my attention...

* Both hosts like sports games... This in itself is spooky. :)
* The lack of appreciation for Japanese games is huge. Xbox really needs those japanese games to stand a chance of ever gaining the kind of foothold Sony has on the market. That being said, I don't feel Xbox has a chance in Japan. Dreamcast was a great system, but after the disaster of the Saturn, people had a bitter taste in their mouth about Sega. I think the same type of syndrome will happen in Japan. Lastly, the only 'Final Fantasy' RPGs they've announced so far is FFXI for Xbox 360, and thats just a freaking port. Whoop de doo!
* The assumption that the $400 version will be the big seller is wrong. You forget to factor in who the main buyer of this system will be - Parents who get bugged into buying this for their kids for Christmas. Expect the HDD to be extremely unused for the Xbox 360. A handful of games at most.

I think what we saw with the DS and the PSP are signs of what is to come on the console wars. There isn't an urgent need to upgrade, and the new hardware is more expensive than previous generations when launched. Until something more dramatic comes along in terms of difference in power, like the PS3 ( Sorry Xbox 360 fans, you've been outclassed this time around. ), I just don't think buyers will be out in the stores in droves. Hardcore fans will buy, and kiddies with no concept of money will bug their parents into buying it, but the majority of the population won't bite this Christmas.

With the games Sony plans on releasing for PS2 this winter, it's hard to justify the $500 when a fraction of that price buys you wonderful games for your existing console. ( FFXII, Kingdom Hearts 2, etc. )

...and, as always, FPS games are still really PC territory. Funny story - was talking to a younger Xbox fanatic. He swore up and down Halo was the best thing since sliced bread. I asked him if he had ever played a FPS on a computer, and he said no.

Minutes later, he refuses to load up Halo anymore :) Priceless. Once you go mouse, you never go stick again.
Hey, I dragged my feet about making a post on this for Joystiq (maybe you'll see it in a few hours), but I did finally get to listen to the latest CAGcast today (that is, CAGcast #3). Just to be sure, CheapyD, the start date you meant to say for the Radio Shack game offering was late August to early September, correct (and not late October to early September)? Yeah, it's minor, but it's something I caught while listening to the 'cast -- I even rewound the file to confirm. Anyway, nice wrap-up of this week's events (although tubtub originally posted the DS price drop on the evening of Friday the 12th, as opposed to Saturday or Sunday night as quoted). Hope you don't mind the feedback. :) Stay cool.

[email protected]

P.S. Oh yeah, I was also the one keeping score on the Xbox(.com) 360 AV-cable story for Joystiq. Good stuff (but long):
bread's done